paye-tarecherche - Paye Ta Recherche
Paye Ta Recherche

Miles Riley - Walter P - Bentley H - Michelle Sommer

199 posts

Meat And Poultry - Ground Turkey - Turkey Quinoa Baked BurgersQuinoa And Ground Turkey Team Up To Make

Meat And Poultry - Ground Turkey - Turkey Quinoa Baked BurgersQuinoa And Ground Turkey Team Up To Make

Meat and Poultry - Ground Turkey - Turkey Quinoa Baked Burgers Quinoa and ground turkey team up to make the most flavorful turkey burgers you will ever have, moistened with barbeque and spicy hot sauce.

More Posts from Paye-tarecherche

1 year ago
Pineapple BBQ Pulled Pork - PorkA Quick Meal To Make With Only 5 Basic Ingredients Is Slow-cooked Pulled

Pineapple BBQ Pulled Pork - Pork A quick meal to make with only 5 basic ingredients is slow-cooked pulled pork with pineapple and barbecue sauce.

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2 years ago
Salad - Easy Black Bean Taco SaladSeasoned Ground Beef And Black Beans Form The Basis Of This Hearty

Salad - Easy Black Bean Taco Salad Seasoned ground beef and black beans form the basis of this hearty taco salad with layers of lettuce, salsa, cheese, sour cream and tortilla chips.

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2 years ago
Meat And Poultry - Stuffed Cod Wrapped In BaconCod Fillets Are Seasoned With Sesame Oil And Chili Sauce,

Meat and Poultry - Stuffed Cod Wrapped in Bacon Cod fillets are seasoned with sesame oil and chili sauce, then filled with leek and mushroom before being wrapped in bacon and quickly grilled. An easy, different way to grill fish fillets and make people think you slaved all day.

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1 year ago
Chewy Peanut Butter Cranberry Bars - Fruit CookieA Modification On A Classic, This Recipe For Chewy Peanut

Chewy Peanut Butter Cranberry Bars - Fruit Cookie A modification on a classic, this recipe for chewy peanut butter cranberry bars will soon become a favorite dessert or snack treat!

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2 years ago
Salad - Thai Cucumber SaladFor Tangy Cucumbers In A Sweet And Tangy Vinaigrette, Try This Thai Cucumber

Salad - Thai Cucumber Salad For tangy cucumbers in a sweet and tangy vinaigrette, try this Thai cucumber salad recipe. It tastes just like the salad you'd get at your favorite Thai restaurant.

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