i do stuff here. Please follow my insta if you like(Paper.workzz)
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Papieworkzz - An Idiot - Tumblr Blog
If y’all find any fanfics about them please let me know I’m down horrendous

my boy has biggest heart and it's behind his massive pecs
Hello, everyone! I just wanna say that i made a MU AU where Sulley got sent to another timeline with no Mike, and he wants to find him again.
Be warned that there are vulgar words, possible gore, and violence.
(Yes there will be angst lol)
My roman empire was that they were never canon.

I was ROBBED. Like what do u mean Disney???? What do u mean Claire and Brock aren't dating???? What do u mean Javier and Johnny were just in the same fraternity and probably had nothing going on. WHAT DO U MEAN??????
Ya’ll ever wonder what Brock is up to these days? Where’s he working? Is he married? Do he and Claire keep in touch? I hope they keep in touch. Imagine him being a babysitter to Lorelei and JJ
He’d be the best babysitter ever
Draw Johnny Pregnant

(Also, the ask box was made for my character. Just let me know if you need any requests.)

Monsters cats🐱
Toxic yaoi

tbh paul, now with two versions!
Reggie: You say "please" and "thank you" in front of your younger sibling all the time and he never repeat it.
Reggie: But when you say "fuck" ONCE—

he asks for your finest orange candies and chocolates

Oh yea small doodle i did in class

Sakura…I guess 🙄🌸

Similar bond

Nom da tail
i uhhhh know nothing about kfp

is that true

tai lung sit on me <3

remembered him because i keep getting traumatised when someone likes an old post
Please someone take CapCut away from me💀

i love these nerds
Could you draw some VietThai/ThaiViet? The fact that he made her smile is just too cute.

(A pure ship)
A few Luke headcanons for my human AU
-Luke was born into an Irish traveler family, after he got a job on the railroad, he found it hard to stay in one place for too long and gets restless from time to time, he was able to adjust to his new lifestyle but still wishes from time to time to go back to living the Irish traveler lifestyle.
-he is socially awkward at times
-one time, Millie invited him to the castle for lunch, and immediately the entire narrow gauge gang took it as “a romantic date”, and “Millie loves Luke”, so they all pitched in to get Luke spiffied up for his “date”, including Duncan, who let him borrow his hair gel (actually, Duncan did up Luke’s hair) all gave him advice on how to act on his “date”, ( “now, you’re gonna want to be yourself, but not, too much of yourself, okay? Just be you without being you”, “make sure you have money in case you guys buy anything, a proper gentleman should always offer pay for his date”, “do you have a nice suit jacket? One that isn’t outdated? What is this suit jacket? Did you steal it off of my dead grandfather? This will never do, here! Borrow mine! And remember to keep your shirt tucked in your pants, collar buttoned up, and suit jacket smooth, no girl will ever want to date a slob”,)

Millie and Luke, and Glynn and Stephen spying on them from the bushes if you squint hard enough