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Costume tf idea where Derek gets talked into dressing as one of Dtiles' favorite characters. Only for Stiles' magic to involuntarily effect Derek and changes him into that character.

Apparently if enough people wish for something to happen, it will. Many TF fans have always visualized Tyler Hoechlin changing into a beast of some sorts.
Well, this morning, the sexy “Supergirl” and former “Teen Wolf” star woke up with his ears TF into donkey ears… and finds himself braying randomly when he talks.
This afternoon, his hands fused into a fist position and have started becoming hard.
“Oh god, what the heeeeehawwwww is happening to me! Heeelp…. heeeehawwww!”

“Smelly armpit time!” the voice said as Derek couldn’t control his speech. He saw his arms getting thicker and pits getting coarser. He could smell his pits fuming over him, the smell offended him like it wasn’t his scent. His face forcefully presses to his right pit and inhales deeply.
“Now that’s the smell of a man!” the voice said, Derek’s eyes grew in distress as his face turns to his other pit and his chin stretches downward where his tongue was able to stick his tongue out and lick his pit as Derek’s eyes rolls back in confusion.
“Testosterone bro!” the voice said. ____________________ Sketches goes with this story I wrote awhile ago. Click here to read full story.

“Derek’s Pecs”
Derek was already a little annoyed with having been volunteered by Stiles to play for the company’s baseball team, but when one of the other players starting to comment on his musculature, he was trying his best to swallow his rage.
The player in question looked like one of those stereotypical depictions of steroid-abusing athletes. His large, grotesque muscles strained against the red uniforms of the team and the top few buttons of the team shirt were left undone because they couldn’t close around his bulbous pecs that resembled melons.
“Maybe we’d be winning and you wouldn’t have struck out if you went to the gym some more,” the meathead said, giving Derek a sideways glance.
The alpha werewolf clenched his jaw, trying his best to ignore the idiot next to him. Yeah, Derek had struck out… but it was only because he’d kept swinging the bat too fast, missing the baseball over and over due to his werewolf speed.
“I hit a home run,” the muscleman next to him continued, giving his pecs a little bounce. “I guess I got some strength behind my swing.”
“I’ll hit it next time,” Derek grunted, trying not to bare his teeth. Although he knew it was just a silly game, he was feeling miffed at having struck out in front of his entire company… and especially in front of Stiles who had given him a pity-clap when he’d slunk back to the dugout.
Derek looked over at the bleachers were he saw Stiles happily chowing down on some popcorn. He looked and made eye contact, giving him a small wave.
The other player scoffed. “Not with those puny muscles,” he countered, going so far as to actually reach over and grab a hold of Derek’s fleshy pecs. “Those are hardly there. There’s no power behind you.”
Derek was stunned silent that the other man had had the nerve to grab his chest… which he wanted to argue was muscular, but of course it’d look unimpressive next to the steroid-user’s.
“I got my homerun, and my boyfriend doesn’t complain either,” the man smirked, gesturing at some random dude in the bleachers. This guy waved at the muscle man, using a much more animated wave than Stiles had when he’d waved at Derek.
The werewolf scowled to himself as he looked down at his own chest which did appear a little flat. The man’s groping hands had left a little tingling sensation behind, making Derek’s chest feel like it was buzzing.
Derek’s team wound up losing, much to the werewolf’s dismay. As he and Stiles drove home, he was silently fuming. Due in part to being a sore loser and the muscleman’s condescending words, Derek kept his lips pursed into a thin line. And he was a little (or a lot) irritated that the muscleman’s boyfriend had given him a larger wave than the one Stiles had given him.
Plus, his chest still tingled uncomfortably to the point of feeling sore, like he’d just completed a killer Chest Day at the gym.
Stiles, trying to cheer up his husband, placed a small hand on Derek’s shoulder. “It’s just a game,” he meekly offered. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that the other team had some werewolves on it too.”
It didn’t; Derek would’ve sniffed them out. “Uh, yeah,” Derek muttered.
They stopped at a red light and Derek looked down at his chest, his frown deep on his face. His baseball uniform was a little baggy and completely obscured his muscles, giving off the illusion that he was thin and weak, whereas the jerk on his team was approaching bodybuilder proportions.
“Hey, um…” he hesitated to say, blush forming on his face, “do you think… uh, don’t laugh. B-but, do you think I have a nice chest?”
Stiles flinched and looked at Derek wide-eyed, not used to seeing his husband act self-conscious. “Of course,” he answered honestly.
The tingling in Derek’s chest began to grow in fervor, almost like there was pressure forming in his pectorals. He shook it off.
“So, you don’t think I need to be bigger?” he continued, avoiding eye contact with Stiles at all costs. The light turned green and he was thankful he had an excuse to watch the road.
Stiles chuckled. “Is this because of Shawn?” he laughed, referring to the muscleman. “I mean, sure that guy has some big pecs, but who cares?”
Derek swallowed the jealous growl that wanted to escape his lips over Stiles talking about the idiot muscleman. The pressure in the chest continued to grow until it seemed as if a bubble burst within him, the tingling dissipating across his pecs.
Derek and Stiles both went quiet as the top button on Derek’s baseball uniform popped off, shortly followed by the second.
“What the—?” Derek wondered aloud as he looked down, his jaw dropping when he saw his own pectorals inflating at a rapid pace. The previously toned pecs ballooned out in front of him, filling out the confines of his shirt and stretching it to the limit. They puffed out and rounded, completely engulfing his neck and forcing him to adjust his arms around them as he drove. The huge pectorals burst out of the top layer of his baseball uniform, leaving him in his red tank top, showing off how top-heavy he now looked. His nipples had even pumped up, looking hard and erect as they protruded off the massive mounds that had become his chest.
Stiles was silent as he watched his husband’s pecs balloon out, completely warping his toned physique to make him look like a guy who was obsessed with benchpresses. As the car traveled down the road, the rumble of the engine and the little bumps in the asphalt made Derek’s muscletits jiggle and bounce constantly.
“What the fuck just happened?!” Derek panicked, pulling over to the side of the road. He winced as his buff arms kept colliding with his huge pecs as he drove, and how he had to shift his seat back to stop his new muscletits from pressing against the car horn. He looked down at himself, shocked that he couldn’t see anything beyond his new shelf of a chest which blocked the view of his lower body. He could barely make out the tips of his nubby nipples which poked out of the straps of his tank top.
“Derek,” Stiles breathed in awe. “Holy crap! Your pecs are huge!” He reached out with a shaky hand and gave one of the inflated pecs a tentative squeeze.
“Oh shiiiitt,” Derek moaned, his head rolling back and his entire body spasming, which made his giant pecs jiggle even more. His perky nipples were burning now, a sensation he wasn’t used to.
“Sorry!” Stiles immediately cried as he jerked his hand back. “Did that hurt?”
Derek’s already red face deepened even further. “No… they’re just really sensitive,” he panted, his cock feeling as if it’d burst through his pants simply from having Stiles give his huge chest a squeeze.
Even Stiles was deeply turned on. When Derek had asked him earlier if he’d needed a bigger chest, Stiles had wanted to tell Derek that he would love it if Derek had massive pecs that were disproportionately huge. But he hadn’t wanted to hurt his feelings because he’d picked up on how Derek hated Shawn’s guts. However, as he stared at the panting Derek whose inflated muscletits heaved with every breath and whose nipples looked so utterly tweakable, he was getting hard too.
“So,” he said, a devious plan forming in his mind, “you must like it when I do this…”
Stiles reached forward and ran his thin fingers through the wisps of chest hair that covered Derek’s inflated pecs, sending a shudder through the other man.
Derek struggled to form coherent thoughts. He knew that he should be panicking that his pecs had grown to the size of basketballs somehow, and that they were now the most sensitive part on his body. However, all of that turned to mush as his husband groped his larger pecs, causing him to see stars. His cock throbbed with want and the werewolf couldn’t stop but moan loudly from every touch.
“And what about this?” Stiles smirked as he reached down to pinch and toy with Derek’s erect nipples.
“Uuughh!” Derek squealed loudly as he came on the spot, shooting what felt like the largest load in his life. A big wet mark was on the front of his pants, and he blushed again at having gotten off by having Stiles play with his nipples, which used to never be sensitive, but now the man craved it. He knew that he should be panicking and trying to fix whatever had happened to him, but instead he found himself immediately looking forward to Stiles pecfucking him when they got home.
“You know,” Stiles added, “I think your pecs are about twice as big as Shawn’s.”
Arousal radiated off Stiles in waves, and Derek couldn’t help but growl playfully at his husband. “I suppose we gotta go find some shirts that will fit over these,” he chuckled, bouncing each of his muscle mounds, loving the hungry look on his husband’s face.

– – –
[Base Photo Source: https://bigmusclenm.tumblr.com/post/679149753803669504/dane-de-bruin-morphed-original]

Tyler didn't expect a magic show to be hosted at his birthday party. But knowing his friends he should have expecting something like this. The show was fun to watch. The magician was very skilled with his tricks and illusions. It almost seemed like the man could do real magic.
"Now for the grand finale. A special gift for the guest of honor." The magician said.
He gestures for Tyler to join him up on stage. With the encouragement of his friends, Tyler stood up and got up on stage.
"I hope you've been enjoying my show." The magician said.
"Because I saved my best trick for last." He added before Tyler could speak.
The way the other man was smiling at him unnerved Tyler a little. So he stood there with a forced smile. Wondering what the guy's deal was to give Tyler such a creepy smile.
"We can all agree that Tyler here is a very handsome man no?" The magician started.
"But imagine how he would look if I enhanced his looks a bit." The magician then says something in a language Tyler doesn't understand. When this strange light suddenly overcomes him. He finds it hard to move after that, his head pounding as this weird sensation pulsates through him.
He groans, clutching his head as his body rapidly changes on stage for all to see. Tyler friends in the audience make various sounds of astonishment over seeing Tyler changing.
"He looks even better doesn't he?" The magician asks Tyler startled friends.
While the former actor stands there, too busy flexing his large muscles to pay any attention.
"Though I don't think he has the means to be a actor anymore. But he will make for a perfect new assitant."

Body Swap AU - It’s a morning like any other, except for one little detail. Stiles and Derek are not exactly themselves. Literally. When they wake up in each other’s body, everything turns upside down. Derek has to go to school and act like Stiles while the teenager in a werewolf body struggles with the whole super-strength-super-senses thing.

“Very funny, Scotty. But seriously, have you seen my muscles? These things are huge.” Stiles strokes his hands down his new body. “And look at how cute these teeth are. And ohmygod he has a giant-”
“We need to fix this as soon as possible,” Scott says.
(Because Hoechlin did an impression of Stiles at Nemetonitacon)

“God damn it!”
Alan glanced back down at his phone and tried to dial the number again, sighing in frustration as he saw that his phone suddenly had no signal. Today was far from a good day, after spending the last thirty years helping establish his own business, he was only fired and kicked out in order to bring “new and young minds to television.”
It seemed being an overweight fifty year old who only just realised that he spent his entire youth doing nothing fun or exciting with himself for the past few decades had left him being considered boring and “downright senile” by other staff. It didn’t even help that after all this time, he was still in the closet, never finding time to embrace who he truly was. So here he was, standing outside his own office, and now just trying to get a ride home since his own was still at the mechanic’s. And yet somehow there was no signal.
“Oh come the fuck on,” muttered a frustrated Alan, sighing as he put his phone away, looking up and down the street before something caught his eye. A large red telephone box stood on the oddly quiet street, no cars nor people walking up and down as he looked around. He had the numbers memorised, though since when was there a telephone box? Clutching what he hoped was a sign that the world wasn’t totally out to get him. Alan quickly stepped inside the telephone box, starting to dial the number as the phone ring. “Come on, pick up, pick up…”
“Superman,” came a low voice on the other side.
“What?” asked Alan. “Look I just need a-” The phone hung up, the monotonous beep sounding in his ears as Alan stared at the phone in hand and began calling again. “What the fuck is going on today, I swear if I need a damn-”
And then he stopped, watching as he began dialling the numbers, just as he was about to finish he watched his finger suddenly start to stretch. Growing longer, his Alan flexed his hand and watched as the fingers started to elongate longer and longer. Shaking his head, he slammed the phone down.
“Hey! What the hell is going on?” But as Alan suddenly faced the door, he noticed the door knob had disappeared, the wall seemed almost to merge as the hinges coated themselves in crimson and faded away. “No! What the hell let me out of here?”
Alan watched as he pounded against the slithers of glass to the outside world that his hands began to grow, watching as both palms started to sweat as the fingers continued to grow, each one stretching outwards and splaying against the glass. “No! Someone help me!” He pounded against the windows, none of them breaking as he saw others beginning to walk out of the building but as they did, the windows started to shrink, merging with the red walls.
“No! Oh fuck, I gotta-”
Alan groaned out loud as he started to feel his arms start to grow against his suit. The biceps bulging against the dark material whilst they began to flex as he looked down at them, the veins showing themselves through each and every dent of pure raw hot muscle that showcased itself through the suit, pushing the fabric to their very boundaries as they stretched them more and more.
He couldn’t help but groan as loud as he could, not just out of pleasure, but power, feeling stronger than ever before as he continued to toy with the feeling of his now massive biceps as his arms continued to swell. With every groan, they only grew more and more, and he couldn’t stop but bask in the pleasure of it all as his cock stood firmly erect, even when he wasn’t gay, it was just too hot to resist.
“Oh- Oh fuck my arms, they’re so big! What’s happening?” cried Alan as his hand slowly took control of itself, zipping from him, he watched as he tried to use his other hand to grab it. “No! Stop! What is-” Before he knew it, both arms were no longer his own, as his hand instantly zipped down to unzip his pants and let his cock hang in the air as he backed up against the wall and started to stroke himself. “Fuck! Aw fuck, need to…stop…” He begged, unable to stop himself from stroking harder and faster at his cock, watching as pre-cum spilled between his longer digits.
As he stroked, with every stroke, his body began to inflate, he could almost hear the skin stretching as if he was being filled like a balloon, his own torso growing bigger and bigger. He watched as after every single stroke of his pulsing dick, buttons started to fly from his office shirt underneath.
The first few buttons revealed his growing pecs, brown hairs starting to slowly sprout on both the mountainous slabs of muscles that pushed further and further outward, creating a deep lining in his chest where the muscles met as they both bounced in pleasure.
The next button flew off, showing more of his chest as hairs continued to swivel and sprout on the clearing skin, the fat starting to sink in.
And as he watched more buttons begin to reveal more of his skin, he watched as his shirt was left hanging open, any and all fat that slowly spilled over the sides of his pants now receded, fading away as his stomach warped and meshed itself together. He watched, panting and stroking his cock as he saw the fat slowly sink in and then mass pushing out with every exhale.
Fat slowly melts away.
Muscle begins to breed anew.
Alan felt his entire body change, his torso pushing outward as his own pecs were now almost blocking his view of his own stomach but not before abs begin to fade in, the sweaty muscle beginning to let him see the deep crevices that lined through the pit of his stomach. Allowing him to enjoy the spectacle of muscle that showed itself through his Adonis abs, a clear and beautiful six-pack that accentuated the new man he was becoming.
“Oh god, what is happening?!” cried Alan, “And why does it feel so good?” He moaned as he watched his once skinny thighs start to blow out with muscle. The legs threatened to tear the pants asunder as they swelled out in proportion with his new hunky mass of a body, watching the bare fat start to become nothing more than pure muscle as the legs were now large frames of thick thighs and well grown calves. His own ass inflated as Andy looked down at his cock.
Every stroke began to slowly start to lengthen it, watching as it grew bigger and broader, watching as pre-cum now started to slowly wet this new long dick that was in his hands.
“Oh fuck…Muscles feel so…good…Oh fuck my legs! What’s happening to my legs?” moaned Alan as he started to feel an odd sensation, his shirt buttons now redoing themselves, barely able to fit over his muscular frame as he looked down to see his shirt becoming blue.
The dress jacket slowly elongating until it was a long and red flowing cape as Alan watched, mortified to see his erect leaking cock covered by his own new blue outfit, the pants merging with the shirt as the texture race down. His own belt became red as he just felt his feet begin to grow outwards before being confined to the red boots that touched the very tips of his toes.
Alan moaned and whimpered.
“Oh fuck…just…wanna come so bad…” begged Alan as he pressed against the back of the telephone box, heaving and panting as his sweat slicked muscles were covered in this new outfit, as he rubbed at his cock through the new tight material.
“So close…I feel it…Oh fuck, I don’t know what’s happening but I’m gonna…Gonna-”
Alan couldn’t finish the words. As his long ten inch cock throbbed against the suit he watched his skin start to grow younger, any wrinkles fading from his features which began to shift to grow anew.
As orgasm after orgasm spilled out of his cock, he could feel his mind altering, memories fading, everything in him changing as a bit of hair slowly snaked its way in front of his forehead. “Oh god, what the-”
His voice deepened as suddenly the man in the telephone box toppled outward, panting and sweating as his new outfit showcased every single crevice of his new muscular body packed into a super suit.
Alan stepped in there, a plaintive old businessman that had wasted his life away, but now watched as every man had their eyes on him as he flexed his pecs. No longer Alan, but now Clark Kent; Superman.

“So,” started Clark as he rubbed his still hard cock through his suit, as he smirked at the men. “Who’s first?”

Superman’s red briefs cannot contain his massive bulge
Morfoni’s Festival
You know, I was a little doubtful when I heard that Morfoni’s Festival was going to be coming to my small town because nothing big ever happens to us. I didn’t even know what it was going to be about because I had no idea who or what Morfoni was but the thought of a festival taking place in the field right outside of my home seemed strange. Who would ever bother travelling to our small town to come to some dumb festival anyway?
I had all but given up on my chance to get out of the town. I was doomed to live as a sales assistant at the local clothes store whose only real excitement was whenever the corner shop stocked new Superman comics. I was in my early twenties but people still mistook me for a teenager because of my wiry frame and nerdy interests. I didn’t have much confidence and wanted desperately to start a new life elsewhere but what options did I really have?
The tents seemed to spring up over night. I never saw nor heard any construction crews arriving to do the work and yet when I woke up one morning the entire filled was covered in a number of tents and it was already swimming with hundreds of people. I had no idea this many people even knew my town existed, let alone had any intentions of visiting!
Strangely enough my parents and big sister didn’t seem to be in the house when I woke and it didn’t take me long to predict that they had gone to investigate what the festival had to offer. There had been chatter around the town for a few days as we tried to work out exactly what it was and who had put the flyers up but nobody had any answers. I would have to take the initiative and work things out for myself by checking it out as no doubt the rest of the town already had, plus a bunch of tourists who had suddenly flocked in.
The first thing I noticed when I got to the festival and bought a ticket was that everybody seemed to be talking about magic. More specifically they were talking about transformation magic and how they’d grown taller or had their extra weight stripped away and I began to fear that I was surrounded by crazies. None of the things they were talking about seemed possible, especially not the six-feet tall guy with big muscles and rough stubble who ran up to tell me that “even the portable toilets are magical!”
Deciding to try and find my family, I peered into some of the tents and was disappointed to see the most basic level magic shows I could imagine - rabbits being pulled out of hats and the like. One of them featured a magician’s assistant turning into a frog but I guessed there was probably just some mirror work going on because there was no way that had actually happened.
Eventually I felt nature calling and abandoned my search to head for the so called magical portable toilets. After queuing for what felt like forever, I was finally at the front of the line and hurried into one of the small cabinets. I relieved myself in record time but when I stood up from the seat I was surprised to find that I stood a fair few inches taller. Brushing it off as just my imagination, I washed my hands and stepped out of the compartment.
The first thing I noticed was people staring at me in excitement and whispering to their friends. “Did you see what he looked like before he went in?” One of them said to their friends who eagerly nodded. “Look at him now, he’s Superman!” I could only laugh in response. What the hell were they talking about? I didn’t look any different from before I stepped into that portable toilet because I’ve always been Superman.
What are you so confused about? I’m Henry Cavill, A-List actor and the Superman on the big screen. I’m in this insignificant town nobody’s ever heard of for Morfoni’s Festival because I’m looking for some freshly-transformed studs to bring onto my next movie as stunt doubles and extras. These people can stare all they like but I’m going to head into the tents to watch some magic from Morfoni’s disciples and worshipers. I don’t consider myself an overly religious man but the god of transformation had always been good to me so why wouldn’t I show up to his festival to show my appreciation?
Besides, it’s not like I’m the only A-List celeb here! I’ve already seen Ryan Gosling and I’m pretty sure that’s Joe Manganiello getting on stage with one of the warlocks right now…

for @drpepperdragoon sorry it took so long to get this out to you, hope you enjoy it.
Tyler Hoechlin looked at the suit he was sent, grimacing at the state it was in, not to mention the smell of it was foul, as if whoever had it never washed it, smelling heavily of smoke, and sex. There was no way he was doing the charity event wearing something like this. He lifted the box up, intending to throw it in the trash were it belonged only to have some unseen force tip the box over, the suit falling in his arms from where he had it stretched out away from his body.
As soon as the Santa suit touches his skin, it starts to wrap around him, Tyler startled and shouts in shock, fighting with it to get it off as it tightens around him like a snake. The Santa suit begins to pull itself closer to him, fusing to Tyler’s clothing as he’s helpless to do anything to remove it, until the disgusting Santa suit is completely on him, the hat sealing around his head, as the final touch.
Tyler feels dizzy, the smell of the Santa suit making it hard to think clearly, he tries to pull it off, the suit not moving, despite how baggy it is on him it just won’t come off. He then feels his body starting to feel hot, beads of sweat run down his forehead, stumbling on his wobbly legs, Tyler finds a mirror, watching in horror just as his stomach pushes out, filling out the large front of the red Santa coat, his pecs sagging and enlarge into a pair of large flabby man tits, outlining the top front of the suit as they rest on top his enlarge flabby gut. “Ho ho, What the fuck?” Tyler blurts out, covering his mouth his his hand, feeling this fingers thicken and become larger when he jerks it back away from his mouth.
With his hand removed Tyler sees his stubble turning grey then pure white, growing longer into a beard and keeps growing down, stopping just above his chest, he brings his hand up to touch the white long beard he now has, unable to stop the shuddering moan from escaping his lips as his hand strokes it. His cock tenting the front of the red pants, growing thicker in size as it becomes hard, Tyler’s body half expanding, his ass ballooning out as filling out the back of the pants, Tyler can’t help but turn around to get a glimpse of it, ‘Fucking hot lard ass.’ passes through his mind when he looks at it, thoughts of getting fucked by other men filling his head, unable to push those out as the changes continue.
Tyler’s hair thins under the Santa hat, growing longer and turning snow white, as a pair of glasses appears on his face, the glasses triggering his skin to become withered and wrinkled as he ages up to be the age he looks now, a man well into his 70s, Tyler still freaks out in his mind, but that part of him slowly fades away, his new thoughts overtaking him, as the old Santa bear starts touching himself. Unbuttoning the front of his suit to reveal the thick forest of white body hair covering his torso, running his fat finger through it, humming to himself as he uses his other hand to free his cock, the thick member flopping out of the stained pants as he begins jerking himself off to his reflection.
As he gets himself off a large pipe appears in his mouth, his hand that was rubbing his torso moves to hold onto it, taking deep puffs from it, as if its something natural to him, blowing smoke from his nose as he keeps working his cock. When he feels his orgasm building, his movements pick up, soon he’s blowing his load, and his old self and memories all over the dirty mirror, adding to the cum stains on it’s reflective surface, the house around him changing from a expensive loft in Hollywood to a grimy trailer in the middle of the south somewhere. Tyler Hoechlin the actor forever gone, in his place Trey Harris, a local perform at the gay bar downtown, best known for playing a ‘Dirty Santa’ around the holiday season, which speaking off he should be getting there soon, his act starts in an hour and he needs to get there make sure everything ready, he’s sure the other bears at the club are really going to enjoy his act tonight.
( epilogue. Once at the club Trey turns all the in shape young gay men into chubby cubs, obese bears, truckers, etc turning the gay club into a bear bar.)

I hit 2500 followers a couple months and a couple hundred followers ago, here is a little celebration post and a continuation of the Nerd/Jock Redux story.
Chronivac Presents a Nerd/Jock Redux- The Actor
Eugene laid on his bed, the heads of Sam and Dan bobbing beneath the blankets. His massive feet hung out the end and he was gently running a hand across his pecs. His TV was on and playing the latest Spider-Man movie. The arachnid superhero was swinging through the streets of New York, sunlight glistening off his hairy abs and his overstuffed bulge bouncing with each swing. Eugene felt one of the twins gag on the massive head of his cock. He chuckled slightly before returning his attention to Spider-Man, he liked seeing a nerd superhero. It was always these short, skinny or fat superheroes. Former models who turned to acting and now made guys like Eugene feel bad about their muscle bound forms. This guy playing Spider-Man, Tom something was actually pretty good and looked a lot like Peter Parker from the comics. Though Eugene never remembered Peter Parker using his giant bulge to smother robbers.
In some studio Tom stood atop a New York apartment building, staring out at a green screen while the director and crew fiddled with a camera behind him. His feet overhanging the slabs capping the building’s brickwork as he stood astride the corner of the roof. Clad head to toe in the red and blue spider-man uniform. Just a young actor pretending to be a teenage superhero. Filming was close to finishing and this was one of the final scenes. They’d actually filmed it before, but the director wasn’t happy with it so he’d got Tom to fly back to the studio from London and film it again.
He flexed his toes, his heels hanging off one end of the wall and his toes off the other. Luckily he was pretty well balanced, even though his size 22 feet were barely getting any stability from the wall. Before puberty hit and turned Tom into any other stereotypical nerd Tom had been a dancer, but growing over a foot and piling on thick muscle had ruined that, so he turned his talents to acting.
The fans turned on behind him, the cool breeze making him flex his thickly muscled glutes. The skin tight costume was hugging every curve of his muscle butt, the tops of the cheeks actually partly visible. Originally the costume had covered him completely, but he’d had a slight growth spurt between getting measured for the costume and when he turned up for the filming of Civil War.
Slight, being 6 inches of height and 50lbs of muscle. Plus hair had started to come in. He remembered how embarrassed he’d been when he turned up to the studio with a thick beard and richly forested hair spreading over his abs and pecs. But it turned out it actually fit the character better. Peter Parker had always been a towering mass of hairy nerd in the comics, and Tom’s portrayal had gone very well with audiences.
“Ok Tom, you know how this goes” the director shouted from behind him “Just an good dramatic shot of you overlooking the city you saved from Mysterio”
Tom shook out his massive arms and stood proudly with them on his lean hips to stare out at a green screen. Even though his face wouldn’t be in the shot he was trying to put on a serious smile. The mask didn’t cover his bearded jaw, the higher-ups decided that for some reason Tom’s lantern jaw covered in the thickest beard ever to appear on film was a good fit for the character even though Spider-Man always covered his nerdy beard. The studio went silent and the director called ‘action’. Tom just stood and breathed steadily, he could actually hear the fibers of the costume straining against his slightly heaving pecs.
“Wait….wait… cut” the director shouted
Tom turned his head. His thick bull neck being slightly strangled by the costume.
“Whats wrong” he asked his voice booming loudly even though he’d tried to keep the volume low
“Just your junk” the director said stepping over to him
With Tom standing on the wall his solid ass was face level with the director, with Tom flexing his cheeks in embarrassment. He looked down past his pec shelf to the overpacked crotch resting between his giant thighs. It looked like it always did when he wore the costume, a round lump of animal sized fuck meat.
“Jake, can you sort him out please” the director shouted to one of the aides
A young guy came running over and without saying a word to Tom stuffed his hands into Tom’s pants. Tom could feel Jake’s face resting against one of Tom’s ass cheeks as the guy reached around him to pull at the straps of Tom’s jockstrap.
“We really need to get you a new jock” the director said “The straps are always getting loose”
Tom was thankful for the mask covering most of his face, he could feel his cheeks burning red. Jake’s hands were forearm deep in Tom’s musky jockstrap and were rearranging their contents. One of Tom’s baseball sized nuts was being lightly cupped by Jake as Tom’s deli quality sausage was curved around underneath them.
“Your junk was hanging lower then it should” the director explained to Tom
One of his hands on the small of Tom’s back, it would of been on Tom’s shoulder, but Tom was over 7ft tall and standing atop a high wall. The director would have to be a nerd of the highest standard to even hope of reaching one of Tom bowling ball sized shoulders.
“We can barely have these beach balls you call ass cheeks in a shot” the director chuckled, Jake though was nearly pressed his face right between Tom’s cheeks “Can have those wrecking ball nuts swinging low between your legs”
Jake finally got ahold of the straps of Tom’s jock and was adjusting them to tighten them up. Tom could feel the weight of his genitals rising up, his almost overflowing pouch getting dangerously close to completely overflowing with cock meat. Tom could swear Jake lingered for a moment, he could feel Jake take a deep breath with his face buried between Tom’s ass cheeks.
“Much better” the director said, giving Tom’s ass a firm slap when Jake moved away
Filming started up again and within 5 minutes it was over. Tom jumped down from the wall with a floor shaking thud. Pulling off his mask and tossing it to Jake, the aide passing him a water bottle.
“Thanks” Tom said, staring past his pecs down to Jake
The guy was actually very cute, maybe a year or so older then Tom. He was short and very slim, probably had been an athlete in school, a guy who’d never even look at Tom. But now Tom was a big celebrity, didn’t matter that he was a hairy muscle beast, just appearing in a film had made it like he was a short fatty.
“You’re welcome” Jake said beaming up at Tom “Your lunch is waiting for you in your dressing room, and is there anything else I can do for you”
Jake was biting his lip and gently loosing the straps of Tom’s jock. Sweet relief spread up from Tom’s crotch as his heavy meat was allowed to swing.
“Can’t believe it is actually part of your job to do that” Tom muttered as he started for his dressing room
Jake just laughed, a few steps behind Tom. His short legs not keeping up with Tom’s lengthy strides.
“Well I’m your assistant, you are my job” Jake said as Tom ducked into his dressing room “Wait what” Tom said suddenly turning around
Jake walked face first into Tom’s hairy abs. The warm studio lights had caused them to be slick with sweat.
“Yea, I’ve been your assistant throughout filming, who did you think was bringing you scripts, food, costumes and emptying your trash” Jake said wiping his face clean of sweat
Tom felt himself blushing again. The mention of his trash turning him a bright crimson, everyday of filming Tom’s trash was packed with cum stained tissues. Wanking his massive meat was the only way for Tom to not pop an arm sized boner in the middle of filming, and he’d had to turn to tissues after seeing some of the crew carrying cum soaked towels through the set on the first day.
“I never noticed” Tom said feeling bad
Jake just laughed “Surprised you notice anything with those pecs”
Tom found himself bouncing them for Jake, who’s eyes just went wide. Jake quickly moved past Tom and set up Tom’s lunch. A massive fresh salad, Tom had tried to eat healthy, but the studio ordered him to keep his weight up, so it was salads and protein shakes everyday. Tom changed out of the Spider-Man costume, pulling some grey sweats over his rounded ass. His long cock hanging down one leg. Jake had moved onto cleaning up the dressing room, the small guy struggling to restock the dumbbells onto Tom’s weight rack.
Tom took a seat and started eating. The heavy duty metal chair creaked a bit as he lowered himself into. In the mirror at his dressing table Tom could see Jake sniffing Tom’s jock strap. Jake’s tongue flickering out to lick at some of the still wet pre-cum staining the pouch. Tom’s cock throbbed slightly and hardened down the leg of his sweats.
“Hey” Tom called
Jake dropped the jock and started spluttering out an explanation, his eyes wide at seeing himself over Tom’s shoulder in the mirror.
“Was it you who cleaned out my fleshjack” Tom asked
On the table an XXXXL fleshjack sat somewhat clean. It did look like someone had been scooping out the gooey cum with their tongue. Jake went bright red, Tom’s bearded face pulling up into a smile. He swiped his hand out and knocked the fleshjack into the trashcan.
“Get under the table” Tom ordered, his cock flexing against his sweats

Poor Superman was hit by one of Lex Luthor’s shrink rays… but it only hit his head.

This was really fun!
I might have to make more… and hopefully my photoshop skills improve haha!

My superman🙌🏻❤

Tyler Hoechlin presenting at the Teen Choice Awards 2017

The Holy Trinity

Tyler Hoechlin
My encounter with the trickster didn’t go as planned. I was no secret that I was a big fan of Tyler Hoechlin. I have followed his career since he was on teen wolf, and I have to say that my obsession with him was far from being a healthy one. Of course, I not only wanted to admire him, but I also wanted to become him. That’s why I performed the spell to summon the trickster. She told me that she could make my dream come true, that she could appease my lust by transforming me into him. There was just one condition, I couldn’t climax while in his body. If I did it just once, I would end up back in my original self. I didn’t think to much about that rule, I was more than happy to make a deal with her. I could only smile as I saw his image on the mirror. However, that rule was a torture. My dick is begging me to play with him. I survived the first two days as him. But just by hearing people calling me Tyler, by hearing my sexy new voice or changing clothes… man, I was certain that I would not last a week inside him. Now I am in a conference, and I am unable to maintain my snake at peace. I loved this body, but there is no denying that my lust and desire for having some fun is even bigger.

Walk on the Beach

The day was too hot for Brandon as he walked along the beach. His parent’s had forced him to go outside, even though he felt he wasn’t built to be outside. His passions involved things indoors, like reading, studying, building PC’s and playing with his chemistry set. His parent’s however felt he needed to get out of the house so they forced him to go outside in their coastal town encouraging him to find something to do outdoors.
He cursed them as he walked along, if he’d known they were going to suddenly shove him out the door he would’ve at least grabbed a book. Then he could’ve felt like he was doing something productive. As he walked along, a girl watched him from the pier. He didn’t know but he was about to experience something most men dreamed of. Walking along he paused and watched the beauty of the ocean. The footsteps he’d made behind him were quickly being erased. The ocean sending its waves to quickly take back his impact on the land. Taking a moment to admire it, a soft tap on his shoulder brought him back to reality.
Slightly startled, he turned to see a beautiful young woman standing in front of him. Her blonde hair gently swayed from the breeze. She was barely dressed, wearing only a swim top and a pair of shorts which he assumed was over her bikini. The olive skin on her body was breathtaking and as he found himself working on figuring out what to say she spoke to him. “Are you lost?” It was so melodious that he had to bring himself back.
“No sorry, just uh walking the beach,” his voice cracked slightly due to his lack of confidence. Girls were something else that weren’t in his wheelhouse. Being a straight guy, he enjoyed a beautiful woman, but having one so close to talk to in person was frightening. As she gave a smile, it cast a spell on his nerves temporarily calming him. “Would you like to sit and enjoy the waves?” Confidence was growing inside him.
“I’d love that,” she said as they both settled into the sand. They sat there watching the waves come in and go out. Building up the courage he turned to ask her a question but met her lips instead. Immediately he fell into her trap as she slowly seduced him with her powers. Her lips tasted of cherry and her hands felt like velvet on his neck. She pulled him closer turning him on as his medial prefrontal cortex fired off dopamine; inhibiting his willpower to make her stop. She listened closely to his responses. His beating heart, the catch in his breath. She could smell him growing horny as she waited to strike.
Brandon was falling for her quickly, their kisses growing heated as he gave into her unaware of what she intended to do to him. Finally at the point of no return she took the opportunity. Gently pushing him back into the sand she planted herself on top of him. Her fingers quickly unbutton his shirt, her velvety hands rubbing his bare skin. Her touch caused his body to react. Kneading the muscles in his chest with her fingers, she caused them to rise and take shape. His flat chest was now filling with the missing muscle he thought he’d never have. He was far too turned on to notice. Her fingers worked up to his shoulders making them expand, his back widening as well. “You’re so tight,” she commented, making her way down his arms.
The small twigs he’d been using were growing up, they were expanding, growing into solid trunks of hard muscle. The veins in his forearms popped as he squirmed in delight underneath her, unable to control how it made him feel. His breaths were getting deeper as his chest expanded to its final size. Taking a break from rubbing his arms she leaned in kissing him deeply. She used her kiss to keep him from using his expanded lungs to get fresh air to snap him out of her trance. His dick responded by tenting his shorts. She could feel it and smiled knowing there was no coming back now. “Relax,” she whispered in his ear as she worked her fingers to undo his shorts.
Those cherry lips quickly went to work wrapping around his member. His only reaction was to gasp in surprise and glance up and down the beach hoping no one would see them. Her fingers continued to work on his stomach, drawing out each cobblestone giving him a delightful six pack. The softness of her lips caused him to moan and squirm, his balls expanded as his testosterone built. His body reacted to the surge of it by making his ass, thighs and calves expand with growing muscle.
It was getting hot and steamy for the two of them as she continued to work on his rod, making it grow longer as she used her powers to bring out the stud inside him. She glanced up at his face, seeing his baby face vanishing, his jawline was becoming prominent, his nostrils flaring as his body began to sweat and produce more manly pheromones. He laid there looking like a horny idiot with his tongue hanging out like a dog.
The smell of his own body hit his nostrils, the amount of hair under his armpit had grown, his feet were rapidly growing to catch up to hold his new size. The palms of his hands were expanding with his fingers becoming longer to match. He began breathing deeply again, quickly replenishing his brain with oxygen. As his brain came back online, he could immediately tell how big his body had grown. He’d sunken into the sand some. “What’s happening?” He grunted with a deeper voice.
She immediately looked up seeing him awakening. “Hey, stop it,” he said, trying to push her off. She was so close. She just needed to edge him on a little more. Using his colossal hands he pushed her forehead back, but she retaliated by wrapping her hand around his member to give it a few good pumps. He let out a yelp as his cock reacted. It had been building up the final stage of his transformation. Hunks like him didn’t require brains, at least she didn’t want him to have one. She smiled watching him struggle to hold it back before he let out a moan and fired. A stream of cum filled with his I.Q. quickly blasted across the sand. The sparkle in his eyes quickly faded as his face took on a more confused look.
The waves quickly swept up to them, washing away Brandon’s former self. Getting to her feet, she offered a hand to Brandon. He looked at her with the same dumb expression but took her hand. “It’s okay you big lug, I’ll find more to make like you. Why don’t you go enjoy the day?” He stared at her dumbly before sauntering off shirtless. She smiled watching him, happy to turn another man into a brainless horny zombie. Soon she’d use Brandon to her advantage, but first she needed to find more intelligent men and reduce them like she’d done to him. How else was she going to create an army to take over this world? Can’t do it when the men or women are intelligent beings.

Derek and Stiles arguing over what to do with the spellbook they stole from the druid. Derek saying for them to destroy it, while Stiles wants to research it.
Their arguing ends up activating a spell within the book. Forcing the two bickering men together till the magic merges them together.
Leaving them as a new man who sits there in the jeep with a dumbfounded look on his handsome face. Scratching his beard, wondering what the hell that was as he drives off. No recollection of the two men henused to be left in his simple minded head.

Derek being corrupted by a hard hat he was forced into wearing. The hat slowly messes with his mind. Making him forget who he is and everyone he knew prior to this new life as a blue collar worker. While it also molds his body to better match his new arrogant persona he's adopted.
This new Derek contrasting who he used to be entirely. While also more than happy to strip down on a job to show off his muscular physique to certain clients of his.