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storybook. next.

pairing(s): prince!foolish x female neutral reader
summary: prince noah gets some upsetting news...
warning(s): in the whole story i'll be using foolish's real name (noah) when people adress him. he does have the nickname foolish (used by friends and sometimes reader) but it will not be used in the prolouge.
words: 1.1k
i would like to say: huge thank to you kiwi (@merakiwi) without you (and sib™) this would just be an idea, not a story. also i would like to add i wrote this in a composition notebook. this is a lot of backstory i needed to get out of the way so

-fifteen years ago-
the sprawling seaside city of solun was the most populated city in the summer court. their streets sprinkled with various shops and stands. sellers stoping anyone who walked by, warm smiles finding their faces and free samples filling their stomachs.
childrens laughter could be heard throughout the town occasionally drowned out with the live music buzzing in the plaza. couples would dance in the cobblestone square, swinging one another around with such life people couldn’t help but to clap along.
kids weaved past the dancing in a game of chase, their shoes slapping against the pavement. they ran as fast as their legs could take them, chirps of laughter escaping when prince noah of the summer court would almost get within reach of them.
finch -son of a local fisherman- is closest prince noah and he sprints away from him. finch makes a sharp turn, dodging noah’s touch. the prince stumbles as finch hides in the crowd, losing all sight of him completely.
he grains in frustration, spinning in circles looking for finch. a familiar blue dress catches the princes attention and he turns in it’s direction, forgetting the fisherman’s son entirely.
he sees the skirt again, the gold trimmed hem swishing between the bodies of townspeople. noah smiles ash he squeezes past them, eyes only leaving the fabric when she weaves in and out of the revelry.
the lively music continues on as prince noah chases his sister, emily. he follows her into an opening. her loose braid hitting against her back as she runs. the princes fingers stretch out before him to tag her, but she's far quicker than her brother and her skirt dances underneath his fingertips mockingly.
as prince noah stops for a breath, emily trots to the far side of the fountian in the center of the square. for a moment they go back and forth around the fountain, waiting for someone to make the first move. suddenly, emily stops. her eyes stuck at a spot above noah's shoulder. he grins, thinking she has given up and admited defeat.
he starts towards her ready to relish in sweet victory with a touch of his fingers. a firm hand on noah's shoulder stops his celebration before it even began.
"your highnesses," prince noah's royal guard, apunar, said to the children.
apunar was fairly younger than most of the guards at the castle; sitting somewhere in his mid twenties. where he lacked in age he made up with his strategic mind and trustworthiness. he had dark hair, though not as near as dark as the children's. it was swept back into a small ponytail, the baby hairs that escaped in wisps framed his face, littered with small scars. he had deep blue eyes like most of the summer court. all his armor was on, excluding the helmet which was tucked under his arm. this golden breastplate was branded with the solun's crest.
he clears his throat, speaking softly to the children. "your mother wishes to see you both immediately. it's important."

"children, i was wondering when you would get here. please, sit." queen helen had said once they had settled into her study. the cream curtains were drawn back, warm rays spilling through the windows. emily and noah sat on the soft couch across from his mother's desk, his father close beside her. he swung his feet back and forth. the toes of his dress shoes lightly graze the ground.
"i wanted to tell you first, afraid the truth would get twisted when you heard it." the queen looked nervous as she looked between both of her kids. noah leaned forward in interest, knowing whatever she was trying to tell them was hard for her.
"we have lost trade with a few important courts." silence enveloped the room like a weighted blanket. "which means any planned trips to the courts will be discontinued."
immediately, noah knew what this meant. he looked at his younger sister who didn't have a care in the world what this means for him. for their family. she was perfectly content staying in the summer court for the rest of her life. noah wasn't.
"what about the trip to the winter court? the prince and i have been waiting to be able to race in the sled races over there." noah tried to hide how upset he was, but his voice betrayed him. this was his first year the prince and noah were eligible to race only for it to be taken away in seconds.
he turned to emily for her support, but she sat quietly with her hands folded in her lap, staring off as if this conversation was just inconveniencing her and at any invitation of leaving it she'd take it.
"it upsets me too sweetheart, but my hands are tied." the queen holds her wrists out in front of her. the metaphorical rope pinching them together.
"you're upset?" noah's voice was quiet as he spoke, whispering anger curling his fingers and hushing his words as he rose from the couch.
"i don't know when i'll see my best friend and you're upset?" noah turned, fleeing from her study to hide the tears that threatened to spill. he ignored his mothers calls that were soon followed by his fathers calming words. he pushed past the guards taking steps two, three at a time.
the guards let him pass without a word. out of pity or shock, he didn't know. the only thing going through his mind was getting to his room before the tears blurred his vision.
he flopped onto his bed and let his pillow soak up his tears. if 20 minutes passed or hours, he didn't know. his mothers soft knock on his door and the creaking that followed brought him back to reality.
he sits up, brushing the heels of his hands over his cheeks. wiping any dry tears before his mother got the chance. hugging his knees to his chest, noah makes room for his mother next to him. she wraps her arms around his shoulders into a hug.
"where's dad? is he mad at me?" the guilt of his outburst from earlier eats away at him slowly.
"he's putting emily to bed." helen smooths down his raven hair where it sticks up as she assures him. "he understands why you're mad."
"im sorry. i didn't mean to yell like that." noah whispers into her shoulder.
"you were upset honey. don't ever apologize for how you feel." she says, squeezing his arm.
"am i ever going to see him again?" the prince asks; his words muffled into the material of her skirt.
"i can't promise you that," noah frowns. "but i hope you do." and she meant it.
they didn't need to say who 'he' was, it was well known who. the prince. heir to the wintercourts throne.
luke (or 'punz' to his friends) of wintercourt.
Song- The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals

Blueberry pancakes, window plants, window shopping, peach flavored drinks, snowglobes, lightning, fairy lights, clouds, light grey sweaters, milk, wildflowers, jumping off a swing, fluffy cats
Charlie Slimecicle
Song- Fireflies by Owl City

Mismatched socks, yoyo tricks, stickers, hot chocolate, highlighters, cloud gazing, deja vu, Uno reverse cards (green specifically obv), coral, Nature Valley granola bars, scrabble, pb&j after swimming, bright eyes, arcade machines
Ted Nivison
Song- Life Itself by Glass Animals

Hawaiian shirts, vintage cars, roller skates, headphones, denim jackets, long road trips, fanny packs, directors chair, lighthouses, low rise sneakers, using white people terms like "Listen hear, buster/buddy/bud", grandfather clocks, sudoku, Frosted Flakes, snowcones, Reeses Pieces, pottery
Chuckle Sandwich as Academias

Charlie—Green Academia (x)
Grows algae under his bed
Has a mushroom identifying app on his phone
Makes his own paper & paper beads
The paper beads being used to make necklaces
Has his own herbs garden, hasn’t quite gotten the gist of growing vegetables yet
Has alarms set on his phone—reminds him when he needs to water his plants
Always forgets to de-weed as he finds them quite beautiful as well
Still wishes on dandelions and shooting stars
Walks barefoot a lot
You can always find a few ladybugs crawling around the tables outside—makes you have tea parties w/ him
The Secret Garden, Useless Magic: Lyrics and Poetry, & a Floriography book are some books that you can find in his library
Knows well enough to leave faerie rings alone

Schlatt—Chaos Academia (x)
Takes polaroids of the most random shit
Has the vibes of Shane Madej in that he seems to not give a shit about anything
Want to ramble about the obscure book about cryptid you found in the library at 2am? He’s your guy
Has the best pick-me-up coffee recipes; no one trusts his cooking otherwise
On his desk lays a slice of forgotten pizza atop a book
Instead of your usual battle jacket, it’s a lab coat that he put a fuckton of patches & pins on
You rarely see him in class or the library, yet he still gets decent grades
And when you do see him in the library, it’s him getting kicked out w/ a pissed off Ted few steps behind
For a science class, he randomly asked if he could get extra credit for a culture of mold spores claiming it was accidental when everyone knows it wasn’t
Couldn’t find a glass due to all them being dirty so you just see Schlatt drinking monster out of what looks to be an IV bag

Ted—Dark Academia (x)
Will solve an Agatha Christie murder mystery for fun but comes up w/ the weirdest theories
Purposely starts debates w/ stuff like; is water wet? how many holes does a straw have? was the dress blue or gold?
Quotes the ‘To be or not to be’ monologue from Hamlet—has a worn prop skull for it
Goes to Charlie when he can’t figure out what plant ol’ Shakespeare is referencing
Has a pinboard where he keeps writing ideas and odd poems on, most being on the back of old receipts
Partially for the pretentiousness, partially b/c why not?, Ted learns how to use quills
With it, once wrote Schlatt an elaborate ‘fuck you’
Has few moths framed on his walls, a small name tag hanging, telling what species it is
If you can’t find him, look for the big statue of the Abraham Lincoln; he’ll probably be sitting in the statue’s lap (x)
Song- For The First Time by Mac DeMarco

Handwritten notes, clocks, broken pencils, open windows, wine glasses, wax dripping onto table, walking canes, playing piano, record stores, playing cards,

imagining a world in which this picture was dropped before the face reveal like i think i would've been out of commission for 5-7 business days minimum
Song- Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden

Cool breezes, baseball caps, street lights, popping open a soda, big hugs, bonfires, skate parks at night, porch swings, firecrackers mint condition comic books, pop rocks, black socks, crushed water bottles, warm hands, watermelon, arcade games
I haven't posted in a while, so to make it up to you guys, I am doing a little submit a person for a aesthetic + song