19 ౨ৎin an eddie munson chokehold alwaysjoel miller’s bestest bunny

149 posts

Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

Joel's best kept secret is the washer and dryer he's not supposed to have. Your best kept secret is that you've been using that washer to get yourself off.

Tags - 18+, smut, fingering, cunnilingus, masturbation on a washing machine, dirty boxer sniffing (you fucking freak), fantasizing about a dirty old man, unprotected piv, creampie, curmudgeon joel talks you through knife safety, washing machine repairs, and overstim. 8k words, idk what the fuck happened. Thank you to @noxturnalpascal , @beefrobeefcal , and @papipascalispunk for helping me edit this monstrosity and @joelsgreys for letting me scream about washers and dryers for days <3 A/N - i have worked harder on this than my finals, but that should surprise no one. i only have one more left and then you should be seeing more of me this summer <3 i have a lot a lot a lot planned and I've been so excited to share new shit with you. Roman girlies, I haven't forgotten about you. He's up next. Anyway, you maniacs know what you’re here for, so please enjoy.

Joel’s best kept secret is his Whirlpool brand washer and dryer set, which is hidden deep in his basement. You stand before it now, loading your dirty laundry into it, using what is definitely too much of Joel’s detergent. 

Perhaps it’s more accurate to say his washer and dryer set was his best kept secret, until you came along and forced his hand. Everything was fine, and then you showed up, both yourself and your basket of laundry soaking wet, leaving Joel with no choice but to lend you a hand. Biggest mistake of his life. 

As great as Jackson is, it still comes up short sometimes. Not with everything; you’re beyond blessed to live in the safety of its walls. Just technologically, sometimes it can leave you missing the finer things. It's not Jackson’s fault society is twenty years into an apocalypse, thus running on twenty-plus year old appliances. The older ovens, refrigerators, and other appliances that were built in the seventies to the nineties or so are surprisingly doing alright, but the ones built when manufacturing began to take a turn for the worse around the later nineties and 2000s are beginning to crap out, especially the washers. God, you hate laundry day. The washers at the laundromat in Jackson always give you a hard time. Week after week, your chosen washer won’t start, or it’ll stop mid-cycle. The laundry attendant, Patti, often helps you wash your clothes by hand which is nice, but still frustrating for you both. 

On a busy and gloomy Sunday a couple months back, you were lucky enough to pick one of the less temperamental washers and hardly had to fight or beg and plead with it to get it to wash your clothes. However, your luck ran out when it came time to dry, your dryer wouldn’t run. Refused to start, even with Patti’s help. Worse yet, every other dryer was in use at the moment.  You were shit out of luck. Patti offered you a sympathetic smile and sent you home with a baggy full of clothes pins and a wagon to carry your basket of sopping wet clothes. The clothespins were a nice gesture, but didn’t help much as you didn’t have a clothesline. And - you had to laugh - most of them were broken. Oh dear, sweet Patti.

Once at home, you did your best to hang up your clothes on your porch, laying them out over the thick wooden railing, securing them with rocks. The wind was blowing something fierce that day, and then you felt it – a raindrop. And then another, and another. Before you knew it, you were caught in a torrential downpour, with your clothes blowing every which way. Working to gather your clothes as quickly as possible, you haphazardly chucked the rocks that were keeping them still in every direction, your neighbor Joel interrupting the task when he came outside and started to shout at you. Joel’s a man that can only be described as crotchety. A curmudgeon, even. 

“The fuck are you throwing rocks at my window for?” he shouted, but you couldn’t hear him over the sound of the wind and the rain smacking your porch. 

“What?” you yelled back, “Joel, I can’t hear you.” 

“ROCKS,” he shouted again, “Why are you throwi–” Joel realized it was a lost cause then. He could see in your face that you couldn’t hear him, you looked puzzled and annoyed for a moment before you returned to throwing rocks and gathering clothes. “Fuck it,” he mumbled to himself. Through the pouring rain, he marched across both his and your lawns and right up the steps of your porch. “What are you doing?”

“I was at the laundromat and the dryer stopped working so Patti gave me clothespins but I don’t have a clothesline so I tried to lay them out on my porch with rocks so they could dry but then it started to ra–” Getting the picture, Joel had stopped listening to you and joined you in gathering your clothes tossing stones back into the rock edging surrounding your house. “What are you doing?” you asked. 

“Nothin’, just– come on. Let’s go – we’re goin’ to my house,” he answered, dumping the last of your clothes into your basket. 


Lightning shoots from a nearby cloud, with booming thunder following suit. Joel’s soaking wet, as are you. His hair was dark and stuck to his forehead, his thin t-shirt clung to his body, outlining his soft, pillowy tummy and belly button and his thick, muscular biceps. “Go, go, go,” Joel shouted, waving you away. “Just go. Move.” he grunted as he lifted up your laundry basket and hauled it across the grass in quick strides. He held the basket on his hip as he opened his door for you, guiding you inside with a push to your lower waist. 

Your shoes squeaked as you followed Joel through his house. He took your basket down his basement stairs, “Be careful for me, stairs are steep,” he warned you, “Don’t need you crackin’ your skull open. Got enough shit to deal with.” It was sweet, knowing that he was looking out for you – even with the irritation lacing his tone. 

You couldn’t believe your eyes as you saw what Joel had led you to. A washer and a dryer, olive green in color. He opened the door of the dryer and shoved your wet clothes inside it, then took off his own soaked shirt and pants and tossed them in too. “They’re clean,” he told you. 

In another lifetime where the world doesn’t go to shit and fungus is the least of your problems, the mundane appliances in front of you would be the very last thing on your mind. You’d be focused on Joel, watching rivulets of water slide down his jaw, past his Adam’s apple and pool in the hollow of his throat. You’d be tracing the outline of his body with your eyes, following that thin line of hair that spreads down his lower stomach, disappearing under his boxers. You’d be eyeing his thick bulge and the way that if you squint, you could see the outline of his cock. But in this life, in this moment – where the world went to shit a long time ago – you’re more amazed by the washer and dryer he stands next to. “This is why I never see you at the laundromat? The whole time, you’ve had a washer and dryer?” you asked, astonished. 

“M’not supposed to, but yeah,” Joel answered, shutting the dryer door before turning to you with his chin tilted down, eyebrows raised. Don’t you go tellin’ anyone, now.”

“I’m gonna tell Patti.”

Joel looked betrayed and puzzled. “I’m doin’ you a favor,” he reminded you.

“I know.”

“You want me to dry your clothes or not?” You crossed your arms and bit the inside of your cheek as you shrugged. “Oh, Christ,” Joel grumbled under his breath. “Why the hell would you go and rat me out?”

“Because, Joel, ” you began explaining, “All of the washers and dryers are breaking and you’re hoarding your own? I don’t think so – if everyone else has to share the washers, then you do too,” you scolded. “It’s selfish.” 

“Life ain’t fair, sweetheart.” You stared at Joel for a moment before turning on your heel to go tattle on him, just like you swore you would. “Wait–” Joel grabbed your arm, stopping you. Despite being long gone from Boston QZ, Joel couldn’t quite shake those smuggling and bargaining habits of his. You were serious about this threat, and he knew it. You’d march your ass through the pouring rain to go snitch on him to Patti. And really, the worst that would’ve happened to Joel would be a scolding from Maria and the washer and dryer removed from his home and placed in the laundromat. It’s not like he’d be placed in a pillory and have rotten tomatoes thrown at him. But still. Joel liked his washer and dryer. He sighed. “What do you want?”

“I don’t want anything, Joel. I just want to better our community.” 

Give me a break. “What do you want,” he repeated, his voice lower. 

You pressed your lips in a thin line, eyeing those pretty olive green appliances of his. It’s not a far walk to Joel’s house… And you wouldn’t have to wait in line to wash your clothes behind twenty other people. You did want to better your community, that much was true. But you weren’t opposed to bettering your own life. “Let me use your washer and dryer. Whenever I want.”

Joel was quick to counter in a stern voice, “Twice a week, tops.” 

“Three times,” you tried.

“Once,” Joel lowered his offer and then looked at you with his eyes squinted, his head cocked to the side. “Who does laundry three times a week?” 

It was a fair point. Even with your very own washer and dryer, you wouldn’t do that much laundry. “Fine. Twice,” you agreed, and Joel held out his hand for you to take and you shook on it. His palm was warm and calloused, his grip firm. In that moment you met his eyes, taking in the beauty of his face. Those sparkling, big brown eyes and the beautiful curve of his aquiline nose. Your eyes traveled lower still, and it hit you both at that moment - the realization that Joel was wearing nothing but his boxers, and that you were still shivering in your cold, wet clothes. Joel dropped your hand quickly and grabbed a clean t-shirt from one of his own laundry baskets on top of the dryer. “Here. You can change into this and toss your clothes in there too, f’ya want.”

“Thanks,” you said quietly, taking the shirt from his hand. “Do you have something to wear?”

“I’m a little behind on laundry, actually…” Joel trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. You scoffed and chuckled at that. The luxury of his very own washer and dryer, right in the comfort of his home, and Joel had the audacity to be behind on laundry. “Uhh, anyway. You just turn the knob on the dryer to ‘high’ and press the start button. I’ll give ya some privacy to change, you can meet me upstairs when you’re done,” he said, and then shuffled past you. 

Once Joel was up the stairs, you took off your clothes and put them in with the rest of the clothing in the dryer. You changed into Joel’s t-shirt, the fabric was soft with time and many wearings, and it smelled like him despite being washed. It was a muted teal in color, littered with a couple of bleach stains here and there. You liked it. 

Upstairs, Joel made a couple of mugs of hot tea to warm you both up. “Honey?” 

“Yeah, Joel?”

“N- no, like…Was askin’ f’ya wanted honey in your tea.”

“Oh.” Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. “Y– yes please. Thank you.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks. What a stupid thing to say. You watched as Joel stirred a bit of honey into your cup of tea, smirking as he then handed you the mug. Asshole. “Thought you were a coffee drinker,” you mused awkwardly, attempting to change the subject after taking a sip of the hot liquid, “You like tea?”

Joel grimaced in disgust as he took a sip of his own tea. “No. Just tryin’ to be polite for ya.” 

“You don’t have to drink it if you don’t like it, you know,” you smiled into your mug. 

“Don’t tell me what to do.” Aaand there it is. Curmudgeon Joel was back, Neighborly Joel never lasted long anyway. 

You sat on Joel’s couch, warming up with your cup of tea. Joel had noticed goosebumps on your thighs and pulled a blanket over your lap. He sat next to you with his mug steaming in his hands and just stared at you, not even realizing how deeply he was admiring the way his shirt hugged your curves just right, highlighting all the right parts of you. He jolted when he felt his cock thicken in his boxers, spilling his scalding hot tea all over his bare thighs. “God bless it,” he swore. Without thinking, he pulled the blanket from your legs and covered his own lap to hide his growing erection from you. 

“Joel, what the fuck?” 

“Nothin’. Just– m’cold,” he lied. “Jesus fuckin’- just - c’mere,” Joel huffed as he patted the spot next to him and urged you closer, then laid the blanket back over your legs. You sat shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh as you sipped your tea and Joel’s went cold. Dork. 

Moments passed. You sat in silence, the only sound was the rain pounding against Joel’s windows as your heart fluttered in anxiety, or maybe excitement. You might’ve even called it butterflies in your tummy. But you knew better. It was just the close proximity to Joel. And the fact that you were wearing his shirt, and he was practically naked. All of it pretty insignificant, honestly. It was basically nothing.

Joel finally spoke first, “Was thinkin’ it’d be best if you’d come by at night, when I’m on patrol or somethin’. Nobody’ll see you with your laundry and it’ll stay our lil’ secret, yeah?” You nodded, still a little bashful with everything that had happened. You aren’t often like that. It’s cute, Joel thought. “An’ you can use my detergent and whatnot. Whatever you need, s’yours.” 

“Thank–” an especially bright flash of lightning followed by nearly deafening thunder interrupted you. You startled and sort of hurled yourself closer to Joel, grabbed his forearm and held it tight. It was just a reflex, probably. Basically nothing. 

“It’s just a storm, sweetheart. Ain’t gonna bite ya,” Joel teases with a grin. 

“Oh, shut up,” you let go of his arm and missed the warmth of his skin beneath your palm almost immediately, but your longing for his touch was quickly soothed. Joel wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his side as you listened to the sounds of the storm together. You stayed like that, inhaling the sweet scent of him, masculine and heady. He smelled like the rain, too, and the hair on his underarms tickled your skin but you didn’t mind. When your laundry dried, he carried your basket home for you. You thanked him and moved to shut the door, but Joel stopped it with his hand, “Washer can be sorta delicate sometimes, so just be careful with it.”

“Noted,” you replied. “See ya, Joel.”

“See ya, hon.”

A few nights later, you returned to his home with your basket of laundry. Joel was gone, on patrol as he often is at night. Doing the laundry was uneventful , even though you probably used too much detergent, but whatever. Joel didn’t have to know. The next time you did laundry, Joel was at home. He told you not to worry about whichever nights you come by, that he’d always leave the washer and dryer empty in the evenings for you to use. He was even generous enough to make you dinner that night. 

It all worked out. Joel’s washer and dryer stayed unknown to the rest of Jackson, and your laundry was cleaned in a much more efficient way. There really weren’t any flaws in your and Joel’s system, as long as you didn’t include the one laundry night where Joel was gone on patrol again, but had come home just as you were leaving. You bumped into him accidentally, causing a lacy pair of your panties to fall right out of your basket and onto his shoe. He bent down and picked them up for you, not even realizing what he was holding. “Oh. My bad,” he blushed, once he recognized the garment. “I’ll just…” and put them back in your basket. From that point forward, he was always careful to stay out of your way. Aside from that it really did all work out. 


After loading your clothes into Joel’s washer, you shut the washer door and turn it on. You make your way upstairs and there’s a note on Joel’s table – Leftovers in the fridge are yours if you wanna heat them up.

Opening the fridge, you see a neatly packed container of what looks to be chicken and vegetables. Yum. God, you’ll miss these vegetables when it gets cold again. You take advantage of the offer and heat up the food in a pan on the stovetop, humming to yourself as you stir the food to keep it from burning. A light flickers above you. Weird. It flickers again, and then finally goes out. But it’s no big deal, you’ve seen in Joel’s basement that above the washer and dryer is a shelf full of supplies and you know there’s a couple of bulbs there. You go back downstairs where the washer hums, working its way through the cycle.

“Hmm,” you hum to yourself. You’d never quite realized just how high up that supply shelf is. And the bulbs are in the middle of the shelf, so there’s no good way to get them without climbing on top of the washer, which Joel would probably kill you for doing. He did ask that you be careful with his fragile washer, after all. Whatever. It’ll take like six seconds, tops. You hoist yourself on the washer and first try kneeling on it to see if you can reach one of the bulbs. No luck. You stand on your feet then, raising yourself up carefully, slowly, feeling the washer shake slightly beneath your feet. Joel would be absolutely irate if he saw you like this now. When you finally grab one of those light bulbs, you carefully lower yourself to a seated position on the washer to catch your breath. You’re not usually prone to vertigo, but Joel’s wobbly washer brought the dizziness on. You know better than to try and move right now, so you just settle yourself down to avoid fainting.  

The washer vibrates under the flesh of your thighs. It’s a gentle sensation, lessened by the angle you’re sitting at. But if you focus really hard, you can feel it in your core. Curious, you spread your legs and turn to the corner of the washer, tilting your hips to the floor, and oh, this is it. You’re not even thinking about potential consequences when you shimmy your shorts and panties off, then find that sweet spot once more. The metal of the washer is cool against you as it vibrates, sending sweet little buzzes through your hot core. You’re not quite wet yet, just enjoying the sensation. Letting it build and build, seeing where it can get you. You let your mind wander, not really thinking about much in particular. The low hum of the washer fades away in your mind and you’re starting to become wet. Shifting your position, you extend your arm to find something to grab onto when you feel fabric. Joel’s clothes. He’s still a slacker with keeping up on his dirty laundry. Usually it would irritate you. It does irritate you, this exorbitant waste of an advantage he has. You look at the shirt in your hand, the same shirt Joel had lent you. You think back to that first time you did laundry here at Joel’s, how he sat next to you nearly naked. The feel of his skin and the smell of him - sweat and rain and musk. And Joel being the beautiful, incognizant man he is, probably had zero clue of how sexy he looked. Or smelled, for that matter. 

With Joel now on your mind and his shirt in your hand, you decide to experiment, create a better ambiance. You keep those images of him in your mind, those feelings too. You remember the low timbre of his voice, the rain splashing against the windows, the weight of his arm wrapped around your shoulders. And with his dirty t-shirt clutched in your fist and its armpit pressed against your nose you remember his scent. Smell is a powerful sense, closely linked to memory and emotion, his shirt and what it’s doing to you is a testament to that fact. Legs spread wide, your hips angled down with your clit pressed to the corner of Joel’s washer, the machine vibrating under you as you inhale his scent deeply - you’re back in that memory. And then some. 

In your mind, your back on Joel’s couch. You can smell him, feel him, and if you really concentrate, you can even taste him. You’re on your knees and he’s drawing lazy patterns on your back as you suck his cock and fondle his balls, and he’s moaning, grunting and whimpering your name. He tastes like he smells, heady and all masculine. He grips the back of your neck and lifts you up, guides you to straddle his hips. His forehead pressed against yours, he notches the tip of his cock inside you and pulls you down slowly, careful so as not to hurt you but it does, of course it does. Not that you mind, you love the stretch and the ache of his thickness splitting you in two. You rock yourself, grind your clit against that unruly patch of hair at the base of his cock. You’re coming, you’re coming, you’re coming. 

You’re coming. Loudly, whimpering Joel’s name as you rut against the vibrating machine. As you finish, so does the washer. It sings you a little chiming song indicating the load is done washing. You can’t help but giggle at that as you bask in the discovery of this fortuitous delight. You’ve got private access to a washer and dryer and a vibrator now too? Lucky, lucky, lucky. 

God, Joel’s shirt smells good. You inhale it deeply, wondering if he wears cologne. It smells almost woodsy…smokey, even. 

Fuck. You’re smelling smoke. 

You pull on your pants and sprint up the steps, racing to Joel’s kitchen only to find that the chicken and veggies you were heating up are no more. They’re black and shriveled, cemented to the stainless steel pan, and there’s no salvaging that. No amount of scrubbing can erase your masturbatory mistake. Fuck, Joel’s gonna kill you. Your only choice is to conceal the evidence. Surreptitiously, you take the pan and hide it under a bush outside Joel’s backdoor.

You’ll be more responsible next time - yes, there absolutely will be a next time. Gas off before you get off. 

Dirty Laundry

The next time came and went. And the time after that, and the one after that. Laundry was always your least favorite chore, but with access to Joel’s washer and dryer and this new trick up your sleeve, it’s not so bad. Getting off on Joel’s washer has become a weekly thing and it’s been lovely, relieving, dirty, and exciting, but you’d be lying if you were to say it’s been perfectly fine the whole time. 

You’ve been abusing the poor machine. It’s no secret. You get every bang for your buck out of the washer, taking full advantage of Joel’s twice a week offer and then some. Some nights you’ll sneak over and do an extra load, wash a blanket or something just to make the washer run for your masturbatory purposes. And so, the vibrating sensation the machine produces has begun to weaken. In order to compensate, you’ve been rocking yourself harder on it, which probably isn’t helping. But it’s still washing your clothes, right? 

…Yes. Mostly. It still washes, but it’s become sort of finicky. And the door doesn’t quite shut the way it used to, and it makes an odd noise now that it never made before. 

Tonight you’re at Joel’s doing a double load of laundry. There were no ulterior motives on your part when you came over, honestly and truly. Your first load is drying, the second load is in the washer. Joel’s home tonight, he’s gonna cook you dinner like he always does when he’s around. For such a grouch, he wears his heart on his sleeve. 

It would be more accurate to say you’re cooking dinner together. Joel came home with a basket full of fresh vegetables from the market and actually put you to work, his reasoning being that he was starving and wanted dinner ready yesterday, and that having your help cutting up the vegetables for the meal he was making would have dinner ready that much sooner. He places a cutting board in front of you and hands you a knife, “Chop chop,” he says, then laughs at his own pun as he rifles through some cabinets. “Missin’ a saucepan…” he mumbles to himself. Oops.

You start by peeling the carrots. As you begin to chop them, you realize he didn’t give you any sort of instruction. “Joel?”

“Yeah, hon.”

“How small do you need me to cut the carrots?”

“Uhhhh,” he thinks. “Lemme see.” Joel turns around and watches you with a look of disappointment and repulsion painting his features. “What’s the matter with you?”

“What?” you ask defensively. 

“Why are you tryin’ to cut off your fingers?”

You look down at your hand holding the carrot and your other hand holding the knife, then up at Joel. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I’m not trying to cut off my fingers.”

“Sure looks like it to me. Is that always how you handle a knife?”

“Yeah,” you reply, “Why?”

“‘Cause you’re gonna cut off your damn fingers, dammit, that’s why. C’mere,” Joel stands behind you where you stand at the island, then lifts up your left hand and curls your fingers underneath themselves. “Keep your fingers like this,” he instructs. “Holdin’ your fingers out flat like that are a sure fire way to cut ‘em off. Now show me how you chop.” 

With your fingers in the proper position now, you begin to cut the carrots. They wobble beneath you, you hate the way Joel has you holding them. “This is uncomfortable,” you tell him. 

“You know what’s more uncomfortable? Missin’ fingers. Keep goin’.” You groan but keep chopping per his demand. He’s pressed against your back, one of his palms lays flat against the countertop, semi caging you in as he watches you work. “Okay, okay, stop. You’re makin’ me nervous. Gimme this.” Joel wraps his hand around yours on the handle of the knife. He moves the knife for you, cutting the carrot slowly, your hand securely in his. “You’re liftin’ the knife too much, sweetheart. Just rock it back and forth for me. Just like this,” he whispers, showing you how he rocks the knife in a fluid motion to cut the carrots. His hands are warm, his grip on your hands is firm. His breath is hot and tickles your ear, sending goosebumps erupting down the back of your neck. He chops the carrots quietly, and you feel him against you - the rise and fall of his chest and tummy with each inhale and exhale he takes, his wiry scruff kissing the side of your face. “That’s it,” he praises, “Good girl.”

Fuck. His words go right to your core. As if him holding your hands and caging you in to teach you how to cut vegetables wasn’t enough, he had to call you ‘good girl’ as well. That had to be deliberate on his part, you’re almost certain of it. And now you’ve got to pay his washer another visit. His fault, honestly. “Laundry,” you blurt out, pushing his hands off of yours and shrinking away from his hold. “Sorry. Gotta check the laundry.”

Dirty Laundry

“Oh. Alright, then.” Joel watches you pace down the basement stairs and listens to you pretend to check on your clothes, opening and shutting the washer and dryer doors. He’s waiting for you to come upstairs, but you never do. “You comin’ upstairs?”

“Yeah, just a minute,” you call back.

“There’s spiders down there, you know. Big an’ fuzzy too.” 

“I’ll be fine,” you yell as you unbutton your shorts and pull them down your legs. “I don’t mind them.”

Your reply immediately has Joel feeling suspicious of you. Even a mention of a mere ant should have sent you running into his arms and pleading with him to get rid of it. On more than one occasion, Joel’s woken up to you pounding on his door in the middle of the night begging him to come kill a spider that’s in your bedroom. And he always does, of course, even when the spider is miniscule and simply minding its business in a corner somewhere. He’ll scoop it into the palm of his hand and set it outside in a bed of flowers, call you a wimp and be on his merry way, grumbling the entire walk home. He wonders why the hell you’re so brave all of a sudden. 

A loud, clunking noise interrupts the silence. “Oh, fuck,” you swear. And Joel’s deaf, but not deaf enough to not hear you. “What was that?” he calls from up the stairs. 


Joel knows it wasn’t nothing, it certainly didn’t sound like nothing. You quickly pull your shorts and panties back on when you hear him stomping down the stairs to investigate. Wracking your brain to think of a lie to tell Joel, you realize you’re fucked, utterly and completely. It would’ve been more appropriate to think of one before now, probably around the time the washer started to make weird noises. Now you’re faced with god knows what consequences. 

Joel greets you with a puzzled and angered expression. “What the hell happened?”

“I d– I don’t know. Just something… Happened, I guess,” you stutter. Subtly, you stuff the used pair of his boxers you were smelling down the back of your shorts to hide the evidence of your even dirtier secret. Joel sees that you’re avoiding eye contact, looking up and away, scratching your head. The silence hangs heavily in the air and Joel sees the guilt on your face and that your shorts are undone for some reason. “You have ten seconds to tell me the truth before this becomes a much worse day for us both.”

“Nothing happened–”

 “Nine, eight…”

You fold instantly. “I sit on it,” you confess, Joel exhales in frustration. “Sit? As in… this is a regular occurrence, you’ve been sittin’ on my washer,” Joel asserts. You nod in confirmation. “Why.”

 “I don’t know,” you shrug, another lie. 

“Well, how much have you been sittin’ on it?” 

“Just like…a lot, I guess.” You look down at your feet, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.  

“Why?” he asks again.

“It…uhh…sort of…” you mumble, picking at your fingernails. 

“Sort of what?”


Joel’s face falls at the admission. “You’re not serious,” he says, but he knows you are. “Oh my god.”

“Stranger things have happened, right?” Your voice wavers as you try to soften the blow with a joke. 

“Unbelievable,” Joel pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. “No. Stranger things than you have not happened, sweetheart.” After taking a few deep breaths, he pushes you to the side and reaches for the shelf above the washer for a toolbox. He takes out a putty knife and wriggles the front of the washer off, then drops to his knees to inspect the washer. “Did I not ask you to be careful with it?” It’s a rhetorical question. Joel groans when he sees what’s broken inside of the washer. 

“What is it?”

“Belt’s broken,” he answers. “You’re lucky s’fixable.”

“Oh,” you say. “Well, it’s good you can fix it, right?”

 “Oh, no. You are fixin’ it, my darlin’. You broke it.”

Joel’s out of his mind if he thinks you’re putting his washer back together. “I don’t know how,” you tell him. You’ll make it up to him in any other way than this, but there’s no way he’s serious. Besides, he’s now the first to know that your track record with washers isn’t to be trusted.

 “I’ll walk you through it,” Joel replies plainly. “Get down there. On your knees, sweetheart.” You roll your eyes at him. “Now,” he says, unimpressed with your defiance.

You drop to your knees in front of the washer, looking for the broken belt that Joel speaks of. You find one of the big and fuzzy spiders he was talking about instead. “Jesus!” you yelp, launching backwards and nearly knocking Joel over in the process “There’s a spider, Joel - kill it, kill it, kill it, Joel - kill it, please,” you beg. 

“Oh for Christ’s sake, it’s harmless.”


Joel nudges you out of the way to find the spider sitting right at the bottom of the washer. He scoops it into his hand, then holds it in front of you, “I thought you said you didn’t mind ‘em,” he taunts. 

“I lied. Get it away from me,” You shove him away from you, and he clutches the spider more carefully in his hands, laughing. 

“Yeah, I know you lied. You’re very bad at it,” Joel opens one of the basement’s egress windows and sends the spider on its way, then closes it and returns to you, first grabbing what looks to be a replacement belt for his washer from a nearby shelf. Leave it to Joel to have the most convenient yet obscure supplies right in his basement twenty years into an apocalypse. “Back to work.” You’re in front of the washer once more, and Joel takes his seat right behind you. “See that black belt at the bottom of the drum?”


“This thing here,” he points at it with his finger. “Take it off,” You reach for the belt and tug on it a bit, “Gotta wiggle it a bit,” following his instruction, you wiggle the belt and it falls off the drum. “Attagirl. Now put this one on,” he hands you the new belt and takes the old one from you. “S’gonna be snug.”

You struggle to stretch the rubber over the drum and it snaps your hands when it slips. “Fuck.”

“Keep tryin’. Put some elbow grease into it, hon,” Joel hovers over your shoulder, just as he did earlier in the kitchen. “M’just checkin’ to make sure you got it lined up properly,” Joel tugs on the rubber belt, making sure it’s sitting where it needs to. “So tell me again how long you been doin it for,” he whispers. “Long time?”

You answer cautiously, “Uhhh…a while now, I guess.”

 “Yeah, I figured. S’it feel good?” 

The question throws you off, makes you nervous. But his voice is low and gravelly, and his tone isn’t pointed or accusatory. He seems curious, but for what reason, you’re not quite sure yet. “It does.”

“Better than your fingers?” Joel tightens the belt a bit and leans back. He’s watching you, but you can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes. You gasp when you feel his warm palm sliding underneath your shorts. “What the–” Oh, fuck. Joel found his pair of boxers. He holds the fabric in his hands, a knowing grin on his lips. “These are mine. What’re you doin’ with my dirty boxers?” he asks. He doesn’t allow you time to stutter out an excuse. “You’re a dirty lil’ bird, aren’t you?”


He tosses his pair of boxers onto the dryer and whispers in your ear again, “I asked you somethin’. My washer feel better than your fingers?”

“Yeah,” you answer, “Better.”

Joel hums in amusement. He slides his hand down the front of your pants, still unbuttoned from earlier. “Saved me the trouble, didn’t ya, sweetheart?” he breathes. Your breath hitches when his fingers find your mound, as he toys with the curls there. He traces over your lips, then dips a finger between them, circling your hole, then circles your clit. “Better than mine?” he asks, dipping a finger into your center and you moan.  He holds one hand on your hip as the other pumps in and out of your center, and you lean back into his chest, relaxing with his touch. You sigh deeply. “Don’t get all cozy on me, now. You ain’t done. Gotta put the front of the washer back on, should just click right into place.”

Joel pulls his hand away from you so you can lift the front piece of the washer. “It’s not–” you complain, struggling to click it into place the way Joel says it should. You push and push, but it doesn’t budge. “Joel, it’s not–”

“It will. Just try.” 

“I am,” you argue, shoving it once more but to no avail. You’ve grown frustrated by his washer, by the task Joel bestowed upon you in fixing it, and his teasing, too. In a fit of anger, you stand up and kick it.

 “Hey, easy,” Joel scolds. “Look, like this,” Magically, the front piece of the washer fits right into place, just like he said it would. He does nothing different than what you did, it just works out for him. Of course it does. “You’re impatient, huh?” he murmurs, moving behind you. You gasp when you feel his hands on your hips, tugging the fabric of both your shorts and your panties down to your ankles, he helps you out of the garments and tosses them elsewhere. His hands are on your hips again, this time guiding you, whispering, “Back, back,” as he positions you where he needs you, spreading your legs apart. You’re leaning on his washer and he’s on his knees behind you, using his nose to tease and part your slick folds. He inhales you deeply, taking in the sweet scent of your arousal before he tastes you. He traces your lips with a pointed tongue, up and down, before he dips his tongue into your heat, savoring you. 

“How ‘bout my tongue?” he purrs, whispering against your skin. You don’t answer, and it’s not like you could anyway, with the way he devours you. His arms are wrapped around your legs, his fingertips are digging harshly into your thighs like he means to bruise you, tear the flesh off your bones even. It’s possessive in nature, but not abusive or aggressive. You know his actions aren’t borne of anything except pure pleasure and you indulge in it, in him. He moves slow like honey as he tastes you languidly, kissing you. He laps your velvety heat, his tongue teasing all of your sensitive, slick flesh. Now and then the wiry hairs of his beard will tease and scratch your inner thighs, a sensation that tickles you and rubs you raw all the same. “Oh my god,” you moan, reaching behind yourself to take hold of his head, fingers tangling in his graying curls and waves. “Joel, oh my god.”

Joel takes your lack of a real answer to his question as a no, his washer pales in comparison to his tongue. Good. He bets you’ve fantasized about him, all those times you’ve used his washer for those needs of yours besides washing your clothes. And he bets that you probably grind yourself on it, picturing it’s his warm flesh beneath you and not the cold metal of the machine. He’d be right. He sucks your clit, circling the sensitive bud with his tongue. He nips at your folds, sucking one, then the other between his plump lips, then focuses his attention back at your clit. You’re moaning his name, the only word you know anymore. Joel keeps you still, held tight in his arms so that you can’t push your ass back and grind against his mouth like he knows you’re fighting to do. All you can do is take it, feel his perfect aquiline nose tease between your cheeks. He’s buried himself face first in your most private place as he consumes you voraciously, his tongue flicking and swirling and painting you. You’re biting into your own arm, seeing stars as you come on his tongue. It’s an elusive sort of orgasm, the kind where you don’t exactly know where it begins and it ends. All you know is that you’re sensitive, so fucking sensitive and Joel is relentless. Your knees buckle as he toys with your clit, gives you a break for a moment before he’s right back there again, continuing to eat you. He keeps going and going, repeating the actions over and over again just to make you cry and beg, “Stop - please - I can’t, I can’t, Joel. T-too much.”

“Know it’s too much, sweetheart, s’why I’m doin it,” Joel coos. But he obliges, places one last kiss to your heat, soaked by his spit and your own arousal before he stands up behind you. He wraps one arm around your stomach, pulling himself close to you. You can feel his hard cock against your ass, separated only by his denim as he uses his other hand to turn your face to the side, meeting him beside you. He kisses you, tracing his tongue along the seam of your lips, licking into your mouth. You taste yourself on his tongue, then feel his hand leave your face to reach for his fly. You hear him unzip his jeans slowly, and then he’s pulling his cock out, still kissing you as he lines up with you, first parting your thighs with a gentle nudge of his knee before notching his tip at your entrance. He finally pulls his mouth away from yours and gently forces your chest down toward the washer. He pushes himself into you, careful so as not to hurt you but deliberately so that you still feel that ache, the stretch of his thick cock separating your insides. Joel continues holding your body close to his as he reaches for your hand with his free one, interlacing his fingers in between your own.  “How about my cock, sweetheart? You like it better, worse?” he whispers, kissing, nipping at your ear in between words. He pulls out of you nearly all the way, then pushes back into your dripping cunt. 

You try to answer, “Bet - oh, ahhh,” 

Joel chuckles at the way he’s reduced you to nothing but broken syllables and moans. “Ohhh, listen to you. I think it’s better, huh? S’that what you’re tryin’ to tell me?” You nod frantically. “Yeah, I know, beautiful.”

His pace is slower to start, but it builds in quick time. You can feel he’s fighting with himself to be more gentle than he actually wants to be, his thrusts sloppier than he intends, like he’s losing himself in you. You’re lost in him, lost in the moment all the same. You take it all in, the lewd and obscene sounds of the pleasure he creates with you - his thighs slapping against yours and the gushing of your cunt on his cock. Your moans, your cries, all babbling nonsense. And Joel’s deep breaths in and out, shaky and stuttering as he does it. His grunts and his swearing, a whimper here and there if you listen closely. He fills you up perfectly, hits that sweet spot deep inside you over and over and over…

“You coulda had me like this the whole time,” he pants, “Didn’t have to go an’ break my washer f’ya needed somethin’ more than those fingers of yours, sweetheart. Know you been needin’ some lovin’.”  He reaches for your breasts, squeezing and groping the flesh, twisting your nipples and smirking when you twitch and whine. “All you had to do was ask.” You don’t respond, but he doesn’t expect you to anyway. What he did expect, however, were your moans of displeasure as he pulls out of you. He knows, oh, he knows how empty you must feel, you poor thing.  He’ll soothe that. He flips you around, seats you on his washer. “I’m gonna make you come again,” he promises, “I’m gonna watch.”

 “Too much, Joel, I can’t,” you cry. You want to come again, really. But you don’t think you have it in you, still so worked up, overstimulated by the endless teasing of his tongue on your pussy.

 “Oh, don’t cry. You can do it, hon. You can take it,” he says, “Open up those legs for me, darlin’.” Joel pushes your trembling legs wide so he can slot his hips between them, then wraps your legs around his waist before sliding his cock into you once more. He thrusts just once, rather harshly, before he’s met with another rather loud noise from the washer. Joel halts and scratches the back of his neck. God, he hopes he didn’t just do it in. “Probably shouldn’t…uh…”

“Yeah,” you agree. 

“Did you use my dryer too?”

“Duh,” you answer. “How else would I dry my clothes?”

Joel rolls his eyes, “No, smartass. Were you usin’ it for your dirty work, is what I’m askin’.”


Still inside you, Joel slides you over to his dryer. “Good girl. Poor washer’s been abused plenty by you already.”  

“But I will,” You whisper defiantly under your breath, wrapping your arms around his neck as he adjusts. 

“Wrong ear, sweetheart. My right one’s deaf. I heard that loud and clear.”

Joel’s back to fucking you in an instant. He wastes no time in making good on his promise, thumbing your clit as he rolls his hips into you. “See, look at you. Takin’ me just fine,” he praises.The way you squirm and take your shallow little breaths fills him with satisfaction and delight. He knows this isn’t easy, that you’re tired and sore and overstimulated. He’ll be done with you soon. “Come with me, wanna feel you come with me, sweetheart,” he says. “Focus here, eyes on me. You’re gonna come with me.” 

It’s a few moments of Joel painting your clit with those tight, steadied circles as he fucks you hard and deep. There’s a push and pull to it, where you’re not sure who this is for - yourself or Joel. Just like before, you’re not sure where it starts and stops, but you’re there. God it’s intense, you’re gonna break and you know it. Joel’s got his palm on the back of your neck, squeezing you. His jaw clenches and he’s coming undone first, but he never loses focus on you. His thrusts stutter as he milks himself in you but doesn't yet stop - he’s making sure you’re gonna come. “C’mon baby, c’mon. Give it to me,” he says. “One more for me. Last one.” 

His words are all it takes. You whimper and moan, cry his name as you find your climax. Release washes over you the way waves crash onto sand - it’s repeated, the way the tides push and pull. Deafening. Powerful. 

But there’s a calmness yet. The rolling of his hips slows, slows, stops. He presses his damp forehead against yours, breathing deeply. “You’re okay,” he murmurs. “You’re okay?”

You nod and smile, “Yeah, I’m good.” He smiles with you and helps you off of the dryer. Joel finds your clothes and dresses you in them, steadying your shaky legs. 

Joel tentatively restarts the washer. It chugs a bit, but makes all the right noises and he breathes a sigh of relief. You’re a bit startled when he takes you by the arm and marches you up the stairs. “New rule,” he says, “You stay with me when your clothes are washin’.”

You bite your lip to hide your guilty smirk. “Yes. Joel.” 

“And I still need you to cut them veggies for me, too.” 

I struggled heavily with this fic, comments and reblogs would be much appreciated if you were feeling so inclined🙏 they keep me motivated and I look back at your words when I’m writing to remember that I’m capable of pleasing you all

Dirty Laundry
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More Posts from Pervertedangel

8 months ago

if i could fuck a fic i would fuck this one HARD.

.𖥔 ‧ ₊ 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐭.

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stepbrother steve x best friend eddie x fem reader

summary: your plan to seduce your asshole of a step brother doesn’t go quite as planned when his best friend eddie overhears your pretty noises through steve’s gaming headset, and as obsessed with you as he is; he wants in on you, too.

warnings: smut ahead, 18+ mdni, no description of readers race, eye/hair color or texture, mean dom steve, sub eddie, sub reader, mm action, stepcest, oral (m + f receiving), p in v sex, eddies pierced, heavy on the pet names (literally), cum swapping, dirty talk, allusions to anal sex.

word count: 3.6k

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“What the fuck are you wearing?” Your step brother's grating voice hits your ears causing your eyes to roll as you bounce down the last couple steps of your overly grand staircase. You purposely ignore him as you walk through the living room where he sits slouched on your parents' new brown leather couch, a gaming controller in his hands and a big headset perched over his ears, weighing down his precious hair. 

“Hm? Oh, nothing dude, just talking to my slutty sister.” The way he enunciates ‘slutty sister’ causes a giggle to slip past your lips, you were too in tune with his attempts to get under your skin and rile you up.  

You make your way into the kitchen paying him no mind, it’s all part of the plan. 

One of his friends must’ve said something about you on the other side of his headset because a loud guffaw floats in from the living room, as you grab a juice out of the fridge. 

Your guess was his best friend Eddie, who always flirts with you behind Steve’s back but is an asshole when they’re together. You caught him looking up your skirt last week as you ran up your stairs to your bedroom, and he didn’t even try to look away or act embarrassed that you had caught him. Nope, instead he smiled up at you with a face splitting grin and sent you a wink; well needless to say you touched yourself that night thinking of the metalhead and his ringed fingers, his black nail polish, that tongue ring and all those chains he wears. You also heard rumors from friends that his dick is huge and pierced which added so much more to your little fantasy. 

“I asked you a question.” Steve barks as you walk past him again, about to make your way back upstairs, but this time you stop and acknowledge him; you’ll chalk it up to boredom. 

“I’m sorry, what was your question?” You respond, so sugary sweet if you don’t stop now you’ll give yourself cavities.

“I said, what are you wearing?” His jaw clenches when you make your way over towards him, both sets of knees practically touching as you stand in front of his lazy, stretched out form. Now that your pierced nipples are completely visible to him through your see through skin tight dress, his game and Eddie are a complete afterthought. 

“A dress. What, you don't like it?” You playfully snark before gazing down at him with a faux pout, as if you cared. 

“I can see your tits.” Is all he says as his eyes roam over the expanse of your body, this time you can clearly hear Eddie’s voice through the headset but can’t make out what he’s saying. Steve shoots a very serious “shut the fuck up” back, and that reaction only comes out when his friends flirt or make pervy jokes about you. 

“Okay, and?” You bite back, crossing your arms underneath your chest, in an attempt to hike them up even higher. 

“Where the fuck are you going in a see through dress? And when did you get your nipples pierced?” Once the last words leave Steve’s lips, you can hear Eddie on the other end begging him to send a picture. You can’t help but to laugh at him along with Steve’s reaction as he scrunches his face up before hissing back a “dude, I’m gonna fucking mute you.” 

“I’m going to a college party if you must know, and none of your business.” Your tone isn’t harsh, it’s way too flirty and playful. You don’t want to give him the reaction he’s begging for.  

Steve sits up, practically bumping his body into yours, “you're not going anywhere dressed like that.” He spits through his teeth. 

“You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dad.” Now you’re serious, because fuck no is anyone going to tell you what you can and can’t wear. 

“Do you see your dad anywhere?” Steve asks as his eyes move around the interior of the house, you know it’s a rhetorical question because your dad and his mom are away on their honeymoon. 

“Exactly, he left me in charge and I said you’re not leaving this house.” He takes a step closer towards you, your bodies now an inch apart and you can feel his warm breath on your face. 

“Steve, I’m older than you by like three months, you can’t tell me what to do. I’m an adult.” You stand your ground as his body towers over you, looking at you with his downturned, judgmental little hazel eyes. Ugh you wanna punch that smirk off his face.

“I said. You’re. Not. Going. Don’t make me repeat myself again.” His words should piss you off even more, they should make you scream and curse but instead they make your thighs clench and your breathing stutter; they also cause your eyes to swell up with unwanted tears. 

“Aw, you gonna cry? You look so pretty when you cry, baby.” His words almost knock the wind out of you because he’s never once called you pretty or baby and it goes straight to your cunt, as wetness begins to seep into your white lace panties. 

He brings his right thumb up to swipe under your eye, causing the unshed tears to finally fall and once the wetness pools on his skin, he brings it up to his mouth and sucks it right off; which confuses you on why you find that weird action so fucking hot. Then, he brings his thumb back towards your face, gently rubbing it over your bottom lip, without hesitation you take it into your mouth twirling your tongue around it before sucking. Steve groans at the action making Eddie pipe up again. 

“Fuck, did you just moan? What is she doing man? You gotta tell me.” He sounds desperate for any crumb of detail.

“You wanna be a little slut? Hm? Get on your knees.” Is all he says, ignoring his best friend's pleas. 

And just as you planned, he fell right into the palm of your cunning little hand. 

And you fall to your knees without so much as a second thought. You’ve wanted him for five long, grueling months and even before that, when he was king Steve of Hawkins high. 

You yank down his maroon sweats and white Calvin Klein briefs, your eyes half lidded and filled with lust as his huge cock pops free and bobs up and down right before your face, he’s already hard as a rock and his tip is a pinkish red. He tucks the material beneath his large, trimmed balls and begins to shake his cock in his hand. 

“C’mon, open up nice and wide, little slut.” He bites his lip to cover the cocky smile that had begun to take over his face, but you're so lost on cloud nine that you open up on command and stick out your tongue, really playing into your slut title. 

“Mmm, good girl.” He praises before slipping his cock into your eager, awaiting mouth. 

You begin bobbing your head up and down, taking him as far back as you can before fucking his cock with your throat, ‘gawk, gawk, gawk’ fills the expanse of your perfectly decorated living room. 

Meanwhile you can still slightly hear Eddie through the headset, you can tell by the way Steve is smiling that the metalhead is losing his shit. 

And then the next thing you hear is “sure man, doors unlocked.” Before Steve removes the headset from over his ears and throws it behind him, onto the leather couch. 

Your heart races at the thought of having both Steve and Eddie. Holy fuck, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.

 . , .

By the time you hear the front door open and close, Steve has you bent over the couch, dress hiked up and your panties pushed to the side as he laps at your juicy pussy, sending occasional flicks and sucks to your throbbing clit that have you so close to losing your mind. 

“Fuuuck.” You hear Eddie before you see him, his voice is salacious and filled with lust. “Couldn’t wait for me, man?” It’s also breathy as if he ran from his van to the door, which would not surprise you.

“There’s enough to go around, relax.” Steve says in a stern voice, making Eddie somehow instantly submit. “Get over here.” He demands again, between soft suckles to your sensitive nub. 

You hear the heavy steps of his boots as they pad closer to the couch, then a hand adorned with warm metal heats the skin of your ass as he rubs it appreciatively. 

“God, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to touch this ass… Steve and I both, ain’t that right big boy?” Eddie reveals before pulling his best friend's head out from between your legs. 

“Been waiting so long.” Your step brother admits with a whine, as if he was a kid who had his favorite treat just taken away.

Eddie’s words surprise you, never has Steve ever shown any interest in you; so is this something they’ve talked about? Although Steve is pleasuring you to almost climax with his eager tongue, you still can’t help but feel confused over the whole thing. 

“Don’t overthink it, princess. Just let us make you feel good.” Eddie purrs into your ear as if he was able to see the confusion written all over your face.

You shake your head in agreement, the scratchy leather of the sofas fabric smushed into the side of your face as the two boys play with your body as if you’re they’re shared toy. 

Your whole body jerks up when you feel a big drop of spit hit your puckered hole and then a finger slowly rubbing circles over it, the same finger dips into the tight ring of muscle making you gasp and moan in surprised pleasure. 

“Oh fuck, that’s such a tight little asshole.” Eddie says, almost breathless from his excitement. Before you know it, Eddie drops to his knees behind you the metal chain attached to his pants clanks against the hardwood floor. You gasp as you feel his wet tongue and the metal from his tongue ring gently glide along your second hole before the licks get rough and he’s probing at it, fucking you with his salivating muscle.

You pant and moan as you begin meeting his little thrusts, working yourself on his tongue; his hands rub the globes of your ass before spreading you wider. You take a peak over your shoulder at the long haired boy, his eyes are closed in concentration and his black polished nails are digging into your skin. Everything is so hot that you can’t help but drench his tongue and chin with your arousal as it flows out of you, while he goes back and forth between both holes. 

Movement catches your attention out of your peripheral and when you meet Steve’s hazel orbs, they’re alite with a fire you’ve never seen from him before. He smirks at you devilishly as he begins fucking himself with a tightly wrapped fist, he pauses to drop a glob of spit onto his tip all the while never breaking his lewd and lustful gaze. 

“Pup?” Steve interrupts with a low, salacious rasp. 

“Hm?” The metalhead hums, breaking away from you as if on command.

Pup? What the hell. 

“Why don’t you come over here and show our little fuck toy what that mouth can really do. Who knows, maybe she’ll learn a thing or two.” He laughs but there’s no real humor behind it. 

Okay, now you’re really confused, what the fuck is he talking about? 

Eddie quickly gets up onto his booted feet, taking a few steps over to Steve and instantly dropping back onto his knees, the whole display causes you to turn around, plastering your naked bottom onto the sofa as you eye them with complete curiosity. 

The metalhead wraps his ringed fingers around your step brother's lengthy cock, and you can’t help but gasp in surprise. They both smile at your reaction with matching mischievous smirks before Eddie’s lowering his head and taking Steve’s spit slick tip into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks and sucking. He begins bobbing his head, taking Steve further into his throat while Steve’s eyes continue to burn holes into yours. It’s as if he’s challenging you, or wanting some of that reaction he wasn’t able to get from you earlier. 

You can’t help but flick between the pretty boy's eyes and the bob of Eddie’s head, who is sucking dick like an actual pro. It's all so enticing, like your own personal porno laid out right in front of you. 

Wet slurping and groans fill the silence of the room, and you can’t help it when you slip your fingers under your dress and begin rubbing at your sensitive cunt. Steve grunts when a low moan falls from your lips—

“If you want someone to give that little pussy some attention, then get your ass over here. Now.” His demand sends a chill through your spine, you watch closely as he gathers Eddie’s curls up into his fist before pulling him off, the slick pop makes your knees weak with need and when you plop yourself right next to Steve’s side, you notice the spit that connects itself from Eddie’s lips to the angry, red tip of Steve’s cock. 

The metalhead smiles up at you before giving a few more kitten licks to the tip, then gliding his silver tongue ring along the pretty boys purple throbbing veins “You wanna fuck her, pup?” Steve asks flippantly, as he tugs Eddie’s head up by his nape. 

“Y-yes, I want to fuck her so bad, sir.” Eddie whines, his eyes trained on Steve’s although he can’t help the subtle glances he makes towards you in between. Eddie has wanted you before you became his best friend's step sister, and Steve knows that; so of course he’s gonna tease him and make him beg. 

“Well ya know what? I think I’m gonna fuck her little cunt first, while you be a good boy and watch. Maybe I’ll let you have a treat if you don’t touch that greedy cock of yours.” Steve states as his lips flip up into a conspiratorial smirk before tossing Eddie’s head back and gesturing for him to sit on the coffee table. 

“Take it out though, I want her to see how you drip for us, how bad you wish it were you fucking her instead of me.” Although you’ve been thrown into a confused loop about their newly revealed dynamic, you can’t help that his words are going straight to your core, making you drip all over the leather seats. 

Steve manhandles you into a laying position across the cushions, the new angle has you completely visible to Eddie and he’s already beginning to throb and leak but you haven’t even been fucked yet. 

His cock is hanging out of the unzipped slot of his black leather pants yet they’re still buttoned, his balls sit just over the crotch; and there’s something about him being fully dressed with just his cock and balls out that you find so hot. But that’s not all, what makes your breathing stutter and your pussy pulse, is the silver ring that he has pierced into the head of his almost painfully, purple tip. 

Steve in the meantime tears his sweatpants and briefs off from around his ankles, before taking the backs of your knees and hiking them up, he eases onto the sofa on his knees as the head of his cock unintentionally rubs against your slit. His precum and your wetness both make a mess of the material beneath you. 

You can’t help when your eyes move back over to Eddie’s and the pained and pining look on his face causes you to whimper with need. 

“Look at me, kitten, keep your eyes on me while I tear open this little pussy.” Steve groans before working his tip into your entrance. Once the heads sheathed inside, your step brother can’t help but to slam the rest of the way in. It’s criminal how tight and wet you are for him. 

“Fuck, take it baby. Been thinking about you taking my cock for too fucking long now.” Steve admits through gritted teeth. 

“Feels so good.” You moan as his thrusts pick up, he’s now pounding into you with no remorse. 

“Yeah kitten? This cock everything you dreamed it’d be?” He asks before a cocky smile graces his handsome face. 

“Better.” You confess through breathy whimpers. 

You hear Eddie release a ragged breath and when you look back over at him, his hands are gripping the edge of the coffee table so tight that his knuckles are white. He looks like he’s trying his best to either not touch his cock or touch you and a quick shiver runs down your spine in anticipation. 

“Eyes. On. Me.” Steve borderline growls as he continues fucking into you, his hair is all disheveled and his eyes are blown wide. The look is unbelievably erotic and something you’ve wanted to witness for so long that it instantly throws you over the precipice and into an intense orgasm. 

Your moans and whimpers are loud but you can hear Eddie’s praises between them. 

“Good girl.” “Can’t wait to fuck that cunt.” “You're ours now, princess.” 

“Such a good fuckin girl.” Steve groans in agreement. 

His needy pumps get more erratic and sloppy as a grunt falls from his reddened lips, he quickly pulls out of your soaked center and barks a demand—

“Pup, here. On your knees, now.” He enunciates with a snap of his finger, before pointing to the floor in front of him. 

Eddie slides to his knees and opens his mouth without a second thought before Steve's warm cum hits his tongue and pools on the pink muscle. 

“Keep it in, don’t swallow until I tell you to.” Steve says before giving Eddie a quick pet on his head, as if to tell him how proud he is. 

“Good boy, now I want you to fuck her while you keep my cum in your mouth.” Steve orders again. 

And like the good little submissive boy you’ve just now found out Eddie is, he lunges for you and makes himself comfortable between your thighs in a second.

His hand grips his cock before he’s gently rubbing the piercing against your swollen clit, a loud whimper cascades out of your mouth from how sensitive you still are and you can see the amusement in Eddie’s eyes, and the tiny smirk on his cum slick lips.  

Once the pierced head reaches your slit and he begins to breach your entrance, you can’t help but to clench around the foreign object. 

Eddie grunts and drops his head as you tighten around him, he’s already close to coming and he wants to tell you how fucking good you feel, but he can’t swallow the cum in his mouth until Steve tells him to. This whole thing started out as a way for Eddie to get the fuck out of his head and Steve already knew he had a sadistic need to dominate, thus leaving him to offer his best friend a helping hand or cock; maybe it was unconventional but it worked for them and they haven’t looked back since, so he’d be damned if he breaks Steve’s rules now. Although he does enjoy being a brat and getting punished on occasion, this moment was just not the time. 

“Let me see.” Steve commands before moving your hair so he can sit down, you gaze up at him from your lying position, quickly noticing that he's pulled his maroon sweats back on, foregoing his shirt and boxer briefs. His muscular arms are crossed over his pecs as he watches Eddie open his mouth to show off the sticky, pearlescent globs of come still held on his tongue. 

“Kiss. I wanna watch you swap it back and forth.” Steve requests as his hand reaches for his cock that is beginning to awaken in the confines of its cotton prison. “Come on. Be a good boy and share.” He says again, giving Eddie’s brown curls a sharp tug as if to warn him of misbehavior. 

Eddie’s lips are on yours before your fucked out brain can even comprehend the demand. His tongue slips into your mouth and the salty taste of Steve’s cum hits your taste buds making you both moan. Slippery tongues rubbing together, the small metal ball making it that much more pleasurable as Eddie fucks you into the couch. 

“Mmm, so fucking good for me. Both of you.” Steve whispers with a satisfied sigh. 

After Eddie makes a show of spitting the remaining globs of cum into your mouth and licking any that may have escaped down your chin, he brings his lips close to your ear.

“I can feel how close you are baby, you wanna come on my cock so bad, don’t you? Just let go…I’ve been such a good boy, don’t I deserve a present?” He whimpers before running his tongue down your neck and sucking a bruise into your skin. His muffled whines have you tightening around him and choking his cock as you both come together. You're practically milking him as some primal part of his brain has him emptying himself so deep inside you, as if he’s trying to make it stick. 

Eddie huffs a laugh at that because your pussy is actually making him think crazy thoughts.

“God, you two are so fucking sexy together. My good little pets.” Steve’s possessive words cause a satisfied hum to leave your lips. 

Before you drift off to sleep from being thoroughly used, you hear Steve and Eddie kiss with a sloppy smack of their lips.

“Next time I’m gonna fuck your tight little ass while you fuck hers.”

 . , .

a/n: thank you to my loves @xxbimbobunnyxx , @take-everything-you-can & @corrodedcorpses for beta reading and hyping me up <3

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8 months ago
First Look At Joe In Gladiator 2

first look at joe in gladiator 2

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7 months ago


Dom!Steddie x Sub!Reader | Includes: threesome, anal, monstercockSteve™, oral (f receiving) masturbation, spit, piss, praise, degradation | I don’t know what happened; I was jotting down a thought, my finger slipped, and this ended up in my notes app at 3 AM…

Eddie’s fingers are on your ass, keeping your cheeks spread wide, his breath blowing cool against your lips when he says, “Go on, baby. Sit down.”

He makes his request sound so effortless when in reality, taking Steve Harrington’s cock up your ass is anything but easy. You wiggle your hips, carefully sinking over Steve’s tip…the wet squelch of lube and Steve’s grunt of pleasure, his hot breath on your back, making your clit throb.

Eddie’s cock is in his hand, slicked with lube as he fucks himself…watching you slowly impale yourself on Steve’s monster of a cock… Your tight little asshole has somehow managed to swallow his tip, but Eddie knows you can do better. He strokes the pad of his thumb along your bottom lip, pulling it downward gently and spitting into your mouth. You swallow obediently for Eddie, even as you’re being split in half by another man’s cock. “That’s a good girl,” Eddie murmurs with a grin. “I knew you’d take whatever I give you.”

Eddie looks over your shoulder to meet Steve’s eyes as he strokes himself. “Right now, I’m giving you Steve’s cock,” Eddie says. “So be a good girl, and fucking take it.”

Steve’s big hands leave your hips for a moment. You hear him uncapping the bottle of lube, and seconds later, a generous amount of the slippery liquid lands between your ass cheeks. Steve tosses the bottle aside, his hands returning to your hips…he gently guides you up and down on his cock, slowly pumping your ass full of the added lube. Everything is much smoother now; the friction is gone. You’re able to sink further down Steve’s shaft, till you’re sitting on his lap, his massive cock buried inside your ass.

The look of pride and wonder on Eddie’s face has you beaming, any previous discomfort completely forgotten, eclipsed by the high of knowing you’ve pleased him. Steve is on a high of his own, his head dipped back, not moving his hips at all. He’s basking in the grip of the tightest hole he’s ever filled. His hands are still on your hips, squeezing the pudgy meat of your upper thighs. Eddie is positioned across from you and Steve, his cock pointed at your tits as he jerks it.

Eddie leans forward, bending slightly at the knees so he can rub the tip of his dick against your clit. You shiver as his skin meets yours. Eddie’s plump tip is slick with a mix of lube and precum. He rubs himself around your clit in slow circles, dipping his tip between your lips, spreading them apart purely for his own amusement. You begin to whine, a pitiful, pathetic little plea that strokes Eddie’s already-inflated ego.

“Awwww,” he coos condescendingly. “Is it because I’m not playing with your little clit anymore? Poor baby.” Eddie spanks his cock against your clit, making you buck on top of Steve, a low groan leaving you both. Eddie kneels in front of you and presses his mouth into your cunt. The sounds you make are absolutely primal, desperate grunts of pleasure and pain, as Eddie eats you mercilessly, sucking your clit so hard it’s swelling between his lips.

He jerks himself to climax while eating you, spilling his release on the floor between your feet and Steve’s. Eddie sits down across from the two of you, admiring his work…the way you’re an absolutely fucked-out mess already…your head fallen back against Steve’s shoulder, lips parted, eyes rolled back inside your head. Steve’s hands are groping all over you, the curves of your stomach, the swell of your breasts, one hand settling around your throat as he plants hot, open kisses against your neck. His thrusts are gentle at first, making sure you’re comfortable, building to a point where he’s drilling you raw. Eddie is intoxicated by the view in front of him, the way you bounce like a puppet on Steve’s cock, his big hand clamped over your throat holding you in place like a collar, like he fucking owns you.

And a girl like you should be owned, Eddie thinks to himself, should know she’s loved and protected and safe with her men. You have their complete trust, and they have yours.

So when Eddie decides to relieve himself on your pussy, you don’t object at all. It fucking gets you off, watching Eddie stride over to you, stand between Steve’s knees and aim his cock at your pussy…a hot stream of piss emptying onto your clit and trickling between your lips…joining his cum on the floor with a loud spatter, making an absolute fucking mess… And Steve is so busy splitting your ass in two, he doesn’t even register what’s going on… When he does, when Steve realizes that Eddie just pissed all over you, it’s so fucking filthy that Steve comes immediately. He pumps your ass full to the brim, overfilling you till semen is oozing out of your hole and onto Steve’s lap.

Eddie grabs two towels, tosses one on the ground over his piss and cum, and hands the other to Steve. Taking your hands in his, Eddie helps you slowly work your way off of Steve’s dick, while Steve cleans up the mess left behind on his lap. The three of you stagger to the shower, clean up, then fall into bed for the deepest sleep of your lives…

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7 months ago
Pornstar!eddie Munson X Stepmom!reader 18+ Mdni

pornstar!eddie munson x stepmom!reader ⟡ 18+ mdni

✦ cliché porno :: faux stepcest, stepson!eddie (adult co-stars), eddie ᡣ𐭩’s bush, v. oral, breeding, insp. ⟡ all characters 21+

Pornstar!eddie Munson X Stepmom!reader 18+ Mdni

✨ anon request ⟡ “ Have you ever thought about pornstar!Eddie? I have a feeling he could do anything; fantasy, horror, pretend step-son // brother, or BDSM. He would be the best pornstar, biggest star. ⭐️ ” ⟡ mailbox

Pornstar!eddie Munson X Stepmom!reader 18+ Mdni

Eddie’s well-known in the industry for his massive cock. He’s so tall, lean, with a fat bushy dick perking up just for you. It’s almost shocking; viewers can’t look away. He’s amassed a cult following for his lithe, monster dick.

And he can play Needy Boy. Of course he can. Pulling those big brown eyes as he nuzzles his cheek in your beautiful tits. “Come here, baby,” you purr, coddling him closer for the cameras, and unfasten that bra for your fictional son. He latches his teeth on your fat, perky nips, cupping your chest in his veiny white hands.

Over coffee last week, talking limits and bounds, Eddie convinced you to grow out your bush for that big money shot of him eating you out. You happily obliged, now watching him slurp you up so happily, you wonder if he’s faking. You stroke your acrylics through his frizzy brown curls, doting on your good boy, and clench your cunt around his devilish tongue. Eddie’s warm nose nuzzles your pubic hair, plush lips working your petals, and joyfully worships your sweet little puss. “Mommy,” Eddie whines, far too good at saying that, humping his big fuzzy balls against the leather couch.

You offer to warm him up with your pussy, all alone in this big winter house, with no one to hold but your desperate son . . . Unscripted, Eddie comes too quick, so caught up in your velveteen lips wrapped around his fat cock that he forgets how to think. The camera zooms in on his pullout game (weak), watching droplets of cum trickle out of your hole. Wasted sperm in his frenetic fetish.

“Oh, baby,” you moan, your bushes pressed together, a warm hug in special places, and let him pump cum in your quivering walls. “So good,”

With a proclivity for praise, Eddie’s balls seize again, dribbling remnants of seed in your fleshy pink hole. Take after spoiled take, Eddie doesn’t pull out from your wet little walls, stuffing his cum as deep as it’ll go into the swell of your tummy. And he leans in your ear, digits ghosting the shell;

“Let’s hope it sticks, Sweetheart,” Eddie coos, rearing back to pet your bush with his thick, ringed fingers.

Yes, you whisper in a daze, dripping Eddie’s cum onto the sofa. Hope it sticks . . .

Pornstar!eddie Munson X Stepmom!reader 18+ Mdni

✦ Author’s Note: Eddie keeps a copy of this taping, for science. 😇 I’m not usually into pornstar!Eddie (at all), but pretend-step-parent with him was too good to pass up 🏄‍♀️💦 REBLOG + COMMENT, if you enjoyed :)

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✧ 𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 💫

✦ Taglist: @ali-r3n @anonymouskiwi @aquariusjoe @artrmss @bl00d-puppy @cinnamoncunt @crookedteethed @decodedlvr @emma-munson @feral-pumpkin-energy @fictionaldaze @galacticglitterglue @gri959 @hellfireadmin @hellfiremunsonn @jamdoughnutmagician @josephs-quinns @kingstevesgf @lalalala-melmosworld @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @littlenymphreads @lovlygrls @mothellie @motleyhead @munsonsmocha @munsonzgf @nailbatanddungeon @niallersfreckles @paradisepoisons @pervertedangel @seatnights @skye-44 ✨

Pornstar!eddie Munson X Stepmom!reader 18+ Mdni


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8 months ago
Dom!eddie Munson X Reader (v) 18+ Mdni 275w.

dom!eddie munson x reader (v) ⟡ 18+ mdni ⟡ 275w.

✦ dom space, breeding, copious praise, butt plug ;

Dom!eddie Munson X Reader (v) 18+ Mdni 275w.


✨ request ⟡ “ ♊ Eddie, who absolutely runs his mouth when he’s deep in dom-space. Letting every horny thought that comes to mind fall from his lips as he’s pounding me. Maybe even talks of breeding kink? “Look so fuckin’ pretty taking all of my cock like this, baby. I bet you’d even like it if I knocked you up, huh? ” ⟡ via @jamdoughnutmagician ⟡ celebration

Dom!eddie Munson X Reader (v) 18+ Mdni 275w.

Jutting his cock in your tight hole, Eddie grins like a devil. “You want my trailer park babies? Hm? Get you knocked up, have a couple of kids running around… Keep you nice and full of my cock. Never letting you go. Fuck you raw until you’re leaking.”

And you moan, clenching around his girth, muscles seizing underneath him. You’re drunk on his touch, his words rendering you speechless. A scream lurches at the back of your tongue, the silenced sound losing its power. You screw your eyes shut, a hardened valley forming between your brows, and whimper as he pummels your taut cunt. “Teddie, Teddie. Yes,”

You’ve never been good at speaking during sex, but he’s teaching you. “Mhm. Use your words, sugar. Teddie’s here.” Eddie rubs your clit, helping you get there, his strong arm braced around your back. “You gonna cum for me, honey? I know you can. Gimme one more, baby.”

“Please,” you whine, nodding fiercely, cross-eyed in lust. Eddie wipes a drivel of spit from the edge of your mouth, dipping his tongue through your lips, and kisses you with the fleeting intimacy of a perishing lover.

“Good baby,” Eddie drawls, siphoning the air in your lungs. He’s far too good at this, his stamina too high. He could do this all night, and he probably will;

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You cry at the peak, gifting him what he wants. That makes three, tonight alone, that vibrating plug up your ass grazing his spurted cock. Eddie meets you there, stuffing you full of warm cum; bracing your legs firmly around his waist as if to say: I’m not pulling out, today <3

Dom!eddie Munson X Reader (v) 18+ Mdni 275w.

✦ Author’s Note: CLAUDIA !! The way my coochie throbbed 💖💦🚑 I hope you’re doing well too, angel 🥹🦋 You’re so fucking sweet, and I’m so happy to have you around. You deserve all the love and sunshine 🌱💦 REBLOG + COMMENT, if you enjoyed :)

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✧ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 💫

✦ Taglist: @paradisepoisons @ali-r3n @josephs-quinns @gri959 @kingstevesgf @eddiesxangel @feral-pumpkin-energy @ali-r3n @mediocredreams @str4ngergirlw0rld @hellfiremunsonn @joshlmbrt @bl00d-puppy @strangerstilinski @eveatethefruit @madelynraemunson @eddies-dungeon-and-dragon @fictionaldaze @jenniquinn @seatnights @nailbatanddungeon @gimpofthegraveyard @tlclick73 @sorayasworld @vigilanteshit @tracymbcm @niallersfreckles @lalalala-melmosworld @wistfultozier @readergf @pervertedangel @crookedteethed @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @willowsgrl @dungeonsanddragonsandmunson ✨

Dom!eddie Munson X Reader (v) 18+ Mdni 275w.


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