Religion bad unless we worship the eternal science of Marxism-Lenninism (/j)
383 posts
Years ago, I was Chinese. Now i am a natural indianese.
i swear to cod you drive me insane
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More Posts from Porg-porg-porg
Listen up! It's going down...
Repping the Splatlands, we are DEEP CUT!
Anarchy Splatcast, are here!
Ay (Here we go!)
You lip sync, we drip ink...
Ay, ay, ay! (Shiver, Frye and Big Man!)
Ay ay? ( But guys, I thought we were answering questions?)
Oh! I almost forgot! We are arnt we!That's right, you herd it, Deep Cut are gonna answer YOUR questions!
How bout that!
Ay ay! ( Put your questions in the ask box, and we will answer them as soon as we can!)
Ask us anything! ANYTHING!
Well mabey not "anything" but we will do our best.
We might be busy now and then, so don't feel bad if we don't answer anything right away.
Ay ay! (Be nice!)
Looking forward to your asks!
From, well, us! That's a wrap.
Catch ya later!
Catch ya later!
It was HELL for me in delhi when the pandemic happened
Hey remember how just a few years ago we dumped people who died from covid in mass graves or on big pyres because people died so fast and now every government is like "that time when we all just had the flu and stayed at home for a bit :)"
आज़ाद फ़िलिस्तीन!

protests in defense of Palestine in São Paulo, Brazil
part of the demands is for our government to follow Bolivia’s example and cut all diplomatic ties with Israel
I am
Hehe my depression is definitely getting worse
Fun fact booyahing back decreases the likely hood of me being in your home with a knife by 100%!