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BBB Ocs Grecia Evil And Adolecentes

BBB Ocs Grecia Evil And Adolecentes

BBB ocs Grecia evil and Adolecentes

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7 years ago

Okay, so this is the work I did while in South Korea working for Vooz! I spent a long time working on it ;; It’s still got a lot of things in it that could be improved on, but I’ll leave that for my next project~ (whenever that may be) I kept holding off uploading/showing anyone because I felt it was still unfinished, but now I feel it’s okay to share it as is.

Pucca belongs to Vooz -

This animation was created within the walls of the studio in South Korea and edited (the story and finished results) by fellow coworkers - Animation, backgrounds, and some editing was done by me, as well as most of the Story/Storyboards during pre-production.

7 years ago

The trailer for “Here’s the Plan”, a film by Chilean animator Fernanda Frick is out! Alex and I did the voices for the two main characters, and are honored to have gotten to work on the film. I’ve seen it, and it is heart-string tuggingly lovely, and I know you’ll enjoy it too!

Please check out their website!

Or like their Facebook page for updates!

❤️Support independent animation❤️

The Trailer ForHeres The Plan, A Film By Chilean Animator Fernanda Frick Is Out! Alex And I Did The Voices
7 years ago
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough
Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough

Trying Human Chapter 20 Page 764 Walkthrough

The first step in the visual art process for Trying Human, is creating the rough thumbnails for each page.  They’re super scribbly and I do them in pen.  The numbers correspond to lines in my printed script.  Sometimes I’ll pen in incidental dialogue or filler words that aren’t in the original script.

Sketching!  This is the longest part of the process and is done entirely in Photoshop with a Wacom Intous Pro Small.  The sets are built in SketchUp with stand-ins for the characters so I can gauge their height differences and ‘camera’ angles.  The sets are later painted over near the end of the process.  I also layout the text and draw each panel away from the page so they feel like separate snapshots.  For some more difficult poses I’ll use DesignDoll for reference but everything on this particular page was done without it.  There’s a lot of that goes into it and I could probably do a whole other walkthrough on just this step.

Inks!  Not a lot to say about this other than I do it in MangaStudio EX 4 and port it back into Photoshop.  After it’s back in Photoshop I color some of the lines to give it more depth.

Flats are next and usually go pretty quickly.  I paint bucket in a copy of the line layer with anti-aliased unchecked.  Gotta keep those lines SHARP.

Backgrounds are super important for directional lighting and what colors my shadows will be.  Luckily I’ve done a lot of scenes in and around Rose’s apartment so this when pretty quickly.  More complicated backgrounds can take me up to a day or more.

Shading is probably the third longest step but again, I’m pretty familiar with this location in comic so I could reference earlier pages to speed it along.  For this page I used white for the highlight, a murky blue for the shadows, and an orange for the reflected light.  This is generally how I shade all of TH (3 colors with shadows and reflected light opposing).  I limit soft shading on the characters as I feel it doesn’t look as bold in my style.  I definitely break this rule for promo art, posters, prints, etc. ;3

EFFECTS.  LASER BEAMS AND LENS FLARES.  No, mostly just shines and motion lines. Boooring~ Though it’s fun to draw Rose fresh out of the shower with little water droplets! <3

7 years ago
Anyone Here Need Anything? You Miss?, Sir?

“Anyone here need anything? You miss?, sir?”


“Certainly not.”

Literally a parody of one my favorite screenshots from the Iron Giant. Only here Toffee is asking Star questions, some too personal. So they keep it cool. (Not for long…)