primary-022 - primary_022

slasher write stories bisexual/genderfluid I'll post when I want (cause am lazy and slow ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿคš) A03: primary_022

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9 months ago
Y/n Was Riding On The Tank, Enjoying The Bumpy Ride As They Followed Rebecca And Jet Girl To Find The

Y/n was riding on the tank, enjoying the bumpy ride as they followed Rebecca and Jet Girl to find the rippers. Even though she was complaining a bit, she was having a great time. Suddenly, the tank started to sink into the ground, and Y/n quickly jumped back into the tank to avoid getting covered with sand.

After feeling the tank hit the ground y/n was about to get out but started to hear sounds from the outside that didn't sound right so she stayed inside after a few minutes she got out.

She checked her surroundings to make sure she didn't get caught by any of the rippers and slowly went towards the talking.

As she approached, she saw Becca and Jet being interrogated by some mutants who appeared to be the rippers. They seemed to be under the influence of some drugs due to their behavior.

"So like what are your names "said a jazzy ripper

As Becca and Jet giggled at his sniffing gesture.

"like what are you doing here"

"Is it true of what they say about guys with big shoes" Becca commented.

"Yeah," another said with a choker tattoo on his neck

"HE ASKS YOU A QUESTION ANSWERED IT" an angry one with dreads yelled.

"I have two words for you BRUSH YOUR TEETH" Becca yelled.

"Their spies they got water and power logos all over them," Dreads said.

"Yeah I was thinking that right but then "...

As they continued talking about if their spies or not while y/n backed up trying to look at her surroundings then she bumped into something.

"Oh shit"

"You guys heard that," one of the rippers said.


"Booger, donner watch over them while we check it out," Dreads said.

As y/n quickly tried to run off she got caught by a ripper with red hair and overall.

"Oh hi there" "how's your day"

Then he picked y/n up and carried her to the rest of the group."Aye let me go"

"I would like a phone call"

"Oh y/n it's nice of you to join us," Becca said giggling

"I knew it this is one of your spy friends huh?! "Dreads said like he accomplished something

"No actually am just a stowaway," y/n said.

"Yeah whatever I know y'all are spies"

"Ooh Check it out they have tattoos I wonder where else they got them" Chocker tattoos Ripper who may be called Donner.

"I don't think those are tattoos like who would want some alphabet soup I would rather have a dragon or something more aquarium related you dig," Jazzy Ripper said

"Ohh nice choice and, lovely options" y/n comment

"Oh why thank you"

"Well there are prisoners' stamps"

"Prisoners my ass that's exactly what they want us to think"

"Or better yet that isn't what they want us to think that way we'll think what they think we might think but actually..."



"Try not to speak"

"How much did they pay you to spy on us?" dreads ask

"Two dollars and fifteen cents," Becca said laughing!!

"Dude you're getting paid" y/n added

"Shut up!!"

Putting Becca on more serum.

"Make sure to get the stowaway "Dreads added

"Oop no thank you I am a clean spirit but thank you for the offer consent is key," y/n said in a kindly manner

"I wasn't offering"

"You should go easy on the Truth serum you might send them off," Donner said

As Tank Girl leans her hand down on Jet's shoulder.

"Hey," Becca said whisper like

"Oh second thought that could be to our advantage"

"That's good am Instead of asking questions anyways, I say we kill them," Dreads said

"I say we hump them," Donner said eagerly

"I was thinking y'all should let us go,"y/n said

"No one asking you"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," y/n said under her breath


"I say we get crumpets and tea" Booga

Tasty crumpets and tea all in favor of crumpets and tea say I" Jazzy held a vote

"I," said other rippers

"Oh nice I love crumpets and tea," y/n said

"Shut up there ain't going to be any crumpets or tea we're going to take them outside right now and waste them" Dreads angrily said

I think their nice ii-i say we let them go" Booga suggested

"Let them go their spies, gonna kill them myself "Dreads went to attack Bacca and jet

"Wait," Jazzy said holding him back

"I don't remember anybody putting you in charge t-saint"

"Egh"t-saint groans

"Yeah he's right we're a committee we'll vote on it, "Donner said


"All in favor of killing them raise your tail" Jazzy started the vote

T-saint and two others behind him raised their tail.

"And all those in favor of not killing them, "Booga said

Booga, Donner, and one behind him raised their tail.

Y/n raised their hand as well โœ‹

"You don't count, " t-saint said


"Gentlemen it's a tie," Jazzy said

"Coin toss time"Donner added

"This is pathetic" T-saint complained

"Well not really it's quite nice if you think about it"y/n joined

"Shut up!"

"Sheesh sorry" ๐Ÿ˜”

From now on then y/n knew it would get chaotic but she liked it like that and knew they would have the time of their life and were starting to like them, especially T-saint and the Jazzy Ripper who still didn't know his name yet.

Y/n Was Riding On The Tank, Enjoying The Bumpy Ride As They Followed Rebecca And Jet Girl To Find The

Bro, I have been stuck on this forever and it has been in my draft forever but finally, it's here it was a lot easier than I thought but time-consuming but it is still fun.

(Also, the booger part was a little bit hard to do but I got through it)๐Ÿฅฒ



I know you have been wanting more I hope. you ask ๐Ÿค—you receive๐ŸŒŒ







Ik y'all didn't ask but I hope y'all still like it I felt like I needed to anyway. Have a love day /night ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐ŸŒŒ

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9 months ago

Shitty drawing of Will Graham I made.

Shitty Drawing Of Will Graham I Made.

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