ooooooh - Current Obsession
Current Obsession

This blog is whatever I’m obsessed with at any given time

493 posts

LAFD Poker Game? Why Are Buddie Being Sent As Reps? Why? Why Not Bobby? Is Bobby Scheming?

LAFD poker game? Why are Buddie being sent as reps? Why? Why not Bobby? Is Bobby scheming?

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1 year ago

I feel like Buck is gonna get real hurt with this Natalia plot. He keeps going on about how she sees him, but so far we’ve just been shown how she sees his death. Feels like a recipe for disaster to me.

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1 year ago
WHO Do We Think The Other Firefighter Is, Under Buck?

WHO do we think the other firefighter is, under Buck?

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1 year ago

BUT it’s all an act so he can get away with unhinged shit later and no one suspect him at first

Do Not Get This Wrong. I love Steven Lim with my whole soul and heart, however he gives the vibes that when he saw fights in school he would yell “Violence isn’t the answer!” and would do a “This isn’t you 🥺” routine. He’s just so sweet compared to the heathens (affectionate) he works with.

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1 year ago

In Modern Family, it is revealed in an episode that one of Claire’s exes from college was named Bobby Nash and she was born in 1970, and the Bobby Nash on 9-1-1 was born in 1968 and I’m just saying, the timelines do match.

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1 year ago

I’m BEGGING for a Renfield (2023) sequel tv series, it just feels like a movie with that vibe. Shenanigans and such while Renfield learns how to be a normal human person. Put it straight to streaming services!

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