19 || personal inspo blog :)
59 posts
Pixelpillow - Mars - Tumblr Blog

I know the taste of blood. I smelled burning meat. But there was never enough fire to watch
Hey. Do you have a lighter? At least some matches?
What a pity.
Punch Jeff in the face, if you need a reason, just realize how ugly he is😃

Tough crowd.

“Check Mate”
hiii tumblr….i’m alive btw
[DO NOT TRACE/STEAL/REPOST!! pfp and edit use is allowed with credit!!!]

So I ended up making a second part to this Craig POV comic lmao

arhgh soft!!
please drop all the long haired assets of olga please she's so fucking PRETTY

For some reason I thought there were more of them but yeah, these are all the long haired olyas from the vid (surprisingly enough most of them aren’t transparent)
I know the new song is all the talk rn but I'm wondering if you have the assets for Yura's rat gang (Ivan, Tsar etc) that were in Occam's Razor

there you go, friendo
I do not know if anyone ever asked you but can you draw your character in gendrebrend style ? Like can you draw Sanya in boy ? sorry if you've already done it and I have not seen it ^^'
i did everyone’s genderbends!
it was a while ago though, so i can’t blame you for not seeing them!

even these two

hey ferry! can we have the colored occams razor assets? (or any of the ones that weren't halftone)? Thanks :D!
sure! these three from the chorus look very anime

and these look a little weird with no backgrounds, but that’s what i get for doing some colour correction in pre-production ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

and finally, these two! yep, they we've always been fully-coloured before being reduced to grayscale! don’t ask me why the sky is red though.