pisspanties - Always Squirming
Always Squirming

28, Cis Queer Female. I'm a small-bladdered nerd who holds a lot, sometimes even on purpose. I love desperation videos of all kinds. DM me for videos/photos. https://linktr.ee/pisspantiess

384 posts

I Started L E A K I N G Help!! I Went From Around A 6 To Leaking So Fast Because I Had Switch Anal Toys

i started L E A K I N G help!! i went from around a 6 to leaking so fast because i had switch anal toys and it pressed right up against my bladder. so terribly full rn

  • cantholdit1234
    cantholdit1234 liked this · 5 years ago

More Posts from Pisspanties

5 years ago

I downloaded Omo Trainer and I'm spending today experimenting with it. I already had a 10 oz cup of coffee and 10 oz of water, with more water incoming. OT is estimating an emergency in 122 minutes...

5 years ago

The last time I just pissed with the urge I had to go so bad as soon as the urge hit I had goosebumps and it came put like I firehose. The urge is starting to hit again and I'm holding it in, something tells me I won't last long..

5 years ago

i really want to do an all-day hold but I've been working so much I never have time, then of course this weekend when I make time for it I come down sick as fuck 🙃🙃

5 years ago

Traffic Jam Desperation

My first fic! Be nice 😅 let me know what you all think!


Jenna sighed as she slammed the trunk of her car closed, finally. After what seemed like countless rounds of impossible baggage Tetris, her luggage had finally puzzle-pieced into the back of her tiny red fiat. Now all that was left to do was to grab a snack, use the bathroom, leave a list of cat care notes for Mrs. Mckinley, and lock up. She checked the time on her phone. Shit, already twenty minutes behind schedule. Jenna chewed her lip and shook her head, starting the few-step trek decidedly to her door, keys jingling around her index finger. She could text the cat notes; Mrs. McKinley had to figure out how to use instant messaging eventually. She fastened the lock and gave the knob a jiggle for good measure. Good to go.

The car door thumped closed and she pulled her seatbelt across her body, giving her mirrors a check one-two before switching the vehicle on and into drive. Her mother would be furious if she made it in after dinner, no matter how much she insisted that the day before thanksgiving wasn’t half as important as the cornucopia of holiday meals itself. Still, it was a good eight hour drive into the city, and she wasn’t about to try to weave her way around LA like a bumper car on a mission. The fiat couldn’t take it.

The first few hours went by pretty smoothly. She managed to avoid the traffic on some of the major highways with ease, singing along to the music she’d pre-loaded into her phone’s playlists. She reached into her glove compartment and held off the annoying pang of boredom hunger with one of the bottles of water she kept for emergencies. Some people just knew how to road trip.

The traffic started to stall and she coursed from a steady 70mph into a safe 50-something. “Might as well make a rest stop,” she said aloud, finding that the words came out in a sort of delayed sing-song. A habit she was glad no one was around to witness. She flipped on her blinker and took the off ramp, following the overhead signs into the parking lot of a CVS. She felt the car murmur to a rest and pulled her frizzing red hair back into a messy bun. When she stepped out of the car, the unusual dampness of the air hit her, making her comfortable two-in-one workout/road trip yoga shorts cling to her fit thighs. She pulled off her light sweater, tossing it into the passenger seat, and checked her phone.

“Are you kidding me?” Jenna groaned. 8 new texts from “Mom❤️️👩🏼👯”. “Pls pick up on ur way” along with seven separate messages with one item each that she was to fetch. She sighed, taking a mental note. Baking soda, vanilla extract, cinnamon, lighter fluid, Advil, heartburn medicine for grandpa, adult diapers for Great Aunt Marge, and eggnog. Great. What a ring-up.

She grabbed what they had to offer, along with a bag of chips for herself, nonchalantly throwing her items into a basket. As she made her way up to a register, she scanned the store for a Restrooms sign. The woman at the checkout rang her up, and Jenna peaked around once more before asking. “Excuse me, but is there a bathroom here?”

The woman looked up from her screen, giving a little shake of her greying curls. “Sorry, dear. Public restroom’s closed for renovations.” Jenna hadn’t really realized her urge until she’d been told she was unable to relieve it. Suddenly more aware of the weight in her bladder, she pressed on, a little hesitantly. “Is there maybe an employee restroom…? It’s…kind of an emergency.” It wasn’t, but she didn’t want to make that a reality. The clerk seemed to call her bluff. “I’m sorry, but it’s really strictly against policy.” She ticked her head to the left, and Jenna’s hazel eyes traced to a camera in the ceiling. “Oh. Um. Sure, I understand.” She gathered her bags and left.

Tossing her supplies on top of her discarded sweater, Jenna fired up the fiat once again. The onramp alone was indication enough that traffic was in full bloom, so she cranked up the tunes and popped her chips open. Another hour crawled agonizingly by, and the traffic was relentless, no matter how far left her lane was. The salty chips had, despite her better judgement, made her crack open her second “emergency” bottle of water. A half hour ago Jenna swore she’d pull over and find a restroom. Every time she told herself she’d get off the highway, however, it seemed that the traffic itched just a little speedier, and she didn’t want to miss a chance to ride the wave before the whole road collectively became a slug once more. And now she was paying for it. Jenna had resorted to pressing her legs firmly together. She officially had to pee.

“Alright, pulling over,” she promised herself after another half hour of struggling. She signaled right to merge, only to be met with a near standstill of cars. Confused, peering around, she realized what was dragging the highway out: a flicker of red and blue in the far distance just barely shone above the shiny tops of cars in the afternoon sun. Great, it must have been some sort of crash. “Rubberneckers…” she mumbled, catching bright orange “onramp closed” signs in her peripherals. This had to be a joke.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t. Another half an hour and she’d moved approximately three fourths of a mile. “Come the hell on,” she whispered under her breath, drumming the steering wheel with her fingers. Her bladder was basically screaming, now. She figured they’d clear off soon and things would move smoothly again. Desperately, she pulled her aux cord from her phone’s audio jack and switched her car’s radio on, scanning frantically for a news channel. “Pileup on the freeways for several miles…4-car wreck…diesel truck…firefighters on the scene…awaiting further…”. Jenna leaned forward in her seat, suddenly faced with the reality of her situation. “Shit shit SHIT.”

Her shorts clung to her legs as she reduced herself to shoving a hand between her thighs. She had to go. She had to go BADLY. Somehow the idea that a toilet was so far out of reach only made matters worse. How long until she was out of this? An hour? More? There was no way she could wait that long. The ten minutes it would have taken her to get to a gas station was already a stretch. Why had she put it off this long? Jenna felt a moan bubble up as her bladder suddenly lurched. She clenched her muscles down hard. She’d just have to hold it.

Every minute became more and more time-consuming. Jenna gripped the wheel hard as her bladder spasms came closer and closer together, like pregnancy contractions. A seven-eleven commercial played over the radio. The sound of a drink pouring into an icy cup spilled out of her stereo system. Jenna felt her stomach flip and immediately there was a hot drip under her clothes. “Holy shit…” she breathed, in near disbelief. She would NOT pee herself like a child. She shoved her hand into her shorts, just to be sure. Sure enough, her cotton bikini panties were damp. “Holy shit…holy SHIT.” She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She’d wet her panties. Just a drop, but still. She hadn’t had an accident since elementary school. The audio drink sloshed against its cup, and Jenna could almost feel the pee in her bladder do the same. Her fingers were assaulted with a sudden hot wet jet, and she shoved her hand in her crotch and shivered hard. She was wetting herself. She was literally peeing her panties. She was going to have an accident.

Jenna felt tears well up in her eyes. Traffic was near stopped. Her fingers trembled against her pee hole. She felt the urgent piss beg to escape. Her panties were damp around her pussy, now, a messy circle of pee soaking into the fabric. Jenna tried to hold back tears as she shivered and held herself. She felt her muscles start to relax. “Oh my god…oh my god I’m pissing myself oh my god please no please oh my god I’m gonna pee my pants.” Her whole body fought her bladder, but she started to feel herself dribble. “Please no oh god oh FUCK.” She slammed her speakers off with her elbow, soft sobs echoing around her little car as a trickle ran over her fingers and wet her thighs. She just barely managed to cut it off before she had a thought.

Without giving it a second look, she reached into the passenger seat and tore open the package of adult diapers. Her trembling pussy started to let her pee go, and a little stream was soaking into her shorts. Jenna tore them down in a flash, now helplessly peeing openly, and her stream sprayed in desperate little bursts onto the floor and her seat. She raised her butt just an inch or so in half a second and slid one of the diapers under her in a panic as she cut the stream off once more. Her hand pressed the unfamiliar padding into her crotch, and, whimpering in humiliation, she started to lose control into it. It came in little squirts at first, soaking deeply into the soft cushion, warming around her mound. “Oh god…oh god I can’t hold it…oh fuck I’m gonna…oh my god ohh…ohhhHHH!!” Jenna moaned, blushing furiously, as her muscles gave way and she started to pee forcefully through her panties into the diaper. It swelled and grew hot under her hand, keeping it firmly pressed against her urgent stream. Her bladder throbbed as it released, and relief swept over her in a frenzy of ecstasy as the diaper grew thicker and thicker, amazingly absorbing her piss like a sponge. She was too overcome to worry about leaking, and she peed hard and without hesitation for almost a full minute, a soft hissing cutting the still air. Her stream trickled off into a dribble, and then a few drips, and her tired bladder finally rested numbly.

Jenna breathed heavily, looking at what she’d just done. She’d just used a diaper…she’d just had an accident, as a grown woman, and peed her panties. There was a wet patch the size of her fist over her crotch. Her face was bright fuscia as she pushed the diaper down by her feet, wincing as it sloshed, full, and pulled her shorts shakily up to assess her accident. They were wet around her ass and between her thighs, and had started to cool. The reality of what she’d done sunk in, and she felt shame rush through her. Yet, at the same time…

Daringly, mischievously, she inched her fingers back between her legs. Her tired pussy lips parted as she ran them down, producing a shiver, and felt a thick wetness that definitely wasn’t pee. She glanced to the disheveled bag of diapers next to her, and then to the still-stalled traffic surrounding her car. It was still a long drive left to go.

5 years ago

Hey everyone,

Work has been terrible lately and long story short I'm being forced to quit or be fired. I'm looking for new work, but in the meantime I'm selling videos and pictures to make up the difference. DM me to order!