pockyandme - leona | semi-hiatus
leona | semi-hiatus

i get to dream of you

255 posts


BFF NEW LAYOUT OMGG đŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș it’s so CUTEEE i love it so much !!

YUHH new layout!!! thank you for realising that i changed it HAHAHA the previous layout was so ugly đŸ€šđŸ€š BUTTT i’m happy with it now THANK YOU AGAIN FOR SAYING IT’S CUTE YOU’RE CUTE 😜😜😜

More Posts from Pockyandme

3 years ago

leona! how are you, moot? i hope you are well <3

autumn!!! omg, hello, i’m doing pretty good! i’ve just been wracking my brain to get new fic ideas out so sorry if i replied late :[ hbu? i hope you’re doing great aswell <33

Leona! How Are You, Moot? I Hope You Are Well

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3 years ago

tbz 98 liners’ reaction to you not saying ‘i love you’ back

Tbz 98 Liners Reaction To You Not Saying I Love You Back
Tbz 98 Liners Reaction To You Not Saying I Love You Back
Tbz 98 Liners Reaction To You Not Saying I Love You Back

pairing: tbz 98 liners x reader

genre: pure fluff

wc: 0.7k

listened to: japanese pancakes by fran vasilic

not proofread

Tbz 98 Liners Reaction To You Not Saying I Love You Back

# juyeon’s ver ! 𑁋

“okay, babe, i’m going out now,” juyeon said, grabbing his keys from the table then leaving the room. “i love you!” he shouted from the living room. “okay bye!” was all you said, stifling a laugh as you pointed your camera to the door, incase he came back in. there was a slight pause before you heard footsteps coming back towards you and soon enough, juyeon poked his head through the gap of the door. “i said i love you,” he was pouting, visibly confused as to why you didn’t return the words back. “and i said okay, byee!” you tried your best to not break into a smile but you couldn’t, seeing how cute he looked. it was then he saw you holding your phone, his pouty lips transforming to a wide grin before he jumped onto you, joining you on the bed and tickling your sides, giggles emerging from under the covers “you little-”

# kevin’s ver ! 𑁋

turning around to check the clock, kevin realised he was gonna be late to his meet-up with the other boys so he slid out of the embrace you guys were previously in on the bed. “gotta go, cutie, sorry,” he muttered, planting a kiss on your lips, patting a hand on your head. he grabbed his sweater and turned the corner, yelling out a quick “i love you!” you remained silent with your phone discreetly filming beside you. pulling up the covers to half your face, you hid the smile behind it. he walked back into the room, arms crossed as he leaned onto the door, “i know what you’re doing, y/n!” of course he did, he was on tiktok just as much as you or maybe even more! your lips curled up at his words, “okay, okay, i’ll play along since you want content so much.” he then proceeded to act angry, pretending to slam the door before the two of you burst out into laughter from opposite ends of the house.

# chanhee’s ver ! 𑁋

“alright, i gotta go, see you soon,” chanhee said, kissing your forehead before turning his attention back on his phone, presumably checking new messages from sunwoo who he was going to meet. “i love you!” you simply replied with a ‘mhm’, waving him off. he stopped in his tracks, looking at you from the front door, “i love youuu~” he dragged out the syllables but you only stared back at him in silence, a smile threatening to form from how hilarious you thought this was. he deadpanned, feigning hurt before mumbling something,”fine, be like that then, i won’t buy your sushi that you wanted,” and that was it. he went out of the apartment, sulking. you immediately picked up your phone to text him when he didn’t come back after 10 minutes. you realised he wasn’t joking, “no, wait come back!! i love you too :( i need my sushi”

# changmin’s ver ! 𑁋

“okay, bye baby,” changmin exclaimed, a smile painted across his face as he hugged you goodbye. as soon as he finished tying his shoes, he opened the front door and said “i love you” to you. as much as you wanted to say it back because your heart couldn’t stand his adorableness, you refrained from doing so just cause you’ve been wanting try out the trend since forever. he peered into the apartment, a frown evident on his face, the previous smiley changmin disappeared as he made his way into your arms, “are you okay? did i do something wrong?” he was very concerned that he did something that had hurt your feelings. you felt so bad since it was actually just a tiktok trend. “aw, babe! it’s a tiktok trend, i’m sorryy!” you exposed your plans, wrapping your arms around him. “it’s okay, just say it back. like right now.” he mumbled into your neck. “i love you too, changmin,” you chuckled.

Tbz 98 Liners Reaction To You Not Saying I Love You Back

(fill in this google form to be part of my permanent taglist!)

my first reaction thingy!! i love these sort of things sm so i wanted to try it out, plsplspls tag me in things similar as this (tiktok hcs) i will literally love you forever. more to come with tbz hyung and maknae lines <3

love, leona!

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3 years ago

please your "tbz 98 liners’ reaction to you not saying ‘i love you’ back" was SO CUTE im in tears

MATTY?!?!? NO WAY aaaa!! thank you for giving my work a read <3 i love every single one of yours, they’re all so unique i’m wowed honestly 😣

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3 years ago



Don’t we all love having crazy unplanned moments with our best friend who we are secretly in love with?


pairing: best friend!kevin tbz x reader

genre: fluff, comedy, a little suggestive

word count: 2.3k

warnings: cursing, brief mention of alcohol, mentions of food, underaged drinking >:(

leona was listening to this while writing: before the full moon rises by got7 (babies <3)

this was supposed to be a drabble though i underestimated my writing..and i know i said my next writing was gonna be for sunwoo but change of plans hehe story begins under the image!


Scribbling a few words down on your textbook, you rubbed your drowsy eyes. The sound of the pencil effortlessly dragging across the paper provided a little, cozy ambience in contrast to the brightly-lighted room despite it already being 11 in the evening. Your eyes darted back and forth between your laptop and your book as your cat played around with some papers in the background. You were so ready to fall asleep right there on your desk but was interrupted by the chiming of your phone, the screen turning on.

Letting out a little grunt, you stretched your hands up and relished in the short moment of pure bliss. The feeling of stretching out your sore limbs after being in such a stiff position never felt so good, but you were yet again interrupted by multiple chimes emitting from your phone. You sighed, picking up your phone that was placed inside your drawer. It wasn’t a surprise for you to see it was from your best friend, Kevin.

‘open ur window, bitch’ it read. Lifting your head slightly to peer out your window, there he was, standing in the cold night with his hands in the pockets of his sweats. As your gaze met his, he lazily raised an arm to wave hi to you. “Hey, girl!”

“Kev? What are you doing here?” You were shocked by his unexpected arrival and even though he did do this multiple times before, it wasn’t during the late hours of the day. “C’mon, Y/n, let’s go get ice cream!!!” He whisper-shouted since he didn’t want to wake your parents up. “What? No! I can’t, my parents would kill me if I went out at night, besides, I have to really catch up on my revision,” You strung out multiple excuses to him.

“Oh, please, it’s not as if you would completely mess up your studies if you missed one day of revision and they don’t have to know you snuck out..” He shot you a devilish smirk along with a wink as he pulled over a ladder you didn’t even know you had owned.

˚◞♡ ⃗*àłƒàŒ„

And that was how the two of you were currently in front of the family mart a few blocks down the road, each holding an ice-cream in hand. You guys sat on the brick steps in a comfortable silence, accompanied by the soft chirping of crickets in the background along with the occasional cars passing by.

The air felt crisp and fresh in a way or maybe it was just because you spent the whole day cooped up in your room, chasing deadlines. Moments with Kevin were never dull even if you guys were in a situation like right now.

Pushing in the last bit of the chocolate-filled cone into your mouth, you dusted off your hands so that they were free of crumbs. You shifted your position beside Kevin and settled your head on his lap, looking up at him.

Kevin had been you best friend for as long as you could remember but as the orange street lights shined on him, he looked so utterly good looking. Everything fell into place in that moment, he looked ethereal even. His jawline was clearly visible from your point of view and you almost got too caught up in the moment.

He was barely fazed when you splayed yourself out on the ground, head in his lap, he continued eating his ice cream and noticed you were staring at him for far too long. “What? Are you in love with me or something?” He smirked, poking a finger gently to your cheek.

You stifled a small cough creeping out your throat, “S-shut up,” and you tried your hardest to speak in a normal tone without giving away your initial thoughts, “So, are we just getting ice cream?” He glanced down at you briefly before looking back up, munching on the cone. “I don’t really wanna go home right now.”

As soon as he said that, you realized what he was talking about. He had been venting to you more frequently nowadays ever since his mother remarried this man who turned out to be a raging alcoholic. He tends to stay longer at your house just to avoid the said man. You felt nothing but sympathy and anger for him so you always welcomed him with open arms.

Breaking the silence that had fell between the two of you again, you grasped his unoccupied hand, “Wanna go to the rich ass neighbourhood that we’ve been wanting to go to and crash someone’s party?” It was seldom that you were the one who suggested such ideas out of the blue but when you did, it would be the most random shit ever. “Y/n.. I love you and your ideas but we literally look homeless,” Kevin looked like he had most likely mentally face-palmed as he gestured to the clothes you guys were wearing, “Plus, how do you know someone has a party going on right now?”

“It’s a friday night, someone is bound to be having a party on, and who cares if we’re wearing clothes that could pass as pajamas? Let’s gooo, it would be fun!”


˚◞♡ ⃗*àłƒàŒ„

Who was Kevin kidding? He could never say no to you! He was just following you as you locked arms with him, dragging him along down the road towards the insanely expensive neighbourhood. At that point of time, Kevin spared a few glances at you as you enthusiastically told him about what antics your little brother had been up to as a toddler.

Kevin wasn’t dumb, he knew what he was feeling as he swore he saw your eyes twinkling as if there were crystals in your eyes. He loved your smile whenever you talked about something you were really interested in. He had to resist himself from engulfing you into a hug.

You were getting immersed in your never ending comical moments with your 5 year old brother when you heard several whooping coming from the rows and rows of rich peoples’ houses. “Jackpot!” You giggled, tugging Kevin by his wrist as you made your way to the first house. The boy beside you only snickered at your childlike actions.

˚◞♡ ⃗*àłƒàŒ„

You didn’t manage to get into the first few houses since these people decided to get bodyguards and an invitation list to be placed at their entrance so you and Kevin didn’t have much luck yet. But then again, those houses belonged to older generations and your ears perked up upon hearing the familiar tune of Gen-Z music, “Hoho, we got the house, Kev!!”

You immediately skipped your way to the house mentioned. The several levels of the house towered over you guys, intimidatingly. Whoever living here must be filthy rich. The exterior seemed like it came from a futuristic film.

Your hand found their place in Kevin’s out of habit and you guys strolled into the entrance, a breath of relief escaping your lips when you didn’t see bodyguards. This might be the dumbest idea you had ever made up but it was definitely the most thrilling one. Your adrenaline was pumping high and you were sure your heart was beating just as fast.

If the exterior was nice, the interior was even more impressive. The two of you took a moment just to marvel at the sight of the gigantic home. It was a little messy, of course, due to the stream of teenagers continuously moving around but because of that, no one took notice of your arrival. Flashing strobe lights covered the ceiling corners of the house and loud music constantly reached your ears. These kids were, no doubt, having the time of their lives.

“Hey guys! Come grab a drink in the kitchen, I’m Hyunjae’s sister!” All of a sudden, a woman’s voice broke you guys out of your reverie, talking about a guy named Hyunjae which you could only assume was the host of the party. You and Kevin didn’t even have time to object or even reply since she had dragged you guys by the elbow, smiling and shouting gleefully over the music.

The two of you grabbed whatever she poured you guys, just making sure not to drink too much of it, who knows it might be “2 shots” of vodka..

Sipping on the drink and grabbing a few snacks from the snack table after, the two of you settled by the stairs. “I can’t believe no one has noticed that we are complete strangers,” Kevin discreetly whispered into your ear, sending tingles down your spine. It didn’t mean to seem sensual but the way his voice trailed on made you think of things you shouldn’t be thinking of. “So glad they haven’t though, more free food,” You chuckled, scrunching your nose, earning a laugh from him.

“Hey! You! The couple, by the stairs, holding hands!“ This time, a guy who looked around the same age as you and Kevin had captured your attention but what he said made you look down to your hands. The sight surprised you, eliciting a gasp from you since your grip had never left Kevin’s and it seemed like he wasn’t aware too since he didn’t make an effort to shrug you off. Does that mean that guy was talking about you guys? You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks at the mention of him calling you two a couple but you shook off the thoughts. Stop thinking about the impossible, Y/n.

“Ahh, hurry up, we need two more players to start, we’re waiting on you!” He beckoned you guys over with a more rushed tone and that was when you realised there was a group of mixed genders sitting in a small circle. You looked up at Kevin, seeking his approval. I mean, would it be safe? You guys know no one here, what if you guys got in trouble? However, he only shot you a reassuring smile, bringing you along towards the teenagers.

Sitting next to each other, cross-legged, there was a lone bottle in the middle of it all. That’s when it dawned on you, oh shit, what ig you had to kiss a stranger? Your panicked thoughts quickly filled your brain and you didn’t pay attention to the multiple people crossing in front of you to smooch each other’s lips off.

Kevin’s hand that was clasped with yours gave you a tight squeeze, reminding you that he was there and that you guys could leave anytime. You could only wait in anticipation, hoping they would get bored soon and it would never land on you but when was luck ever on your side?

The bottle spun right in your direction, earning the mediocre, repeated cheering every time it landed on someone. The bottle was spun yet again to decide your fate but when it landed on Kevin, you felt all the weight lift off your shoulders. However, your relief could only last for so long since they started chanting for you guys to kiss.

Shifting your gaze to Kevin, he was already looking at you, you couldn’t miss the gaze in his eyes. Your eyes casted down to his lips as he slightly bit on it, causing you to unconsciously nibble on yours too. All of a sudden, the loud voices were blocked out and you could only focus on him, your best friend, whom you fell in love with. You didn’t realise you were already leaning in, charmed by how much sexual tension there was in the air.

His luscious lips were so close to yours, you could finally get a taste of him. “Wait, who are you guys? I never invited you?” At the speed the two of you tuned your head, you could’ve gotten whiplash but the two of you couldn’t say anything further since multiple burly men had stood up upon hearing that you two were complete strangers. “You guys just leeched off our alcohol and food, huh?” You could tell he was mad and that was not good.

He started to approach you guys but a hand on yours dragged you along with them as they rushed out the front door, down the steep hill. Almost tripping multiple times as you guys tried your best to outrun those men, you realised it was Kevin. No matter how tense the situation was, you broke out into a fit of laughter as you took note of how hilarious this situation was. Kevin’s laughter eventually joined yours as the two of you kept crashing into each other, stumbling on the coarse road, hand in hand. It was crazy how it felt like it was straight out of a movie. Everything felt so right with Kevin. You were so happy with him. You knew he was the one.

Too bad, the two of you are dense teenagers who don’t have the guts to confess when you are obviously in love with one another.

(fill in this google form to be part of my permanent taglist!)

btw if you got that vine reference, i love you

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3 years ago

i’m very angry at tumblr for not having a favorites’ lists or saved posts function bc i want to reread this so many more times when i feel sad >:( autumn this might be my favorite piece of writing you did such a great job!?&?&?@‘!

# nct dream as your deskie

# Nct Dream As Your Deskie
# Nct Dream As Your Deskie
# Nct Dream As Your Deskie

pairings: nct dream x gn!reader || wc: 3.5k || warnings: light swearing, mentions of food, dying (humour) and physical hurt (humour)

[ ⚘ ] mark:

“what’s that?” you peer over mark’s shoulder.

mark bends down lower over his notebook to conceal his writing from your sharp eyes. “nothing, just some ideas for songs.”

you gasp. “you’re writing new song lyrics?!” he nods. “lemme see.”

“no!” mark snatches the notebook away from your grasp and looks at you, affronted. you draw back, a little stunned by his reaction. usually, mark lets you see all of his lyric scribbles. it’s part of your relationship as seat partners.

your brows crease and you sit back down in your seat, staring at the open textbook in front of you. your geography teacher is going on and on about tectonic plates and whatnot, but you can’t be bothered to listen. why won’t mark let you see his lyrics this time? you glare at the words on the pages, trying to figure out reasons why he wouldn’t let you see them. you just know this is going to bother you for the rest of the day.

mark sees you pouting and feels terrible about the way he snapped. it’s not that he has anything against you, it’s just
 these lyrics are really personal. too personal. he writes you a note and slides it towards you, meeting your eyes apologetically for just a second before turning back to his notebook.

you read what he’s written.

“sorry y/n, i just can’t let you see my lyrics yet. they’re
 about somebody.”

you chuckle and shake your head, doubt dissipating by the second. turning back to mark, you ask, “can i know who it’s about?”

mark hesitates. he doesn’t want to keep too much information from you, so he says, “someone in our class.”

this piques your interest, and you wiggle your eyebrows at him. “oooh, who is it? is it mina? you had the hots for her last year, didn’t you? or is it donghyuck, hmm? tell me tell me tell mee-”

mark smacks his hand over your mouth because you’ve begun talking a little too loud and the people around you have started staring. you freeze and remain like that for the next minute as mark looks around warily, trying to make sure no one else has heard you, especially not the teacher.

when he takes his hand away, he’s already a blushing mess. you cock your head, expectant, but mark puts his hands on his neck, evidently embarrassed, so you’re about to tell him it’s fine when he speaks up.

“i-it’s about the person sitting next to me

[ ⚘ ] renjun:

renjun hands his sketchbook over to you to inspect. inside, the pages are full of beautiful drawings of all your classmates - hyunjin as a centaur, lia as a water sprite, karina as a doe, sunwoo as a vampire
 the list goes on.

you hold the pages reverently in your hands, flipping through the book like it’s the only thing that can save the world.

then the teacher walks in, and all of a sudden it’s gone from your hands. renjun’s taken it back to occupy himself during class. “i wasn’t done with it,” you huff, propping your head up on your elbows as you watch him begin a drawing on a fresh page.

after lasting about three minutes with your intense gaze on him, renjun puts his pencil down and roughly pushes your face away from him to face the front of the classroom. “pay attention to the teacher.”

“speak for yourself, jun.” your voice comes out muffled because of his palm against your mouth. you grab onto his wrist and bring it down.

“the difference between us is that you actually have to pay attention during class or you’ll fail your exams. i, on the other hand, can pass them just fine on my own.”

you clutch your chest, pretending to be offended, but renjun gives you a smirk and his eyes are telling you to prove him wrong, so you turn back to the teacher in defeat.

“y’know,” you smack your lips and draw out your syllables, “if you tutored me, i wouldn’t have to-”

you catch sight of your features under a ring of gold, the halo held up by two devil horns sticking out the top of your head. “is that me?!”

“it’s not done.” renjun pushes his hair out of his eyes as he says this. “but yeah.”

“why do i have both an angel’s halo and devil horns? i mean, i understand the halo part, but the horns?” you tilt your head in confusion. “i’m a complete angel.”

renjun looks at you like you’ve gone bananas, then presses his lips into a straight line, trying to suppress the laughter that’s fighting to burst forth. “a-angel?” little giggles and short breaths leak through the dam, and you slug his arm.

“shut up. i’m not talking to you anymore.”

------------ time skip ------------

when you get back from lunch, you see that there’s a little note sticking out of your pencil case, folded neatly. you open it up, and the note is the drawing of you as an angelic devil. at the bottom, in small, messy script, renjun has written a few sentences.

“here’s your stupid portrait, dumbass. you’re a devil dressed as an angel. happy early birthday, idiot.

p.s. if you tell me to add your name onto my blank space, i will knock you out.”

[ ⚘ ] jeno:

you spread your various sticks of gum out under the table, in the shape of a fan. jeno does the same next to you. the two of you are in your seats, torsos twisted to face each other.

“i’ll give you strawberry for grape.”

“okay. i am so giving this to jaemin.”

you exchange gum flavours, you quietly celebrating at the acquisition of grape-flavoured gum, the one you’ve been addicted to for the past two days.

your math teacher drones on about vectors, and his words go in one ear and out the other. none of you are paying attention to him, because he’s the worst teacher ever and doesn’t actually help with anything, much less inspire you to like the subject.

“play a game with me.” jeno nudges you, desperate for mental stimulation. you nod, almost bored to tears by the lesson material.

“loser pays for the other’s karaoke.”


you decide to play apple on a stick. besides, jeno’s phone battery is already on the verge of going dead, so there’s no hope of playing pubg. “apple on a stick, making me sick, making my heart go 2-4-6

as you slap each other’s hands and clap as softly as possible to avoid drawing unwanted attention from the teacher, the rhythm gets faster and faster, until your hands are just a blur and you can feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins, trying to keep your mind completely focused on the game.

just as you feel you’re losing your rhythm, jeno breaks the pattern, accidentally snapping his fingers when he’s supposed to clap your hands. you squeal in excitement at the moment he loses, and he collapses onto his desk, head in his hands, but a smile peeks out from behind his palms.

“and that was it for the practice round. now for the real-” jeno laughs as you smack his shoulder indignantly.

“i won! i won fair and square, so now you have to pay for my karaoke.”

“you don’t even have anyone to go to karaoke with though?” this earns him another good punch in the side.

“hey! i have friends!” you stick your tongue out at jeno and he grins at your childish antics. “i can just invite yangyang or something.”

jeno’s face falls just slightly at the mention of yangyang’s name, but he quickly covers it up and teases you, “why? you like him or something?”

“he’s just my friend, dummy.” jeno visibly brightens at this revelation. you smirk at him, “why? do you like me or something?”

“pshhh, in your dreams, y/n,” he chuckles nervously. “fine. i’ll pay for your karaoke. but i have one condition.”

“what is it?”

“you invite me to karaoke with you.”

[ ⚘ ] haechan:

haechan takes a marker and draws a line across your table, closer to you than him.

“this is the line that separates our desks. whatever crosses this line is mine.”

you frown at him. “but you have more space than i do.”

“yeah, because i’m me, and you’re you,” he replies with a cheeky shrug of his shoulders, causing you to roll your eyes. you readjust your things to make sure none of it crosses the line, because you know in your heart that haechan means what he says, and will not hesitate to take your things if they do make their way across the boundary.

putting his feet up on his desk, haechan tips his chair back, rocking it on its two back legs. you glance at him and do a double-take. “dude, get your feet off the table! you’re gonna fall down.”

“no i won’t. just watch me-” as he says this, his cocky demeanor disappears in an instant when he accidentally loses control and slips, tilting his chair back a little too much. reacting out of instinct, haechan grabs onto the back of your chair to stabilise himself. however, just as he’s pulling himself up, your chair tilts backwards with the force he’s exerting on it, and you almost fall with it. you scream and shut your eyes, but you never do hit the floor. opening just one eye cautiously, you see that haechan has caught your chair in time, righting it with a triumphant grin.

the teacher raises her eyebrows at the both of you, asking authoritatively, “is everything alright there?” haechan gives her a reassuring smile, but this only makes the teacher even more worried. haechan isn’t exactly known for his stellar behaviour.

“don’t worry, ma’am, i was just helping y/n up.” then he turns to you and pretends to chide you, “hey, don’t tilt your chair back, you could fall.” you stare at him, a mix of disbelief and annoyance pooling in your gut. the teacher sighs and mutters something that sounds suspiciously similar to “kids these days”, before turning back to the whiteboard to write on it.

ten minutes later, haechan is already asleep on the desk, his mouth hanging open and his head resting on his hands. you notice that his elbow has crossed the barrier, and a devilish grin creeps its way up your face. payback time, you think.

taking the marker haechan used earlier, you carefully uncap it and start colouring in his elbow, turning it a wonderful bright purple. amazingly, haechan never once stirs at the strange sensation, continuing to sleep like a log.

when you’re done, you throw the marker at his head and hit his forehead. “wakey wakey, sleepyhead.”

haechan blinks confusedly, and it takes about twenty seconds for his eyes to acclimatise to the bright classroom, noticing the purple patch that has formed on his elbow. he snaps his head up to glare at you, his tongue in his cheek, but then he gives you a fake laugh and grits his teeth behind his smile. “good one. haha. very funny, y/n.”

then he snatches your pen in retaliation, putting it all the way on the other side of his desk, far away from you. trying to get it back from him, you reach across, stretching your entire upper body over to get it.

your entire body freezes up when haechan puts his arm around your waist and brings his face to your cheek. “what are you-”

haechan’s lips ghost over the skin of your cheekbone, and you feel your heart pounding in your chest, red blooming across your face. then he moves his lips to your ear, whispering, “hmm, you crossed the line. guess you’re mine now.”

[ ⚘ ] jaemin:

na jaemin. everybody’s favourite classmate. the second he walks into class, the girls are swooning and the boys are watching enviously. in their eyes, he even walks in slow-motion.

he walks up to his seat next to you and drops a pack of your favourite snack onto your desk, along with some chocolate milk. without saying anything about it, he sits down nonchalantly, proceeding to unpack his stuff. you catch his eye, looking at him gratefully, and he smiles back at you, his face radiant.

oh. so this must be why everybody loves him.

“did you finish your work yesterday? i remember you saying you had way too much to finish in one night,” jaemin says conversationally. you grin at him.

“yep. i tried really hard and actually got my stuff done for once!” you slam your stack of finished assignments onto your desk, the feeling of accomplishment already welling up in your heart.

jaemin narrows his eyes at you, “you slept late though, didn’t you?” you purse your lips and nod sheepishly, then smack him playfully.

“way to step on my moment, nana,” you reply jokingly. jaemin makes a funny face at you in response, and you laugh.

when class starts, both of you listen attentively to the teacher. unfortunately, your late night and lost hours of sleep choose to catch up to you now, and your eyelids start drooping. the teacher’s words turn into a string of meaningless noises, merely background noise to the fight between your body and mind. stay awake, stay awake, stayawakestayawakestayawake-

the world is shut out and you doze off on your desk.

------------ time skip ------------

your eyes flutter open, and for a second you just take a moment to listen to the sounds of the classroom. students chatting, chairs scraping, fans whirring. no teacher talking? ...wait a second.

you jolt upright and something slides off your table at the action, the impact startling the two other students in class. your eyes find the clock hanging on the wall. it’s already lunchtime.

“crap,” you say under your breath. “crap, i didn’t take notes and mrs. watson might have talked about the exams coming up, what happens if i missed it all? oh no, oh no, oh no-”

looking around in a frenzy, your gaze lands on the sandwich and your notebook on your desk. your notebook is open, its pages filled with all the lesson’s notes in jaemin’s handwriting. at the bottom corner of the final page, jaemin has written, “here’s a sandwich for lunch! i took notes for you, i hope you don’t mind. >~<”

the notes are colour-coded and superbly neat. you exhale sharply, nodding subconsciously as you attempt to wrap your head around the fact that jaemin is this nice. the corner of your lips turn up and you start unwrapping the sandwich. it is then that you realise that draped around your shoulders is jaemin’s jacket, and you pull the collar closer to your face, inhaling his scent.

“...stupid, dreamy jaemin.”

[ ⚘ ] chenle:

“what’s up, y/n?” chenle dumps the bag of snacks he brings to school everyday onto your desk. the snack bag is literally bigger than his actual school bag, and it is filled to the brim with a myriad of snacks. candy, crisps, chocolate - you name it, he’s got it. it’s the goldmine.

of course, one of the benefits of being chenle’s deskie is sharing these treats. even when the lesson starts, the two of you are munching your way through the bag, hiding the packets under the table. there’s even a make-shift bin tied to the leg of your table; a plastic bag to hold the discarded wrappers.

however, one of the drawbacks of eating during class is that there is a constant need to hide the fact that you are eating. chewing without seeming like your mouth is moving, never letting the teacher see the food enter your mouth, and the hardest of all - chewing quietly.

chenle passes you a bag of potato crisps, and you gladly accept, opening it with a practised motion. the crinkle of the plastic packaging is barely heard by the class because of the thick woollen jacket chenle has draped over it, creating some sort of soundproofing material. perfect for drowning out louder sounds.

he takes one chip and stuffs it in his mouth, so lightning quick that no one would ever see the crisp in his hand. then comes the hard part - he chews so slowly that the chip is crushed softly. somehow. “pfft, i could do better,” you smirk, hands already reaching for a chip yourself.

the moment it’s placed into your mouth, you make eye contact with chenle and hold his gaze. the two of you chew like sloths, each trying to outdo the other at chewing softly. soon the giggles start trickling out of his lips, and your eyes curve into little crescents, trying not to follow suit. but holding in your laughter is a lot harder when you’re staring at someone who is also trying not to laugh, so the two of you burst out laughing, howls and guffaws piercing the heavy air of the classroom.

when the teacher turns her ferocious gaze on you, you know that you’re in for a ride.

------------ time skip ------------

“hey, what are we supposed to do? i wasn’t paying attention while she was lecturing us,” chenle asks softly, his elbow touching yours as you both stare at the piece of blank paper in front of you.

“she asked us to write ‘i will not eat during class, nor disturb my classmates during lesson time’ a hundred times.” your voice is flat and emotionless, evidence of your boredom.


“i know.”

you start on your lines, writing until your palm is sweaty and your wrist is sore. chenle does too, but gets distracted by the snack bag, which was miraculously not confiscated. thank chenle’s honey tongue for that.

“hey, your favourite snack!” chenle waves the packet in front of you, and the bright colouring effectively attracts your attention.

making grabby hands at the bag, you look at the snack with hearts in your eyes, saying, “oooh, gimme gimme!”

he holds it high above him, teasing, “nope. you can’t have this unless you promise me something.”

“that’s bribery,” you frown, but your want for the snack outweighs your pride. “...what do you want?”

chenle smiles sweetly at you. “come with me to prom at the end of the year?”

[ ⚘ ] jisung:

jisung slides into the seat next to yours, his almost empty canvas bag swinging from one shoulder and his hoodie hanging loosely off his body. he looks at you and smiles bashfully, “hey, can i borrow a pencil? i forgot to bring my pencil case.”

you roll your eyes in amusement and chuckle, “it’s the third time this week, sung.”

“i know, i know, i’m sorry. i promise i’ll make it up to you,” he says hopefully, looking at you with puppy eyes. you stifle your giggles and hand him a pencil, at which he beams at you.

sentence after sentence comes tumbling out of the teacher’s mouth, explanations about the phenomena of cell division and how it happens echoing around the room. jisung’s hood is up, covering his messy hair, and his hand is constantly in motion, pencil flicking across the paper with incredible speed.

“you’re actually paying attention for once?” you ask, incredulous. you can’t believe jisung is listening to the teacher, let alone taking notes so diligently. when he doesn’t respond to your quip, however, you realise he’s not taking notes at all.

you stare at the pages of his notebook. they are filled with jisung’s terrible handwriting, the words he has scribbled basically illegible. you can make out one or two words, but they don’t make any sense, nor are they related to the lesson at all. words like “waffles”, “chicken”, “games” and “boring” are highlighted, showing just how far jisung’s mind is from here. tiny doodles of stick men wearing funny outfits adorn the borders of each page, some of them even with funky hair.

you smile unconsciously, thinking about how very jisung it is of him to do that. then you turn your head back to the front and let all thoughts leave your mind, staring blankly at the whiteboard, words nothing but white noise to you.

“psst, y/n. y/n. y/n?”

“huh?” shaken out of your reverie, you blink at jisung, bemused.

he sighs and says, “sorry, thought you were dead there for a second.” you smile half-heartedly.

“well, maybe i am. on the inside.”

jisung snickers and he reaches up to his ears, which are also hidden by his hood. when his hand comes back down, it is holding a single earpod. jisung motions for you to take it.

“you’ve been listening to music all this time?!” jisung gives you a small nod as you place the earbud in your ear. “without me?!?”

jisung puts a finger on your lips, which shuts you up immediately. “just listen.”

you listen to music together for the rest of the day. (his music is good.)

# Nct Dream As Your Deskie

© marklilies, 2021. all rights reserved.

# Nct Dream As Your Deskie

taglist: @jensrose, @neocuddlytechnology

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