omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
Black Weirdo

Nerdy, black, lgbtqa ally, latina, series lover

104 posts

Omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
The Water In Your Body Is Just Visiting. It Was A Thunderstorm A Week Ago. It Will Be The Ocean Soon

The water in your body is just visiting. It was a thunderstorm a week ago. It will be the ocean soon enough. Most of your cells come and go like morning dew. We are more weather pattern than stone monument. Sunlight on mist. Summer lightning. Your choices outweigh your substance.

(Poem from my first poetry collection: Field Guide to the Haunted Forest by Jarod K Anderson)

2 years ago

Hey did you know I keep a google drive folder with linguistics and language books  that I try to update regularly 

2 years ago
Vultures Are Holy Creatures.

Vultures are holy creatures.

Tending the dead.

Bowing low.

Bared head.

Whispers to cold flesh,

“Your old name is not your king.

I rename you ‘Everything.’”

2 years ago

some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs

* body language masterlist

* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does

* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes

* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said

* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again

* some more body language help

(hope this helps some ppl)

2 years ago

i'm thinking about charlotte brontë spending her last years editing and publishing her sisters' writings and about christopher tolkien dedicating his life to the protection and meticulous reconstruction his father's life's work and about johanna van gogh publishing the letters between vincent and theo that would propel vincent van gogh into fame because she knew how much her husband had loved his brother, and about how so often art isn't just a reflection of the artist's mind and skills but a testament to the fact that they were loved

I'm Thinking About Charlotte Bront Spending Her Last Years Editing And Publishing Her Sisters' Writings
2 years ago
No Thoughts Head Empty Only Gay Pirates

no thoughts head empty only gay pirates

2 years ago
omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
2 years ago

king stuff

3 years ago
Pigeon Steals Poppies From The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia
Pigeon Steals Poppies From The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia
Pigeon Steals Poppies From The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

Pigeon steals poppies from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia in order to build a nest beside a stained glass window.

3 years ago
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns
Midnight Mass - Soundtrack And Hymns

Midnight Mass - soundtrack and hymns

3 years ago
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin
Conversation With A Native Son: Maya Angelou And James Baldwin

Conversation with a Native Son: Maya Angelou and James Baldwin

3 years ago

This is what Rasputin would've wanted.

3 years ago

Something I find incredibly cool is that they’ve found neandertal bone tools made from polished rib bones, and they couldn’t figure out what they were for for the life of them. 

Until, of course, they showed it to a traditional leatherworker and she took one look at it and said “Oh yeah sure that’s a leather burnisher, you use it to close the pores of leather and work oil into the hide to make it waterproof. Mine looks just the same.” 

“Wait you’re still using the exact same fucking thing 50,000 years later???”

“Well, yeah. We’ve tried other things. Metal scratches up and damages the hide. Wood splinters and wears out. Bone lasts forever and gives the best polish. There are new, cheaper plastic ones, but they crack and break after a couple years. A bone polisher is nearly indestructible, and only gets better with age. The more you use a bone polisher the better it works.”

It’s just. 

50,000 years. 50,000. And over that huge arc of time, we’ve been quietly using the exact same thing, unchanged, because we simply haven’t found anything better to do the job. 

3 years ago
omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
3 years ago
3 years ago
Dont Let Them Bury Me As Someone Im Not.
Dont Let Them Bury Me As Someone Im Not.
Dont Let Them Bury Me As Someone Im Not.
Dont Let Them Bury Me As Someone Im Not.

Don’t let them bury me as someone I’m not.

3 years ago

So I went to the Josh Fight

a summary:

- Two Josh Swains were in attendance. OG Josh, hailing from Arizona

So I Went To The Josh Fight

- And Nebraska's own Josh Swain, from Omaha.

So I Went To The Josh Fight

(feat. An Audio Engineer doing THE MOST for that sound quality)

-All the local news stations were there

- The majority of attendees were from out of state

- The two Josh Swains battled for supremacy by Rock Paper Scissors duel.

So I Went To The Josh Fight
So I Went To The Josh Fight

- The victor? Josh Swain, from Arizona. A crushing defeat for Josh Swain, who despite having none of Josh Swain's newfound Twitter Clout, DID have the home team advantage, as well as a Great Look.

So I Went To The Josh Fight

- Following the Josh Swain Duel and coronation of the One True Josh Swain, there was an All-Josh pool noodle battle royale

- A brief list of notable Josh Variants I saw in this battle:

Josh Swain (Prime)

Josh Swain (Secondary)

Medieval Josh (full chain mail armor)

Spider Josh (x2)

"Josh Wick" (had pool noodles mounted to two electric drills for spin-attack capabilities)

Furry Josh (A Josh in a fursuit)

Big Josh (A large man with the words "Big Josh" painted on his bare torso, and "Dad Bod" painted on his back. Armed with pool noodle wolverine claws)

Little Josh (A small boy of about 5 years old)

Luchador Josh

Roman Centurion Josh

The rules were simple. Enter the ring and fight honorably (no headshots, no hits below the belt.) If you are hit with a pool noodle, you are dead, having fallen in glorious battle. The last Josh standing would be the winner.

The battle lasted a little over sixty seconds in total. The final victor was....


So I Went To The Josh Fight

The crowd was going wild. The chanting for Little Josh was deafening. Truly there could have been no better outcome.

pool noodle combat was then opened to the general public, for fun rather than glory.

So I Went To The Josh Fight

As for Josh Prime, he was like a very cool dude! As of last reporting, he raised $6600 dollars for the Children's Hospital and a truckload of nonperishables for the local food bank alongside the other Josh Fight attendees! He offered masks to any maskless people he met, and did his best to keep things as safe and socially distanced as he could, despite the ungodly amount of people who showed up to this random fucking field outside of Lincoln, Nebraska.

(Also for the Nebraskans: Yes he tried a Runza, and yes he says he enjoyed it.)

So anyway. Shoutout to the one and only Josh Swain.

4 years ago
omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
4 years ago
omgsaltynerdblackweirdo - Black Weirdo
4 years ago
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon
Ryan Coogler Vs. Joss Whedon

Ryan Coogler vs. Joss Whedon

5 years ago
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis
Doctor Who; Extremis

Doctor Who; Extremis

5 years ago

“So let me get this straight. We’re here to rescue a princess.”

“That’s right.”

“At the request of a princess.”

“Right again.”

“And you, who will be leading the expedition, are also a princess.”

“You’re very perceptive.”

“How big is your royal family, again?“

“We don’t have one.”


“We overthrew our monarchy centuries ago, but we kept most of the titles around. The rank of ‘princess’ is held by the directors in charge of various civil service branches.“

“Huh. And the princess we’re rescuing today is in charge of…?”

“Public sanitation.”

“The Lord of Death’s Dominion kidnapped your public sanitation director?”

“We think he’s a little confused.”

5 years ago



yes you were ;u; ✨✨✨

5 years ago
