onismed - divination witch
divination witch

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Onismed - Divination Witch - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago
onismed - divination witch
onismed - divination witch
3 years ago
onismed - divination witch
4 years ago
onismed - divination witch
4 years ago

Alternatives to White Sage & Palo Santo


Smoke Cleansing: the practice of using the smoke of a burning herb, incense or resin to clear your space of stagnant energy or undesirable emotion.

Smoke cleansing is an accessible, user-friendly way of incorporating the power of smoke and burning without trampling over and appropriating sacred smudge rituals. Likewise, this post is going to avoid the use of white sage, as it is an endangered plant, and over harvesting is making it increasingly more difficult for indigenous peoples to get it themselves. I am also not going to bring up palo santo for a very similar reason.

I’m not going to go into the fine details of smoke cleansing, as I find that it is a very personal practice, but I will offer you a great list of alternatives to white sage and palo santo.

Some places to obtain these herbs: local witchcraft shops, witchcraft Etsy shops, grocery stores for herbs that are also culinary, foraging. (Remember to be mindful of whether or not pesticides are being used on the land you are foraging from, and that the spirits of the land are allowing you to harvest their plants.)

Lavender (Leaves and stems only, the buds will pop when exposed to fire.)




Sandalwood (Be mindful of where you source this; Australia is a good source right now, as sandalwood is subject to wood poaching elsewhere.)


Pine (Avoid burning this inside if you have cats.)

Cedar (See above.)


Lemon Balm

Bay Leaves


Bee Balm (Bergamot)



Dandelion Root

There are of course MANY more herbs that you can burn, but these are my personal favorites for cleansing. Every herb will have its own properties, however, what may be meaningful to me may not be meaningful for you, so experiment and figure out what works for you!

One suggestion: consider starting with the herbs and plants growing on your property or in your area first. You’ll be able to bond with the spirits of these plants easiest, and you may find it much more fulfilling to use these. It will become very personable to collect, dry, and use these herbs, since you have put yourself into the process from start to end.

4 years ago
Still My Favorite Deck After All These Years And Many More Deck Purchases

✨🔮Still my favorite deck after all these years and many more deck purchases🍃🌞

*The Earthbound Oracle*

4 years ago
Energy And Productivity Spell Jar
Energy And Productivity Spell Jar

Energy and Productivity Spell Jar

this is a quick spell jar meant for long-term use (a few months). its purpose is as a battery, to charge the room with energy so that you can have access to an energy source. i added a productivity sigil to transmute the energies passing through the jar into productive energy. it’s perfect for days when you have no spoons but still need to get stuff done! 


sea salt [as a desiccant and an energy source] 

heather blossoms [for perseverance]

black tea leaves [for energy]

dried rosemary [for improved memory and concentration]

a sprig from a pine tree [for resilience and inner strength]

an ‘energy’ and ‘productivity’ sigil [here is my energy sigil]

clear quartz [for energy transmitting], flourite [for concentration and productivity], and tigers eye [for determination and hard work]

a suitable small jar with a lid

[remember to use dried herbs and flowers as this spell jar will be sealed and is for long term use]

start by combining the sea salt with the dried heather blossoms - if you don’t have access to heather, you can substitute with thyme blossoms. add a layer of this to the bottom of your jar.

next, add a layer of black tea leaves, you can also use the contents of a tea bag rather than whole leaves. green or black tea would work well.

after this, add a layer of dried rosemary to the top. if you are using home-grown rosemary, break the sprigs up so they make an even layer. 

next, draw an energy sigil on a piece of paper, and on the other side draw a productivity sigil. draw these in green or yellow ink. cut the card out so that it fits snugly in the lid of your jar. 

take the pine sprig and push it into the jar so that it is standing vertically through the layers.

screw the lid on tightly, and add your crystals either on top of, or around your jar. use your finger or wand to draw circles around the lid of the jar, setting your intention and activating the sigils.

place on a windowsill or shelf, with the crystal points facing inwards towards the room. periodically recharge the jar - either under the moon or with a wand. 

support @spooniewitches​: buy me a coffee!

4 years ago

Key Herbs for your Craft

Here are some really basic herbs for your magic workings :

Sage - Cleansing (properties : purification, wisdom, immortality)

Lavender - Calming (properties : love, healing, sleep, dreams, divination)

Rose - Opening (properties : psychic awareness, opening the heart, love)

Eucalyptus - Inspiration (properties : healing, protection, purification, invigorating)

Bay Leaves - Divination (properties : psychic powers, success, money)

Cardamom - Arousal (properties : lust, sexuality, reigniting intimacy)

Rosemary - Focus (properties : mental powers, banishing, purification, protection)

Bergamot - Increasing (properties : manifestation, wealth, success, prosperity, adds power to magic)

Oats - Grounding (properties : wealth, abundance, prosperity)

Dandelion - Releasing (properties : divination, wishes, summoning spirits, releasing)

Yarrow - Banishing  (properties : banishing, death, courage, psychic powers)

Cloves - Luck (properties : driving away negativity, cleansing, prosperity)

Key Herbs For Your Craft
4 years ago

Ruin Your Party Hex

Ruin Your Party Hex

Ruin somebody’s attempt at a good time when they definetly dont deserve it (or shouldnt be celebrating something.)

You will need:

Strong Anger, Hatred, desire for justice, or a mixture of these

Black paper

Something you can write visibly on it with


Safe place for burning: culdron, fireproof bowl ect

Insence: Coriander, Fennel or Frankincense will all work.

6 pinches of Graveyard dirt

Rue - to cause the hated one torment.

Sachet bag - black would be preferrable

Sigil to cause destruction

A taglock to the party - invitation works best. You can write down the info if there was no hard copy invite (use black paper if you write it)

If you dont wish to make a sigil yourself you can use mine for Destruction & Revenge :

Ruin Your Party Hex


🥂 First, Gather all your ingredients in a energetically clean space. (However you like it, on your altar, cast a circle, cleanse the room first,)

🥂 Second, Light the insence of your choice.

Coriander & fennel - intice your anger and infuriate your mind

Frankincense - intices intensity and brings about justice.

🥂 Third, Draw the sigil on the black paper and the information to the party youre crashing on the back. (If you have the actual invitation you dont have to write anything on the back)

🥂 Next really start working up your anger. Conjure all the energy you can into this rage.

🥂 Once you have begun to boil, start the fire by lighting the sigil and invitation (if you had one)

🥂 Start speaking your intent into existence as it burns. Theres no wrong way to do this, just make sure you’re specific and dont leave loopholes in what you want to happen.

If you dont know what to start with maybe dress up this with more info:

Fire burn and anger bubble, in good time there will be trouble. Damn your party, damn your guests. Hex your food, drinks, and all the rest. On (date) at (time) you guests will arrive. But nothing next will go quite right. (Tell all the things that will go wrong in detail) In the name of Chaos, this be my rite!

🥂 Now throw the Rue into the fire, to cause the hated one (in this case, the party) torment. This needs to be infused with the Earth Element so:

🥂 As the fire begins to die, throw in your 6 pinches of graveyard dirt one at a time to fully cease it while saying:

Now bury the deadened spirit of the night-

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-feet deep!

🥂 Then drop in the leftover ash from your insence.

🥂 When the ashes and dirt are all cooled, dump them into the satchet.

🥂 You may bury it or hide it at the place of the party OR if you are invited….. Go sprinkle it around and watch it all fall apart!

Happy Party-Crashing,

- @beginningwitchyshit 🥂💀

5 years ago
Six Of Wands.

Six of Wands.

To slow down or speed up the hands of time is a losing battle, but that doesn’t stop you from fighting. In order to be victorious, embrace each moment. Do not mourn for your past. Look fondly on those days that were filled with joy. Anticipate the magnificence of that which is to come, but do not be consumed by it, or you may overlook the beauty of the present.

5 years ago
onismed - divination witch
5 years ago

🗡️ Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses 🗡️

Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses

🗡️  JINXES -  quick-lasting, harmless but mean-spirited.

nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity

your heart in my hand -  to send someone nightmares and to feel a general sense of being lost in life

burn your wishes - a simple curse to destroy someone’s wishes

spell of shattered sight -  a spell that makes a person only see the most ugly aspects of themselves and others around them

🗡️ HEXES - mal-intended spells with temporary effects. 

burst your bubble -  a simple curse to destroy someone’s ego/hope

hex for a player -  a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually

cerberus hex - attacks what hurts things under plutonic protection spell

breezeblocks curse -  to affect someone you resent for leaving

pumpkin head - seasonal hex to “burn” those who wrong you

bad moon rising - a revenge curse, general misfortune for a month

🗡️ CURSES - intense, powerful and long lasting.  

to sink a sailor -  to symbolically drown someone 

marooned sailor curse -  a curse to strand them alone in life. 

avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life. 

imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control

cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional

seven devils curse -  a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target

thorn in my side - a curse for abusers

red in your ledger - to return the hurt someone has done

if you take issue with cursing, jinxing, or hexing, that is your craft, but please do not add onto this post telling witches not to curse because “karma”, “the three fold law” or whatever.  mind your own craft. 

5 years ago

Tarot Tip:

Stop reading from a script. Stop trying to memorize the books. Find the meaning of reading in your own heart. Find it in your gut. Whatever you first think- go with it.

5 years ago

Samhain Ideas

Samhain Ideas

🥀 Write letters to your ancestors. Seal them in envelopes with dried flowers or other small offerings, and burn them.

🥀 In lieu of flowers, delicately cut apple slices, orange peels, or other fruits in floral shapes and leave a bowl of them as an offering.

🥀 Read some books/watch some movies that are popular in your family.

🥀 Write little poems or letters to the Fae, roll them up and put them inside cinnamon sticks with a blob of honey or some milk, then leave them in the woods.

🥀 (Gently!) Put googly eyes and tiny paper hats on your plants to make modern Jack o’ lanterns.

🥀 Wear things from people in your life, family jewelry, clothes that a family member has purchased for you, 

🥀 If you can visit the grave of a loved one or someone in your family. Talk to them for a bit.

🥀 Charge candles with crystals Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, Citrine, or hematite to burn at your altar.

🥀 Write a list to your deities of the things you are proud of having accomplished together. Bury it with an offering.

5 years ago

But What Do I Ask?!

I’ve come across this several times: I tell an individual that I read Tarot cards and they get excited. When I let them know I can read for them, they immediately get scared and either ask or I can see it in their eyes: What do I ask?!

Let me tell you:

What do I most need to know about my love life, my career, etc.?

What do I most need to know about the situation with my partner, my lover, my friend, my coworker, my family member, etc.?

How can I move my love life, my career, etc. forward?

What’s coming forth in my life?

I can go two ways. Which way should I go? What are my options?

How can I make the best possible decision?

What should/shouldn’t I do about [situation]?

How can I restore my hope for the future?

What blessings do I bring to my life?

What blessings to my family/friends/enemies bring to my life? And/or what lessons can I learn from them?

What blessings are coming to me?

How is fortune smiling on me?

How can I know there is meaning in my life?

What am I ignoring/denying/not seeing?

What is holding me back? Can include specific goal.

What am I seeing the is false?

What have I forgotten?

Where am I strongest? What weakness should I work on?

What, if anything, needs to be done?

How can I improve my relationship with…?

How can I improve my ability to…?

How can I make the transition from…to…?

Help me understand why…

What do I need to know/understand about…

Hopefully this list helps or helps lead you to the question you need!

5 years ago

broke witch hacks 🍄

🌙 use old socks to make spell satchets! these are also great because theyve spent a lot of time with you, so the spell will have an enhanced effect :))

🌙 buy your herbs in bulk!!!!!!!!! never pay more than a dollar for a lil bag of herbs! buy huge bags of them, you wont regret this! i recently bought a huge container of cinnamon sticks, i absolutely love it.

🌙 if you simply cannot get a physical copy of a book, download a pdf of old grimoires and spellbooks! theres so much knowledge out there, you just have to go find it!

🌙 cant afford fancy herbs? thats okay! table salt can be used in almost every recipe, (savory) and has cleansing properties. it can also protect against misfortune. pepper is also good for banishing negativity, and if you can get your hands on some cinnamon or sage those are wonderful for drawing love and happiness, and sage is perfect for cleansing.

🌙 if you cant afford a big fancy leather vintage whatever book for your bos, its okay! a composition book is fine. better yet, you can use the notes app on your phone! this is great for if youre on the go.

🌙 not being able to afford fancy shiny gems and crystals is okay!!!!!! stones you find yourself have a much more sentimental value and can be used just as youd use any other rock.

🌙 you dont have to dress witchy!!!!!!!!! witches can wear whatever, they dont have to wear all black and crystal necklaces! although thats the aesthetic i hope to achieve

🌙 meditate. even if its the only magick you can do! try energy work!!!!

🌙 collect rocks and sticks and stones and plants you find! go outside hunting for cool rocks! talk to the bugs! hug the trees!

🌙 hotels sometimes have tea in the lobby, steal a crap ton of teabags because fuck capitalism

the most magickal tool is yourself. you are divine 💘

5 years ago

💧🌊MC’s List of Waters🌊💧


So. There’s probably quite a few lists out there on water, types of water and the uses of each kind. We already know water is a good offering, but honestly, a lot of the lists leave out a bunch of water types. I would know I looked at as many as I could find on here and on other sources. This list will be updated when I find more information or a new type of water that hasn’t been listed here.

Disclaimer: I have not included waters from closed religions/cultures/practices. If I do have one listed please let me know and I will remove it from the list or make a note about it. Please be respectful to other cultures if it’s closed to you. Don’t be a baby about it. No means No.


Angel Water

Love, Beauty, Angel Work, Manifestation, Protection, Cleansing, Blessings, Romance, Dreams, Sexual Energies, Romance

Asteroid Water

Main Source: @feral-space-faerie

Anointing, Physic Clarity, Astral Travel, Earth Magic/Workings, Healing, Energy, Wishes, Dreams, Damage

Cemetery Water

Main Source @of-bones-and-pomegranates

Spirit Work, Shadow Work, Offering for the Dead, Grounding, Ancestor Work, Psychic, Divination, Energy Work, Protection, Warding, Cleansing, Healing from Loss, Restfulness, Releasing, Grieving

Creek/Stream Water

Purification, Cleansing, Rebirth, Harmony, Peace, Healing, Calming, Relaxing, Movement, Progress

Dew Water

Fertility, Love, Glamours, Growth, Beauty, Youth, Prosperity, Birth, Wishes, Health, Healing, Dreams, Sleep, Peace, Happiness

Hail Water

Protection, Hexes, Curses, Causing Physical Harm, Strength, Destruction, Harm, Pain, Fear

Holy Water

Banishing, Cleansing, Warding, Purification, Protection, Blessings, Healing, Exorcism, Health, Calming

Ice Water

Transformation, Balance, Creativity, Change, Slowing Down, Stopping Emotions, Curses, Hexes, Warding

Lake Water

Peace, Relaxation, Reflection, Emotions, Love, Memories, Past Life Regressions, Meditation, Knowledge, Strength, Intuition, Confidence

Lavender Water

Memory, Psychic Abilities, Attraction, Sexual Energies, Divination, Love, Romance, Intuition, Sleep, Dreams, Relaxing, Calming

Marsh Water

Cloaking, Invisibility, Cleansing, Protection, Warding, Reflection

Mist Water

Creativity, Balance, Partnerships, Hiding Truths, Protection, Curses, Hexes, Inspiration, Fear, The Unknown

Moon Water

All Purpose Water, Cleansing, Dream Work, Astral Travel, Balance, Intuition, Banishing, Divination, Creativity, Motivation, Manifestation, Healing, Clarity, Protection, Reflection

Pond Water

Bindings, Silencing, Peace, Contentment, Relaxation, Self Reflection, Relaxing, Meditation, Balance

Rain Water

Energy, Protection, Growth, Truth, Cleansing, Rebirth, Power, Peace, Quelling Anger, Relaxation, Dreams, Cycles, Creativity, Inspiration, Balance, Calming, Love, Romance, Depression

Rainbow Water

Main Source: @thespellweavingspirit

Luck, Wealth, Happiness, Fulfillment, Positivity, LGBT+ Spells Work, Changes, Perseverance, Hope, Connection, Creativity, Joy, Inspiration, Peace, Prosperity, Growth

River Water

Changes, Moving Forward, Warding, Releasing, Emotions, Feelings, Energy, Movement, Progress, New Opportunities, Protection, Cleansing, Motivation, Rushing, Power, Strength, Confidence

Rose Water

Love, Glamours, Beauty, Healing, Happiness, Strength, Cleansing, Blessings, Sleep, Motivation, Protection, Commitment, Compassion, Romance, Friendships, Health

Sea/Ocean Water

Healing, Psychic Work, Adapting, Changes, Manifestation, Strength, Glamours, Cleansing, Banishing, Protection, Hexing, Purification, Health, Power, Confidence, Anger

Snow Water

Purity, Resolutions, Balance, Change, Transformation, Cleansing, Purification, New Beginnings, Protection, Calming, Relaxing, Happiness, Joy, Peace, Hibernation, Reflection

Star Water

Main Source: @stargvsm

Power, Protection, Purity, Illumination, Enlightenment, Guidance, Hope, Divination, Clarity, Intuition, Lessons, Learning, Memory, Wisdom, Knowledge, Peace

Storm Water

Force, Motivation, Relaxation, Anger, Releasing, Emotions, Strength, Confidence, Charging, Curses, Hexes, Protection, Offensive Magic, Movement, Changes, Power

Sun Water

Cleansing, Self Esteem, Social Anxiety, Truth, Confidence, Enlightenment, Positivity, Glamours, Health, Energy, Power, Strength, Healing, Creativity, Inspiration

Swamp Water

Banishing, Bindings, Cursing, Hexes, Protection, Warding, Cloaking, Illnesses, Negativity, Invisibility

Waterfall Water

Power, Energy, Success, Movement, Bravery, Confidence, Strength, Force, Hiding, Protection, Warding, Peace, Calming



The Sleepy Witch

**Compiled from my personal Grimoire. Additions may Happen**

Created: 4/17/2019

Posted(Patreon): 4/17/2019

Posted(Tumblr): 4/23/2019

DO NOT REPOST. Reblogging is fine

5 years ago


~ What are Crystals and what are they used for?

   Most crystals ( in this case including gems, rocks, precious stones, semi-precious stones, and simple stones) are of mineral origin. Crystals, like amethyst, come out of the ground naturally faceted and don’t need to be changed in anyway. Diamonds, for example, come out of the ground equally as rough, but are usually polished and cut into intricate styles.

 For many years, crystal have been used as a tool to aid spiritual healing, psychic development, and meditation.

~ How can I incorporate Crystals into my everyday life?

   You can carry around your crystals. This way you can feel your crystals energy when needed. Place them in a little sachet or pouch and they are ready to go!

    Infuse your water with your clean crystals. This is a fast way to feel your crystals energy.

    Decorate your magickal space and/or surroundings with crystals.

    Meditate with your crystals. Just spend a minimum of 30 seconds with each crystal. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes, and feel its energy soaking into your skin.

How Crystals Can Help You


  ~Banded: help you feel grounded, remain focused, and banishes fears.

  ~Blue Lace: helps you adjust and adapt.

  ~Moss: refreshes spirit, brings peace of mind, helps to develop intuition.

  ~Tree: aids meditation and clear thinking, reduces stress.

Amazonite ~ soothes the nervous system, increases self-esteem and confidence.

Amber ~ relieves depression and lifts your spirits.

Amethyst ~ the great healer of mind, body, and spirit. helps the development of psychic abilities and intuition.

Apache Tears ~ brings good fortune and positive energy.

Apatite ~ aids in motivation and communicative powers.

Aquamarine ~ helps you during hard decisions and times. promotes compassion and empathy.

Azurite ~ relinquishes harmful beliefs.

Bloodstone (aka Heliotrope) ~ calms fears, and dispels confusion and obsessive ideas.

Calcite ~ boosts energy and provides amazing psychic protection.

Carnelian (aka Sard) ~ banishes jealousy and inspires courage. aids perception.

Celestine ~ helps with communication and good thoughts.

Chalcedony ~ balances emotions and lifts your spirits.

Chrysocolla ~ eases stress and promotes self-confidence.

Citrine ~ helps steady emotions and give inspiration.

Coral ~ strengthens and protects emotions.

Desert Rose ~ promotes love and stability in relationships.

Diamond ~ assists in your connection with the universe.

Emerald ~ strong healer with both physical and mental problems.

Fluorite ~ helps with rationality and combats anxiety and worries.

Garnet ~ protects against melancholy and depression. encourages perseverance and patience.

Hematite ~ helps with psychic development and building self-esteem.

Jade ~ a very useful healing stone for both the body and spirit.

Jasper ~ aids with stress relief and grounding. promotes tranquility.

Jet ~ keeps evil spirits at bay and strengthens character.

Kunzite ~ helps align emotions. provides security.

Kyanite ~ helps to align and heal chakras.

Labradorite ~ aids with strong development of psychic powers.

Lapis Lazuli ~ helps develop your sixth sense. stimulates intuition. promotes creativity.

Lepidolite ~ great for relieving stress and dispelling negative emotions.

Malachite ~ used for healing when dealing with negative emotions.

Moonstone ~ restores harmony and emotion balance.

Obsidian ~ helps you to focus on the paranormal, used for protection and a scrying tool.

Onyx ~ instills a protective psychic shield. 

Opal ~ helps with rationalizing emotional states.

Pearl ~ aids self-respect, stability, and self-esteem.

Pyrite ~ opens the mind to new ideas.

Quartz ~ channels and aids in meditation. a powerful healing stone.

Rose Quartz ~ aids in anything love-related. instills comfort, relieves grief, and promotes harmonious relationships.

Rutilated Quartz ~ releases energy blockers.

Rhodonite ~ helps with assurance and confidence.

Ruby ~ purifies love, promotes spiritual knowledge and to be realistic about situations.

Sapphire ~ aids in mental clarity, clearing your inner eye, and bringing good fortune.

Smoky Quartz ~ filters out negative thoughts and emotions. helps with telepathy.

Sodalite ~ heals damaged emotions, and aids in restful sleep.

Tanzanite ~ helps you to accept change.

TIger’s Eye ~ a powerful aid in those seeking knowledge about past or future lives. promotes persistence and protection.

Topaz ~ allows you to transmit your visualizations as universal messages. an aid in telepathy.

Tourmaline ~ repels all negative energy and is a powerful stone for protection.

Turquoise ~ an aid in luck, love, money, and protection.

Unakite ~ heals the psyche, helps you realize your higher self.

Crystal Care Tips

  Some crystals shouldn’t be left in direct sunlight. These include: Amethyst, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Celestite, Citrine, Fluorite, Kunzite, Opal, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Topaz, and Turquoise.

  Some crystals shouldn’t get wet. These include: Celestine, Desert Rose, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Malachite, Selenite, and Sodalite.

Click here to learn about Crystal Shapes.

source: Crystals by Cass & Janie Jackson

* If there is anything we missed or you’d like to add, just let us know! *

I hope this is useful! xx ~ @chlovoyant

5 years ago
onismed - divination witch
5 years ago
onismed - divination witch
5 years ago
onismed - divination witch
5 years ago


“An Awesome Summer” Emoji Spell

Like to charge

Reblog to cast!

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5 years ago

🧿all negative things wished upon me will be reflected back to the sender.

🧿postive things I profess will happen.

🧿I will receive the love, financial security, health, creativity, and transcendence I deserve.

🧿all negative people who view my blog will be healed or changed positively.

Like to charge, reblog to cast✨

5 years ago


Emoji spell for getting a well-paid job that you enjoy, very soon

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5 years ago
My Astrology Planner Is Here

my astrology planner is here 🌙✨