piece--of--trash - Weirdo

Hi thanks for checking in but I'm 🎶still a piece of GARBAGE🎵

102 posts

Piece--of--trash - Weirdo - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
[the Slugcat Mews At U Annoyingly]

[the slugcat mews at u annoyingly]

6 months ago
Sleeby Ruffles

Sleeby Ruffles

6 months ago
[the Slugcat Mews At U Annoyingly]

[the slugcat mews at u annoyingly]

6 months ago
Some Crinkly Looking Art To Test One Of My Oc's Art Styles (I Like Giving All My Ocs That Can Draw Different

some crinkly looking art to test one of my oc's art styles (I like giving all my ocs that can draw different art styles lmao, this one's specifically a mobile iterator who I haven't fully designed because im being lazy)

6 months ago

Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Akhavere Charity Amira from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.

Cant support myself, but do support if you can.

And make sure it's real before you do so- as I don't know how to fact check these yet.

7 months ago

Lovely supporter, I hope this message finds you and your family in good health and high spirits.

This is Eman Zaqout a Biotechnologist and PhD student from Gaza. I've started a fundraising campaign and urgently need your help to spread it to the world, after losing my house and my job in the genocide in Gaza and living in a life that you can't bear watch it behind screens.

I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile, and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.

Thank you for your continuous help for the Palestinian cause until freedom is achieved.

Please know that our campaign is verified by @90-ghost, @aces-and-angels

I cannot donate myself but

Donate to Help my family survive famine and have secure life, organized by Mazin Fakak
Dear friends, family, and compassionate supporters, My name is Eman Za… Mazin Fakak needs your support for Help my family survive famine an

I will try and help share it. Here's the donate link here ^

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7 months ago
Careful Where You Step On. It Could Be A Tiny Larva.

Careful where you step on. It could be a tiny larva.

7 months ago

Thank you so much 🍉🍉for being generous and supporting for my family that is now undergoing to all forms of pain, torture 😞😞and hardship. Please don't hesitate to help the miserable, hopeless and jobless 😢😢people of Gaza in such hard and dire time We need your kind help 😍😍through donating whatever you can to enable us to cover some of our daily basic necessities or through sharing my posts to other. Your contribution will be highly valued.  ❤❤

As I've said before, make sure this is real before you donate- but if it is, do so if you can

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7 months ago
Screw You Cresselia

screw you cresselia

based on this

7 months ago
Really Indecisive About How I Want To Draw Their Hair

really indecisive about how i want to draw their hair

7 months ago
Really Hyperfixated On Him.. Might Not Be Able To Draw Digital Much Anymore.
Really Hyperfixated On Him.. Might Not Be Able To Draw Digital Much Anymore.

Really hyperfixated on him.. Might not be able to draw digital much anymore.

School starts tomorrow .. TT TT

7 months ago
piece--of--trash - Weirdo

Running out of air

7 months ago
Let's Melt Together

Let's melt together

7 months ago

Best Legendary Pokémon Tournament- Round 2: Match 29

Official art of Cresselia from Pokémon.
Official art of Eternatus from Pokémon.

As we start to near the end of this monstrous Round 2, we have yet more competitors who want to make it through to the next Round! This time, it's the serene Cresselia and the frightening Eternatus! One plays a vital role in their story, while the other is more content to feature in its own side quests, both want to be the protagonsist of this tale!

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7 months ago

Hello, I hope you're doing well! My name is Mahmoud Abu Swierh, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging. Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens. If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference. Thank you. https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b

I'll certainly share and try to help! Not much I can do other than posting this- but I hope it helps!

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8 months ago

Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, I was diagnosised with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week.My donation link is available on my pinned post

Cant help myself, but can share

Help support Florence Khakasa by donating or sharing with your friends.

^ this should be the link, to anyone who wants to help

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8 months ago


Art by Soup!

8 months ago

Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸

I don't have the stuff to donate myself, but I will share it!

Help support Jane Majuma by donating or sharing with your friends.

^This should be the donate link, to anyone who sees it.

Can't do much else to help, but I hope sharing it helps you a bit. I wish you luck!

Will also tag some people (sorry if your uncomfortable with that, said people I tag) so they can share it if they wish too as well

@luoisalunitic @depressednarwhalpotato @courtjesterrr

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8 months ago
Broken Iterator

Broken Iterator🖤💙🥲

They/he are a combination of Rain World (Void Sea) and Hollow Knight (Void). Their design was based on Hollow/Pure Vessel horns (protruding bumps), same as their cape/cloak. He is a broken bean like Broken Vessel, but he is a happy bean, regardless his state. He doesn't have a name yet, he just is.🖤🌸

8 months ago

not again

9 months ago

why are some of the things that should have been reblogged to my other blog reblogged to this one

9 months ago
Dark Angel

dark angel

9 months ago

*casually drops new shadow for taocc*

*casually Drops New Shadow For Taocc*

b at (first and probably beta design)