analogowe dyptyki łódzko-warszawskie łódź and warsaw: double feature on filmoigo & mr 1600 asa
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Le Sacre du printemps
a wild meadow of sounds
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Wczoraj puch topoli przysypał nas nad Sekwaną, dziś wieczorem liczyliśmy jeże i samoloty z balkonu na Ursynowie. A jutro, gdziekolwiek będę, po prostu uśmiechnę się do siebie. // Muzyka z filmu Bertolucciego.
Yesterday I let poplar fluff cover me head to toes while strolling by the Seine. And tonight we were counting hedgehogs and planes from a balcony in south Warsaw. Tomorrow maybe I'll just smile to myself. // Music from a Bertolucci movie.

2 x Lodz (coming soon: 2 x Warsaw)
L: Pentacon 6 + Provia 400X 120mm | R: Contax T2 + Kodak Gold 200
An Eye for Optical Theory

[ Pink Floyd -- The Great Gig in the Sky ]

The problems of this world are only truly solved in two ways: by extinction or by duplication ― Susan Sontag

Turns out both of us have been reading Roger Ebert daily for the past decade. A handshake, akin to the one from an iconic album cover, hints at how we felt upon reading what proved to be his last words.