pansnovydinnia - Пан Сновидіння
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proship || 26y.o. || 🇮🇪🇺🇦 || Берні Блек - чарівне сонечко. || Bernie Black - mó ghrian draíochta. Déanfaidh mé iarracht tóir a dhéanamh ar an nGaeilge agus ar an Úcráinis. телеґрам:

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Pansnovydinnia - Пан Сновидіння

pansnovydinnia - Пан Сновидіння
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More Posts from Pansnovydinnia

1 year ago

the sound a bass guitar makes is a gender.

1 year ago

idk how to explain this but gaeilge is one of the best tasting languages. all of the words feel so crunchy and nice in your mouth. the language equivalent of kettle crisps

1 year ago

Dathanna (Colours) and their modern + traditional uses as Gaeilge

Dearg - Red Bándearg - Pink Oráiste - Orange Flannbhuí - Orange Buí - Yellow Glas - Green Uaine - Green Gorm - Blue Corcra - Purple Donn - Brown Dubh - Black Bán - White Geal - White Liath - Grey

Rua - Red / Rust / Ginger Fionn - Blonde

Dearg is used traditionally to refer to the colour red in blood or ink, and now its used for all bright reds across media Rua is used exclusively for hair and also for deep reds such as rust Bándearg is used for all shades of pink and is a modern colour Oráiste is a very modern word for orange, as buí had previously been used for all shades of yellow and orange. Now oráiste is exclusively used for orange. Flannbhuí is rarely used however it refers to the specific shade of orange that appears on the flag. Fionn is specifically used for hair and refers to all shades of blonde, from bleached to dark blonde. Glas was traditionally used for all light greens, light blues and light greys. Now it's used to refer to natural occurances of the colour green (grass etc). Uaine refers to artificial greens and is the shade of green that appears on the flag. Gorm traditionally referred to dark greens, dark blues and dark greys and the rare occurances of blue in nature such as the sea. Now it refers to all shades of blue. Bán usually refers to frost and sickly skin in traditional uses but now is used for most uses of white. Geal is used for snow, teeth, swans and when refering to white/caucasian people. Dubh is referring to the colour in terms of hair, ravens and the night. Black people are daoine gorma - as gorm referred to dark colours/shades in general and the phrase 'duine dubh' referred to someone with black hair.

As the language evolved, there have been more colours translated as is natural - but these are the traditional and/or most common ones that you'll see.

1 year ago
A digitally composited image of Jessica Rabbit and Tiana, created using Disney screencaps. Jessica is sitting at at outdoor diner table. Tiana is waiting the table, holding a bowl out, is the middle of setting it on the table.
A digitally composited image of Jessica Rabbit and Tiana, created using Disney screencaps. Jessica is dressed as a park ranger, pausing in the middle of opening the door of her ranger jeep. She is looking, smiling at Tiana, who is in the foreground, looking at Jessica.
A digitally composited image of Jessica Rabbit and Tiana, created using Disney screencaps. The image is a close up of a photograph of Jessica Rabbit, with a ripped picture of Tiana's Palace next to her. Tiana's hand is in frame, with two fingers pressed against the picture of Jessica.

Tiana falls in love with Jessica, over time, a little bit whenever Jessica sings at Tiana's Palace. Jessica falls in love when Tiana laughs the first time, at one of her sly jokes.

1 year ago

Every ✌️🏳️‍🌈💖queer vocab as gaeilge 💖🏳️‍🌈✌️ infographic I see has like aerach, maybe ait, and then the same list of terms that were directly translated from English by USI in like 2016. Cowards. Tell me the slurs.