pagesofserene - Pages of Serene
Pages of Serene

Undiscovered stories β€” a place between nowhere & anywhere else. Follow me on: Twitter | Instagram | Wordpress | Pinterest β˜•πŸ“š BUY ME KO-FI πŸ“šβ˜•

242 posts

(58th Day) 100 Days Of Productivity

(58th Day) 100 Days of Productivity

Things I did today:

🎧: 1 episode of Scary(ish)

🚢: walked for 7 mins outside

πŸ“„: submitted important documents

I am grateful for:

Clean drinking water πŸ’§

Plants growing well 🌱

Tomorrow, I hope for:

A day to lessen my personal to-do list.

More Posts from Pagesofserene

1 year ago

(57th Day) 100 Days of Productivity

Things I did today:

πŸ’¦: my plants

πŸ’ͺ: 1-minute exercise

πŸ’»: More books to my TBR speadsheet

I am grateful for:


Relaxing songs πŸ’•πŸŽΆ

Tomorrow, I hope for:

Successful transactions.

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10 months ago

Book Blogger Hop: You are in a dilemma: stream your favorite TV show or movie, or read your favorite book. Which one do you pick?

You are in a dilemma: stream your favorite TV show or movie, or read your favorite book. Which one do you pick? #BookBloggerHop

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme which begins on a Friday of each week & ends on a Thursday of the following week. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book-related question. This week’s question… Β You are in a dilemma: stream your favorite TV show or movie, or read your favorite book. Which one do you pick? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer) I would definitely choose to…

Book Blogger Hop: You Are In A Dilemma: Stream Your Favorite TV Show Or Movie, Or Read Your Favorite

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1 year ago

Hi! It's my official 2024 post!

Let me share my very first (thrifted) book haul since the pandemic!

All three books are from a small pile of pre-loved books (mostly inspirational/historical romance) from a department store. I'm proud of what I've found.

#prelovedbooksph #prelovedbooks #secondhand #books #bookhaul #annieknox #lilianjacksonbraun #katherinepaterson #collaredformurder #thecatwhotalkedturkey #jacobhaveiloved

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1 year ago

(60th Day) 100 Days of Productivity

Things I did today:

🌱: transplanted some of my seedlings

πŸ›’: shopped for cleaning supplies

🚢: walked for 10 mins outside

I am grateful for:


Love songs πŸ’•πŸŽΆ

Tomorrow, I hope for:

A win.

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1 year ago

(56thDay) 100 Days of Productivity

Things I did today:

πŸ’¦: my plants

πŸ–¨οΈ: Mom's documents

πŸ’»: Added books to my TBR spreadsheet

I am grateful for:

Our internet connection despite some hiccups

Healthy bodies for me & my family.

Tomorrow, I hope for:

Productive day.

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