playmiya - my funny valentine
my funny valentine

everybody loves somebody sometime

205 posts

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> The Last Things They Say To You ( ZORO & SANJI )

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> the last things they say to you ( ZORO & SANJI )

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> The Last Things They Say To You ( ZORO & SANJI )

zoro is a dependable guy. reliable, solid. he says what he means, and means what he says. life in the village is good, but you know that in the heart that you hold (his), there is a scar that can only be filled with the saltwater calling of the ocean. so when he reads luffy's notice in the papers in the morning (you had hidden them, underneath the kitchen sink at first but then, feeling guilty at your own selfishness had retrieved them and put them down on the table with his morning coffee.)

as he sips slowly, reading the papers, he says it like it's the morning's pleasantries. "i want to go," he murmurs. you contemplate playing dumb, or saying flat-out no. how can you tell him when you just have this horrible, sinking feeling in your stomach that makes your throat go dry, that kills all will to deny him of what he wants? so you hold your tongue, and his heart tight. "be back soon," you tell him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "before the coffee gets cold," he grins, getting up.

the coffee's been going cold ever since.

sanji would have said no if you told him to. unquestionably so. he would have probably begrudged you for it, whined behind your back for a bit, but he would have agreed nonetheless (because he'll agree to anything you say), but there was no reason to say no to him in the first place. sure, you'd miss him, but you know that sanji's loyalty lies with luffy as much as it lies with you - or rather, it lies with the strawhats as much as it lies with you. you have no problem with it, because he's been so wonderfully loving to you for all this while. he's been everything, and so much more to you, a partner you could have never imagined to have in your life. that's where it hurts, you realise in retrospect. the simplicity of it all, how it was too good to be true. sanji's love was too good to be true in the first place. that's why he had to go. "take care of yourself while i'm gone!", he cried from the upper deck of the ship.

you try to live by that every day.

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> The Last Things They Say To You ( ZORO & SANJI )

© prodlaw 2022 ♡ reblogs & feedback are appreciated! requests are open

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More Posts from Playmiya

2 years ago
playmiya - my funny valentine

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1 year ago

Hi. How are you? I love your stories. I have to ask, I saw “she a wano, call her hiyori” on your page. Do you listen to Rustage?

yeow this is late but yeah i used to! haven't really kept up with his new music lately but that line's just stuck with me it was absolute bars lol. thank u for the support :3

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2 years ago



pairing: trafalgar law x fem!reader genre: college au!, one sided rivalry, fluff & attempts at humour warnings: alcohol, mentions of needles note: sorry if law is a bit ooc i just made him a lil flirty heh synopsis: he is trafalgar law, your mortal enemy. why is he so.. goddamn attractive?


you don't know what attracted them to you, but they would just be so dumb that it made you laugh sometimes. maybe they felt smarter being within 5 feet of you? maybe they hoped that you'd do their homework? whatever it was, you never really figured it out since you never reciprocated their feelings.

all throughout high school, you'd find yourself surrounded by boys. wait, that's a misleading statement. of the limited males who would interact with you (you being the class nerd), they would be silly, stupid little airheads of guys (the type your anime-obsessed friend would call "total babygirls").

that was because you were too busy acing all your subjects so you could get into that prestigious "good college" that you had wanted to go to since 6th grade. go girl! you were a booked, busy and slaying girlboss all throughout highschool. (that was what you'd like to say to yourself. the reality was that you were a bit of an overachieving nerd.)

cut to the said, prestigious "good college", that you ended up getting into, and by god, were you truly a booked, busy and slaying girlboss in here. since everyone was mostly a nerd anyways, nobody bullied you or cringed away from you when you were trying to make conversation because well, everyone was more or less the same. you were excelling in kicking ass in your course, though.

college life was great to you. you finally had a (somewhat) ragtag friend group you fit into, one with people who actually got your back and who you trust, you studied subjects that you're genuinely interested in and you're enjoying. you scoff at stories of burnt out college students who cried their way to a degree and were basically fuelled by ramen.

that is, until you met trafalgar law in your course. after skipping the first week due to unknown reasons, he waltzes into class looking like a sleep deprived homeless guy, one that you mentally dismiss as another one of the stoners that hang around by the skatepark.

boy, were you wrong. it was almost laughable at how this guy suddenly took up your space in the class - the student who always had his their together, all the notes taken, all the assignments handed in (early!), all their essays completed - and worst of all, he didn't even look like he made an effort!

and so, a rivalry was born. seeing your name under laws for the first couple of tests was irksome, and you attributed it to luck, but when this pattern repeated itself, with barely a mark's difference, you took it personally. especially when you saw him smirking at the marksheet with his hair all tousled and golden eyes-

what the fuck, woman, pull yourself together!

anyways, you so hate trafalgar law.

"i mean, who does he think he is?", you grumble angrily through bites of your chicken sandwich to your business major friend, nami, who was counting bills in her hand from her "small business" she runs on campus.

"this is the third time this week you're having a meltdown over him. how do you even know that he reciprocates this ... mutual hatred or whatever?", she asks, absently waving her hand.

"he does!," you wail, banging your head on the table. after writing your (stellar, if you do say so yourself) essay for this week's advanced biology class, only to see it fall short by one mark to law's essay, you're ready to crumble into a pool of despair. and chicken sandwiches.

"with what evidence? i mean, the poor guy doesn't even talk outside of class," nami replies skeptically.

"evidence? in terms of evidence ... er... we have no evidence. hey! how do you know how he's like outside of class, though?", you retort quickly.

"get over him, girl, let's take shots," nami announces, folding the wad of notes and tucking it into the pocket of her jeans. seeing your teary face and silence, she sighs.

"this is the part where you're supposed to say: and i was like, i'm down. you really aren't used to failure, right?", she asks, and you shake your head.

despite your somewhat lonely and silly highschool life, you were never second best. to anyone, in anything. so this disruption caused by stupid fucking trafalgar law and his stupid fucking god given good physique - you mean, his irritable personality - is a new thing to handle for you. i mean, for fuck's sakes, you were on the national scholars list!

"we need to get your mind off these things. come for a party with me for once, get out of your little ratpack apartment," she whines, and you inhale. maybe doing shots and having a little bit of fun would help you get your mind off your academics.

"okay," you whisper, wiping the corner of your mouth with a napkin.

"for real?", she whoops, little stars appearing in her eyes. "yeah, sure, why the hell not. as long as it's not a frat party!", you sigh.

"it's not! it's at luffy's place at 10, okay?", she calls, and you sweatdrop. 10? that's when you usually start your nightly rewatch of suits that you end up falling asleep to.

... okay, maybe you do need to get out there and have some fun.


the clothes you're wearing qualify as cute and short and quite flimsy. not a good thing for a party where everyone's practically bouncing off the walls with alcohol and hormones. thankfully, you're sitting with robin and zoro, who choose to just sexily brood in a corner instead of engaging in the usual party haberdashery.

unlike zoro and robin, you can't get bitches through sexy brooding because you're incapable of it, as usopp pointed out, something you took offence to. you're perfectly capable of sexy, smouldering looks, you protest.

"hey, y/n! why do you look constipated?", yamato asks, slinging a shoulder over your frame as his bulky body hangs over yours, reeking of cheap beer.

"constipated? man, i really was trying to go for the sexy mysterious hot girl vibe," you whine defeatedly as yamato chuckles.

"if anyone's giving the sexy constipated vibe other than those two," he motions towards zoro and robin, who were sipping their red solo cups and chatting (and looking classy while doing it!)," it's that guy," he motions towards a man who just walked through the door.

"huh. can't see him very well. what's his name?", you ask, as you observe him stroll over to the limited bar and pick up a drink. he's wearing all-black, and with the already dimmed lights, you can't figure out who it is.

"why don't we go find out?", yamato says happily, dragging you towards him through the sweaty crowd of people.

"what?", you squeal, pulling the hem of your dress down as he obliviously trundles on. "what if i don't want to find out?", you yelp, as you shoot a quick wave to nami across the room, along with mouthing the words help me. she just grins and gives you a thumbs up.

"loosen up, y/n! i'm just introducing you to a totally random hot dude," yamato states as you approach the bar. you're directly behind the guy now, and he has stunningly broad shoulders, if you do say so yourself. however, you see a familiar creep of black ink up his neck and the usual subtly flashy gold earrings, and you feel your throat go dry.

there's a feigned cough that's heard when he turns around to face the two of you as yamato continues grinning obliviously.

"totally random hot dude? could you be any louder?", trafalgar law asks irritably as yamato gulps.

trafalgar law, your arch nemesis at this party? catching you lacking and calling him hot? the heavens were really against you today ....

... but then again, it really was difficult to not call him hot when his sleeves were halfway rolled up, with his forearms exposing dark swirls of ink that he's got tattooed almost everywhere, or with that gold link chain that peeks out from the two undone buttons of his black linen shirt.

yeah, your throat's still definitely dry.

"sorry, man. i'm yamato, luffy's roommate. nice to meet ya!", yamato says quickly, sticking his hand out. law takes it hesitantly and shakes it, but surprisingly his eyes are on you?

you're not one to back down to a silly little man's stare, so you stare right back, even if it's weirdly awkward.

the intensity of his gaze makes you squirm, and if you can feel it, yamato definitely can. "i'm gonna go now," he squeaks, skittling away before even introducing you.

you, your mortal enemy and a jock that just abandoned you stand in front of a bar that only serves shitty beer. the start of a bad joke, you think.

after law decides that enough time's been spent having a staring contest with you, he blinks and offers you a drink.

"y/n, right? you're in my advanced biology class?", he asks, as you appreciatively accept the drink.

"and general chemistry. and biochemistry and physics," you add sheepishly. "i think we're in the same course!", you chirp, surprised at the fact that he doesn't even remember you. what the fuck, man? was he trying to be cool.

"yeah, that's probably it. sorry i didn't remember," he says cooly, and you double take. one, was his voice always so attractive. so low and composed? two, why was he apologising? apologising's practically admitting defeat!

"i wasn't here for the first week or so, it'll take me a while to remember people. but you'll stick with me," he says with a small grin, and you can't help but feel hot all over. you'll stick with me? that's not something very academic rival-y to say.

wait, was he flirting with you?

"uh, thanks," you respond intelligently. "so, lit party, huh?", you change the topic quickly, trying to shake off your previous thoughs.

he emits a low, rich, chuckle.

" 's okay, i suppose. i just got dragged here by luffy," he says. "i don't like going out that much," he explains.

"yeah, luffy has that effect on people. so does nami," you add, laughing slightly. law hums, gazing off into the crowd. what is this? you're holding civil conversation with him?

"it's good that i came, though. wouldn't have met some interesting people otherwise. i might have regretted that," he speaks slowly, his eyes back on you again. interesting people? is he talking about you?

"are you calling me interesting?", you ask bluntly (the alcohol is getting to you.)

"i don't know. are you interesting, y/n?", he asks, to which you pause, opening your mouth. "i think you are," he laughs, seeing your dumbfounded expression. you didn't expect him to reciprocate your honesty.

"um. that's nice of you. thanks. do you, maybe want to get some fresh air? i can't stand the smell of sweat anymore," you sigh, and law's lips curve upwards into that of a smile.

"sure. thought you'd never ask," he replies. hand on the small of your back, he gently guides you through the sea of gyrating, drunk bodies to the door. he opens it for you, and you feel a little twinge of a butterfly at the bottom of your stomach when you finally step out onto the street.

i thought you wouldn't say yes, you think to yourself.


"woah! and this one?", you ask, pointing to the inner side of his forearm.

it is approximately 3:36 AM, and you are sitting in a convienience store happily eating double chocolate chip ice cream and asking trafalgar law (your academic enemy) about the meaning of his tattoos.

or as law likes to think of it, it is 3:36 AM and he is sitting with a beautiful, funny girl who is eating double chocolate chip ice cream and asking about the meaning of his tattoos.

"this was like a week or two ago when i got really drunk and luffy dared me to get one while taking shots," he laughed, staring down at the dragon that adorned the center of his sleeve, with its blue scales. "it hurt like a bitch," he grimaces, remembering how he actually screamed during the outline.

"it looks really good, though," you say softly, enraptured by it. your eyes look like they're brimming over with stars (not something someone would usually say in a crappy college 24x7 where the aircon doesn't work, but god, law really thinks you're just something else).

ever since he saw you at that party, hell, even in class when you'd get up and talk, he was so awed by your confidence and how prepared you were to answer almost anything. you were so put together, witty and charming, it was kind of hard for him to not crush on you.

so yes, he was trying to act kind of douchey and cool when he pretended like he didn't know you at the party.

"you can touch it if you want," he offers, straightening his arm towards you.

"really? it won't hurt, right?", you ask, soft concern lacing your voice.

"nah, it healed a while ago. don't worry 'bout it," he said, and you tentatively raise a palm and rest it on the tattoo. the lines still feel bold to him, and he ignores the slight sting he feels when your nails graze over the color.

"i've always wanted to get a tattoo," you smile to yourself, admiring his.

"but i've kinda always been scared of the pain," you add, laughing. "i mean, yeah, it does hurt," law finds himself saying.

"but it's worth it. tattoos help you remember things ...... worth remembering," he finishes, tone low as he looks at you.

you swallow. shit, did he make you feel awkward? is he coming off as too much? i mean, sanji did tell him that he should be honest and straight up, but that's sanji -

"you should take me sometime. to get a tattoo, for moral support, y'know?", you grin.

"yeah. let's do it sometime," he replies, the thought strangely comforting.

"i gotta choose a design, first. i want something small," you muse to yourself, wiping your fingers on the paper napkin.

"i have an idea," law offers, and you hum.

"a heart," he declares, raising his own arm to show the one on his wrist.

you kiss him. it's slow, and really unexpected and spontaneous, but what the hell? he can't just say that and not expect you to kiss him? you pull away and the first thing you do is apologise. too bad it never escapes your lips, since the next thing he does is pull you back onto him.


© prodlaw 2022 ♡ reblogs & feedback are appreciated! requests are open

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2 years ago

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> the last things they say to you ( ZORO & SANJI )

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> The Last Things They Say To You ( ZORO & SANJI )

zoro is a dependable guy. reliable, solid. he says what he means, and means what he says. life in the village is good, but you know that in the heart that you hold (his), there is a scar that can only be filled with the saltwater calling of the ocean. so when he reads luffy's notice in the papers in the morning (you had hidden them, underneath the kitchen sink at first but then, feeling guilty at your own selfishness had retrieved them and put them down on the table with his morning coffee.)

as he sips slowly, reading the papers, he says it like it's the morning's pleasantries. "i want to go," he murmurs. you contemplate playing dumb, or saying flat-out no. how can you tell him when you just have this horrible, sinking feeling in your stomach that makes your throat go dry, that kills all will to deny him of what he wants? so you hold your tongue, and his heart tight. "be back soon," you tell him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "before the coffee gets cold," he grins, getting up.

the coffee's been going cold ever since.

sanji would have said no if you told him to. unquestionably so. he would have probably begrudged you for it, whined behind your back for a bit, but he would have agreed nonetheless (because he'll agree to anything you say), but there was no reason to say no to him in the first place. sure, you'd miss him, but you know that sanji's loyalty lies with luffy as much as it lies with you - or rather, it lies with the strawhats as much as it lies with you. you have no problem with it, because he's been so wonderfully loving to you for all this while. he's been everything, and so much more to you, a partner you could have never imagined to have in your life. that's where it hurts, you realise in retrospect. the simplicity of it all, how it was too good to be true. sanji's love was too good to be true in the first place. that's why he had to go. "take care of yourself while i'm gone!", he cried from the upper deck of the ship.

you try to live by that every day.

BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD -> The Last Things They Say To You ( ZORO & SANJI )

© prodlaw 2022 ♡ reblogs & feedback are appreciated! requests are open

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