pompeygirl89 - Untitled

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EPISODE 02: no, there ain't no doubt

pairing: theo nott x potter!reader

summary: you and theo begin to investigate the murder, while trying to keep the operation under wraps and each other save from the killer

warnings: extremely big trigger warning for the whole series, in this chapter: mentions of blood, a corpse, murder

note: hello guys, welcome back to the second episode of nbnc!! i hope you like it so far! if you have any theories, do not be shy and share them in the comments!!!

you were staring at the wall across from you. dumbledores office was different than you would have imagined. you could hear the teachers voice, but it didn’t really reach your eyes, your mind wandering back and forth between what had happened prior.

professor burbages face was such a clear image in your mind. way too clear, way too disturbing. you could feel her eyes linger on you, feel the pain that had etched itself onto her features and the wetness of the blood on your fingers, that you had picked up as you had fallen back into the snow.

you felt theo’s arms around you, as he pulled you into the castle. you had felt his quick heartbeat against your ear, his shaky breath had been louder than yours and you hadn’t been able to stand on your own. 

“it’s okay” he had muttered, pressing you to his chest, as if to shield you from every bad thing in the world. “you’re okay” his voice was muffled as he spoke into your hair, hiding his own face as if to gain some sort of comfort from the close proximity.

“did you see anyone?” mcgonagalls voice reached your ears and your mind broke free off the memory.  

you shook your head, not having the ability to speak. theo send a worried glance in your direction. you were fiddeling with your hands in your lap, the look of terror still on your face. 

“there was no one there” theo said. “we didn’t hear or see anything apart from what we told you” his voice had grown aggravated through all the questions you had had to answer. “can we please continue this another time?” 

“just a few more questions, mr. nott” dumbledore said softly, holding a bowl filled with lemon drops towards you. both theo and you shook your head. 

theo sighed, but nodded at the professor’s request. then, all of a sudden, he reached over and took your hand in his, so you could hold onto something and knew that he was there. 

you looked up and theo send you a reassuring smile. 

you ended up at the common room at half past three. the questioning had continued all throughout the night, with the teachers grappling to find answers. you were sure that they knew more than you, as they exchanged mysterious glances at everything theo and you told them. 

you couldn’t stop thinking about it and you were so incredibly scared. you wished theo was there, he was the only one that understood what you were going through. 

you climbed the stairs to your dorm, deciding that it was to no use to sit around the common room all alone. hermione was fast asleep when you opened the door. the teachers had probably informed them that you were being held back, but probably without disclosing the real reason. 

you got rid of your uniform and changed into your pyjama. you took another glance at hermione, before you quietly walked to her bed and crawled under the blanket. she stirred a bit in her sleep, but didn’t wake up, as you pushed your face into the pillow next to her. 

you needed some sort of comfort and just knowing she was there was enough to send you to sleep, the exhaustion taking over before your mind could wander back to the nights events again. 

the next morning, the castle felt strangely quiet. you awoke after hermione, who had probably already left for breakfast or something else. for a moment, you simply lay there, staring at the ceiling, letting the stillness linger. but the memories crept back in as they always did—professor burbage’s face, the coldness of the snow, and the horror that gripped you when you realized something was terribly wrong.

you slipped out of hermione’s bed, there was no point in staying any longer, pretending that a few more hours of sleep could wash away what had happened. your limbs felt heavy as you dressed, your mind replaying the details over and over. every time you closed your eyes, it was there again—her face, twisted with fear, and the blood, so much of it, on your hands.

downstairs, the common room was empty, except for theo, who was waiting for you. his back was turned, his posture rigid as he stared into the fireplace.

“theo” you said in surprise. he turned around and send you a soft smile. 

“i couldn’t sleep much” he muttered, “thought you might want some company”

“but the password?”

“it was way too easy to find out” he shook his head, laughing softly. “you guys should better change it” he added, a bit more worried, realizing the danger a security breach like that held. 

you quickly nodded, your eyes wandering over his features that softened when he noticed  the tears brimming in your eyes. 

he stepped closer, opening his arms, so you could cry against his chest. 

“i’m sorry” you muttered, ruffling your nose. “i’m sorry” 

“what for?” theo asked, voice calm and warm like he could send all your fears to sleep with a simple word. “you saw something terrible and rightfully it messed you up, it messed me up too” 

“i’m glad you here” you whispered and you could feel him nod his head. “you’re the only one who understands” 

“just like you” he smiled as you stepped back. “but i’m also here because of something else” he waited for your permission to explain. 

“go on” you urged, cleaning the left over tears from your face with the back of your hand. 

his hand went into the pocket of his trousers and he took out a folded piece of paper that he then held in your direction. you took it and opened it up. “professor burbage had that with her. outside” 

your eyes studied the symbol on the paper. it looked familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it. the lines were sharp, forming an intricate design that seemed purposeful, almost like a rune. your heart started to race as you stared at the symbol, trying to pull the memory from the back of your mind.

“i’ve seen this before” you whispered, but your voice was uncertain. “i don’t know where, but i’ve definitely seen it”

theo leaned closer, his eyes scanning the paper along with you. “i thought the same thing when i found it. it was clenched in her hand. almost like… like she was trying to hold on to it.”

“did dumbledore see this?” you asked alarmed. “why did you take it?” 

“i didn’t think properly before i did, it was the first thing that i saw, i realized only later that she had probably held it in her hand. otherwise it would’ve been wet”

“this is evidence, theo” you shook your head, brushing back your hair with the piece of paper still in your hand. “you can’t just take evidence from a crime scene!” you scolded.

“well, i didn’t know it was a crime scene when i took it” he excused. “apart from that, maybe the rune entails a secret message or something? something the killer could’ve used to get burbage outside” 

your eyes widened, before you quickly nodded. “okay” you pushed the paper back into his hand. “what do we do now? go to dumbledore and tell him?” “because that worked so great before” theo said softly, but you could hear the annoyance in his voice.

“he just said that we can’t be sure it’s a murder” 

“well it looked like a bloody murder, didn’t it?” he grimaced, “all the blood” 

“yeah” you agreed. “it definetly did. but what do you suggest if we won’t tell dumbledore? who could we tell then?”

“no one” theo shrugged. “we keep it between us, until we find out more”

“find out more?” you asked surprised. “do i look like sherlock holmes to you?”

“no, but you come close to doctor watson” 

“ha ha” you shook your head and crossed your arms, before you thought fot a second. “alright” you finally said “let’s get some breakfast, i might know someone who can help with that” 

he nodded, ready to leave the common room, but you held him back by his arm. “but not together, no one should know what we’re trying to find out. and no word about professor burbage, we don’t even know if it’s public knowledge yet”

“okay” theo muttered. “for someone who claims to have no idea about this, it comes to you pretty naturally”

“i’ve read a lot” you shrugged, but couldn’t bite back the smile that crept onto your face. “come on” 

theo and you split up. you sat down at the gryffindor table next to ron and across from harry, while theo wandered off to the slytherin table to join his own friends.

“morning” harry greeted. “where have you been so long?” he wondered, before he raised his brows and touched your cheek. “have you been crying?” 

you shook your head, quickly wiping over your cheeks to get rid of the remaining wetness. “no” you muttered. you couldn’t even trust your own voice. theo and you had sworn not to tell anyone what you knew and that probably included your brother. he would find out soon enough anyway.

“good morning” dumbledores voice rang out loud and clear throughout the hall, before harry had the chance to question you further. “something terrible happened yesterday” he paused for a second, before he added. “professor burbage has been found dead”

ein raunen??? went through the hall, as gazes were exchanged and heavy whisper broke through. 

you looked at theo across from you. neither of you had thought that the teachers would share the news so fast.

“we can’t be sure what happened yet, but professor slughorn is currently trying to inform the aurors in the hope that we will soon have an answer to every question you might have” he smiled softly. “for now, please remain calm and—“

the door to the great hall flew open, revealing professor slughorn, who quickly hurried inside. “albus!” he called loudly, not caring who was listening “the castle—, it’s been” he shook his head, as if to try and rearrange his mind. “a terrible snowstorm has cut every tie to the outside world” he finished, having reached the teachers table, face reddened and trying to catch his breath. 

no one in the hall dared to matter a word, not even ron, as the three of you stared up at the teachers table where dumbledore and slughorn were hurriedly whispering with each other. 

“alright, alright” dumbledore nodded finally, as slughorn sank down in his seat. mcgonagall slightly tapped his shoulder in comfort, but slughorn looked like he was about to faint as he wept a hand through his thinning hair. 

“it seems like another problem just introduced itself” dumbledore’s smile was unwavering, but you noticed a hint of discomfort it in his face. the same discomfort he had worn the day before, when you had told him about professor burbage. “it’s seems that a magically forged storm has reached the hogwarts grounds. there is no need to worry, as this will be taken care of. as stated before, please remain calm and make sure to stay together and continue on with your day” 

“magically forged?” harry muttered. “and what about professor burbage? what does she have to do with everything?”

“i don’t know” you replied warily, locking eyes with theo across the hall, before you nodded to the door. “i have to go” you told harry and ron, before you got up to leave. 

“what? where?” harry tried to reach for your hand, but you drew it back quickly. “you’re acting strange, y/n. what’s going on?” 

“nothing” you shook your head, quickly searching for an answer that would leave him satisfied. “well, i have this uh— girl problem that i need to talk to hermione about” you eventually replied, acting as if you were embarassed. 

“oh” harry muttered, while ron’s cheeeks quickly grew rosy, as he averted his eyes. “okay, then go on” harry encouraged uncomfortably. “but, let me know if you need, uh, any help, yeah?” 

you nodded and finally left the hall with a last wave to your friends. “bye” they answered your greeting, before they quickly turned their heads, falling into conversation with neville and ginny. 

theo, who had caught your hint, met you in the corridor outside the great hall. “did you know they would tell everyone?” you blurtet out as soon as he arrived. 

“what? no” he shook his head. “what’s even worse is the storm. do you think there’s a connection?” 

“maybe the killer is not finished” you muttered, finger pressed to your chin, thinking. 

theo kept silent, watching you with wide eyes, as he thought about what you said. “that means—“

“yeah” you nodded “he’s still here and his next victim is too” 

“shit” theo shook his head, his hair moving and a few curls falling into his eyes. he tried to push them back, but it was to no use. his hair perfectly displayed how he was feeling on the inside. he sighed. “you might be right, but we have a chance to stop him, before anyone else gets hurt, so what do we do? you said you knew someone who could help with the rune?”

“hermione” you simply answered. 

“of course” theo smirked. “who else?” 

as you had expected hermione hadn’t been at breakfast, not so late in the morning at least. not even the approaching christmas feist was an excuse for her to rest. 

you found her in the library, sitting at a table, accompanied by various stacks of books. she was concentrating on a piece of parchment, as her finger expertelly swerved over the book in front of her. 

“wait” theo said, holding your arm, before you could walk around the shelf you were standing behind. 


“maybe i should wait here” theo shrugged. “we agreed to tell no one that we are trying to find out more, remember?” 

“yeah, uh, of course” you nodded, outstretching your hand to take the piece of paper with the rune on it into your own hand. 

“i’ll wait here” theo promised and you smiled at his assurence. 

hermione didn’t even look up when you called her name. she blessed you with ignorance, as she turned the page of her book. 

“oh, y/n” she finally said, when you repeated the calling. she pushed one of the stacks of books to the side, so she could have a proper look at you. “are you alright?” she asked, brows furrowed as she stared at you in deep concentration. 

you answered her question with a stunned expression to which she sighed, concluding she had to explain herself. “well, you slept in my bed last night, which you only do if you’re feeling unwell or scared” she paused and took another look at you “and you’re in the library before eleven” 

“maybe i just wanted to sleep next to someone?” you muttered, cheeks turning red as you thought about theo hearing that you had been so scared the night before you had to sleep in someone elses bed.

hermione shot you a look that clearly said, con’t be ridiculous. 

“okay, fine” you nodded. “professor burbage was found dead. i found her” 

“i know” hermione said as if you were talking about the weather. 

“how?” you asked confused. “dumbledore only announced it before i came here”

“you speak in your sleep” hermione informed. “i went here as soon as i finished eating. i’m trying to find out something about the magically forged snow storm outside”

“how did you—“

“my parent’s letter arrives every tuesday, eight a.m. sharp. this morning it didn’t” she shrugged. “that could only have two reasons: first, my parents forgot to send it, which they never did in six years and let’s be honest, they’re dentists”

you nodded, as if you understood the correlation between the punctuality of letters and dentists. 

“or” she went on “somehow the owls had a problem coming through, which they never had before, not in a thousand years” she pointed to the edition of a history of magic in front of you. “then i took a look outside and there it was: snowstorm” 

“yeah, okay” you nodded, impressed that she had found out all of that on her own. 

“so, what do you need my help with?”

“how do you—“

hermione sighed. heavy. “library, you, eleven a.m., remember?”

“sorry” you winced, before you held the piece of paper in her direction. “professor burbage held this in her hand when i found her”

“this is evi—“

“it’s just a copy” you quickly lied, not willing to risk her going to dumbledore about this. she was your best friend, but she was still hermione. 

hermione inspected the paper, before she sighed once more. “would you please tell nott to stop hiding behind the shelf? his eagerness is distracting me”

you didn’t even question how she knew about that, as theo stepped around the shelf and into the open. “hey, granger” 

“hello” hermione didn’t even aknowledge the boy, instead she kept staring at the rune. “so you were there too, huh?” she finally said, as she gave the paper back to you.

“huh?” theo muttered, taken aback by her question.

“how did she look?” hermione continued without being fazed by theo’s lack of an answer, it seemed that she had already made up her mind about his involvement. “was there blood?”

“a lot” you nodded.

“well, it was obviously murder” hermione concluded. “but not by magic as it seems.”

“so you don’t know what this is?” you asked. she had not mentioned anything about the rune. “i think i have seen it before, it seems familiar”

“of course i know what it is” hermione replied almost offended. “and you recognize it, because you have seen it before. it was the coat of arms for an old underground organization at hogwarts— the nocturne society”

“of course” theo smiled in recognition. “it apparently got forbidden a few years ago”

“and rightfully so” hermione nodded, as she pushed one of the opened book into yours and theo’s direction. “here. they had connections to the dark arts, sometimes ended in some real trouble”

you overflew the passages, which talked about various incidents where the doing of the organization had led to injuries or other incidents in the school and grounds around it. 

“well, why whould someone draw the coat of arms on a piece of paper and give that to professor burbage?” you wondered. 

“maybe to threaten her?” theo shrugged. 

“actually” hermione interrupted, her voice cutting through the room as she glanced between you and theo. “it’s warning a warning. there have been rumors that the organization had returned, with new members of course, but this was always their way of warning those who came too close to their business”

“so professor burbage might have found out about something she shouldn’t” you concluded. “but would one of them go as far as murder? i mean if it’s someone from the nocturne society it has to be a student, right?”

hermione nodded. “a students with a broken moral compass and no fear of rules”

“i think rules are the least of their worries, granger” theo laughed. 

hermione crossed her arms, unimpressed. “well, i wouldn’t know about any of those deliqeunts” she looked between the two of you, before she added “but i hear your friend riddle has a special appreciation for the dark arts—and certainly no less for forbidden underground organizations.”

you and theo exchanged a glance, before you nodded. “thank you hermione, you’ve been of great help” 

“of course” hermione smiled and you and theo got up to leave, but she held you back. “be careful with him” she send a pointed look against theo’s back. “someone who’s so close to people who practice the dark arts might not be far from practicing it himself. he could be dangerous, y/n” 

“i’ll be careful” you promised, intentionally ignoring everything else she said. “don’t mention it to harry”

“i won’t” hermione assured. “as long as you get out alive” 

you caught up with theo, before he had even noticed you were missing. hermione continued her research on the magically forged snowstorm as the both of you left the library and her behind. 

you found mattheo in the corridor to the slytherin corridor. he wasn’t alone, but heavily making out with a girl, which turned out to be millicent bulstrode. they didn’t noticed either theo or you as you approached. 

theo had to physically tear them apart, as repeatedly calling mattheo’s name didn’t work. 

“nott” mattheo groaned loudly, millicent still in his arms. she didn’t even acknowledge you.

mattheo furrowed his brows, as he noticed you behind theo. “potter” he exclaimed surprised. “came for a kiss, i suppose?” he kissed the air in front of him.

“hey!” millicent muttered, slapping a hand against mattheo’s chest, but making no move to leave. 

“we need to talk to you” theo said coldly, not impressed by mattheo’s attempt to flirt with you. 

“we?” mattheo laughed. “who’s we? you and potter dating now or what?”

“no” theo muttered between clenched teeth and even though you didn’t knew him well, you could tell that he was beginning to get angry. “we need to talk” he repeated. 

“well, you can talk to me later” mattheo smirked unimpressed. “i have other things to do” he took a look at millicent, before he returned his eyes to theo and you. “everyone has to wait their turn.”

“you disgust me, mattheo” theo spit, before he took your arm to lead you out of the dungeon. “come on, we’ll come back later”

you nodded, quickly tearing your eyes away from millicent and mattheo, who had already begun kissing again. “is he always like that?” you asked and theo sighed, before he nodded. 

“usually he is a bit more likeable” 

“i hardly believe that” you laughed and theo smiled at you. “but maybe we can use the spare time to look for more clues in professor burbages office”

“you think that is a good idea?” theo quirked a brow, clearly challenging you. 

“well, you thought investigating a murder was a good idea, so i won’t take any judgement from you” 

theo laughed and you thought it was the most beautiful sound in the world. you found it almost unbelievable how close the two of you had grown over the span of hours. theo had been practically a stranger all those years you had spent in the same school, but now he felt like he was the closest friend you had. trauma was a really bonding experience it seemed. 

professor burbages office was right behind her classroom. a small staircase led up to the door, that held all the clues you were searching for. 

“it’s locked” theo concluded when he tried opening the door. 

“did you bring your wand?” you asked, but theo shook his head and you had to do the same, after he returned the question. 

“well” you smiled, kneeling down in front of the keyhole. “then we need to do it the muggle way” you grabbed one of the bobbypins out of your hair and pushed it open, leaving a long and thing metal stem. you picked the lock expertly and the door sprung open in a matter of seconds. 

“where did you learn this?” theo asked surprised by the unusual skill. 

“my aunt loved to look the kitchen when harry and i were children” you shrugged. “sometimes we were so hungry, there was no other way”

theo nodded and you missed the look of compassion on his face, when you walked into the office before him.  

once in the office, you split up, each of you searching a different half of the room. 

you sorted through a stack of paper in the cabinet that stood at the back of the room, when you heard theo sigh loudly. 

“this is just a bunch of school stuff” he muttered. “i had hoped for something clearer”

“like what?” you laughed. 

“i don’t know” he shrugged, as he opened another drawer. “maybe a death threat?”

“i think the killer might be a bit smarter than that” you exclaimed, right as your eyes fell on an opened bottle on the dresser next to you. you raised your brows, before you took the bottle into your hand.  

to burbage— for when the pressure gets too much. consider this a parting gift.

you frowned, rereading the cryptic message. "parting gift?" you glanced at the wine again, and suspicion clawed at your thoughts.

suddenly, a sickening realization dawned on you. the note wasn't a friendly gesture—it was ominous, almost mocking. as you examined the bottle closer, a faint but unmistakable scent lingered in the air—bitter almonds.


“theo,” you called, your voice tight as you held up the bottle. “come look at this—”

but before you could finish, a loud noise echoed from outside the office. both of you froze. heavy footsteps approached. they weren’t casual, nor hesitant. they were deliberate.

theo shot you a sharp look, his hand instinctively moving toward professor burbage’s wand that was still laying on top of her desk. you quickly placed the bottle back on the dresser, your heart pounding in your chest.

the footsteps grew louder, closer. someone was coming. someone who might have known exactly what you were about to find.

theo moved to the door, his face tense as he mouthed. “what now?”

before you could answer, the handle to the office door rattled.

taglist: @melsunshine @shereadsandcries @ch3rry-lips @the-sylver-dragon @mayamonroem @allurearia @prongsprincessworld @brokenpoetliz @winterbarnesblog @mysummerwinesblog @cowboy-luvr @ahead-fullofdreams @mietlynn @maxsisly @too-efn-old-to-be-here @reverse-soe @insideoutjulie @thestrawberrythatgotaway @dvartesgfs @chimchoom @eggsysstuff @uku-lelevillain @lexi2005

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More Posts from Pompeygirl89

4 months ago

𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐭 𝐔𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐞

fluff | Mattheo Riddle | 💙🫂🦋❄️| Masterlist | Taglist | requests are open

SUMMARY: Y/N demands Mattheo follow her without question, but he only responds with flirtation.

AUTHORS NOTE: Saw this bit of dialogue from the Book King of Sloth by Ana Huang on TikTok and it gave me Mattheo Vibes so wrote this.

The moon was high, casting a silvery light over the dense trees, shadows dancing ominously along the path. Y/N walked briskly ahead, her eyes set with determination, but her frustration was palpable. Mattheo Riddle trailed behind her, his usual smirk in place, clearly amused by her urgency.

"Where exactly are we going, princess?" Mattheo’s voice broke the silence, laced with that infuriating, cocky tone he always seemed to use.

Y/N didn't break her stride, her boots crunching against the forest floor. She threw a glare over her shoulder. "Just shut up and follow me."

Mattheo’s smirk deepened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He sauntered after her with far less urgency, clearly entertained by her commanding tone. "Yes, ma’am. I love a woman in charge."

Y/N rolled her eyes so hard she could practically feel them in the back of her skull. She didn’t bother responding, knowing he thrived on her irritation. He always had a way of getting under her skin, finding amusement in every little reaction she gave him.

"You know, if you wanted to boss me around, you could’ve just asked," Mattheo added, his voice low as he closed the distance between them. His hand brushed her arm as he fell into step beside her.

"Or," Y/N shot back, not slowing down, "you could just stop talking for once and actually do what you're told."

Mattheo chuckled softly, but said nothing more, the sound of his laughter lingering in the air between them. She could feel his eyes on her, that smirk probably still plastered on his face, but at least he was quiet now. Small victories.

They continued deeper into the forest, and though she’d never admit it, there was something oddly comforting about having him there. Even if he was a pain in the ass.

4 months ago

just friends | m.r. x reader

prompt: Can you do a Mattheo riddle friends to lovers. And Draco asks you out then Mattheo gets jealous and him and Draco have a fight and you help clean all his cuts and stuff? If you can’t that’s fine though ❤️

warnings: mentions of blood, angst, fluff

word count: ~1.5k

a/n: i forgot about the requests i had saved in my google doc so here's one sorry guys.

People thought you and Mattheo being best friends was odd at first. Upon first meeting, people assumed you were quiet and sweet and slow to anger. However when a girl tried to push you around in second year and you landed a hard right hook to her nose, people stopped questioning your friendship and started questioning when you guys were going to start dating. 

You both often played those comments off, saying you were best friends nothing more. Not knowing the other was desperate for the change in relationship status. 

So when Draco asked you to Hogsmead one weekend, you didn’t really have a reason to say no. However when Mattheo found out, he had a less than pleasant response. 

“Are you seriously going with him?” Mattheo was ripping pieces of parchment and throwing them in the fire. You laid across the couch, handing him a new sheet of parchment when he’d finish the other. 

“It’s just Hogsmead, Teo. I’m not betrothed to your cousin,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing. Mattheo was grumbling in response. 

You sat up on your elbows, “What was that?” Mattheo shook his head, standing up from the floor, “Nothing. Have fun with cousin, tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear all about it.” 

He walked off towards the hall, sounding very much like a stomping toddler and not like he was excited to hear about how your date went tomorrow afternoon. You huffed out an annoyed sigh, deciding to head back to your own dorm. Pansy was sitting atop her bed when you came in and slammed the door behind you. 

“Care to tell the doctor why you’re so peeved?” Pansy sat up at the head of her bed. You groaned, flopping yourself face first on her mattress, mumbling into her duvet. “Come again, dear?” 

You rolled over, staring at the top of her four poster, “Mattheo is being an arsehole.” Pansy couldn’t help but snort, “Tell me something new, Y/n/n.” You groaned again, “He’s never an arse to me, like never ever. Not like he just was. I don’t know what his problem is. Shouldn’t he be happy that my date is at least with someone he knows and likes? I could’ve had a date with Diggory, or even,” you faked a gag, “Potter.” 

Pansy couldn’t help the laugh that emitted from her throat, “I think you’re reaction alone let’s everyone know that the latter would never be an option.” You smiled weakly at her, “Yeah, suppose you’re right.” You sat up now, tucking your feet under you, “I just don’t get what the big deal is. He’s adamant that he and I are just friends, so why get mad when I finally get a date?” 

Pansy looked at you dumbfounded, “Y/n/n, please tell me you’re not that daft.” Your jaw dropped slightly, “What do you mean?” It was Pansy’s turn to groan, “If you can’t see it, I’m not telling you. You’re just going to have to pay more attention.”

You sighed out in annoyance, getting up from her bed and changing into your pyjamas. Pansy dropped the subject, as did you. You laid your head down on your pillow, doing your best to get Mattheo’s judgemental tone out of your mind, which only caused your dreams to be filled with him. 

Your trip to Hogsmead was actually really nice. Draco was a complete gentleman, helping you into and out of the carriage, holding the doors open for you, buying your favorite candies, even buying your lunch and butter beer. 

On the ride back in the carriage, you thanked Draco for a lovely afternoon. He smiled shyly, “Of course, Y/n/n. A beautiful girl like you deserves to be given all the attention and doted on dutifully.” You smiled bashfully, “You’re very kind, Draco.” Draco reached for your hand as you stepped out of the carriage at the doors of the castle. 

You took it, thanking him again as you stepped back to the ground. You opened your mouth to say something when suddenly Draco was ripped from in front of you. You took a shocked step back, trying to focus on the two bodies rolling around on the ground when you noticed it was Mattheo that attacked him. 

Draco and Mattheo were landing blows back and forth. While Mattheo was a few months younger, he was larger, muscular wise than Draco. You worried a bit for Draco, but when he landed an elbow in Mattheo’s ribs, causing him to roll off Draco, the blonde boy stood, walking toward you. 

You opened your mouth to apologize, but Draco cut you off, wiping the blood from his bottom lip, “You two need to sort whatever the fuck you are.” He turned back to look at Mattheo getting up from the ground before turning back to you, “I suggest you take him back to your dorm and clean him up. Have a fucking conversation.” 

You looked back toward Mattheo, who was now looking at the ground. You walked over, grabbing his wrist, “C’mon, Teo. I’ll clean you up.” The walk back to your dorm was silent sans for the sound of both your boots on the corridor floors. When you got to your dorm you led him to the edge of your bed, motioning for him to sit while you got some supplies from the ensuite bathroom. 

When you came back, you opened the first aid kit, grabbing some gauze and soaking it in healing potion. You dabbed the gauze on the bridge of his nose where a fresh cut was now open. Mattheo winced away, “Fucking Salazars dick, Y/n/n, that fucking burns!” 

You grabbed hold of his chin, turning his face toward you again, “Well I wouldn’t even have to do this if you didn’t mindlessly attack Draco. What was that, Teo?” Mattheo avoided your eyes, looking off to the side. 

Your fingers gave his cheeks a gentle squeeze before dabbing his nose again, he winced slightly before meeting your eyes, “You shouldn’t have gone to Hogsmead with him.” You watched as the potion closed the cut on his nose, a pink scar now taking its place. 

You grabbed one of his hands, holding your wand above it, “And why’s that?” Mattheo watched as you waved your wand, quietly muttering a healing spell that closed the cuts over his knuckles leading to fresh scars being formed there, “Because you should have gone with me.” 

Golden brown eyes met yours when you finally looked up, “Teo, we’ve gone to Hogsmead together a bunch of times. Why was this one any different.” Mattheo shook his head, “No, y/n/n, you’re…ugh, you’re not getting it. I don’t want to go with you as your friend. I-I kind of…fancy you.” 

You couldn’t help it when your eyes widened a bit, a small small forming on your face, “You kind of fancy me?” You saw Mattheo’s shoulders physically relax, a smile forming on his lips, “Okay, I really fancy you.” 

You set your wand down on the nightstand before taking a step closer to Mattheo, now fully nestled in between his open legs. “And how long have you really fancied me, Mr. Riddle?” You played with the collar of his t-shirt. You really did love it when Mattheo dressed more casually, you’ll have to tell him. 

Mattheo was feeling more confident now, placing his hands on the backs of your thighs, "Are you gonna hit me if I say a year?" Your eyebrows shot up, "A year? Mattheo Marvelo are you telling me we could've been dating for a year now but you were to wuss to say anything to me?"

At first he opened his mouth to apologize, but his brain quickly made the connections to what your statement alluded, "Y/n Y/m/n, are you saying that you have also fancied me for the last year?"

It was your turn to act reserved, "I mean...yes?" Mattheo's hands on your thighs gave a quick squeeze, causing your to squeal and grab his wrists.

Mattheo smiled at your giggles, now bringing his hands to either side of your face, "Well, looks like we've got lots to make up for, don't we love."

You nodded your head, closing the gap between the two of you, finally allowing your lips to connect with your best friend you've been pining over for the last year

4 months ago

White Lie

White Lie


pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader

summary - After accidentally telling your mom you have a new boyfriend, you have to resort to your last option and ask your old friend turned enemy for help.

warnings - fake dating trope

wordcount - 3.1k

series masterlist

White Lie

The chaos of Halloween weekend was already in full swing when your phone buzzed with an unexpected text from Enzo. You were sitting in your dorm room, lazily scrolling through social media when the screen lit up with his message.

Enzo: My parents just showed up for my game. Staying the whole weekend. We need to keep up the act. You gotta put some of your stuff in my place to make it look real.

Your stomach dropped. His parents had unexpectedly come to town? For the entire weekend? That meant you had to pretend to be dating Enzo at university too, not just in front of family back home. And it was the worst timing—between classes, Halloween parties, and Enzo’s first big soccer game of the season, there was already enough on your plate. Now you had to dive into this charade all over again.

You: You're kidding, right? This weekend?!

Enzo: Trust me, I didn’t want this either. Just need you to make it look like you’ve been staying over at mine a lot. Blaise is there, I told him you’re coming.

With a groan, you tossed your phone onto the bed, wondering how the universe could be this cruel. You and Enzo had kept up the fake dating act so far, successfully fooling both your families—but faking it here, around your friends and classmates? That felt a lot more daunting.

But there was no way out of it now. His parents were here, and if you didn’t step up, they’d see right through the ruse. With a resigned sigh, you grabbed a bag and began stuffing in things that would sell the illusion: some clothes, your toothbrush, a few books, and a bottle of shampoo and conditioner.

As you zipped up the bag, your mind raced. This was going to be tricky. You and Enzo had been keeping your distance on campus, careful not to raise any eyebrows among your friends. No one knew about your fake relationship—hell, no one even suspected you two were close enough to be hanging out, let alone dating.

You grabbed your phone again to text Enzo.

You: How are we gonna pull this off? No one here knows about this, right?

Enzo: We’ll deal with it. Just get to my place and set up. I’m keeping them busy for now.

With a sigh, you slung your bag over your shoulder and made your way across campus to Enzo’s apartment. The streets were buzzing with pre-Halloween energy, students milling about in early costumes, the excitement in the air palpable. Under different circumstances, you'd be planning your own night out with friends, maybe a costume party or a haunted house run. But now? Now you were heading into full-on damage control.

When you reached Enzo’s building, his roommate Blaise opened the door almost immediately, as if he'd been waiting for you.

“Well, well, well,” he said with a grin, stepping aside to let you in. “The girlfriend has arrived.”

You rolled your eyes, walking past him into the living room. Maybe Enzo had told his friends after all, figures. "Don’t start. I’m just trying to make it through this weekend without Enzo’s parents figuring out we’re faking it."

Blaise chuckled, clearly entertained by the situation. “Honestly, I don’t know how you guys are pulling this off. But hey, I’m here to help. What do you need?”

You took a deep breath, glancing around the apartment. It was neat—too neat when you considered only two guys lived here. “I just need to scatter a few of my things around. Make it look like I’m here all the time.”

Blaise nodded, already moving to help. Together, you placed your toothbrush in the bathroom, set a pair of shoes by the door, and left some of your clothes in Enzo’s closet, tucked among his own. As you arranged a couple of your books on his coffee table, Blaise looked over at you, curiosity clear in his expression.

“So... how did you and Enzo even get into this mess?” he asked, tossing one of your sweaters over the back of the couch.

You hesitated for a moment, wondering how much to share. Blaise seemed chill, but he was still Enzo’s best friend—someone who might tease him about this later. “Long story short, our moms always thought we should date, and he was my best option to get out of my mom setting me up with someone else. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, just a little act for family gatherings.”

Blaise raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, but now you’re here. At uni. Pretending to be in love. This is next-level commitment, you know that, right?”

You sighed, slumping onto the couch. "Trust me, I didn’t sign up for this. I thought it would just be the holidays. But his parents just showed up."

“Well, lucky for you, I’m pretty good at keeping secrets,” Blaise said, settling into the armchair across from you. “And hey, if it makes you feel any better, from what he’s told me you’re actually selling it pretty well.”

Before you could respond, the front door swung open, and in walked Enzo with his parents trailing behind him. You and Blaise exchanged a quick glance—this was it. Showtime.

Michelle, Enzo’s mom, spotted you immediately and smiled brightly. “Y/n! So good to see you again, dear.”

“Hi,” you said, standing to greet her, the fake girlfriend act snapping into place as easily as slipping on a mask. “What a surprise! I didn’t know you guys were coming.”

Michelle beamed as she stepped forward, pulling you into a warm hug. “Neither did Enzo, the poor thing. We just couldn’t miss his first big game of the season, you know?”

Enzo, standing by the door with his hands shoved into his pockets, shot you a look that said play along. You gave him a quick, tight-lipped smile before turning back to his mom.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here,” you said, forcing enthusiasm into your voice. “Enzo’s been working really hard this season.”

Frank, Enzo’s dad, joined in with a hearty chuckle. “Hard work pays off, right, son?”

Enzo nodded, stepping further into the room. “Yeah, Dad. Just hoping to put on a good show tomorrow.”

It wasn’t long before small talk filled the space. You and Blaise stayed on the sidelines for most of it, while Enzo’s parents showered him with attention, asking about soccer, his classes, and whether he was eating well enough. Michelle’s eyes wandered the room every now and then, landing on small details—your shoes by the door, the books on the coffee table. Every time her gaze flicked to something of yours, you felt a spike of nervousness.

Blaise must’ve noticed too because he leaned over and whispered, “You’re doing fine. Chill.”

You gave him a quick, appreciative nod, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that this weekend was going to be tough.

Eventually, talk turned to dinner, and Michelle insisted on taking all of you out to a nice restaurant to celebrate the start of the weekend. Dinner went smoother than you expected, though it was clear that Enzo’s parents were all-in on the idea of you two as a couple. Michelle kept referring to the two of you as “adorable” and even asked if you wanted to sit with them at the game the next day.

After dinner, you and Enzo walked Michelle and Frank back to their hotel. The crisp night air felt refreshing after the stuffy restaurant, and the Halloween decorations lining the streets added a festive touch to the evening. 

When you reached the hotel, Michelle pulled you into another warm hug. “Thank you so much for joining us tonight. It’s been lovely to have you with us.”

You smiled, trying to mask your exhaustion. “It was great to see you both. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow.”

As Michelle and Frank entered the hotel, Enzo turned to you, a hint of a grin on his face. “Well, that went better than I expected. Ready for the game tomorrow?”

You chuckled, shaking your head. “I don’t know if ‘ready’ is the right word. I’m just trying to survive this weekend.”

Enzo chuckled, giving your arm a reassuring squeeze. “I know what you mean. Let’s get you back to your dorm.”

The walk to your dorm was quieter, a comfortable silence settling between you two. The Halloween lights and decorations provided a whimsical backdrop as you navigated the campus paths. Enzo seemed lost in thought, his earlier tension easing into a more relaxed demeanor.

When you reached your dorm, Enzo stopped in front of the building, a thoughtful look on his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow. If you need anything, just text me.”

“Will do,” you said, trying to keep the mood light. 

Enzo gave you a genuine smile. “Goodnight.”

You watched him walk away before heading inside. As you climbed the stairs to your room, you couldn’t shake the feeling of the evening’s weight settling on you. But you had to push it aside; tomorrow was the big game, and you had to be ready.


The next morning dawned chilly and bright, a perfect day for soccer. The campus was abuzz with Halloween festivities, but you were focused on the game. You put on your warmest jacket, grabbed a coffee from the campus café, and made your way to the stadium.

When you arrived, the stands were already filling up with enthusiastic fans. You spotted Michelle and Frank waving from their seats and gave them a quick wave back before making your way up to where they were sitting.

As the game began, you found yourself caught up in the excitement of the crowd and the intensity of the match. Enzo played with impressive skill and determination, his every move drawing cheers from the audience. You cheered along with the crowd, dutifully playing the supportive girlfriend, your earlier nerves melting away in the face of the game’s energy.

During a brief halftime break, you jumped down from the bleachers to meet Enzo as he ran up to the stands, a look of satisfaction on his face. “How’s it going?” he asked, joining you.

“Great! You’re playing really well,” you said, smiling at him. “Your parents are really excited.”

“Yeah, they are,” Enzo replied, glancing toward them. “You seemed pretty excited too. Sure you don’t wanna join the fanclub? You’ve been cheering louder than they have.”

“Don’t let it go to your head,” you said, nudging him playfully. “Just playing my part.”

The game resumed, and the energy in the stadium remained electric. Enzo's team played with renewed vigor, and as the final whistle blew, they celebrated a well-deserved victory. The roar of the crowd was deafening, and you joined in, clapping and cheering with genuine enthusiasm.

As the players began to make their way off the field, you spotted Michelle and Frank weaving through the crowd to meet Enzo. They were all smiles, clearly thrilled with the outcome. Enzo's eyes searched for you in the crowd, and when he saw you, he made his way over, his face alight with excitement.

"Great game!" you shouted as he approached. "Your parents are really proud."

Enzo grinned, his happiness palpable. "Thanks! They’re probably already making plans to celebrate."

Michelle and Frank soon joined you, and Michelle wasted no time in wrapping Enzo in a hug. "That was amazing, sweetheart! We’re so proud of you."

Frank clapped Enzo on the back. “Yeah, you really showed them what you’re made of. Now, how about a little more celebrating?”

Enzo looked at you, a playful glint in his eyes. Your stomach churned.

Michelle was quick to jump in. “We were thinking of heading to the Halloween fair in town. It’s got everything—rides, games, and a haunted house. Why don’t you both join us? It’ll be fun!”

You exchanged a glance with Enzo. “Sounds like a plan,” he said with a grin. “You up for it?”

You shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant. “Sure, why not?”

The fair was bustling with activity when you arrived. The air was filled with the smell of popcorn and cotton candy, and the sounds of carnival games and laughter created a lively backdrop. Michelle and Frank led the way, weaving through the crowd with excitement.

As the evening went on, you found yourself enjoying the fair’s festive atmosphere. You played a few games with Michelle, tried your hand at winning a prize, and even sampled some of the treats. Enzo stayed close, making sure to always keep his hand on the small of your back or an arm slung around your shoulders when his parents were nearby.

When the haunted house came into view, Michelle’s eyes lit up. “Let’s do it!” she said, dragging Frank along. “It’ll be a blast.”

Enzo looked at you, a mischievous smile on his face. “You sure you’re up for this? Haunted houses aren’t exactly your thing, right?”

You laughed nervously, lightly slapping his arm. “I cried one time like 10 years ago.”

The line to the haunted house was long, but it gave you time to mentally prepare. When it was finally your turn, you walked through the entrance, and the darkness enveloped you. The occasional screams and eerie sounds from inside only heightened the suspense.

As you ventured deeper into the haunted house, the scares became more intense. At one particularly terrifying moment, a loud bang and sudden movement made you jump, and you instinctively grabbed Enzo’s arm. He seemed to notice how frightened you were and leaned closer, his voice a comforting whisper amidst the chaos.

“Hey, don’t worry. It’s all just for fun,” he said, trying to sound reassuring. “I’m right here.”

You squeezed his arm tighter, trying to steady your breathing. “I know. It’s just—sorry.”

Enzo chuckled softly, his breath warm against your ear. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I’m pretty scared too. Just better at hiding it.”

You didn’t believe him, but you guessed it was nice that he tried. As you rounded a corner, another loud noise made you jump, and this time, you ended up pressed closely against Enzo. He seemed to notice how close you were and shifted slightly, but his arm remained around you.

“You know,” he said, his voice low and teasing, “your eyes are really pretty up close.”

You blinked, caught off guard by the compliment. In the dim, flickering light of the haunted house, his eyes looked warm and sincere. The moment was oddly intimate, and you found yourself looking up at him, your heart racing for reasons beyond the scare.

Before you could respond, another person in a scary mask popped out from the darkness with a scream, and you instinctively buried your face in his shoulder, letting out a small yelp. His arm tightened around you, and you could feel his laughter vibrating against your side.

“It’s okay,” he said, his voice steady. “We’re almost through.”

Eventually, you made it to the end of the haunted house, and the lights of the fair were a welcome sight. You pulled away from Enzo, feeling both relieved and slightly disoriented.

Michelle and Frank were waiting for you, and Michelle grinned. “How was that?”

You gave her a shaky smile. “It was something, that’s for sure.”

Enzo looked at you, a playful glint still in his eyes. “Maybe we should stick to the games? I was promised you’d win something for me.”

You laughed, nodding. “Yes, definitely.”

Chapter Six

Thanksgiving arrived with a crispness in the air that hinted at the winter ahead. The day was clear and bright, a perfect backdrop for the holiday festivities. The anticipation of spending Thanksgiving with both Enzo's and your families had you feeling unexpectedly buoyant. The families had always celebrated together, and this year was no different, except for the added layer of pretending to be a couple.

As you pulled into Enzo’s parents’ driveway, the familiar sight of the house, decorated with festive fall decorations and glowing lights, brought a sense of nostalgia. For some reason, it felt weird arriving without him by your side now. But he had decided to drive home a couple days early to help his parents with the preparations. The smell of roasting turkey and pumpkin pie wafted through the open windows as you walked up to the door.

Michelle opened it with a beaming smile, pulling you into a warm hug. “Y/n! So glad you could make it. We’ve missed you.”

You returned her embrace, feeling a genuine warmth. “I’m happy to be here. Everything looks wonderful.”

Michelle ushered you inside, where the cozy ambiance of the house, combined with the cheerful chatter of the combined families, immediately set a comforting tone. Enzo’s dad was busy in the kitchen, and as you entered, you were greeted by your own parents.

“There you are!” your mom exclaimed, crossing the room to hug you. “Late as always. I was starting to think you’re ditching us.”

“Hi, Mom,” you said, smiling warmly. 

After the initial greetings, you joined Enzo in helping with the last-minute preparations. As you worked side by side in the kitchen, he glanced over at you. “Feeling ready for the family fun?”

You laughed, shaking your head. “I think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

The dinner table was a feast of traditional Thanksgiving dishes, and as everyone gathered around, the air was filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Both families seemed genuinely thrilled to be together, and even your sister seemed to be taking a break from being all up in your bussiness.

During dinner, Enzo made sure to keep you close, his hand occasionally brushing against yours under the table. The ease with which you interacted felt natural, almost too natural. 

After dinner, the group retired to the living room for dessert and games. You found yourself genuinely enjoying the evening, from the slices of pie to the friendly competition in charades. Enzo was as charming as ever, but you found yourself appreciating him in a new way—his laughter, his warmth, and the way he made everyone feel at ease.

As the night wore on, you and Enzo took a quiet moment on the porch. The crisp night air was refreshing, and the stars overhead seemed to twinkle with a particular brightness. You leaned against the railing, savoring the tranquility after the lively evening.

White Lie

Series Taglist - @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @hereticdance @ohmaigwad @wordsarelife @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @aheadfullofdreams @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @sunasbbie @marsbars09 @vcosette @meepycheep @aglady13 @rinalouu @floswife @ariensversion @agent-tempest @s0urw00lf @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pinkestfloyd @xlinxdax0704 @kennedy-brooke @iamaconfusedpan @keira-kaz2y5 @chulabeans @l0v3do11 @acourtoflostandwanderingstars @catiwinky @istill-dream-ofyou @pinktreee @ceehance @lizhub @iamgayforyourmom1501 @feistyfox47 @i-think-you-are-gr8 @bigbobass @cas-planet @csmt_m @selyselyselyse @mrsriddles-blog @the-sylver-dragon @poppysrin @camille-1019 @laniirackssss @slvtfortheo @chaoticweirdloyalroyaltrouble @chosenoneslver @txzii @c0rnf1akessss @itsarajr

White Lie


Requesting Guidelines

4 months ago

the man on the moon—

The Man On The Moon

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ description ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

death eater!regulus black x fem!reader

regulus is bound to a fate predestined for him by his family and their notion of profound duty bestowed upon the noble house of black. he cannot escape it now. he wishes nothing but for you to be kept safe, innocent and joyous—and to achieve this he must keep a dark secret. a secret that will lay claim to his life, and a secret that will prove to be a tiresome burden.

A chapters are small flashback chapters. B chapters are the main, plot driving chapters.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ chapters ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

༉‧₊˚. chapter 1A — solace | 1B — emergence

༉‧₊˚. chapter 2A — hope | 2B

༉‧₊˚. chapter 3A | 3B

༉‧₊˚. chapter 4A | 4B

༉‧₊˚. chapter 5A | 5B

༉‧₊˚. chapter 6A | 6B

༉‧₊˚. chapter 7A | 7B

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ extras ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

: ̗̀➛ series playlist

: ̗̀➛ series moodboard

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ taglist ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

🏷 @homesweetnothings @ghostlycurses @spidermansfangirl @maverickgalathynius

… send an ask or comment on this post to be added !

4 months ago

Sleeping after an argument

mattheo riddle x reader

Summary : you decided not to sleep with him after an argument

Sleeping After An Argument

In the dimness of his room, you sit on the edge of the bed, your heart heavy with frustration. The walls echo with the reverberations of an seemingly endless argument. He stands, a sharp gaze in his eyes, his poisoned words filling the air.

"Why are you always like this?" you ask, trying to contain your own anger. "Your attitude is toxic, Mattheo. It can't go on like this."

He sneers, an ironic smile distorting his face. "Oh, now it's my fault? You're always the victim, aren't you?"

You take a deep breath, trying to calm the flames of anger rising within you. "It's not about being a victim. It's about mutual respect. You can't keep acting this way."

Mattheo approaches, his presence oppressive. "Mutual respect? Funny coming from you. You just criticize me, judge me."

"Because you act disrespectfully! You constantly attack me, and I can't take it anymore."

He shrugs, disdainful. "If you can't take it, leave. No one is forcing you to stay."

The tension reaches its peak. You stand up, facing Mattheo with determination. "Maybe that's what I should do."

The words hang in the air, heavy with consequences. The room is filled with the silence that follows an argument, and you wonder if this confrontation marks the end of something, or perhaps the beginning of a new dynamic.

Frustrated by the atmosphere, Mattheo abruptly stands up and heads to the bathroom, using the excuse of needing to prepare in there to escape the confrontation. You remain in the room, Mattheo's dark look still echoing in the air. The decision not to spend the night in this toxic atmosphere takes hold in you, and you head to the bathroom as well.

Reflecting in the bathroom, you decide to leave the unresolved argument behind and choose not to sleep that night. The idea of returning to your shared room with Pansy becomes a tempting refuge. Exiting the bathroom, you silently slip through the hallway, deliberately avoiding Mattheo's room.

Meanwhile, Mattheo, after anxiously waiting in the bathroom for some time, starts to worry about your absence. Concerned, he knocks on the door, softly calling, "My love, are you okay?" Faced with your silence, he eventually opens the door, discovering that you're no longer there. Regret fills him as he realizes the impact of his behavior.

Determined to find you, Mattheo heads towards the girls' dormitory, disregarding any rules of decency. His only thought is to bring you back to him, suddenly realizing how crucial your presence is to him.

Upon opening the door to your room, he notices Pansy's absence, but you're there, asleep in your bed, hugging a pillow that was supposed to replace him for the night. Mattheo gently removes the pillow from your arms, slipping into its place. He embraces you tenderly, whispering an "I love you" in your ear, realizing the foolishness of the argument. He holds you tightly, hoping that you'll find it in yourself to forgive him despite the hurtful words he uttered.