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413 posts
The (former) Companion
The (former) Companion
We spoke just the other day.
You never left me after.
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Lifting Up and Dumbing Down Part 11
You groan as your alarm goes off and you open your bleary eyes. No dream this time, or at least not that you remember. You scratch at your chest and slowly rise to pull the earbuds out. Then you look up at the fathead again and offer a brief salute. “Morning, meathead.” You get up and scratch at your crotch as you make your way to the bathroom mirror. You yawn as you stretch, then flex your arm the same way you have been for the last two weeks. “One more day, and you’ll be a proper habit,” you mutter. You put on that easygoing smile you’ve been practicing and let out a chuckle as you relax your gaze, letting your eyes appear to glass over. You pitch your voice lower (you find that so much easier in the morning) and pat your bicep. “Morning, meathead.” A shudder passes through your body, and you feel a slight stirring below. Ever since you started on those recordings, that’s felt better and better to say. You still don’t think you’re nearly big enough to qualify, but time and effort has at least yielded some results. You see a bit more perk in the bicep than you had expected, and the surface is less yielding than it had been when you first started, giving off less of a smack and more of a dull thump on impact. After you’ve showered and dressed in your gym clothes, you make your way to the kitchen, where you fix a massive pile of blueberry pancakes to go with your protein shake, or whatever it was. Part of something called the bulk cycle. You eat a lot of carbohydrates, mostly healthier ones, and then use them to build up mass that you turn into more muscle. At least, that’s how Duff had described it, after Hank gave the order. It went against everything you had come to know as a model, but since this was for the sake of bodybuilding, you had little choice but to trust the experts. You ate ravenously, using the shake to wash down the quick bread, and finished in just a few minutes. You piled the frying pan into the sink and loaded up the dishwasher, taking just enough time to dust in some soap and start the cycle, before running back to grab your keys, wallet, and gym bag, then make your way out the door. You run the pre-workout pump track through your ears as you jog to the bus stop. Your heart races and you feel the surge as the recording goes into full swing. By the time you reach the bus stop, you feel too energized to stop, so you jog in place, while you wait. It’s been getting harder to just sit around for any period of time. If it weren’t for the music in your track, the bus ride would be absolute murder. By the time you arrive near the gym, you’re practically blowing through those doors, where a smirking Hank stands waiting. “Leg day,” he noted casually. You just smirk confidently, the music thumping in your ears. “Bring it on.”
“Damn, man. You plowed through those exercises today,” Duff noted as the two of you passed through the gym’s doors and into the frigid air. Then he laughed. “Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes next time. Hank’s just gonna up his game, you know.” “Hey, I made it through the worst of it, didn’t I? I could’ve stopped coming, but I didn’t. If I can adjust to this, I can adjust to whatever he throws at me.” Duff shakes his head and chuckles. “Try to keep that in mind, when you’re going through hell.” “Shut up,” you laugh and punch him softly on the arm. “Seriously, though, I’ve gotta ask. What’re you listening to?” You shrug. “Custom tracks to help me focus as I work out. It’s part of the contract.” “Mandated?” “Pretty much. If there’s anything I don’t like in the script, I can take it back to the doc no problem.” You shrug. “It’s actually pretty cool. She put me in a carousel once, while we were testing to find the right blend for me. It was pretty cool.” “And you trust her?” “She’s a professional, and she strongly advised me against allowing the role to define me as I grow into it. All the tracks are designed to do is give me motivation and help me get into character for brief periods of time. Come to think of it, I haven’t tried one of those yet.” You tap your chin. Duff blushed, even as his lips curled into a smile. “Let’s just say you’re in for a surprise, then.” “A good one, I hope.” “Depends on how much you enjoy it.” Duff shrugged. “I like it, myself. It puts me in the right frame of mind when I’m working out.” “That reminds me, actually. When I first came in, Hank called you a beginner. If you’ve been working in the gym for so long on building up, why’d he say that?” “Probably because I haven’t really bulked up much yet. I’ve been sort of stuck at a plateau for a while now. I think it’s why he’s let us hang out so much. He probably wants us to train together, once you’re at a point where you can handle it.” “Handle it?” “Your body’s only just adjusting to the strain of a more serious workout on a regular basis. I work out almost every day now, both as part of my fitness program and my training here. It’s going to take a couple more weeks at least, before you’re ready to pump that kind of iron on a regular basis.” “But I will be able to one day.” Duff looks at you with a cocked eyebrow. “You sound almost excited about it.” “Determined. There’s a difference.” Duff smirked, then chuckled. “Not much. Think I might be able to watch you? I’m curious to see how you act.” “Think you can handle if I act like a total jerk?” Duff shrugged. “You don’t have to be, if you don’t want to be.” “Touche.” “I’ll take that as a yes.” “Hey!”
Lifting Up and Dumbing Down Part 17
Here’s part 17. Credit goes to Jocknotized for part of this. I drew inspiration from one of his captions, and lifted that portion of text to apply here, since it fit the stereotype the character is becoming and hypnosis is all about repetition, until it sinks into the brain.
Bright flashes are strobing in your face as you stare helplessly, silently into the spiral. You want to say something, want to move, but you can’t. And it just keeps spinning, bending, and twisting over and over. The lines rush out over you like so many waves as you descend into it. And suddenly, you feel like you’re drifting again. Drifting, like that one time with the one lady whose name you ... can’t ... quite recall. There’s a voice there, whispering in the background, murmuring with the trickling as you slide ever so slowly down along the spiral. It’s almost like an amusement park ride, only warm and relaxing, instead of fast and thrilling. You’re ... not sure which you like more. You like this better. Down and down. Deeper and deeper. Slower and slower. Feeling those warm, gentle waves lapping as the spiral design flashes, lapping away at your thoughts. It’s funny, how easy it is to just let it happen, bro. You feel a tingling in your crotch. It’s so good, like the tingle spreading through your body as you listen, listen to the murmuring water, listen to the whisper. Feels so good tight, bro. Tight is good, bro. A smile pulls gently at your lips. Bro. That funny little joke between you and Buff Duff. It’s turned into a game. Every time you see him, you have to win call him bro, and he calls back. It’s sort of funny cool, really. Cool, like this ride. So cool. So steady. Steady as the voice that trickles just on the edge of your hearing. Hearing is good. You want to hear it. You want to listen up, bro. Listen good. Listen tight. So tight, you can’t break free. But ... why would you want to, when it feels so good? And good is tight. And listening is good. Tighter and tighter. Deeper and deeper. Listening, like a good bro should. Cause bros are tight. And you’re tight. So tight. Tight, bro. Good, bro. Good bro.... Bro.... You’re a ... bro? Just a..... What is it saying? ‘Cause that is.... So deep. The voice. Deeper and deeper. Like the spiral. Descending. So ... prett--NO! Have to ... have to stay focused. Have to listen. Cause listening’s good. Good is tight. Hold tight to the voice. Listen to it. What’s it saying? Just a big..... You shudder. You feel your muscles twitch as your voice catches. Your chest is expanding before your eyes as you stare at the spiral. You can’t help yourself. “Big....” you mutter in some surprise. The tingling erupts full force, and you’re lost in ecstasy as your muscles begin to inflate. ‘Cause that is what.... What? “You say somethin’, bro?” Your voice sounds deeper. Your eyes are feeling somewhat heavy. Just a big dumb.... Bro! Your eyes roll in the back of your head as the pleasure redoubles. A low chuckle escapes your lips as it huffs out of your hulking chest so easily. “Dumb....” It takes a few minutes, before you can gather your sluggish thoughts enough to realize how funny that is. Big and dumb. What must that be like? Don’t think you’ll ever know. You chuckle again. “Huhuhuhuh....” ‘Cause that is what you are. What you are. You look down at yourself. Your muscles have practically exploded. You feel the heft of your manhood weighing inside your ... trunks? No, it’s a speedo, bro. Bros show off. Big bros show off. And you’re definitely big. So, since you’re so big, you should, uh ... uh ..... You’re just a big dumb jock bro, ‘cause that is what you are. You hear it this time, and it clicks. “Bro,” you gasp. Then you chuckle. It feels so good! ‘Cause that is what you are. That is ... what you are. Just a big dumb jock bro.... Just a big dumb jock bro. That is what you are. That is what you are. “I’m a big, dumb jock bro. ... Yeah.....”
You blink blearily as you slowly come awake to the blaring of your alarm clock. You hear the dull murmur of static next to your ears and find, much to your surprise, that your earbuds have fallen out during your sleep. The monitors and their hanging attachments that were bolted to your bed the previous afternoon are displaying a constantly moving spiral. You sigh and reach back to flick the switch that will turn them off. Then you follow the earbuds back to the player and look over the file nae on the display. You furrow your brow in confusion. “What’s an RP file doing playing in my sleep? Did I push the randomizer or something?” You stretch, yawn, then scratch your crotch, before turning to get up. You push the arm of the screen at your bedside back against the wall, then stride over to the rack, where your dumbbells are waiting for you. You pull off your night shirt and toss it casually on the floor, leaving you bare-chested as you reach forward and grasp the handles. It’s gotten much easier being shirtless in the apartment. Maybe you’ll be willing to try it in the gym sometime later, if the situation calls for it. But for now, .... “Time to get to work.”
Working Like a Thrall Chapter 1
This is best shown as a PDF, so if you’d all just follow this link here, you should hopefully be able to read it as intended. I’ll be including a brief introductory portion below that pertains to the story from the librarian’s perspective, so please read it, before you go to the document. Thanks. :D P.S. This does get a bit on the mature side in some places. You have been warned.
Azeroth had been safe for the last six years, after the first great war ended. The dreaded Horde was defeated, its armies pushed back, and its gateway destroyed. Unfortunately, that was not to last. The Horde returned, and it was out for revenge. Many men, women, and children fell victim to this great and terrible foe in their second and most ruthless campaign to date. This is but the narrative of one such victim, whose word was sadly unheeded. The fate he has faced may be deemed too terrible for words. Peruse this narrative with caution, reader, for it is not for the faint of heart, and some small piece of the Horde's foul essence still remains bound within these pages. You are still determined to read it? ... Very well, then. You have been warned.
Working Like a Thrall Chapter 2
Here’s the second chapter. By this point, I started incorporating our friend, the librarian into the story as a sort of pre-part, before going back into this “journal” of our protagonist. I hope you all enjoy it. P.S. What do you think of me linking PDF URL to my transformation stories, rather than putting the text directly in the post box? I can’t do it for all of them, but for those that I have posted elsewhere online in PDF files, I can. Please let me know what you think. Thanks! ~Omni
Lifting Up and Dumbing Down Part 24
You grunt as you press through your tenth rep and look up at Hank. “Think you can add another ten on the rack? This is getting too easy again.” Hank smirked. “Look at you, getting all cocky.” “Not cocky, confident,” you correct as he grabs two five pound weights and places them on either side of the barbell. “I want to keep progressing, so if this is getting too easy, then I know to up the ante. You taught me that.” “And you’re learning it well.” “Was that an actual compliment?” “Would I do that?” “I think you would.” Hank rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, smartass. Now get back to work. Those weights aren’t going to lift themselves.”
You smile to yourself as you continue to pump with one arm, while you run your vacuum cleaner with the other. The surge of blood through your limbs has become almost addicting to you now, and you keep wanting to feel that pressure as your muscles press against your sides. Each strain is another surge of pleasure as the muscles on your side strain and flare in time. Occasionally, you bounce a pec, just for the sake of variety. You pause a moment, shutting down the vacuum to pose in front of the mirror. Your emerald singlet clings tightly to every piece of your body, defining the muscle as you let out that same deep-throated chuckle. “Who’s a muscle man?” You ask yourself. After a few seconds to change poses, you let out another groan of pleasure and relief as you stretch, shifting your hold on the weight to your other side. Then you reply, “You’re a muscle man, and damn proud of it.” You look down at the bulge pressing against the crotch of your singlet. The outline of the jock strap you’re wearing is prominent, and you smirk as you tromp over to your weight rack and put down the dumbbell, before picking up your cell phone. You turn it towards the mirror, and Flash. You look down at your phone screen. A familiar smirk stares back up at you. “Looking good,” you compliment yourself. You’re about to turn back to your vacuum cleaner to finish the living room, when a sudden lurching in your stomach yanks you back towards the mirror. “Maybe just ... one more,” you allow yourself. Flash. Show off that muscle. Flash. So good. Flash. To pose. Flash. Like the camera. Flash. Fängsla’s camera. Click. “Show me muscle man. Show me the djur,” his voice echoes in your head. Flash. “Let the djur out. Let the djur stay.” Flash A pleasurable rumbling grates its way up your throat and out your mouth as thoughts of cleaning fade into the background. “Stay,” you low, and are rewarded by greater pleasure. You look down at a dimwitted grin, then look at the mirror to see the same features reflected on your face. “Huhuhuh,” you chuckle as you reach up and rub your bicep. Flash. A shudder runs through your body as you pose again. The taste of vanilla is strong in your mouth, and you look down to see the image of your flushed face guzzling a huge bullet cup of protein shake. You belch, not even trying to contain it. “Nice one,” you mutter almost drunkenly as you kick the bullet cup out of the way and walk back towards your makeshift home gym. You lower your phone to the stand and grasp both weights. It’s time to work out.
... Like a beast. ... Like a djur. ... .. .