orangefiend1 - Maturity Happens To Other People, Mine Hides.
Maturity Happens To Other People, Mine Hides.

Female Aussie, Likes: Doctor Who, The New Avengers (Steed, Purdey & Gambit), Aussie Comedians, Terry Practhett, Muppets, Musicals, Shows from the 60's and 70's. Film, Photography, Crochet, Drawing, Music. Likes to draw OTP - Barbara and Ian.

313 posts

Watching The Special Features On Doctor Who The Aztecs - I Learnt That They Accidentally Destroyed The

Watching the special features on Doctor Who The Aztecs - I learnt that they accidentally destroyed the Tom Baker model head mold for the doll. But instead of remaking the mold they used the mold of Gareth Hunt from The New Avengers.

More Posts from Orangefiend1

10 years ago

Yay! Just received my copy of The Blue Parrot in the Post. It came all the way from Bristol.

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10 years ago
"Some Men Are Born Great, Others Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them."

"Some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them."

RIP Robin Williams, you will be missed.

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10 years ago
Someone Is Bugging The Doctor On Todays Doctor Kawaii!

Someone is bugging the Doctor on today’s Doctor Kawaii!

10 years ago


- Doctor Who (Capaldi)

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