possum-quesadilla - possum time
possum time

Blue - they/them - 22 - latte not-hotte - non-binary ace lesbian Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there’s piss on the moon

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SHOULD I Post The Needle Felting Projects I Finished A Few Days Ago And Today?

SHOULD I post the needle felting projects I finished a few days ago and today?

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More Posts from Possum-quesadilla

3 years ago
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,
Here Are Some Background Kittypets From The Warrior Cats Comic Im Working On! They Dont Show Up Much,

Here are some background kittypets from the warrior cats comic I’m working on! They don’t show up much, (some of them not at all) but I love them too much not to share them.

Pumpkin is the ginger tabby, they are quiet and always have the same look in their eyes. None of the neighborhood cats know what’s up with them, but they are nice company regardless. Their owner is a HUGE Halloween fan.

The two cats together are cat husbands Gravy (grey tabby) and Biscuit (tuxedo)! It may seem like their personalities clash, with Biscuit being cold and no-nonsense, and Gravy being loud and affectionate, but they are deeply in love. They also have some kittens I have yet to design.

Surf, the grey cat with the blue collar, is a flirtatious playboy. If you have an attractive mate, beware! He doesn’t care if someone is taken, he will flirt with them. He’s kind of an ass, but he’s trying to be better recently.

The brown cat with the green collar is Ducky, previously a Riverclan cat named Seedbreeze! She realized clan life was not for her after a particularly nasty fight that ruined half of her eyesight and killed her twin sister. She will run into her house whenever a clan cat is nearby.

Gatsby is the cat with the diamond on his collar! Ironically, he likes to claim he is a purebred cat, but his housemate, Ernest, will debunk it instantly. Both of them are previous strays. Gatsby has trouble being honest and is a wretched listener.

Ernest Hemingway, the brown cat with the red collar, is similar to his housemate, Gatsby. He loves to tell tall tales, and has trouble listening to others. The two of them hate being within eyesight of each other, and the neighborhood cats have to hang out with them separately to avoid conflict.

Tiger is the calico with the green collar! She’s blind, and is often a mother-figure to her owner’s foster kittens. She has a soft spot for Milk, her housemate, and does her best to care for and support him, despite their communication barrier.

Milk, the yellow cat with the big ears, is a wild child. He and Pumpkin get along very well. Energetic, chatty, and kind-hearted, Milk can make anyone’s day brighter. He is deaf, and uses ‘pawspeak’ (the cat version of sign language). He adores Tiger and will do anything to make her proud.

If anyone would like to know more about these cats or the world they live in, feel free to ask! I am just getting back into drawing and just started with digital, so I am open to any and all criticism/advice.

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4 years ago

I may have a concussion now

Y’know what? I’m gonna exercise. I want strong arms to hug my future wife tight.

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