proship || 26y.o. || 🇮🇪🇺🇦 || Берні Блек - чарівне сонечко. || Bernie Black - mó ghrian draíochta. Déanfaidh mé iarracht tóir a dhéanamh ar an nGaeilge agus ar an Úcráinis. телеґрам: https://t.me/cultdoBhernieBlack.
1224 posts
Got Into "garten Of Banban" Tag As Usual To Check For Some Nice Content And Once In A Lifetime Decided
got into "garten of banban" tag as usual to check for some nice content and once in a lifetime decided to look into people's profiles
why the fuck every one has "proship dni" 😭
mfg just why???? why there are so many antis, explain me this bullshit, why can't fandoms just be fandoms without this purity shit 😩
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every shota deserves a kiss on the tummy i think
so i was blocking people under tag "proship dni" and found this--
tw hateful speech, antis

can siad/iad be used as a gender neutral singular pronoun? ive seen sin and duí been used, as well as sé/é, but none of those seem particularly appealing (esp. sé/é for obvious reasons). i'm trying to work out how to refer to myself when im not feeling in a sí/í mood.
altho if i have to settle for just sí/í i guess that would be fine. i wouldnt be overly bothered.
I’ve spent a few years in online fandoms now (pre Voltron era) and have found that the following applies to (not all) antis:
They’re largely between 13-19 or early 20 at most
adults older than that make up the smallest amount
Antis’ friend groups are almost entirely online
people with social connections offline are or people with fullfilling jobs are usually not antis (there are of course exceptions)
Almost all antis have intergenerational friendships. This isn’t unusual irl when it affects people who go to school (like HS and college) or neighbors or irl friends, but antis’ friend groups consist of total strangers. Very few only want followers of the same age range
Because of this, minors are easily more radicalized on the internet. Currently I would say Twitter and Threads contribute the most to it because these platforms are rife with hate, disinformation and have a general lack of online safety features
Therefore they may also develop moral scrupulosity ocd, a form of OCD where people are afraid of being “immoral”, therefore they seek for moral purity and find their beliefs echoed in purity culture
which is also why they tend to flock to people who portray themselves as “safe” or who call out “morally corrupt” people (proshippers). Those who call out moral corruption can possibly be no “bad” people
anti rhetoric is strongly based on anti kink/anti sex and “kink critical” radical feminist and conservative rhetoric
the anti phenomena is also largely American. Despite antis being people of many different ethnicities, most anti rhetoric reflects America’s political views on sex/gender, feminism, sex ed, sex in general and the increasing amount of anti science beliefs and anti intellectualism
therefore, antis can only be countered by:
Stopping the spread of disinformation
Instead internet safety should be taught again
social media should employ better moderation (which I get is not possible unless we switch to dedicated fandom forums or something )
make people aware of red flags to look out for (for example online grooming, cults, radicalization)
share facts about queer history and explain why radical feminism is bad for everyone (including cis women)
parents should definitely monitor their kids more often. I don’t mean 24/7 surveillance, I mean teach them where and how to find information safely and age appropriately
bring back places where kids can be kids offline and online (not asking this of common people but as a suggestion for politicians we vote for)
report, block, mute and make people aware of fandom etiquette
Ate and left no crumbs. I may link this at the top of my page.