Poor Little Bun Has Its Body All Needy? Id Love To Be With You Right Now, Groping And Fondling Your Tits
Poor little bun has its body all needy? Id love to be with you right now, groping and fondling your tits in your stead. While you sit on my lap, my cock is poking your butt and i playfully slip a finger in your panties while giving you neck kisses and praising what a beautiful little doll bunnie is. Each time bunnie answers me the sluttiest way my hand will rub faster and faster to reward this bun bun for being the porn bunnie older men need… but no cumming ofc, only i get to cum and paint your pretty lips white, getting you only more desperate to feel it in, all the way in and pumping directly in this pretty bun ‘s needy holes
🥺💕 pretty please
lilmoonbun liked this · 7 months ago
kinkydadda liked this · 7 months ago
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Im mad and sad! im sadmad! as a sfw little it hurts when i see a bunch of people thinking being little or regression is a kink! im not speaking for everyone, but i know that being little to me isnt a kink! I wanna scream every time someone gets mad at me when im little and dont want to get sexual! Not every little is NSFW! most of us are not!
-sorry love you💕
I'd love to edge you for a week straight. So much that your little clitty doesn't even hurt anymore but it's almost numb. Then spend a whole day making you cum non-stop every 10 minutes and watch as your little mind melts. And then I'd cuddle up next to you pat to on the head and tell you what a good girl you are.
i need this so badly 🥺
So i wasn’t feeling good today (mentally) and i was trying to think why then i realized, i haven’t taken any of my meds in 2 WEEKS.
someone help me remember 😭

ahhhh!!!!! i want someone to watch watch my little pony with me!
-little bun
Someone take away my cards

new shoes and socks! i’ve been a good bunny had to treat myself!