possessedopossum - Possessed Opossum
Possessed Opossum

Felix, he/him. Russian. wh40k, dragon age, vtm, wow. Impossumble Opossum on Twitter.

201 posts

That Moment When Your (space Elf) Cat Bites You And Then Licks You After

That Moment When Your (space Elf) Cat Bites You And Then Licks You After

That moment when your (space elf) cat bites you and then licks you after

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More Posts from Possessedopossum

11 months ago
Yes I Spent More Time Drawing His Boots Than Drawing Everything Else. No I Am Not Into Boots Or Feet

Yes I spent more time drawing his boots than drawing everything else. No I am not into boots or feet why do you ask?

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10 months ago
Liratirael As A Solitaire. Who Could Have Thought That The Manwhorest Manwhore Of All Local Corsairs

Liratirael as a solitaire. Who could have thought that the manwhorest manwhore of all local corsairs and the infamous art collector will end up playing Sailan'tresh?

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1 year ago

Cronos Parasite Engine - 18+

This is an extension of the scene in Rogue Trader where Marazhai gifts RT with a Cronos Parasite Engine. I'm not well versed in Warhammer lore, so I'm sorry if I've messed something up!

Dom!Marazhai x Female Rogue Trader. 18+, it's not super explicit in terms of smut, but I think the warnings speak for themselves.

Warnings: Literal torture, pain play, d/s, ownership, allusions to drug use, cutting, needles, bloodplay, not SSC... basically what you can expect from a fic about using a torture machine on someone? idk honestly, I think I blacked out while writing this.


"Is it... alive?" Jordana von Valancius asks carefully. She is watching the multi-limbed monstrosity, clicking and clacking and hovering beside her bed, with equal parts apprehension and curiosity. A Cronos Parasite Engine, Marazhai had called it.

She would have described it as a giant machine insect...thing. Not exactly titillating at a first glance, but on examining it further... she had to admit, it was interesting.

"Oh, yes," Marazhai confirms. A vicious grin cuts across his face. Standing behind her and leaning well into the Rogue Trader's space, he puts a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, hard, "Or at least, it was at one point. The haemonculi have made it something else entirely, now. A truly refined instrument of pain. A gift for you."

Her heart thumps wildly, as a mixture between dread and excitement floods her. The anticipation of the pain that this thing could cause her- would cause her sends a shiver down her spine. She takes a careful step toward the beast, Marazhai moving with her.

"It can project your very life essence from you, into me," Marazhai murmurs into her ear, "Do you want that, Jordana? To have not only your pain, but your soul itself, nourish me? To have me taste it?"

Something had happened to her, back in Commorragh. When she'd been remade, she swore some wires had become crossed in her brain. She'd always enjoyed a little pain, that wasn't new. But somewhere in the Dark City, between the scalpels and the needles and the blood and the torture, the begging and the sobbing that had stripped her to the bone-

She'd wanted more. She'd wanted to stay longer.

"Yes," She murmurs, as Marazhai's clawed gauntlets bite into the skin of her shoulder and draw blood. He leans close, licking a strip across the bloody scraped skin, and hums in delight.

"This is going to be so much fun," He says in her ear, before he pulls back and two-handed shoves her toward the machine. She nearly falls into it, stumbling forward.

The head of the machine- if it could be called a head- turns to Jordana in some kind of awareness. The engine is buzzing, nearly crackling with energy, and its antenna twitch in response to her closeness. She swallows the quickly mounting fear, feeling very much the prey to this strange abomination, unsure of what will happen next.

"Do I need to-" She starts to ask. She doesn't get to finish. One of the engine's metal tentacles wraps around her ankle and yanks, pinching her skin and swiping her off her feet. She groans as she hits the ground, hard and disoriented.

Before she has the time to catch her breath, the machine is bearing down on her. Its huge body smokes and crackles, caging her easily against the floor. Here, in her bedchamber without any weapons nearby, this thing could overpower her easily. It could kill her.

Twisted arousal slices through her, as sharp and intense as Marazhai's watchful, predatory gaze. Jordana lets out a shaky, nervous breath, her eyes flicking over to him. He has found himself a chair and is lounging back on it, a lazy, hungry gleam in his stare. He leers and gestures, as if to say, get on with the show.

A second tentacle wraps around her other leg, and a third snakes its way up under her shirt. At every place where the metal touches her skin, she feels a sting, and she can't tell if it's needles, tiny cuts, or both.

Jordana doesn't fight the creature. Even if she did, she knows it would be useless. The easy power with which the parasite engine tears her clothes leaves her no time to protest. It barely leaves her with any time to register what's happening.

One of the tentacles tightens around her thigh, the metal plating cutting deep into her skin, and she hisses in pain. She can feel her blood dripping down toward the floor, and she squeezes her eyes shut.

And then, the machine hums, and its entire body begins to vibrate. And the world around her becomes fuzzy.

It's like someone has reached into her soul and dimmed the lighting. Immediately, she feels tired, lethargic- drugged, almost. Her body feels weak, like even lifting a hand would be difficult. Like anything could be done to her, and she wouldn't be able to stop it if she tried. Her head lolls back, her body sinking into the floor, limp.

The pain in her thigh is no longer a sharp, burning staccato. It is a long, drawn out note. It's a symphony that sings in harmony with her entire body, leaving every inch of her alight. The parasite engine slices into her again, with one of its long pincers, and the sensation of it explodes.

"Oh," she ekes out, half-closing her eyes as the machine attends to her, "Ohhhh, no, nono. Yes, yes. Please." Somewhere distant, she can hear Marazhai laughing. A manic, crazed sound she recognizes well.

She can't concentrate on Marazhai, though. Because fuck, does it hurt. She can't even think. She is distantly aware that she is moving. Spasming, she thinks, or writhing against the floor. Far away, she can hear herself moaning and crying out, unrestrained noises pulled from her lips without her permission.

The background blurs, and everything is slow, hazy. Every cell in her thrums with pain, but even that begins to fade out into a blur. Her body is failing her, crumbling to dust.

She's going to die here. She's really going to die under this thing.

And then, Marazhai touches her. At some point, Jordana is not sure when, the parasite engine has withdrawn, and Marazhai has taken its place looming over her. One of his hands slides up her side, and her eyes snap open as she takes a quick, deep inhale. Life floods back into her body like a shot of adrenaline to her chest.

Pure ecstasy blooms across her skin.

"Can you feel it?" He says, "Your life. Flowing from you, to me. Now back into you. Because I want it to. Do you want it back?" He chuckles, pressing his fingers into one of the wounds in her side. The jolt of pain intertwines with the incoming waves of pleasure, and Jordana cries out, a sound which ends in a needy whine, low in the back of her throat.

"Please," she whimpers, weakly reaching for him. She doesn't even know what she's pleading for, really. He swats away her hand.

"You can beg prettier than that," he chastises, and she grows dizzy with need. Her strength starts to wane again, and she feels herself withering, death drawing nearer and nearing. Her soul is being stretched out like a wire, pulled taught and thin. It's about to snap.

"P-please Marazhai. Please I need- I need you, it's k-killing me," The panic bubbles in her voice, and he seems altogether too pleased by it, "Let me live, let me be worthy of living for you."

He pulls her away from the edge of death again, all the while touching her. His hands are everywhere at once. Pinching, squeezing, caressing. Smearing her blood in streaks across her skin. It's too much, she can't handle it, she's going to break.

Marazhai tsks, but when she opens her eyes, Jordana sees his pupils blown wide with lust. "You always know just what to say, don't you?" He coos, pressing a hand to her cheek. "Let no one say I'm not merciful. You will survive, Jordana. But I will take you to the brink. You will take so much more from me than you think you can handle."

Jordana wants to say, I'm pretty sure I'm at the brink already. But his words electrify her. She could swear his gaze is affectionate when he adds, "You're trembling."

She grips him tight, with the remaining strength she can muster. "Yes," she whispers, terrified of her own impulses, of her own crushing need. Marazhai grins, wild and ferocious, watching her like a cat finally about to kill the prey its been toying with.

He descends on her, pressing his mouth against hers with crushing force as the parasite engine whirs and clicks and buzzes in the background. His kisses are all teeth, biting and drawing blood, tinged with possessiveness. She wouldn't have it any other way.

True to his word, Marazhai brings her to the brink of her soul's obliteration, again and again- edges her with the balance between pain and the ecstasy. Jordana thinks she must be losing her mind. She has no idea how long he's been doing this- stealing her energy, returning it, breaking and mending her body- but any longer and she's going to black out.

Or maybe she's blacked out already. She's not quite sure she can remember when Marazhai started fucking her. She also can't remember when she started crying, though her cheeks are stained with tears and weak sobs slip from her chest.

God Emperor save her, but she never wants it to end.

"Who is it that you belong to?" Marazhai hisses, gripping her chin in as he thrusts into her, rutting like he's the wild beast her retinue thinks he is, "Who is it that you let rule you? Destroy you and remake you?"

"You," Jordana howls, clawing at any pieces of him that she can reach. Marazhai makes a movement toward the parasite engine, and Jordana's vision goes white. She's pretty sure that she screams. Never in her life has she felt an ecstasy like this before. If she was afraid she was going to die from the pain, she's now sure the opposite is true- the pleasure is what's going to end her.

Her orgasm shatters her for what feels like ages, her stolen vitality rushing back through her. It seems to hit her continuously, again and again, an ocean rushing in her ears as her soul knits itself back together. Is it never going to end?

It does, eventually. Marazhai rolls off of her, evidently having reached his own end somewhere in the haze. She looks at him dizzily, and clocks his expression as smug. Well, fair enough.

She's hit with a wave of exhaustion, and crawls up on her bed, lying across the surface. The normal kind of tired, this time. Somewhat surprisingly, Marazhai flops down beside her. They stain her sheets blood red- as usual- and when she looks over at him, he's watching her quietly.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you? As much as I did?" He's searching for confirmation, his voice betraying a rare element of uncertainty. His thumb reaches up to swipe some tears from her cheek, before he pops it into his mouth. Jordana smiles gently and nods.

"Did I ever. I'm shocked no one came barging in here, with how loud I was being," Her voice is rough, stricken from her shouting and sobbing. Really, it's a miracle she didn't lose it altogether. He hums out a laugh, uncertainly dissolving into confidence.

"Oh, I think next time I can get you to scream even louder. You took the pain well, for your first time with a parasite engine. That same torture has broken weaker mon-keigh," He looks pleased. Jordana yawns. Beside the bed, the Cronos Parasite Engine powers down, settling into a rest.

"Next time we'll set aside a whole day," she says, not really joking. "But I don't think I've ever been more spent. I'm about to pass out."

Jordana falls asleep moments later with Marazhai beside her, watching her. Incredibly, she doesn't dream, falling into a truly peaceful slumber.

Even more incredibly, Marazhai eventually falls asleep beside her.

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1 year ago
One Russian Friend Told Me Once That He Can't Take Eldar Seriously Because They All (including Women)
One Russian Friend Told Me Once That He Can't Take Eldar Seriously Because They All (including Women)
One Russian Friend Told Me Once That He Can't Take Eldar Seriously Because They All (including Women)
One Russian Friend Told Me Once That He Can't Take Eldar Seriously Because They All (including Women)

One russian friend told me once that he can't take eldar seriously because they all (including women) look like clones of professor Seleznyov from the old soviet cartoon "Alice and mystery of the third planet". I drew my aeldari oc as him and almost laughed my ass off while doing so :'D This is unironically spot on

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