pentagrahamcracker738 - 💚🍒Hey, It's Penta ⭐️
💚🍒Hey, It's Penta ⭐️

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Its Spooky Month!

Its Spooky Month!

It’s Spooky Month!

More Posts from Pentagrahamcracker738

The Series Turns 10 TodayI Still Cant Believe It But HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAYS!!!

The series turns 10 today…I still can’t believe it but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAYS!!! 🎉🌟🎉

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I have a youtube channel now! If you wanna see more of my art (but in a cooler form) then check it out & maybe…even subscribe >:]

{ Penta }
Hey there, I’m Penta! I like to draw so expect to see some of my art (Also I do edits & animatics too) :P

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{ Inktober Prompt #5 - Map }

{ Inktober Prompt #5 - Map }

(Srry these things haven’t been all SpOoKy, I just like doing what I’m best at, Ima try to throw some spooky stuff in the mix later in the month. For now just appreciate this slightly lazy drawing)

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