I like to write g/t content and sometimes attempt to draw. I got two cats, not much else to say really
92 posts
So This Base On Pinterest And Instantly So The G/t Potential.

So this base on Pinterest and instantly so the g/t potential.
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More Posts from Okminer07
I hope you are well I'm Hanaa 🍉🍉. . Married and have a two-year-old son named Yousef
Sorry if I'm bothering you and asking for help, I feel very embarrassed and embarrassed to try to ask for help.
You are someone with many fans and followers.
Can you help me get my voice heard and share my family's story?
By helping to reblog my post from my blog, you could save a family from death and war. lost part of my family😭, my home, and everything I own. We live in difficult circumstances. I hope you can help me by donating even something small or sharing 🙏
Note:My old Tumblr account was deactivated, and I need your support again
My campaign has been checked by 90ghost🫂
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide.
Sure thing I’ll share your post, whatever I can do to help. Don’t feel bad for asking for help

My son does stuff like this when he wants attention. Sits on whatever I’m working on and stares at me.

Tried my hand at an actual G/t sort of drawing
(Also may be a scene from a later chapter)
Original pose from @albanenechi
A Match Beyond Measure Pt 12
I don't know if I've said this before, but any and all feedback is appreciated, I'd love to be able to improve as a writer and hear what you think, any suggestions. Anyways, on with the story.
Cecilia was a little thrown off by the change of subjects, “Oh…. w-well a while. I guess”
“Did you take a class or somethin’?”
“N-not really, I used to work part-time at a bakery during high school if that counts.”
Garret sighed, “I don’t miss those days, that’s for sure.”
“You didn’t like high school?”
He let out a short laugh, “Hated it. Mine started way too early and I lived a decent ways away, so I’d have to wake up even earlier to even make it on time. I don’t think my teachers liked me all that much either. There was this one woman, Mrs. Dechaseray and I swear she had it out for me. Always got mad at me for forgetting the date and then would give me an F because of it.”
“That’s… harsh.”
“Yeah, I know. And then there was our gym teacher. God, he was awful. One time he called me up to stand in front of the entire class and used me as an example of why exercise is important.”
Cecilia’s eyes widened, her hand coming up to her mouth in shock, “That’s awful.”
“Felt like it. And yeah, maybe he had a point if I’m being honest but it still hurt.”
“What do you mean he had a point? That’s just horrible.”
Garret frowned, “Well, my old man would say similar things so I was kind of used to hearing it.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry.”
“What are you saying sorry for? You didn’t say them. Plus, they really did have a good point.”
“Well, I think you look pretty good.”
He smiled down at her, “Think so?” she nodded. “Thanks, I’m glad to hear that. High school wasn’t all bad. My last two years, I took up woodshop which was pretty neat. This one time, I helped make this huge-”
A loud crunch along with the blare of a horn pierced through the air. Garret froze and looked down.
“Ah shit.”
Cecilia cautiously crawled and peered over the edge of his palm. All the color drained from her face as Garret lifted his foot to reveal the crushed remains of a red sports car. She began to tremble, it was nearly flat. Completely ruined and unrecoverable, like it had gotten caught under a steamroller. Was it empty? Oh god, had someone been in there?! She looked to Garret who was still staring down at the ground, cringing at the sight.
His eyes flicked over to Cecilia, “I uh-”
“What the fuck happened?!” both jumped at a voice screaming up from the ground. The two of them both looked back down to see a man dressed in a business suit running towards the remains, “My car! The fuck you do to my car?!”
Garret looked around aimlessly before addressing the raging man at his feet “I’m uh- I’m real sorry sir. I swear to you it was a-”
“You fucking son of a bitch! Do you know how much this cost me?! Do you?!”
“N-no but I-”
“Do you know who I am?!”
“I uh- no” he glanced over at Cecilia, “B-but I swear, I can pay you back for-”
“What is one of your kind even doing in these parts?! You lost or something dumbass?!”
“It’s my fault sir!” Cecilia yelled, peering back over the edge nervously, “I-I was distracting him.”
The man’s head turned to look at Garret’s hand, spotting her head poking out from behind it, “Who the hell are you?”
“Oh let me guess” the man sneered, “You’re one of those lazy bitches who thinks they’re too good for traffic or cars. Thinks they're saving the fucking planet by hiring some giant to carry their sorry ass wherever-”
“You shut your fucking mouth!” Cecilia’s hand flew up and clamped tightly over her ears which still rang from Garret’s thunderous yell.
The man below had backed away, his hands slowly lowering from his own ears, “Watch it asshole. Don’t you be talking to me like-”
“Don’t you be talking to her like that!”
Cecilia shook as she looked up at Garret’s face. His jaw clenched as his gaze hardened. For the first time since she’d met him, he looked mad, furious even. It sent a shiver down her spine, seeing someone like him in a mindset where people don’t think before they act. She began to look uneasily at her surroundings, at the fingers thick as tree trunks and taller than her entire being. What were those fingers capable of when the person attached to them was tested? What could the rest of the person be capable of?
She couldn’t stop a small whimper from escaping her. Garret’s eyes, now looking ice cold rather than just blue, flicked over to her and they immediately melted. His mouth dropped from a sneer to a contemplative frown as his eyes fixed on her.
“I-I think I should go,” she murmured, not wanting to spend any more time around these two arguing, “Would… would you… you know”
He nodded, “Oh, right.” Cecilia jumped slightly as Garret turned and began to slowly kneel down. He placed his hand flat upon the ground and she hopped down onto the pavement.
“T-thanks again, for lunch.”
“Yeah, I’ll… I’ll text you, once I'm done dealing with all of this” he nodded over at the flattened car.
Cecilia nodded as she turned and began to hurry away, the yelling of the man starting up again the moment she’d left.
Her home as a child used to have this very vibrant wallpaper in the living room. It was covered in all sorts of different kinds of butterflies, and Cecilia had very vivid memories of almost everyday after school staring up at them all to pass the time. Her mother would be close by, sitting at the kitchen table with the phone in her lap while she stared out the window looking out into the front yard.
There were hundreds of this day in her memory. At times, they all blended together. Some days she’d ask what was for dinner, often not getting a response. Other days she’d sit and do homework at the same table as her mother yet they exchanged no words. Sometimes she’d ask if she wanted to do something, bake, or go to the park, but her mother almost always said no.
A lot of the time, however, she’d be stuck doing exactly what her mother was doing, waiting.
It was either the phone or the door that broke the silence. Cecilia preferred it when it was the door. She’d lift her head off the couch to see her dad shuffling in, army duffle bag in tow. Her mother would finally move as she turned and smiled up at her husband who would lane down to kiss her, occasionally asking what their daughter was still doing up.
She would run to her father and wrap her arms around his waist. He’d pat her on the back and ruffle her hair. Sometimes they’d all sit down on the couch, and he would tell them stories. Stories from his travels. Stories about-
“Huh?” Cecilia looked up and across from her where Maddie was seated.
“Are you even listening?”
“I… yes.”
She crossed her arms and raised a well-manicured brow, “Then what did I just say?”
“Um…” she looked over helplessly at Rebecca who was sitting right beside her with her iguana, Enoch draped over her shoulder.
She sighed, “Jennifer got the job.”
“We don’t like Jennifer.”
Rebecca glanced over at Maddie, “Honestly, I don’t know.”
“Because she had the audacity to show up to the party after the whole thing with her and Kyle!”
Cecilia blinked, “Whose Kyle again?”
“Her ex” whispered Rebecca.
“Oh. wow, the audacity,” she replied flatly.
Maddie threw up her hands, “I know! And then she’s all like…”
Cecilia began to tune out once again as Maddie continued to rant. A part of her sort of enjoyed listening to her drama, even though half the time she had no idea what she was talking about. Today however, she just couldn’t seem to keep her mind from wandering.
It was no surprise to her that the day right after the whole cafe incident, Rebecca had called her and insisted they all get together. They did this quite often, usually all gathering at Rebecca’s place since it was the nicest and her friend was insistent that she couldn’t just leave Enoch for any longer than she already had when at work.
Often these little get-togethers were when they could talk outside the cafe. Away from the prying eyes and ears of anyone else.
“Here” Rebecca got up and held Enoch out to her, “I gotta go check on the pizza.”
She nodded as the iguana was thrusted into her arms and Rebecca hurried off to the kitchen. Cecilia sat frozen as the bright green lizard clawed its way up onto her shoulder. Enoch had always been friendly, but she was still always nervous that he would one day try to rip her ear off.
“So… what are we watching?” called Maddie over her shoulder.
“I was thinking Grease.”
She snorted with laughter, “Has it been too long since you’ve seen your darling John Travolta?”
“Shut up”
Maddie held up her hands, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I like tall, dark, and handsome bad boys too.” she smirked over at Cecilia, “And I think Cece does too if you know what I mean.”
Cecilia shrunk away, “W-what do you mean?”
Rebecca rounded on them “If you’re implying that guy Garret looks like John-”
“Oh come on! You can’t tell me you see it just a little bit” whined Maddie.
Cecilia felt herself trying to sink deeper and deeper into the couch. She knew it wouldn’t be long before one of them would bring… him up.
“So everybody with black hair looks that way to you?”
“Black hair and blue eyes,” she corrected.
Rebecca scoffed, “If anyone we know is an accurate comparison, It's Xander.”
Maddie rolled her eyes, “Yeah if Travolta forgot the gym existed.” Cecilia couldn’t help but giggle at that.
“You’re just jealous I’ve got myself a man like him” Rebecca stated matter-of-factly, “Anyways, pizza’s ready.” She stepped back into the living room, setting down the large pepperoni and mushroom pizza before turning around to grab them some plates and napkins.
Cecilia handed Enoch back to Rebecca as she sat down, his claws pricking tiny holes in her sweater. She grabbed a slice and began picking off the pieces of mushroom.
“Maddie” groaned Rebecca, “Can you please be an adult and use a plate?”
Maddie paused mid-bite, her slice gripped tightly in her hand, “What’s wrong? And what about Cece? What’s more childish than picking off the vegetables?”
She paused, glancing up at the two, “What? I don’t like vegetables.”
“Well, she’s still keeping everything on the plate where it doesn’t run the risk of getting sauce all over my couch.”
Maddie rolled her eyes as she snatched a plate off of the coffee table, “Since when are you a neat freak?”
“Can we start the movie now?” asked Cecilia.
Around two hours later, once the credits had begun to roll, Cecilia got up and started to clear their plates and napkins. Rebecca was currently preoccupied with cooing at Enoch and letting him eat bits off her slice.
Maddie eyed them with a slight air of concern, “Are you sure you should be feeding him that?”
Rebecca ignored her, continuing to snuggle up with her scaly pet.
Cecilia shook her head and smiled, “She’s fed him things like ice cream and donuts. I think he can handle a bit of cheese and marinara sauce.”
Her friend shrugged it off as she got up from her seat, “I brought a bottle of red with me if any of you want some.”
“I’ll have a glass” Rebecca got up and followed Maddie over to the kitchen, “You want any?”
“No thanks,” said Cecilia.
After her two friends had each poured themselves a glass, they plopped themselves back down on the couch.
“So…” started Rebecca, “Gone out with anybody recently Maddie?”
“No, can’t say I have” both of them kept not so secretly glancing over at Cecilia, “Everything going good with Xander?”
“Yup, going alright.”
They both turned to their friend who was very slowly turning a shade of pink. Oh boy.
“So… a giant,” said Maddie.
“Heh, yeah,” she mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.
“How has that been?”
“ Uh well, like I said… interesting.”
“I would imagine so.” Maddie leaned back, “You know, I’m honestly quite impressed.”
“Well, I’m just wondering what the hell you said or did to bag that guy.” Cecilia’s face went from slightly pink to beet red.
Rebecca nearly choked on her wine, “Maddie!”
“What?! It’s a reasonable question.”
“They barely have seen each other!”
“How would you know? What, you’ve been backseating all their dates without telling me?”
Cecilia covered her face with her hands and groaned, “It’s not official or anything like that, guys. Like I said, I don’t even know what it is.”
“Well, why don’t you tell us more?”
A smirk appeared on Maddie’s face, “tell me more, tell me more,“ she began to sing.
Rebecca joined in “Tell me more, tell me more.” she scooted closer while Maddie got up and sat down on Cecilia’s other side, “tell me more, tell me more.”
She sighed, “Will you guys stop singing if I do?” They promptly stopped and nodded, leaning in closer, “What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” said Maddie.
“How has he been so far?” asked Rebecca.
She shrugged, “Well, like I said, nice. Very nice actually.”
“Uh-huh, and what do you mean by that? Because someone not being mean to you doesn’t count as being nice.”
“He’s just been… very nice.”
“Is he the reason for the broken glass bottles I found when I opened the day after your first date?” shot Maddie.
Cecilia’s cheeks flushed, “Uh yeah. Sorry, I forgot to clean those-”
“What was dinner like? What did he-”
“Quiet.” Rebecca scolded before turning back to Cecilia, “You’re being careful right? Is he being careful? Like, he hasn’t put you in any danger?”
“Rebecca, come on. There’s always an amount of danger when dealing with those skyscrapers.” continued Maddie, “And why-”
“Because, and I don’t mean to be judgemental, but he doesn’t seem… particularly… you know… experienced in taking precaution.”
Cecilia gulped, “He… he did say he hadn’t spent much time around humans” She looked down at her feet, “But… I think he’s trying. I still don’t know what to make of this.” she sighed, “And… and I feel bad th-that I’m still…”
she nodded.
Maddie tilted her head, “I mean, I haven’t known you as long as Rebecca has, but I’ve seen how you’ve reacted to giants in the past. Hell, remember when you nearly fainted when that group of teenagers started ruff housing in the parking lot? Sean had to coax you out from the back.” she waved her hand at her, “But just a little bit ago, I saw you voluntarily stepping into a giant’s hand. Sure you looked like you were going to faint at any second, but you still did it, and I’d say that’s pretty impressive for you.”
“And I think you have every reason to be afraid. Like Maddie said, there is always a sense of danger around giants. But even putting that aside, there’s still the fact that we have no idea what his motive is.”
Cecilia cocked her head, “Motive?”
“Yeah, like why the hell would a giant want to be with a human in the first place.”
Rebecca patted Cecilia on the shoulder, “It’s not that we think someone wouldn't want to date you. I just feel it’s a bit… odd.” That's the understatement of the century, “And again, this is nothing against you, but I just find it hard seeing a giant finding a human attractive.”
Her eyes fell back to the floor. That had been something that had been in the back of her mind as well. Lately, whenever she passed by a mirror or saw her reflection, it always just made her more confused. She wasn’t hideous, but in no way was she pretty enough for someone like Garret to want to be around her rather than with… someone more like him.
A loud ding filled the room. Rebecca pulled out her phone and groaned, “Damn it Xander.” her face was illuminated as she opened her phone and began to type.
“What is it?” asked Maddie.
“Oh nothing. Xander says he’s just feeling sad and wants me to send him a pic or something.”
Maddie glanced over at Cecilia, rolling her eyes. Both of them knew by now what Xander meant when he said ‘pic’, “Well, tell him that you’re busy.”
“I just did.” Rebecca set her phone down and turned her attention right back onto Cecilia, “So… I know you said you’re still not sure what to make of this, but has Garret said what he makes of it?”
She shrugged, “I mean… when he asked me to join him to grab lunch, he called it a date.”
“And that night,” said Maddie, “Did he see that has a date as well?”
“I-I guess so.”
“Did you see it as a date?”
She froze, her cheeks heating up, “I uh… maybe not in the moment, but looking back, I think so.”
“How the hell would that even work?” Maddie chuckled, “I mean, it’s not like he can score any sex out of-”
“Maddie!” yelped Rebecca. Cecilia went beet red, going to hide her face in her hands.
“I don’t think that’s an appropriate thing to bring up right now.”
“Oh come on, you had to be thinking about it too, right Cece?”
“Not necessarily no” she mumbled.
“Well, I certainly would if I was in your place. You’re wondering what his motive is, and that’s been the motive of most of the douchebags I’ve gone out with. I’m just helping eliminate possibilities.”
Cecilia groaned, I wish Sean were here right now, why did Jaffery have to change their date night to the day before? “Can we please stop talking about this and go on to you guys asking more normal questions?”
“This isn’t a normal situation.”
“Can we at least pretend it is?!”
The room fell silent. Cecilia’s hands fell away from her face. Maddie and Rebecca both were staring at her, perplexed.
“Please?” she murmured.
This whole thing, everything since that night at the cafe, had left her mind reeling. She didn’t even want to begin laying out everything in her mind, it was too much. Too many questions without answers. Too many new and unexpected experiences. She just wasn’t ready to sit down and analyze it all, especially with an audience.
She jumped when she felt an arm wrap around her. Rebecca patted her shoulder, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to… to get up all in your business.” she whipped her head around to look at Maddie.
“Yeah, sorry I guess. This is just so-”
“This all must be a lot for you, and if talking about it doesn’t help, then we won’t.”
Cecilia looked her friend in the eye, and smiled, “Thank you.”
Rebecca gave her shoulders a squeeze, “But we are still curious. Can we still hear about your first date or whatever it was? Like when Sean told us about meeting Jaffery?”
She let out a short chuckle, “Yeah, I guess.”
Maddie leaned in closer, “Oh yes, tell us everything!” Rebecca shot her a look. She groaned, “Or whatever you feel like sharing I guess.”
Quick shout out to @ipilokko whose when helping me brainstorm ideas and as a whole helping me by being that second oppinion. You should totally go check out her comic, the artwork is quite impressive!

Continuing in my attempts at art
Original pose: @smellony-melanie123
Expressions: @capochiino
Thank you to these artists for their bases and references, I would be lost without them.
Also just realizing now that I forgot to give Cecilia her freckles on the expressions. 🤦♀️