A Warm-up Drawing I Did Of Sans Ive Never Drawn Sans Before So I Think It Turned Out Ok Except For The

A warm-up drawing i did of sans ive never drawn sans before so i think it turned out ok except for the hood shading which is....interesting
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More Posts from Phantick

A drawing of waterfall from Undertale. although i don’t think its an accurate representation of the area its how i think of it :)

Inktobertale day 4: determination
Couldn't Finnish this one yesterday but oh well
Hello everyone!
As many of you already know, Youtube decided to remove Community Contributions on September this year. Since then, the newer videos don’t have all the languages that dedicated fans translated with that tool. Now I have to upload every single language manually.
Thanks to some of my followers, a few languages are already covered every time a new video is posted on my channel.
However, I’ve not been able to find more translators for the other languages. If you’re interested on translating some of my videos in your native language, please join our Official Discord, there I’ll share with you the subtitles files in English:
If you can’t access to Discord, you can also DM me via Twitter:
This is the list of the most translated languages based on contributions from old videos:
Spanish TAKEN
Portuguese (Brazil) TAKEN
Japanese TAKEN
Simplified Chinese TAKEN
Polish TAKEN
Russian TAKEN
Italian TAKEN
Hebrew TAKEN
Traditional Chinese
I will receive one caption per language, depending if the subtitles have been properly translated.
If you speak another language that is not included in the list, you can apply for contributions anyway, any kind of help is always welcome!

Inktobertale day 2 Buggy
Good to take your children for a stroll round the multiverse. nothing can go wrong.