
Original art and art related reblog channel for @pinksocks12 . Go there for interaction

433 posts

Pinksocks12 - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

hey y'all here's a good tip: if you're an artist or want an ACTUAL blog you have THIS option right here in your blog settings

Hey Y'all Here's A Good Tip: If You're An Artist Or Want An ACTUAL Blog You Have THIS Option Right Here

it enables your blog to have its blog url ( in addition of your user url (

you now have an archive! everyone can access it and search posts from any given time, tags, types, etc.

you CAN buy a domain for you

your blog is accessible for people who don't have a tumblr account

you can now customize it with pre-made themes, OR EVEN make your own theme with HTML and CSS!!

of course it therefore makes it "more public" but i think it's worth it!

Hey Y'all Here's A Good Tip: If You're An Artist Or Want An ACTUAL Blog You Have THIS Option Right Here
1 year ago
Elon Musk Should Kill Himself Elon Musk Needs To Kill Himself Elon Musk Would Make Society As A Whole
Elon Musk Should Kill Himself Elon Musk Needs To Kill Himself Elon Musk Would Make Society As A Whole
Elon Musk Should Kill Himself Elon Musk Needs To Kill Himself Elon Musk Would Make Society As A Whole

elon musk should kill himself elon musk needs to kill himself elon musk would make society as a whole better if he killed himself now

2 years ago
I Made A Bunch Of Geometric Knights And That Was Fun To Play With Them
I Made A Bunch Of Geometric Knights And That Was Fun To Play With Them
I Made A Bunch Of Geometric Knights And That Was Fun To Play With Them
I Made A Bunch Of Geometric Knights And That Was Fun To Play With Them
I Made A Bunch Of Geometric Knights And That Was Fun To Play With Them

I made a bunch of geometric knights and that was fun to play with them ✨

I haven’t realise before that I was a lazy girl who only draw tired people with closed eyes hehehe

Maybe I’ll make more of them someday, I haven’t make a  octogonal one yet! 

2 years ago
Happy Earth Day, Happy Friday~

Happy Earth Day, happy Friday~

2 years ago
2 years ago

Tags :
2 years ago

Apparently a lot of people get dialogue punctuation wrong despite having an otherwise solid grasp of grammar, possibly because they’re used to writing essays rather than prose. I don’t wanna be the asshole who complains about writing errors and then doesn’t offer to help, so here are the basics summarized as simply as I could manage on my phone (“dialogue tag” just refers to phrases like “he said,” “she whispered,” “they asked”):

“For most dialogue, use a comma after the sentence and don’t capitalize the next word after the quotation mark,” she said.

“But what if you’re using a question mark rather than a period?” they asked.

“When using a dialogue tag, you never capitalize the word after the quotation mark unless it’s a proper noun!” she snapped.

“When breaking up a single sentence with a dialogue tag,” she said, “use commas.”

“This is a single sentence,” she said. “Now, this is a second stand-alone sentence, so there’s no comma after ‘she said.’”

“There’s no dialogue tag after this sentence, so end it with a period rather than a comma.” She frowned, suddenly concerned that the entire post was as unasked for as it was sanctimonious.

2 years ago

me in planning stages of writing: this fucks. this is gonna be so fun.

me the minute i sit down to write: language is an unwieldy cudgel we use to beat the human experience to death in an attempt at ever communicating fully with another being. i wish intelligent life had never evolved. i want to go back to the cell stage like in spore

2 years ago

Yep. 🙈

2 years ago
2 years ago

every iconic gay kiss in xena in all its 90s censorship glory 💋

2 years ago

Me duele la cabeza

2 years ago
Heres Your Reminder To Use Literally Anything But Chrome

Heres your reminder to use literally anything but chrome

2 years ago
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)
 Best Of The Best, My Favourites From The Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)

Best of the best, my favourites from the Cotswolds (@cotswolds_culture IG)

2 years ago

Spent a long time on this art resource/reference masterpost! Finally starting to edit to add more. This will be REGULARLY updated so it’s gonna get huge. If you have a request for resources for me to find OR have a resource you want me to add, just send me an ask :D

General Anatomy/Human stuff:

body quick tips

painting/drawing straight hair

how to draw eyes

arm squish/bend tip

chest/pecks with raised arms tip

long hair how to

male torso anatomy (back)

learn manga male anatomy (torso & arm)

male torso anatomy (front)

head and hair tips (scroll  a bit, it’s in one of the images!)

how to draw noses

ears tilty tip

arm tips

two tips for drawing women’s hair

drawing teeth

anatomy tips

random hair and mouth ref anime

leg muscle anatomy ref

arm muscles anatomy ref

knees reference

arm ref study

quick arm tut tip

how to draw arm

shoulders n sleeves


umbrella poses

random female poses

random anatomy pose thing

chibi sleeping in hands pose

laying poses

elf (?) with staff poses

holding phone half bod

peeny wolf pose set

perspective pose sheet

anatomy poses 

crossed arms ref sheet

holding baby poses


how to draw hands 1

hand refs & tutorial 2

hand tutorial 3

hand tutorial 4

36 hands

how to draw hands in 10 minutes

hands ref 2

hand gestures and simplifying the hand

arm & hand ref

500 hands


stop drawing natives red

wheelchair tutorial

drawing fat people

vitiligo notes for artists

darkskin palms

epicanthic folds

biracial characters

do’s and don’ts of thick lips


how to draw falcon beaks

canine studies (broken down into parts)

feline tiger ref

Insect wing venation

Musculature of a T-Rex

Pony bodies tutorial

Hyena Nose tutorial

horse reference

drawing horns

Flesh tutorial

bird tips

wing basics

making mythical creatures look realistic

pony heads tutorial 

dragon designing tutorial pt 3/3

pony wings tutorial

hedgie bodies


dogquest’s pixel tutorial

furry portrait tutorial

furry pants tutorial

how to draw paws/pawhands

fur direction reference

anthro tips

muzzle shapes

furry styles

anthro expressions

f2u chibi-ish furry base

furry / cartoon head tutorial

f2u furry base/pose w three different ears

drawing humans! for animal artists


how to draw debris

fire tutorial

night sky tutorial

materials study with notes

tree tutorial

water tutorial


ocean painting

clouds tutorial


painty background studies tips

peony tutorial

lakeside tutorial

quick flowers for the lazy

mistletoe vs holly


foreshortening coil technique

foreshortening tutorial


medibang comic panel tutorial

how i make webcomics/webtoons

how to color comics

the art of lettering comics

comic/doujinshi paneling

in depth webcomic tutorial


The colorpicking problem

72 Color Combinations

How ViPOP uses color

Hair coloring tutorial by rosuuri

Gurochii moe quick eye tutorial

Anime eye tutorial

Mermaid tail tutorial

Grayscale to Color painting tutorial

chibi eye walkthrough

skin tone tutorial 1

curly hair tutorial

color palette

coloring tutorial

light, it gets everywhere

comfort color

skin coloring tutorial

holographic tutorial

dappled lighting effect

cute/bright coloring tutorial 

pattern trick

arcana character coloring tut

Expressions/ Meme / style:

small body language study

expressions reference

how to cute

Platonic cuddles meme

expression reference : nervous

flustered expression meme

drawing expressions tutorial/key

Pixel Art:

Pixel icon tutorial

Ice cream

Moving clouds tutorial

50x50 pixel doll tutorial

pixelin’s pixel process

pixel expression ref

pixel eye blinking tutorial

how to pixel liquids

Clothing / Accessories:


Fancy color tip / ref


short reference

learn manga basic pleated skirt tutorial

learn manga basic frills

random clothing refs

chainmail brush

clothing ref masterpost

pinstripes tips

cloth texture tips

how to clothing folds


Sketchfab 3d Models

Mikeymegamega on YT for anime/ecchi/etc

Gentei_sozai on twitter for chibi poses

S0zalsan on twitter for random poses

mecha basics

75 tutorials

Obvious art tips you might have forgotten

Mosaic effect

how to draw a cute chibi

fighting artblock

cute pikachu base

painting a face tutorial

volume commissions mini tutorial

arcana characters tutorial reference

notes from the “animators survival kit”

concept art tutorial

another art resource masterpost

MS paint tips and tricks

Reference table for drawing CONSISTENT faces

@hanari0716 on twitter for HELLA references

animation guide for beginners


Foliage brushes

cityscape brushes

ghibli brushes

clip studio paint assets

PS brush pack

2 years ago
2 years ago

fucked up how colors look different depending on what screen you’re looking at them on. that should be illegal I think

2 years ago

If any of them old sugar daddy bots were real I could really do with you now

2 years ago

having a crush as an adult is so embarrassing i’m literally too old for this. i should be busy with my blacksmith apprenticeship or something

2 years ago

love when characters have to have a domestication arc before you can even consider giving them a redemption arc

2 years ago

When it comes to founding early civilizations, I can’t recommend fertile river valleys highly enough

2 years ago
Gay Irl

gay irl

2 years ago

Repairing holes in knitting

2 years ago