Pass the ramen 🍜
677 posts
Digital Version Of My Human Rowlet Drawing :)

Digital version of my human Rowlet drawing :)
More Posts from Potatosarelife
8 years ago

Here are some humanized pokemon girls!Including some evolutions of Zorua,Torchic,and Dratini.I plan on coloring them when I have the time.I tried to draw thr feet for Mewtwo,but,I feel like I didn't do too good,though.Anyway,enjoy! 😊
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pokemon human
human pokemon
pokemon zorua
human zorua
pokemon zoroark
human zoroark
pokemon mewtwo
human mewtwo
pokemon rowlet
human rowlet
pokemon torchic
human torchic
pokemon combusken
human combusken
pokemon blaziken
human blaziken
pokemon dratini
human dratini
pokemon dragonair
human dragonair
pokemon dragonite
human dragonite
human pokemon girls
anime girls
cute anime girls
my art
my artwork
fan art
8 years ago
8 years ago
Looks like his life flashed before his eyes!

8 years ago

Tradtional and digital version of Human Mimikyu
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8 years ago

I'm that lonely potato that sits around on the internet,eating junk food,cuddling my stuffed bear,and having crushes on cartoon boys and girls.Why can't Jasper be mine!?! T^T
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