plasticviolence - Autism Corner idk
Autism Corner idk

Gwyn - He/she - 20 - Multifandom -

835 posts

137 DAYS UNTIL NO TIME TO DIE (United Kingdom, Schedule Of Release)

137 DAYS UNTIL NO TIME TO DIE (United Kingdom, Schedule of Release)

145 DAYS UNTIL NO TIME TO DIE (United States, Schedule of Release)

The wait for the Bond 25 movie will now be a few days shorter, fellow Bond Fans. Yay!!!

Me be like:

137 DAYS UNTIL NO TIME TO DIE (United Kingdom, Schedule Of Release)

Yes! We'll get to see Daniel Craig on 12th November(UK) & 20th November(US) back on his final outing as the Martini-sipping British Secret Agent James Bond.

137 DAYS UNTIL NO TIME TO DIE (United Kingdom, Schedule Of Release)

No Time To Die has now been shifted forward and will release 5 days sooner than expected in the United States. (So instead of November 25, No Time To Die will be released on November 20 in the US only. As previously scheduled in the UK, the new 007 movie will be out always prior to the US, where it debuts on November 12)


So guys, I put the date in order like this: (mm/dd/yyyy). Some of you might be confused.

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WE HAVE FINALLY DECODED 1010′s NAMES on the signatures!

White: Rin (means “cold”, “dignified” or “severe”.) 

Green: Eloni (meaning “lofty” or “mountain”. For a while we thought it was Elon but the little squiggle at the end is actually an “I”. Elon also means oak tree) 

Red: Zimelu (name of a fort) 

Yellow: Haym (after an Italian opera librettist, composer, theatre manager, performer, numismatist. Plus the family crest is yellow as well) 

Blue: Purl-hew (probably a pun of “pearl hue” and blue pearls are rare)

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Happy 90th birthday Sir Sean

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Happy 90th Birthday Sir Sean
Happy 90th Birthday Sir Sean
Happy 90th Birthday Sir Sean
Happy 90th Birthday Sir Sean

"There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man."

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