povlicsh - Vincent

428 posts



Vinnie Everyman headcanons. NEEEOWWW. I'm joking take your time I love you sisouchhh

ILY TOO and i actually already have written some Vinnie headcanons, but they're pretty old and i honestly didn't get his character that much, so I'll add some more!

old headcanons:

Vinnie Everyman Headcannons
Hey!! your writing is AMAZINGGGG and I love how you view characters. Do you have any headcanons for vinnie everyman? MOON!!! HI HI you are

Vinnie Everyman headcanons

Vinnie Everyman Headcanons. NEEEOWWW. I'm Joking Take Your Time I Love You Sisouchhh

-Very good liar. Like, he could just make up the most believable lies in a second, which is pretty impressive. I think that's why he was able to fool literally everyone watching the videos into believing he's an unknowing victim.

-Literally can't form a thought without HABIT. Like he needs HABIT's input on everything. I'm pretty sure i said this on my old post, but i think he believes HABIT is so much stronger and intelligent, so he follows him around for input and information. Again, with his obsession with finding out 'the truth' and 'the clues', he will basically take whatever he can get.

-Doesn't like showing emotion or talking about his emotions. He's very much a person who just ignores his trauma, bottles it up, then explodes.

-This goes for all the characters tbh but i think they all have some sort of connection to their past iterations. Like flashbacks or deja vu. They don't remember, but they also just feel something in their gut. For example in Vinnie's case, i think he would feel a connection to/a craving for certain drugs, due to his Princeton Iteration being an addict. Or sometimes Vinnie would split, since his Princeton version has BPD. (not confirmed, but hinted) They all keep little characteristics, like fragments of broken glass, every time they're reborn.

smaller and weirder headcanons cause i ran out of ideas:

-Since he was a kid he named his pets weirdly human names. (ex. Jeremy, Robert, Susan etc.) Idk why he just seems very uncreative to me.

-Will eat anything and is only picky about a few things. Like give this man food and he'll be happy as long as it's edible and doesn't have pickles or something.

-Headlocks + play fights to show affection. He usually just doesn't know or want to show affection anyways, so he uses a more 'manly' and 'rough' way.

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