Hey, Yeah Um?? All Your Moodboards Are So?? Beautiful?? Gorgeous?? Aesthetically Pleasing?? Breathtaking??
hey, yeah um?? all your moodboards are so?? beautiful?? gorgeous?? aesthetically pleasing?? breathtaking?? um,, yes to all of those lol. seriously tho, there's so much fic inspo here 👀💓
Oh, honey, you have no idea how happy I am to read your message! Thank you very much!:)
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VC É BR GRITOOOOOOO SOCORRO QUE LINDA por favor bts aesthetic (jikook serial killer couple) heheheheh adoro seu blog ❤
EI MONA! Desculpe a demora para fazer o seu pedido, eu nunca tinha feito algo com esse tema e acabei não gostando muito do resultado ( eu refiz umas 3 vezes) espero que goste!
![[ Bts | Au! ] Kill Me Softly Close My Eyes With Your Caress](https://64.media.tumblr.com/073d14f0db13da08571db3b8445326d7/tumblr_orr0wbbBXe1sgjvvro1_500.jpg)
[ bts | au! ] ‘’ Kill me softly close my eyes with your caress ’‘
Because this is to good and Hobi's smile can cure the cancer!

☁️「bts!aesthetic」”I smile up to the sky I know I’ll be all right”
I was tagged by @spring-jealousy to do a bias moodboard! Thank you for marking me and for making me so happy doing this edit ❤️
I tag @thelady-01 , @vallete , @enchantedbaek , @nipshy , @unbwilievable , @velvethoseok and @voidpjm because you all make wonderful edits 💞💕 and of course, do it only if you want :))

{kpop!crossover!teetitansau!}“ teen titans GO!”
![[ Exo | Aesthetic! ] Lipstick, Chateau Wine Color](https://64.media.tumblr.com/72f9ad7a656bbbbeb7ffc5ee845bbf43/tumblr_ooyundreNl1sgjvvro1_500.jpg)
[ exo | aesthetic! ] ‘’ Lipstick, chateau wine color ‘‘
I was tagged by @twoamaranth to do my bias aesthetic! Thank you to marking me unnie! You make me so happy doing this edit! <3
I tag @nipshy, @enchantedbaek, @seoulraindrops, @myeorkandkookies and @spring-jealousy because they make such lovely and great editions! And of course, do it only if you want :))