proship || 26y.o. || 🇮🇪🇺🇦 || Берні Блек - чарівне сонечко. || Bernie Black - mó ghrian draíochta. Déanfaidh mé iarracht tóir a dhéanamh ar an nGaeilge agus ar an Úcráinis. телеґрам: https://t.me/cultdoBhernieBlack.
1224 posts
Jesus Dude... Being Proship In Af Community? Stay Rad, This Fandom Needs You
Jesus dude... Being proship in af community? Stay rad, this fandom needs you
OHHH thank you!!! i will 💓💓💓💓💓
soda-pop-lol liked this · 4 months ago
justiexo liked this · 4 months ago
More Posts from Pansnovydinnia

Ómós do Shomhairle MacGill-Eain le Paddy Bushe / Homage to Sorley MacLeann by Paddy Bushe
Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh ceòl is gaol / There comes an end to the world, but not to music, nor love
god forgive me for sharing a tedx talk but i came across this video of dónall ó héalaí (yer man from the film arracht) talking about the beauty and importance of irish and the 'bás na háilleachta' — the death of beauty that would arise were irish not to survive as a spoken communal language (which experts apparently project, given the lack of economic reasons to speak Irish, to happen in two generations). Watch it if you have an interest in the irish language, dónall ó héalaí is a good speaker (no surprise given he's an actor)
*grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you violently*
Listen to me, Irish spelling is logical and has rules. Your unfamiliarity with our language does not change that.
BuT tHaT's NoT tHe SoUnD tHoSe LeTtErS mAkE
Yes, it is! That is the sound those letters make! All you're doing is telling me you can't read!
this is just the singing at the beginning of oídhche sheanchais please watch the full thing its so cool. its on youtube here and there are english subtitles the whole way through. its the first ever irish language film (its from 1935), its only ten minutes long