she/her | queer | bg3 durgestarion hyperfixation | artist and writer occasionally
76 posts
Pazories - Pazoris - Tumblr Blog
Lost passions - bg3 comic ascended Astarion / spawn Astarion, darkUrgeTav
I hope you enjoyed! And a shout out to the bg3 cosplay community. Your creations are just stunning!
Family marks - bg3 comic, Cazador, Vellioth, Astarion
I Hope you enjoyed!
I've always wondered if Vellioth was a reference to Vlad III Drăculea, as both seem to have a penchant for impalement. In my mind, Vellioth is much more sadistic than Cazador, who uses torture as a means to an end. Vellioth is vicious but uncontrolled, while Cazador is organized, intelligent and almost humorous. It's really fun to draw these ideas!
Dark Urge&A.Astarion BG3, Part 2 Comic[TW]
Part 1 here, Part 3 here
Another Dark Urge and Astarion fancomic, because I'm still highly addicted. Hope you like it. 🍷
To be honest, I'm always a bit insecure with uploading my art but I was very happily suprised that you guys are enjoying my strange little bg3 storys, so thank you very much for giving me the courage to keep drawing my weird fancomics lul
Read Part 1 here, Part 3 here
Astarion, Dark Urge BG3 comic
Part 2 here, Part 3 here
Yay, I did it - Happy Halloween!🎃 I hope you enjoyed my little dark edgy story! If they decide to sacrifice everyone, but stay together, I always imagined them to be the perfect worst corrupted couple, yet equal, manipulating in turns when the other one is not looking haha
Not quite sure of Gale is a bit too much of a hypocrite in this one but I like to put wise words into his mouth lol Also I had to put Karlach in this one because I wanted the whole group to be there >:(
Part 2 here, Part 3 here
"banging your fists on a chamber until half your fingers were broken. how long inside? days? months? lifetimes?"
i think about durge trapped inside the pod a lot, the first to be tadpoled, abandoned, disgraced, at the mercy of their own karma
Just wanted to share this reference I think is quite cool ._.
Do with it whatever you want or nothing at all :>
Why thank u this was a delight
Minthara by Elithien
My first Baldur's Gate 3 illustration! Hoping to create a series based on the companions. I wonder who will be next...
My Selunite Tav and Shadowheart definitely role-played how they convert each other in an opposite faith in bed. Selune and Shar made an agreement that it’s disgusting and that’s how two feral horny lesbians laid a first brick to their goddesses’ truce
Orin baldursgate is conceptually the funniest character of all time on account of simultaneously being a changeling whose whole thing is SHE COULD BE ANYONE AT ANY TIME who also she cannot refrain for more than 45 seconds from monologuing about getting into someone’s thoracic cavity with her teeth and lovingly tearing all the heart-muscle to pearly pink ribbons
Still thinking about Gortash’s coronation and how smoothly he cuts a Durge off from their companions (and wishing we had a follow up with that)
The first words out of his mouth are that he cares about them- anybody else who remembers Durge has only distain for them, but not him- he’s happy to see them, he missed them, they’re his favorite assassin and he’s only glad to see them alive
And then he takes it a step further by providing insight into their past, something Ketheric refused to do for them- and Gortash isn’t dumb. He knows exactly how Durge’s companions will react, knows that he’s effectively outing Durge when he so easily could have pulled them to the side instead
And when their companions snap at them and refuse to look at them, Gortash is still smiling. Suddenly, he’s the nicest person in the room. Suddenly, everything is unstable and dangerous- but he likes you. He’s sitting there with open arms while the companions are rightfully so mad with Durge, but Gortash is more than happy to resume their alliance
He’s more than happy to be their sole source of comfort again, and isn’t he just so sweet for that?
You're no monster. You've saved me more times than I can count.
Dreamer at the Well of Sorrows/Oil and Water - a Solavellan tarot card
I've been wanting to finish this one for a while and capture the dynamic between Silea and Solas. They're broken up but like,,, not really.
night mental breakdown and hair coloring
And they were lesbians
Lysithea and Shadowheart 😌💖
BG3 Comm for @imojester from twitter
Gods & Clergy: Selûne
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
I should probably compile some lore on gods who aren't evil messes for a change... Then right back into the evil nonsense with Shar.
Worshippers & Clergy: All are equal and personal freedom and tolerance of other ways of life is very important. Also something-something motherhood. Now if you'll excuse me: "o, White Night Lady, guideth mine eye to wherever the hells mine keys that I had literally five seconds ago art?"
Silverstars: You can make an amazing amount of things out of moonlight, really.
Selûne: The Anti-Shar. She's kind of a spoonie.
"Let all on whom Selûne's light falls be welcome if they desire. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life. Trust in Selûne's radiance, and know that all love alive under her light shall know her blessing. Turn to the moon, and she will be your true guide. Promote acceptance and tolerance. See all other beings as equals. Aid fellow Selûnites as if they were your dearest friends." - Selûne's Dogma.
Selûne's worshippers come from all sorts: people who work the night shift, and other people seeking protection from Shar; travellers and navigators who will be navigating using the night sky; sailors; female mages; diviners and people hoping for a glimpse of the future; and lycanthropes who want to resist the influence of their curse. Selûne is also considered associated with femineity and is something of a mother goddess, and is worshipped by women, particularly mothers and couples trying to conceive.
In every day life one might call on her if they're lost, or to find misplaced objects and such - for example, where the hells have the house keys gone?
Female mages born under a full moon are considered to carry her blessing.
The moon waxes and wanes and may show itself in a vast array of colours and shapes; so is the moon goddess as inherently mercurial. Her faces are many and never the same, and so her follows are many and no two are the same.
There are only a few concrete rules of the faith. All people are equal and should be made welcome and treated with dignity. Shar's predations must be combated wherever you uncover them. One should always give healing freely to those who need it. The lonely and ostracised should be offered friendship and care.
The faith is extremely, proudly diverse, and Selûne places very few demands upon her followers in exchange for her blessings. There is no "right" way to worship the Moonmaiden, individuality and customisation in religious practices in encouraged.
Her clergy promotes acceptance of different ways of life and follows a lose hierarchy with emphasis on personal freedom.
The clergy have no uniform, save their holy symbol (a pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars, in silver), and they dress how they see fit. Moonstones are popular. When dressed for battle they can often be recognised by the iconic weapon known as the moon's hand - a footman's mace with a smooth head.
Even her temples follow no set structure, one may find a temple of the Night White Lady is a massive cathedral, a small roadside shrine, or a circle of standing stones on top of the village hill where her followers go to dance under the moonlight. "Anywhere the full moon shines is a place for [worshipping] Selûne."
Clergy are known collectively as Mooncloaks (informally) and Ladyservants (formally). A variety of titles exist within the church. The loose ranks of experience are as follows: those who are interested in joining but have not yet entered training are Postulants, Novices are referred to as the Called. Runrae (singular: Runra) are fully trained priests.
One of the Called becomes a Runra when they are assigned a simple task in the form of a low-level quest where they're expected to show that they have learnt the lessons of their faith. When successful, Selûne contacts them in their dreams via a vision, and they are a priest.
Ranks ascend into Alrunrae, Tenembrae, Sartembrae, Trintelrae, Aumrae, and finally the Calunalae.
A Calunala is an independent agent who maintains close personal ties with the goddess, essentially serving as her secret agents in the war against Shar.
Priests tend to wander Faerûn, making a living by offering their services as navigators (especially if you're traveling by night) and fortune tellers (there are no diviners more accurate than a Selûnite). There are no restrictions about whatever work they want to do to support themselves, and travelling mooncloaks can be found in part time jobs blacksmithing, weaving, farming, serving tables... They're also prepared to fight against Sharrans and lycanthropes, whenever and wherever they cause harm.
Not infrequently, a mooncloak will receive missions and holy duties - sometimes from higher ranking priests, and often from Selûne herself. Whenever she sets them a task, the Moonmaiden usually grants them temporary spells and abilities to aid them. With their siblings in the faith alway ready to aid them, and their goddess personally lending her aid, Selûne's clergy often give the optimistic opinion that "The Moon waxes and wanes, and fortunes of the holy folk of the Moon rise and fall - but the Moon is ever with us, sailing on no matter how dark the sky."
Selûnites traditionally charge very little for their services, save for a place to sleep for the night and a warm meal, and maybe any few coins you can afford to spare. They have a reputation for kindness, open-mindedness and generosity that makes their faith very popular.
Selûne personally encourages her clergy to be self-reliant, kind and humble, but also wants to see them live lives they're happy in.
As stated, Selûnite rituals are highly customised and tend to be unique to the priest in question. Generally they are performed in the open under the moonlight and involve dancing and meditating. Offerings of milk or wine are poured on Selûnite altars during the full and new moons. If the priest is in the godess' good graces then she will cause the libation to transform into moonfire - an "opalescent, glowing fluid with the consistency of custard." It's described as feeling silk-soft to the touch. The touch of the moonfire as it flows down the altar may enchant objects or bestow powers upon the things and beings it touches, as per the will of Selûne (it can also destroy undead). On ritual nights, her priests cast commune in order to socialise with their goddess and reaffirm their personal connection with her.
There are two holy days: the Mystery of the Night and the Conjuring of the Second Moon.
The Mystery of the Night is performed once a year by every priest (it has no set day, it occurs whenever the priest in question holds it). The priest lies before an altar of the Moonmaiden and slips into a trance. They fly upwards and spiral the moon, communing with Selûne via an exchange of visions. This ritual is extremely taxing, but the priest will quickly recover with rest.
The Conjuring of the Second Moon occurs once every four years during Shieldmeet, and is generally a day when the church goes to war with the church of Shar. To aid them, priests summon Shards to do their beings - celestials who take the form of blue-haired, winged warrior women who serve Selûne (equivalent to planetars in power). At the end of the day, one mortal priestess will leave with them to join their ranks.
Religious orders in service of the Moonmaiden include the Swords of the Lady (also known as "Lunatics" behind their back). They're a fanatical order of warriors dedicated to combating Shar and her worshippers.
The Oracles of the Moon are an organisation of female mages, specialising in divination, who dedicate themselves to Selûne's service.
The Order of the Sun Soul is a monastic order that worships Selûne and Lathander.
Specialty priests are known as Silverstars.
They can see in the dark perfectly for up to 30ft.
They can create blades made of moonlight, wieldable only by the silverstar that made it. The blade causes no visible damage to living beings, but it does sap their life force and disrupt magic, preventing mages from casting. The flesh of undead visibly melts away under its touch.
They can raise or lower the levels of bodies of water, akin to the effects of the tide.
They can fire small meteors (shooting stars) from their hands, in an effect much like fireballs. They explode on impact.
A Silverstar infected with lycanthropy has control over their transformations, and Selûne protects them from being damaged by silver.
They can also shape moonlight into a wall - the wall is intangible, but it illuminates its surroundings, dispelling magical darkness. It will cause harm to any with evil intent, and followers of Shar (or Umberlee), as well as any undead being that passes through it. Magical items on the person of an individual who passes through will glow red, drawing attention to them, and magical potions will explode.
Stairs and bridges can also be crafted from moonlight, which can reach up to 15ft in length. While standing on the bridge, individuals are protected from enchantments, life-draining effects and missiles. It's impossible to knock them off of the bridge.
Finally they can shape the light into a net that protects a specific area. The strands are visible only to the priests, the goddess and those under the spell's protection. Everything else - intruders, weapons and magic - that enters the area is forced back to its point of origin. Attacks will be rebounded.
Selûne is a Chaotic Good deity. Her realm is in the Gates of the Moon, on the plane of Ysgard.
She doesn't care about ritual and dogma or how observant of these practices her followers are, as long as they are able to support themselves, fulfilled in life and will offer kindness to others. The spirit of faith is more important to Our Lady of Silver than the scriptures of religion.
Sometimes she is taken by a joyful, energetic mood. Sometimes she is a quiet, caring and maternal figure, prone to poetic moods. Whichever mood she's in, she carries herself with an underlying sense of grief that seems millennia old. Selûne is slow to anger and prefers to avoid fights, but that changes rapidly when she comes into conflict with her sister, and there she displays a side to herself that is much more warlike. She also opposes Umberlee on behalf of sailors and others who live by the sea. When in conflict with her enemies Selûne is merciless.
Selûne was (apparently) born of the primordial essence of the universe, one half of the Two-Faced Goddess with her twin, Shar. Together they created the planetary bodies of the solar system, including the Earthmother, Chauntea.
When Chauntea begged for warmth to nurture life upon her, the Two-Faced goddess experienced conflicting desire for the first time. Selûne was willing to grant the Earthmother her wish, but for Shar, the very concept was a horrifying antithesis to her very being.
The argument between the two spawned the concepts (and gods) of destruction; such as war, disease and death/murder. Eventually, Selûne reached into the Elemental Plane of Fire and drew a portion of it into Realmspace, and fashioned it into the sun - a process that burned her.
Shar's rage doubled, and she began to snuff out every light she could find in the universe, causing Selûne to tear out a part of her own essence and fashion it into a weapon that she threw at Shar in defence of the newborn life of Realmspace. This portion of Selûne passed through Shar and formed itself into the Weave - the goddess Mystryl (who would one day be called Mystra). Mystryl sided with Selûne, and Shar was forced to concede defeat now that she was utterly outnumbered.
This battle has left Selûne permanently weakened, and her strength waxes and wanes much like the phases of the moon. The two sisters continue their argument - and Shar is boldest when her sister is at her weakest.
The Moonmaiden's avatar takes the form of a human woman, with various appearances, her age generally conforming to one of the maiden, mother, crone concepts. In one of her more matronly, middle-aged forms she enjoys walking the realms, and curiously has decided to open an inn in Waterdeep using this form, unbeknownst to many. Her apparent health depends on the state of the moon, while it wanes she appears sicker and closer to death. Regardless of its phase, she glows faintly with moonlight in the darkness.
Her lesser manifestations include dancing trails of little lights known as "moondust" or "moon motes." She manifests these to people who are lost at night, or traveling over dangerous ground that they can't perceive. She will also provide them for her faithful, when they require a light source to perform an important task but have no way to see.
Her messengers and servants include owls, weredragons and other lycanthropes and shapeshifters, and her Shards.
For a while, prior to the Time of Troubles, she worked under the goddess of love, Sune. She later went her own way and resumed operating as an independent deity, but maintains a close relationship with Sune and Lliira.
film noir astarion
black and white portraits are so chill and fun to paint
what it's all about, what's going to save you actually, is when you sit in your little corner and start drawing or writing or crafting for your own entertainment. when the process fills you with so much warmth and love, everything else is secondary. no audience and no kings and no masters and no gods. you, always
Did some art of my semi-evil Durge.
When you wake again, you will be his forever more.
had this meme sitting in my drafts and felt it was just so THEM