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Which Owl? Hoo knows.

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Owlscringeysideblog - Which Owl? Hoo Knows.

owlscringeysideblog - Which Owl? Hoo knows.
owlscringeysideblog - Which Owl? Hoo knows.
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More Posts from Owlscringeysideblog

2 years ago

Longstanding HC pt. 3

Gabriel visited Dorado after the war shortly before Jack became strike commander and noticed a little girl trailing him where he went, he jokingly called her "mi pequeña sombra"

After finding out she was orphaned form the war he tried to adopt her but his application was denied after he was moved to Blackwatch

Sombra swears the man she remembers briefly form her childhood was just a coping mechanism she came up with after loosing her parents but she was never able to let go of the pet name

2 years ago



Cole has asked Torbjorn for a Robo horse before

Hanzo is unsure whether or not Sojiro was proud of him

Gabe still keeps tabs on his ex-wife

Fareeha really wants Ana to come home

Zenyatta can breathe (?)

Zenyatta wants to try and help Hanzo heal

Reinhardt is happy Jack and Ana are alive

Junkrat has a prosthetic finger

Jack is trying to talk Sigma and Gabe out of Talon

Cole thinks Hanzo isn't wearing shoes???

Hanzo wants to ride on Orisa

Lucio and Baptiste like Hanzo's hair

Hanzo used to write poetry

Genji felt like he was always in Hanzo's shadow

Hanzo had it rough being the oldest

Hanzo wanted him and Genji to be equals

Genji wants to help Hanzo heal

Sigma is ADD

Hanzo was apparently a BEAST with a sword

Baptiste wants Hanzo's bow

Gabe is still bullying Cole (He said cole has no friends)

Junkrat wants to write a novel

Cole wants to do target practice with Ana

Angela fed sojourns dog table scraps

That's all of the more interesting tidbits I heard from the voicelines people posted on twitter, I'll keep an eye out for others!

2 years ago

Sombra: *going through old Overwatch files* ohhh this is Gabes old number~? I wonder what secrets he’s got tied to this baby *taps it into her system and pauses seeing hundreds of missed calls and voicemails from the same number* OooOohohoooo it’s the old mans number! What’s he- *goes quiet seeing the dates beside each call, the last one being only a day before reapers first attempt to kill 76* … *taps it and hits play*

76: “hey Gabriel, it’s me again… just calling to hear your voice again… to say I’m sorry… I miss you so much…”

Sombra: Ouch… poor guy… *taps another one*

76: happy birthday Gabe… youd be 57 this year right? Just wanted to hear you again, I’m opening one for you tonight…

Sombra: *tearing up, quietly looks at the very first missed call* … *taps it and hits play*

76: *voice especially horse and gravelly as if he’d been crying and inhaling smoke* Gabe! Gabe please answer! Please answer me- I know you’re not dead! Please pick up- *cough!! cough!!* please Gabriel-

Ana: *in the background* Jack we have to go!

76: no I’m not leaving him here! I’m not- Gabriel I’m sorry! I’m so sorr- *beep, beep, beep*

Sombra: *quietly drops the screen and dials 76’s number*

76: Sombra? What do you wa-


76: are you drunk right now?!

2 years ago

OW/Talon Chat Fics...

Maybe it’s just me, but almost every Overwatch chat fic I have EVER come across starts more or less the same way. 

Winston starts it and says “It’s for emergencies only”

And then, predictably, it all goes to shit. 

I’d really like to see a Talon chat fic where they knew better than to even pretend that it wasn’t for shitposting. 

Moira talks only in anime memes. She has a folder of 50 Gig’s worth so she has the perfect pic/gif for almost everything. 

Sombra has made herself both admin and mod (either by hacking, or they gave up and just let her be it from the beginning because she was going to do it anyway). She abuses those powers on a daily basis. 

Widow low-key roasts everyone (fashion choices, life choices, everything really). she also sends pictures of whatever she’s eating (with three million filters on it and arranged artfully on a plate).

Reaper has set his text to be blood red and sends random pics to the chat. He sends everything from cute selfies to the sewing projects he’s working on to his latest kill. He will also copy paste parts of “My Immortal” or other really shitty fanfics just to annoy people sometimes. 

Doomfist sends those fake inspirational posters and some really shitty dank memes when he’s bored at Talon meetings. Otherwise he just lurks and says nothing. 

Maximilien lurks and waits for the right opportunity for puns and jokes. He especially loves math, number and gambling related ones the best. 

(I don’t have anything for Sanjay, sorry) :|

2 years ago

Gabe made Cole’a cowboy outfit cont.

So it’s just a few weeks after Cole had agreed to join OW and he’s not adjusting very well. He threw a fit over getting one of his confiscated items back, an old ratty knit blanket that was half falling apart and Gabriel pulled some strings to get it out of evidence for him

Realizing the thing probably wouldn’t last and feeling antsy, Gabriel printed off all the evidence photos and set to work

Jack came home to Gabriel sitting in the middle of the living room floor all of his yarn stuff drug out with all the printed off pictures of Cole’s blanket and seraph patterns scattered around, attempting to reverse engineer a pattern out of the pictures

Jack just sighs, knowing his husband already has his heart set on this and turns on one of Gabriel’s favorite telenovelas for background noise, sitting down next to Gabriel and begins to help color match yarn

It takes Gabriel a about four months for him to finish the serape to his own satisfaction. Jack allow him to present it to Cole alone and privately

Cole is so touched by it that he starts crying because the blanket was actually knit by his grandma when he was a baby and was nearly worn out beyond repair and he’s glad to have something close but not the same to replace it with