pockyandme - leona | semi-hiatus
leona | semi-hiatus

i get to dream of you

255 posts



HELLO AHANA MY LUVLYYYY, I’VE MISSED INTERACTING WITH YOUUU!!! so sorry i haven’t been able to reach out :(( i’m feeling pretty okay actually! which is great ヽ(・∀・)ノ how about you, i hope you’re having a good day <33

More Posts from Pockyandme

2 years ago

SO WELL WRITTEN OMG :'))) i love this sm aaa

My Future

Scenario Prompt: Evan Buckley writes an anonymous love letter to you because he wants to confess his love. Requested by: Anonymous/Jay

Pairing: Evan Buckley x GN!Reader

Warnings: There are a couple kisses towards the end, but that's it!

Word Count: 2.2k

General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire Buck/911 Taglist: @bellarkeselection, @shiftingwh0r3, @rqmanoff, @spuffyfan394, @webreathfandoms

My Future


Walking back to your car, you watched the couple across the street. Hands clasped as they pressed closely together, grins on their face. They were both dressed nicely, surely going out to dinner for Valentines Day.

You felt a soft pang in your chest. You weren't one to feel jealous of people, couples especially, but things changed since you met Buck. There was something lingering between you, but you feared nothing would come of it.

For a moment, today, when Buck came to talk to you, you thought, for just a moment, that he was going to ask you out. He asked what time your shift was up, so you couldn't help but hope. But when it lead to nothing, you couldn't push down the disappointment.

Finally getting back to your apartment, you let out a sigh as you stepped inside. Hearing a soft crinkle underneath your feet, you quickly staggered, looking down at what you stepped on. You frowned when you saw an envelope.

Various thoughts ran through your head. Were you being kicked out? Was it a maintenance warning? A passive aggressive letter from a neighbor?

Picking up the envelope, you pulled out the letter inside. It was typed out instead of handwritten. Glancing at the envelope and bottom of the letter, you saw no name. Anonymous?

You sat at your kitchen counter as you read the letter. Your heart beginning to hammer in your chest the further you got.

- - - - - -

Dear Y/n,

I hate that I feel more confident writing this out that saying it to your face. I thought I would be able to do it, but it turns out I'm a coward when it comes to you. I guess I'm afraid you wont feel the same if I tell you how I feel. And I've never done well with rejection.

You make me more nervous than anyone, sometimes its hard to think, let alone speak when you look at me. I've never been the type to get butterflies in my stomach, but I do when I look at you. When you smile or laugh, especially when you laugh. I think it's my favorite sound, I always find myself trying to make you laugh just so I can hear it.

I feel like a love drunk teenager when I think about you. I wonder where you are, what you're doing, if you're happy. It drives me crazy that I wish I was with you all the time. We spend half of our days together but sometimes it still feels like it's not enough.

We're close, we get along so well, and I always feel like there is something else between us, something pulling us together. I think, or at least, I hope, that you feel it too, but I can't help but fear it's all in my head. I know I'm rambling on about this, but there is so much I want to tell you, so much I'm afraid I might fail to say in person.

Today, I wanted to ask you out, for Valentines Day. To be my Valentine, but the words died on my lips when you looked up at me. And I don't know if I imagined it or not, but I thought you almost seemed disappointed. Finally, I was able to get the confidence to do something, to do this.

I know I haven't said who I am, but I'm pretty sure it's obvious. I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything, so please don't think you have to. If you feel the same, or want to hear the words from my own mouth, meet me on the rooftop at 7pm. If you show up, I'll tell you everything I wanted to say but have been too scared too. If you don't show up, I'll know I misunderstood, and I'll never say anything else, and it will stop here.

I hope to see you there, I hope I was right in thinking there is something here. So, until then.

- - - - - - -

Your chest was clenching tightly as anxiety rocketed through you. There was an address written on the bottom of the letter. A building not far from Buck's apartment. You knew it was Buck who wrote the letter, it was obvious.

His words answered every question you had since you met him. Did he have feelings for you? Were you imagining it? Did he know you had feelings for him? Why did he never say anything?

There were so many thoughts rampaging through your mind. Grabbing your bag you headed towards the door, before halting. You looked down at your outfit, realizing it was what you had been wearing all day. Would he mind? Would he expect you to dress up? Was this turn into a date?

Quickly heading into your bedroom, you changed as fast as you could. You chose nice clothes, that weren't too proper before grabbing your bag and heading out the door. Quickly glancing at the clock, it read 6:35. Buck's apartment was nearly 30 minutes away, the building ever further. Would you make it on time?

Of course, it being Valentines Day, everyone was out on the road. You tapped your steering wheel in frustration as the cars in front of you crept slowly on.

6:46; you weren't close enough yet. How long would he wait for you? Five minutes? An hour?

6:55; as you drove past Buck's apartment, you looked for his car. You frowned when you couldn't see further into the parking lot.

Your eyes scanned over passing cars, making sure he wouldn't pass you.

7:07; You pulled into the parking lot of the building. Climbing out of the car, you looked up towards the roof. It was a small family owned business. Why was Buck here? Did he know the people who owned it? Was he trespassing?

7:13; you clambered up the fire escape towards the roof. Your nerves were intense as you labored your breathing. You fought fires and ran through collapsing buildings for a living. And yet, you never felt more nervous than you did right now.

As you stepped onto the roof, your eyes scanned the area. Landing on the corner of the building. A large blanket was laid out, small battery operated lanterns lighting the area up. A basket was placed on the edge of the blanket.

Your eyes moved to the edge of the roof. Buck was sitting on the edge of the building, legs hanging off as he stared out at the city.

Walking closer, you paused for a moment, not wanting to startle Buck so much he fell off the roof. You paused, flexing your hands as they sweated.

"Buck?" You spoke softly.

Buck still jumped a little as he turned to look back. You could see the mix of surprise and relief on his face as he saw you. He spun around and stood up. You smiled awkwardly at him as you walked a bit closer.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he smiled at you. A nervous tick you picked up not long after you met.

"Hey! Uh, I wasn't sure you were gonna come." He said softly, chuckling nervously.

"There was a lot of traffic, I'm sorry." You apologized, wondering how nervous he had been when you didn't show up.

"Don't apologize, I get it, that-that's why I was waiting."

You stood in silence for a moment before he chuckled again, "I'm sorry, I'm nervous. You- You make me nervous. In a good way!" He added on a bit louder.

You smiled, "It's alright, I know how it feels." You said softly.

He studied you for a moment, understanding your words. "So I was right? I mean, you- you feel...the same?"

Smiling you nodded your head, "Yeah, Buck. I do."

A wide smile spread across his face, as relief washed over him. He took a few steps closer to you. "I'm sorry I was such a coward, no one has ever effected me like this. It's - it's different."

You smiled shyly at him and nodded lightly. "Yeah I know. I didn't say anything either, so it wasn't just you."

He looked down at his feet, ad then back at you. Then remembering what was behind him he spun around and motioned towards the picnic. "So, what do you think?"

You walked towards the picnic. "It looks great." You smiled, "Ive never had a night-time picnic, especially not one on a rooftop." You turne and looked at him. "Who owns this place anyways?"

He chuckled a little bit, "Uh, yeah, it's that couple that we helped out on a call a week back. They were really nice, and I came to their shop to see how things were going. They wanted to do something for me, and I did refuse at first, but when I had this idea, an no where to do it, I though, maybe they'd be down. And they were, they even helped me set it up."

You smiled as you remembered the couple he must be talking about. You looked back at the set up, he had brought your favorite drink, but you wondered what was in the basket.

"Before we, uh, before we sit-" you turned to Buck, who seemed suddenly nervous. "I wanna, I need to say something, otherwise I might chicken out again."

You nodded at him, encouraging him to continue, as your own heart pumped harshly.

He took a deep breath before meeting your eyes, your breath caught in your throat. His eyes bored into yours as they held a storm of emotion. Anxiety, fear, determination.

"I didn't just want to ask you on a date. I need you to know, to understand, that I want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to go on multiple dates with you, to spend a part of every day with you outside of work. I want to hold you hand, to hold you. I want to comfort you after a hard day. I want all of it, because every time I think about my future, about the things I want, you are always there. I don't just want you to be a part of my future, I want you to be my future."

The more Buck talked, the more passionate his voice became, and the more animated his movement. He finally found his voice and had so much to say that it seemed he couldn't stop.

"I can't imagine not seeing you every day, I can't imagine you not being in my life. I want you to be a bigger part of it, I want- I"

As he began to fumble, desperate for more words to come, the emotion that had been building up in your chest seemed to explode forward. Stepping toward him and leaning up, you grabbed the side of his face and pressed a kiss to his lips.

His hands stilled in the air, as he froze. Realizing what was happening, his hands dropped and found their way to you waist. He leaned into the kiss just as you pulled away. He looked at you with mild surprise, and you smiled at him.

"I want you to be my future too Buck." You spoke softly, your voice just above a whisper.

Buck's lips curled up in a soft smile as he stared into your eyes. You felt his hand grip your waist a little tighter.

"I was talking too much wasn't I?" He said softly, an air of amusement lingering.

A grin spread across your face as a soft giggle erupted. "Maybe a little. But I liked what you were saying."

He chuckled as he pulled you towards him, your chest pressing against his as he stared into your eyes. You placed your hand on his chest and smiled at him.

"I really like you." He said softly as his eyes scanned your face, as if he was trying to memorize this moment.

"I really like you too." You responded.

Leaning down slowly, his eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before he leaned the rest of the way in. His lips connected with yours and the tightness in your chest got worse before suddenly releasing, as your whole body seemed to fill with a tingling sensation. Buck brought his hand up to the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body flush against his.

After a few moments, you broke the kiss, as you smiled breathlessly at each other. Buck motioned his head a bit towards the picnic area. "Hungry?"

You giggled softly, having forgotten about the picnic he set up. "I could eat."

"Good, because I probably brought way too much." Pulling away from you, he took your hand in his as he led you over to the picnic.

Sitting down, you sat right beside him, your shoulders pressed together. Looking out at the city lights in the near distance, you smiled, your heart pounding joyously in your chest.

You hadn't expected your day to end this well, but you were more than grateful it did. You were excited for what your future would hold, especially knowing it looked a lot like the man sitting next to you.

xx End xx

Not sure how I feel about the ending, but I hope you enjoyed it!

If you did, please consider reblogging!

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2 years ago

Reblog to put one of these in your mutuals’ pocket when they’re not looking

Reblog To Put One Of These In Your Mutuals Pocket When Theyre Not Looking
Reblog To Put One Of These In Your Mutuals Pocket When Theyre Not Looking
2 years ago

hi luvlys :( been awhile right? sorry i’m going to be pretty inactive, might upload scheduled posts but that’s about it, i’ll explain more in later posts when i feel like it (ノωヽ) i do miss you all tho :(

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2 years ago

i'm so tired i slept about seven times today PLEASE I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT TO FOLLOW YOU BACK I'M SORRY

YOU’RE GOOD BABE <333 you go by vae right? it would be embarrassing to put the wrong name in my moots list aaa, also is it okay if i call you babe, i call everyone that out of habit so if you’re uncomfy with it, do tell!!

the first para in your response to my ask is literally exactly how i feel so good to know i’m not alone ⊂(´• ω •`⊂) i’ve read several timestamps of different members but two that i can remember is your juyeon fic, the “especially yours” and the “make it fake” smau !!! i actually do not prefer reading smaus just because i’d rather read chunks of paragraphs than visual text messages but gahdayum, that smau of yours has me hooked for sure 🗣🗣

i have no idea why i haven’t asked to be in your permanent taglist but since we’re on that note, pls add me 🙇🏻‍♀️ to many more interactions with you, mwah (๑>ᴗ<๑)

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3 years ago

hi leonaa <33 ITS BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE WE INTERACTED NOOO :(( i hope you've been doing well recently !! do remember to drink water and take care of yourself well <3 !!

OMG ES!!!! can i just say first things first, your blog?!?! so adorable aaaaa ⊂((・▽・))⊃ AND yes, so sorry for not reaching out, been very busy with extracurriculars and council work (#`д´) i miss you lots,, thank you for checking up on me! i hope you’re feeling good too <3 you too have sufficient rest and take breaks whenever you need, loveu lots mwah! 😘

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