Just finding a place to share what I create :) I started writing my early posts a while ago, I just gradually posted them, maybe chronologically, probably not, genuinely no idea when half of them were written. If you care to piece together the story, be my guest
446 posts
Paranoid-poppies - Poems By A Girl In Love - Tumblr Blog
oh no i've had a Thought
i love six o clock because the clock looks so stupid. "|" like get real

happy fall
Not every story is about seeing yourself in it. Sometimes it’s about learning to see other people too.

Btw don't shut up you're not annoying

— Donte Collins

y’all I CANNOT

do you think buggy sometimes detaches his arms to give himself a real hug bcuz no one else would?

you know the drill, op disabled reblogs etc etc etc

check out mine and @comradeghosty ’s collab where they wrote a short story about these sillies!

Screenshot redraw:😴

It's so fucking funny how many people who owned Furbies as children ended up being traumatized by them in some way
young harry houdini was hot. ppl didn’t go to those shows to watch the illusions they went to watch a half naked guy chain himself up

Cross guild funny.
Oda smort.

My housemate requested this in honour of 3 dimensional sir crocodile reveal

i am begging you all to stop treating this site like instagram if you dont want it to be content free by next year

having a cat is great. there's a small little animal wandering around. effervescent