Currently fixated on poppy playtimeActive DayDreamerSuffering both ArtBlock and WritersBlockProfile done by the Amazing Hisoki Uni on Insta and discord!
39 posts
Out Of Complete Boredom, This Is Some Old Drawings Of Mine Featuring Some Ocs. They Are Demons And Belong

Out of complete boredom, This is some old drawings of mine featuring some oc’s. They are demons and belong to a made up universe created by me and @imagoodfuckindoggo We labelled it as “Sins Or Virtues” but we called it SOV for short, it’s been around for awhile (3-4 years). @imagoodfuckindoggo has created the virtue side while I made the sin side.
First up we got, Eric, Ex-Sin of Sloth. (Orange haired fella) Jackson, Ex-Sin of Wrath (Pink haired guy) Maya, Ex-Sin of Envy (Shortie)
More Posts from Ophiuchussnek

I hope it’s okay to offer her in
Hey guys so I'm making a fic about a Gala Episode for the Space Riders Au (AND SO I CAN SCREAM AT ONYX GALAGALAGALAGALA) and there will be art featured there! If you want your OCs to be included in the Gala, reblog this with your OC's ref sheet (or any art that features their colors) and their desired outfit that they'll wear to the Gala! We'll see you there folks!
Au by @onyxonline
Always put your mental health first, I’m glad you will be taking a break 🙏🤍 Whoever is saying these awful things seriously need to stop, It’s seriously sick and this isn’t funny in the slightest bit. They have no reason or right to be doing this, what the fuck.
( I'm taking a break
Not in as leaving, I will be posting and rebloging, commenting but rp will be minus a bit
But a break as in im not answering ask no more and I'm tired, I'm tired of these anons.

These type of people ruin the fun for everyone and is making my mental health drain and it's already at its lowest, I'm tired and fed up and it keeps getting worse
Sorry for all who wanna send ask to rp but I'm done, the only ones who could rp or send with me is my friends and people I trust
@qxuiara , @mod-coffee-is-here @mod-latte-here-to-haunt-you @dragonsgirl572 , @xxmoonduskxx @novaisalwayssleepy @ophiuchussnek @honeylavendersweets @hoppyhopscotch1 @bobbybearhugs-blog @catnaplovesnaptime @blanca815 @starlightohstar @jumptothemoon @fishy0bishy @fandomssvetlanafrom @fandomssvetlanafrom + others
I'm tired and won't be taking ask or question from besides these people I trust or befriend, good bye and have a good day.)
Last song: Stalkers Tango by Autoheart
Favorite color: Yellow, Blue, Black, Purple
Sweet/savoury/spice: Sweet, Very Sweet
Relationship status: Dating/Kinda complicated
Last thing I googled: Flower Meanings
Current obsession: Poppy Playtime, Space riders au, Chickens, All of us are dead(Series), Clinic of horrors for tags… Hm… @imagoodfuckindoggo @lil-bexie @theroseofazrael @weirdpurpleangel @abugcalledtoken
I was tagged by @tragic-cosmic-magic! Thank you so much friend❤️
Last Song: It will come back by Hozier! (Highly underrated imo. Real broken cowboy vibes to it)
Favorite Color: Red and black!
Last Movie/TV Show: The Good Wife! Highly recommend it, julianna margulies is an acting treasure and Alan Cumming is just *chef's kiss*
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: My indian-ness says savory AND spicy.
Relationship Status: single like a lone, forlorn pringle
Last Thing I Googled: The spelling of Julianna margulies' name lol. Still not sure i got it right
Current Obsession: Loki and Good Omens!
Tagging:@70snasagay, @drew-dopamine and any other moots who would like to! No pressure!
Listen - I don't give a fuck if you prefer Batim more than Batdr or Batdr more than Batim
I don't give a fuck about your opinion on this game or character
Reblog it if you are actually still in Bendy fandom or at least remember being in it

I need to know how many of us are left in the world...
Edit: YOOO WE GET TO 1000
BENDY FANDOM (or people who just like it) - RISE!!!
Another edit: 2000???
Where were you hiding all this time???
Hidden in the scribbles, I see a face and I’m terrified- 😭
More doodles

Topaz having her face scratched out isn't lore related it's just me fucking up her face while drawing and I had to just scribble it out because holy fuck I did not do her justice