Hi, I'm Ellie, I'm 19, and I fucking learned how to read Rhaenyra and Daenerys are the rightful queens, argue with the wall Arya is wonderful and deserves the worldMultishipper (but daemyra owns my heart rn)

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If Youre Team Black, Who Is Your Favorite Team Black Character? (vote For Your Favorite Or Least Disliked

If you’re team black, who is your favorite team black character? (vote for your favorite or least disliked tg character here)

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More Posts from Pessimisticpigeonsworld

10 months ago

My cat ate my fucking Popeyes, and still had the nerve to jump into my bed like nothing ever happened.

Like if she wasn't so gd cute, I'd kick her out, but....

My Cat Ate My Fucking Popeyes, And Still Had The Nerve To Jump Into My Bed Like Nothing Ever Happened.

How could I refuse that face??

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10 months ago

I don’t think people understand why Alicent was so bothered by Rhaenyra having illegitimate children as much as she was. Yes, part of it was coming from a place of frustration at Rhaenyra for scoffing at tradition and not honouring her marriage vows, but Alicent’s primary focus was on the politics - and how it put her own children in mortal danger.

I Dont Think People Understand Why Alicent Was So Bothered By Rhaenyra Having Illegitimate Children As

Painting: The Execution of Lady Jane Grey

You see, if Rhaenyra had legitimate children with Ser Laenor, then the Greens would have no reason whatsoever to try and replace Rhaenyra as heir to the throne with Aegon. They, in truth, would’ve been usurpers. But as we know, Rhaenyra having bastards not only weakened her own claim to the throne but by it, she has given her enemies a legitimate reason to support Aegon instead of her. Just think about it - nearly every lord in the realm has a bastard of his own. If Rhaenyra puts her own bastards on the throne, it sets a precedent - that bastards can have a claim to a title just as much as legitimate children can. This of course presents a HUGE crisis to the lords who probably have multiple bastards running around, now all potential heirs to his house. Some lords might even have older bastard brothers, brothers who would potentially be better rulers than them if they were trueborn. Brothers who would follow Rhaenyra’s suit and place themselves in positions of great power and usurp their trueborn sibling’s claims. No doubt, this would lead to violence, in-fighting, bloodshed and the potential extinction of houses and bloodlines that go back thousands of years.

So naturally, any lord who would be fearful of this playing out would naturally ally themselves with the trueborn children of House Targaryen - Alicent’s children. Whether the Greens want it or not, Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron would become unwilling figureheads for rebellions against Rhaenyra. These rebels would rally themselves around Alicent’s children, demand them to be crowned instead of Rhaenyra, and of course, Rhaenyra would have absolutely no choice but to execute her half-siblings, to save herself and her children. Whether Alicent’s children want it or not, they are living, breathing, constant challenges to Rhaenyra’s throne.

It’s the exact predicament Mary I of England faced - a Catholic queen who had just deposed her Protestant cousin, the Lady Jane Grey, Mary had no choice but to order 16 year old Jane’s execution in 1554. Despite having Jane imprisoned, rebels kept on popping up around England, all marching on London to dethrone Mary in Jane’s name, even though Jane herself was oblivious to what was happening because she was behind bars and had already relinquished her crown and declared for Mary. Mary was hoping to restore Catholicism to England and was planning to marry a foreign prince so she could provide England with a Catholic heir - but she knew so long as Jane lived, Mary, her future children and England would never know peace. So she reluctantly signed Jane’s death warrant, causing the death of one of England’s most tragic figures.

This would be the fate of Alicent’s children if Rhaenyra ever ascended the throne. No matter how good willed Queen Rhaenyra would be to her siblings, it wouldn’t last. The minute the first lord lit the beacon of rebellion and openly called Rhaenyra’s sons illegitimate usurpers of Alicent’s trueborn children with no right to the throne, Alicent’s children would’ve been executed. There’s absolutely no way Rhaenyra would ever chose Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron’s lives over her own living children - what mother would?

10 months ago

I find it interesting how the same people who support literal usurpation are so pissy about how Rhaenyra "got Otto removed" as Hand. As if Rhaenyra had this whole conspiracy in place instead of simply defending herself and her claim.

Otto was already getting on Viserys' bad side due to his constant haranguing to get Aegon made heir. The spying on Rhaenyra was the last straw after two years of trying to undermine her and Viserys' wishes.

TG stans trying to portray this as a massive injustice is another instance of them being insanely hypocritical. Otto wasn't a good Hand, he wasn't some kind of marxist reformer trying to better the kingdom. He was a manipulative and ambitious snake who was constantly plotting to better his family's position and ultimately get his blood on the throne.

Otto was Rhaenyra's biggest political rival by the time of episode three. She knew he wanted her deposed and married off to some lord away from KL, so she took action. He wasn't just harassing Viserys, he was having a teenage girl stalked to try to catch her in a compromising position.

Otto started the rivalry and the use of underhanded methods and he lost, go cry about it. Rhaenyra was protecting herself, but it was Viserys who made the call to remove Otto as Hand. Viserys isn't just a puppet controlled by Rhaenyra, he's the king. He may not be as proactive as other kings and is willfully blind to issues in his family, but he's his own person with autonomy.

TG stans are bitter that Rhaenyra was beating their faction before the battle lines were fully drawn. Otto played his hand and lost, just like the greens lost the war. Aside from that, their anger over Otto's removal from court shows yet another facet of their hypocrisy. They're bitching about an "injustice" while rooting for literal treason. TG stans are unreal lmao

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10 months ago

The Targaryens Did Not:

massacre a whole race or group of ethnically different people based on their ethnicity or race: they never “targeted the Westerosi for simply being Westori or belonging to a specific group of people or religion”  NOR  “kill in mass specific people such as Northerners or the Dornish people. So, they didn’t commit genocide either”

destroy religious sites or religious totems (weirwood trees)

force Westerosi lords nor peasants to adopt Valyrian cultural practices or habits. they didn’t “beat, tortured and killed the people they conquered for continuing to practice their culture rather than adopting Valyrian customs”

force Westerosi lords to discontinue their own cultural practices and religions, forgoe their house words, etc. just because they felt that Valyrian culture needed to be spread, they didn’t “conquer in the name of their Valyrian ancestry or on the name of Old Valyria” – and those that they did were actually better to have gone or legally abolished or welcomed by Westerosi to be abolished/outlawed: Ironborn raving/reaping AND right of the first night

“plunder resources or money from the conquered people and land to make themselves, Valyrian descendants, more powerful and wealthy to have dominion and subjugate the conquered people”

take and distribute lands previously belonging to the Westerosi lords to other Valyrians (which actually belonged to the Children of the Forest and the giants before the First Men arrived) and leave the Westerosi lords scraps of land to live off of

“force their bloodline onto the people they conquered in order to gain dominance of the conquered people”–Rhaenys the Conqueror (as I’ve come to call her) arranged marriages and there was never a real protest because these lords still wanted influence–if anything, the intermarriages made them reassured that they would have influence and a guarantee of security under the Targs because their children had bloodties and a stake in the Targs……just as ancient and medieval nobles have always done before actual race-based colonialism ever existed in real life

LINK to Inspired Post’s Ask by @kuramirocket

And the Direct Quote:

As I have always said, the Targaryens are NOT colonizers. The Targaryens are conquerors yes, but they did not colonize nor did they commit genocide. And this comes from me an indigenous woc whose people and country have suffered and continue to suffer from actual real life genocide and colonialism; not to mention that we, us, personally have generational trauma and history with actual colonialism and genocide still to this day. We know well what genocide and colonialism is and its negative impacts and consequences because we come from a people that suffered and still suffer from the actions of colonizers and those who commited genocide against us and our people.

But going back to House Targaryen, the Targaryens also never forced their bloodline onto the people they conquered in order to gain dominance of the conquered people. On the contrary, they bolstered marriages between the different kingdoms and their own house to stop the squabbling that had been occurring between the different kingdoms before the conquest.

The Targaryens also never beat, tortured and killed the people they conquered for continuing to practice their culture rather than adopting Valyrian customs. The Targaryens, most notably Dany, actually adapted to the culture of the Seven Kingdoms and the people they have interacted with. If anything, Westeros were the intolerant ones concerning the Targaryens practices - most notably incestious marriages. As a whole, the Targaryens respected and let the Kingdoms continue mostly as they were with their own beliefs and culture.

The Targaryens didn’t plunder resources or money from the conquered people and land to make themselves, Valyrian descendants, more powerful and wealthy to have dominion and subjugate the conquered people. The Targaryens also didn’t conquer in the name of their Valyrian ancestry or on the name of Old Valyria. They didn’t conquer to further extend their own Valyrian power or threshold or create a New Valyria. The conquered people still held their culture, titles and lands.

The Targaryens also never targeted the Westori for simply being Westori or belonging to a specific group of people or religion. The Targaryens didn’t kill in mass specific people such as Northerners or the Dornish people. So, they didn’t commit genocide either.

Honestly, it’s not that hard to understand the difference between conquest, colonialism and genocide if antis actually paid attention to and actually cared about what poc had to say about genocide and colonialism considering we have a long history with real-life genocide and colonialism to this day.