If Only I Could Please Her
If Only I Could Please Her
Synopsis: You were always one to appease your close ones. Friends, partners, family members, everyone; you just wanted them to be happy. Whether you did this because you wanted to or because you feared being the one taken care of is a different story. With Chan, you are still the same, until he decides to change your mind.
Content: angst (sad chan), fluff, smut, peoplepleaser!reader x stressed!Chan, sub!Reader x pleasuredom!Chan, thick!reader, first time sex, mentions of angry fucking (does not occur in story), slight marking!kink, slight lactation!kink, oral (f. receiving), use of toys (f. receiving), MULTIPLE ORGASMS (chan is a pleasure dom what can I say), unprotected sex (please please please use protection), reader cries from pleasure, creampie, breeding!kink, fluffy ending (so much fluff it is like tooth-rotting, sugar-coated, insulin-needing sweetness)
Word Count: 8.9 k (whoops sorry)
Author's Notes: This work was originally my own but I started to incorporate some ideas sent to me by an Anon. Thank you to that person!! I hope this pleases you (teehee get it because of the title). Also, yes, the title is a Wallow's lyric from "Pleaser".
Taglist: @scribblemetae @mygsis, @9900z, @taekbokki,, @imtoooyoungforthisshit

To say Chan was stressed was an understatement. It was almost like a common trope, a cliché that had been overworked in its use to describe him. He was tired to the point where aches and pains were one with his body. A chronic pain cursed him which no painkillers could execute.
You had only been dating Chan briefly yet had known him for a long time prior. As such, you weren't unaware of how recklessly he treated his body and mind in an effort to maintain a constant work stream. It seemed, however, that your courtship with him only enhanced your worries about his well-being.
"Courtship"? Is that the right word to use? You two were practically launched into love from the moment you laid eyes on each other. Dating had simply allowed you to finally experience the desperation that plagued both of you when you were still acquaintances. So, "courtship" wouldn't be the best word. More like, "dating-for-the-long-run-but-every-day-is-haunted-by-the-dire-need-to-fuck-the-other".
Worst of all, you hadn't even had sex yet. The unspoken abstinence made you wonder if Chan wanted you as much as you wanted him. You wondered if he wanted you at all.
Countless times you had offered yourself up as a means to relieve stress. Handjobs, blowjobs, the like: you wanted Chan to finally relax. It wasn't like you felt pressured to do so. In fact, the offers you proposed to Chris were more of a way to satiate your cravings. Yet, Chan refused each time, which you respected. He claimed he wanted the first time with you to be "special", unlike the previous relationships either of you had been in. You obliged, thinking it would be nice to actually take things slow for once.
However, as time went on, you found it harder and harder to respect that agreement. And for multiple reasons.
Firstly, you were desperate. Simple as that: you wanted dick. Secondly, Chan was stressed. His work ethic had overloaded his system, and it didn't seem to be lightening any time soon. Comeback season was followed by award show season, and then the end-of-the-year performances followed by the rest of the tour. At this point, you were surprised that Chan was even still standing. You thought that at some point he would beg, plead, maybe even crawl to you to help him relieve some tension. However, he still stood proudly every day, silently suffering through the exhaustion of him and his members. Lastly, and worst of all, was that Chan looked so fucking good when he was tense. This reason was the one you beat yourself up for. While Chan was struggling, you couldn't help but think about how good it would be to ride him like that, releasing his buried tension with every pump of his cock.
Jesus, were you that dirty-minded? That even the sight of Chan, sweating and exhausted from a long day of schedules made you wet? You dismissed the thoughts one after another.
Ultimately, you blame the people-pleaser side of yourself. In most of your relationships, you had taken on a more dominant, yet attending, role. Even in friend groups, you acted like a parental figure, ensuring everyone's safety, fun, and overall well-being. When it came to former partners, you wanted to please— in and out of the bedroom. You wanted to make dinner because you liked to see the joy on their faces when digging into a homemade meal, you wanted to hear giggles of excitement when they opened new presents, and, to be honest, you relished in the panted and thankful moans of being relieved. Sometimes it was the other way around in bed: you'd let them use you, your body, to get their anger out. Sometimes it would be too much, so much that you couldn't take being someone's stress toy any longer. You did eventually end that relationship, and rightfully so. Still, it seemed like you didn't really learn your lesson: even now, you wanted to make Chris happy in any way you could.
Part of you thinks you fell into this sort of people-pleaser role due to the convenience of it. It's simply easier to be the one who made the plans, who helped out, who took care of everything. You disliked—possibly even feared—the dependence required of you if you allowed others to take care of you. Maybe that's why all your past relationships have ended. Maybe that's why, now, with Chris, you feel helpless because you have done so little in helping him feel better.
However, you still try. You still want, even need to make Chris feel good. It isn't even the charmer in you anymore: with the way Chan has been, any good partner would be concerned.
Today, you take matters into your own hands.
It was the last schedule for the week, allowing Chan to have his first free Saturday night and Sunday in months. You both agreed to a night in, his first one in a while. You had done everything right: your apartment was set with low-mood lighting and a full pantry. Freshly baked goods scented the air of the living room while the bedroom air was a condensed scent of vanilla and shea butter from the candles. Regardless of the impeccable condition of your apartment, you were by far the most delectable thing in it. You were adorned with a simple silken rose-coloured robe, seemingly relaxed and ready for an easy night in with Chan. You, however, had a few secrets hidden underneath your robe. Your detached and happy demeanour was the sugar-coating to your scantly-clad state, and you hoped that Chan received the message that you had more than just a self-care night planned.
Everything was perfect. Special, even. It was everything Chris wanted for your first time with him. All that was left now was to wait for him to arrive so you could dote on him, ease his worries, and consummate your so-far celibate relationship. So you waited.
And waited.
... and waited.
The night sky had settled and you were still alone. Chris had told you he would arrive by 7:00 and now, hours later, he was nowhere in sight. Initially, you tried not to panic, subsiding your anxiety by keeping the candles alight while occasionally fixing your makeup that enhanced the plumpness of your lips and the fullness of your cheeks. Still, there is only so much one could do before panic turns to simmering anger, and then to annoyance.
You now rested on the couch, reading and vigorously bouncing your leg, the baked goods no longer fresh out of the oven and some of the candles resting in a puddle of their own melted flesh. Each page of your novel stared back at you, its contents almost silently mocking you for being alone and reading it rather than being with Chris. You couldn't stand to look at the book anymore.
Sighing, you slammed the novel shut and tossed it aside. Your eyes dared to twitch towards the analogue clock that hung on the wall. This entire night you had been fighting the urge to look at the time, losing every time. And, just like countless times before, you lost the battle.
9:20 on the dot. No new messages on your phone, no missed calls. Nothing.
It wasn't the first time he had no-showed you, but at least he had given you a text before. Now, nothing.
In all honesty, you wanted to give up. Blow out the candles, wrap up the food, do your skincare and put yourself to bed. Something stopped you every time before. Yet, after hours with no contact, your patience was wearing thin and it became incredibly tempting to leave this night for another time.
Then you heard the door rattle. You shot up like a bullet, albeit more eager than you wanted to seem.
Chris entered your apartment and (though he still wore makeup ruined by a hard performance, had hair which had started to curl from the sweat of dancing, and was dressed in his basic dark loungewear) he looked heavily. Every frustration you had seemed to erase itself. The irritation that once berated you now had disappeared. Instead, you were left with the overwhelming urge to hug Chan. So you did.
"Baby?—oof!" You launched yourself into him, staggering him a bit as your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Chan!" You said happily. "God, I was so worried. Well, mostly annoyed, but also a little worried."
Chan's hands rested awkwardly outstretched beside him before finding comfort on your hips, wrapping around you. The two of you stood there silently, swaying in the entrance of your apartment as you felt Cris relax into your arms. The soft music you had let play began to encapsulate you two, filling the space of the words you wished to say to him. Then he spoke.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled.
Sadness was evident in his voice. Pain and weariness coated the two simple words he uttered. You pulled away, his hands still resting on you as your own nestled his face. His eyes were so... so solemn, like a kicked puppy.
"Chan, it's okay," you tried to say your words lightly and carefully. He was so clearly horribly upset, and it made your stomach churn. "Obviously I was upset, but you're here now. Please, tell me what's wrong? Why didn't you text me?"
Chan tried to look at you, to meet your eyes. He really did. Nonetheless, he still looked down. He let the weight of the tears that formed in his eyes hold his head down. As they started to trickle down, he pulled his hands off of you, placing them on your own and pulling them from his face to hold them.
"I'm so sorry," his voice was so incredibly melancholic. "My phone died and no one had a charger. When I finally found one, it was time to perform. We had to record four times due to camera errors and then they added a performance to the schedule. By the time we were able to leave, it was past 8:30 and I was on the other side of the city. I'm so sorry. I came here as quickly as I could. I'm sorry." Tears were streaking down his cheeks now. They were brimming your eyes, too.
However, you fought them off. You had to be strong, for both of you. If not for Chan, then for yourself. And if not for yourself, then for your eye makeup.
"Chan," your voice spoke up, answering his pleas for forgiveness. And, again, you tried to keep your voice light, despite the circumstances. "Baby, look at me?"
He shook his head, letting hot, salty tears fall down his face. Though he refused, you didn't accept his response. With his hands still around yours, you held his face again, forcing his head up and his eyes to meet yours.
"Chris?" His eyes glanced towards yours, his lip caught in his teeth as he choked back a sob.
"Let's get you something to eat, hmm?"
Chan smiled. A sober smile, but a smile, nonetheless. One that showed he wanted to laugh, but couldn't. He simply couldn't. But he could smile. So he did.
With the food readily prepared, you were quick to fix a plate for Chris. You happily watched as he snacked on the sweets, fruits, and tea you made him, listening to him recount his day as he slowly gained his energy back. The smiles you exchanged filled your heart: you were happy that you had made him happy.
But, was he happy? He smiled, he ate your delicious and well-made food, he complimented your makeup, and you helped him take off his, but... something was amiss. Every good deed you normally performed for previous partners would normally leave them a blushing mess, begging for more. Yet, with Chan, something was different. Like he was disappointed, almost.
You wanted to ask, but assumed it was because of the stress from the past few weeks— and especially tonight. So, you let him know that if he wanted to talk, you were always here. He nodded, glassy eyes looking like milk saucers as he agreed silently to your words. God, he was adorable.
"Channie?" you asked as he finished the last chocolate-covered strawberry, thus demolishing the last morsel of food you had prepared for the night.
"Yes, honey?" Fuck, the petnames. He knew what made your knees weak. You want to treat him right, please him like you so desperately want to do, and beg him to take his anger out on you. However, you still need to play it safe. It was going to be your first time with him, and you needed to play your cards right. You cleared your throat.
"Can we head to bed now? I'm starting to feel tired."
Chan grinned at you, relieved to hear the words that relinquished him from the chains of consciousness.
"I would love that," he gleamed. As you took his hand in yours, excited to show him what layered underneath your short robe, you felt your cheeks heat up. How could even the slightest touch from him make you flush? Gosh, he was perfect, such a good boyfriend. You wanted to let him know, give him everything—
*buzz buzz*
Chris and you simultaneously glanced down at the phone in his pocket.
*buzz buzz*
You reluctantly looked at each other, knowing that he had to answer the call.
"It could be work," he said glumly.
"Yeah, I know," you responded in the same faint tone.
*buzz buzz*
"Take it," you insisted, smiling despite the pit your heart fell into. Chan smiled as well, probably for the same reasons.
*buzz buzz*
"I'll meet you in the bedroom, you go on ahead," he told you, giving you a nod as a signal to leave.
*buzz buzz*
"Don't keep me waiting," you responded cheekily. You planted a kiss on the cheek, scampering off to your room.
You heard the faint sounds of Chris answering his phone, knowing it was his manager on the other line.
"Hi, is there an issue with the track that we're recording on Monday? I thought we cleared that up." You could hear him through the door, rolling your eyes at the thin walls of your apartment. In an effort to prevent intrusion upon his work-related conversation, you got to tending the forgotten room.
"What are you talking about?" Chan half-huffed, half-whispered- yelled into his phone. You pretended not to hear him. The candles were dim now, so you replaced the few that were completely exhausted.
"Are you kidding me!?" You could hear him yell. Again, you ignored it, humming to yourself in an effort to calm the atmosphere.
"What about Channie's Room? My day off?" In a flurry, you redispersed the flower petals on your bedspread.
"Fine... yeah, of course..." you heard Chris' voice at its regular decibel now. "I'll see you then."
The room was perfect. So, you sat and waited for Chris, fixing yourself exactly like you had imagined you would.
Chan didn't open the door for a moment. You could hear him sigh and his phone land with a thud on the couch. He had tossed it aside. He did that when he was sick and tired of it ringing. A beat passed and then he opened the door.
"Is everything okay?" You asked, your voice concerned and low. Chan closed the door behind him, eyes immediately focused on the ground again. Oh, no.
"No... no, it's not," he stated blankly. He did not notice the candles or how their scent consumed the air. Nor did he notice the rose petals on the bedspread. He didn't even notice you.
"God I—fuck—I can't believe they did that," he chuckled dryly. He glanced at you—if you think half a millisecond of time is enough to look at someone fully —and threw his arms up.
"Channie—" you began
"They took tomorrow night from me," he stated blankly. Your heart sank: you knew what that meant. No Sunday Channie's Room, no free night, and, most importantly, no full day off.
"We have to re-record some lines and I have to be in the booth helping out," he started, "then we got to get dressed up and do a schedule until midnight.
"Chan, please—"
"And then they have the fucking audacity to ask me if I'm resting well! No, the fuck I am not!" His voice shook—not with anger, but because of the tears brimming his eyes for the second time that night.
"Chris—" Again, his voice interjected yours.
"That means more time away from you, and that means I can't be there for you, or myself, or—"
"CHRIS!" It was your turn to interrupt him. You managed to stop his catastrophizing, cutting his sentence short. However, he still didn't look at you. His hands were holding his head, clearly trying to prevent the insanity from settling in.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. You let the silence fill the room. Then, you opened your eyes and looked right at Chris.
"Channie?" Your voice was soft and barely audible. Chan's hands had rubbed up his face and now smoothed his hair down, trying to tame the frizziness of his unkempt curls. Somehow, despite the worries that plague him, your voice broke him from his trance. It was as if, for a moment, he offered his attention to you in the hopes that it would pull him out of his adversity. With a sigh, he swung his arms down and let his hands smack against his legs, the act demonstrating his exhaustion. Then, once he was settled, his eyes glanced over to you, following the sound of your voice.
As soon as his gaze met you, he stilled.
You sat on his bed on your parted knees, relaxed with your barely clothed cunt hovering just above his petal-covered comforter. The pink lace lingerie you wore was visible under the rose satin robe that barely clung to you, slipping away as the knot of the strap became undone. A garter was situated on each of your fat thighs and suspended by a belt which hugged your plump waist, the colours matching the bra and panties you wore. Well, "panties" was a strong word: it was barely a few pieces of fabric and string. Your tummy peaked between the belt and underwear, completing your look with the sheer bareness of it all.
Chan's eyes were stuck on you; he could barely move. It was as if he could finally smell the vanilla and shea butter in the air.
"Channie... come to bed," you finished, fingers teasingly rubbing down the opening of your robe.
Chan's mouth went dry, his hands slowly clenching into fists to bring himself down. He needed to retain some semblance of serenity. Seeing you sitting like that while his mind raged pushed him towards something animalistic in him that he didn't know he had. One deep breath followed another, a feeble attempt at composing himself so as to not pounce on you. Who could blame him if he did? You were literally presenting yourself as ready to be used, to be loved, to let him have you. His breath was heavy, his pants now unbelievably tight.
"Please, Channie," you asked, your voice smooth and sultry. "For me?"
He licked his lips.
"Okay, y/n," he whispered back. "Okay."
He took a step forward, then another. His eyes never left you; he was hypnotized. As his legs met the foot of the bed, he slowly pushed forward and let his knee continue his crawl towards you. While Chan climbed onto the bed, you laid down, allowing him to mount you. Chan's hands planted on either side of you and his knees hugged your body, allowing him to look completely down at your helpless form. Your robe had almost completely undone, only held slightly together by a feeble knot. It displayed you to Chris, framing you in lingerie and making every instinct in his mind scream. Still, he stared at you calmly. Instead of doing what his animalistic instincts demanded of him, he shifted his weight, allowing one hand to rise up and brush a strand of hair from your face. His eyes were clear, tranquil— tearless for the first time that night.
"You are so beautiful, love," he mumbled as you brought your hands up to caress his face. "So beautiful..." Your thumb rubbed his cheek, feeling the heat of his blood creep toward the surface of his skin as you offered him this tenderness
"Wanna take such good care of you," you whispered as you kissed his face. "Wanna please my Channie."
All of a sudden, Chan looked at you like you were crazy, like you had said something off-colour or had suddenly spat in his face.
"What do you mean by that, y/n?" He asked, his voice still steady but precise. Investigative. You stared back at him with the same expression.
"I just... want you to use me? I want to make you happy, so, please, do what you want." Though your voice was sure, Chris seemed all the more confused.
"What? I could never—What?" He asked.
His words immediately caused humiliation to wash over you. You could feel your face heat up and you tried to pull away after his perplexing comments, hoping to undo what you had said. However, Chris didn't move. Despite your efforts, his body continued to cage yours. Actually, he did move closer to you, down onto his elbows so his body was still parallel to yours. The space between you two became air tight. You felt red-hot embarrassment flush your cheeks, eyes stinging from the threat of tears. God, what had you said that made him act so weird?
Your thoughts started to race as your heart pounded faster, the beat threatening to break your ribs with every pulse. Breath quickening, you wanted to beg, plead to Chris about what he meant. You wanted a chance to explain yourself, to go back in time, to ask him what he meant, please.
Then, you felt Chan rut his cock into you as he kissed your cheek.
"Mmh— fuck," Chris panted in your ear before kissing it, sucking on the lobe and kissing down your jaw. "You smell so fucking good."
"C-chris?" you whimpered out.
"'Use you'? I could never," Chris chuckled. "God, y/n, haven't you figured me out by now?" As his hands slowly slid into yours, interlocking your fingers, he captured your lips in his, softly catching your breath.
"But, I—" you protested, still confused.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, y/n," he whispered as he continued the languid strokes of his bulge against your thigh. "I'm gonna make you feel good. So, so good. Over and over again. You feeding me, taking care of me... it's nice and I love it, but it's not what I want." One of his hands slipped from yours, replacing the aching absence of your touch by holding your jaw softly with it, pushing you lovingly into his kisses. He whimpered as your tongue licked his lip, begging for more.
"I'm the provider," he kissed you again, "I'm the dominant one." Another kiss, another harsh rut.
"I'm the pleaser, okay?"
Your mouth felt dry. He smiled.
"Please touch me, Channie," you begged.
"Anything for you, princess."
He pressed his lips into yours again, letting his hand slip from your jaw and down your neck. His fingers ghosted along your collarbones, then teased along the edge of your robe, slipping the knot of the robe and completely undoing it. He moved all his weight to his knees, pulling back to sit up and allow his hands to rub down your sides, moving the robe out of the way.
"All dressed up for me, sitting on a bed of fucking roses," he cursed. His hands continued to rub up and down your torso. One hand pressed over the flimsy material of your panties that clung to your hip while the other fondled your chest over your bra. All the while, his hips never ceased moving, his heavy erection so evident as he panted above you. The sight made you needy as if you already weren't.
"Chan, don't tease," your eyes were wide and shimmering, Chan's heart thumping at the site.
"Baby," he cooed, "it's funny that you think you can call the shots."
He let both of his hands rest on your hips now, massaging the squishy flesh eagerly as his fingers dipped in and out of the fabric, teasing the possibility of taking them off.
"I like to relax by making you feel good, yeah?" Chan questioned. You nodded in understanding, but, frankly, you just wanted him to rip your panties off and fuck you.
"So," he continued, the grip on your wide hips harsher, "that means I'm gonna tease you. I'm gonna make you cum over and over again. Every time we fuck. God, how I've wanted you." As he realized his dreams were becoming reality, Chris' words suddenly got to him. He couldn't resist his urges and, as such, allowed himself a moment of liberation, ducking his head into the crevice of your neck. Licking and biting it liberally, he inhaled your scent like he needed it to live.
"Fuck, please—Channie, I don't know if I can handle that," you whimpered as he left hickeys along your neck. Your begs made him chuckle, pulling away from you despite how you clung to him.
"Oh, princess..." he teased, "you'll just have to." His hands slipped from your body and grabbed the hem of his shirt. The fabric was quickly pulled over his head and across the room, leaving him straddling you and completely on display.
"God, now you're just being unfair," you pouted as you studied his carved torso.
"You love it," he laughed in a low voice as his hands returned to your hips. "Now, where were we? Oh... yeah, here."
Suddenly, his hands twisted the delicate fabric of your panties that dug into the fat of your hip and tore it off your body, shredding it to pieces.
"Chris!" You cried, hands rushing to cover yourself. However, Chan caught your palms and pinned them to your sides. The act caused him to know pin you to the bed again, leaving you vulnerable under him.
"I'll replace them, don't worry," he groaned with an air of nonchalance. "But know that I'll just rip them off of you. Again, and again... again..." His mouth attached to yours and stifled your protests. As he caught your moans, he soon detached his lips from yours and kissed down your body, still holding your hands. When he reached your covered chest, he released his grip and freed his hands to grope your tits, toying with your nipples through the sheer fabric.
"W-will you tease me all night?" You asked as his spit soaked the fabric, attempting to suck on your nipples through the barrier.
"At some point, you'll be begging me to go this slow," he growled. He then pulled away and studied his work, content with your glistening chest.
"It's like you're leaking for me, baby." Chris started to redden. "Like your tits are soaked with milk." Your flushed face matched his own, as if you were both shocked by the words that left his mouth
Unexpectedly, he chuckled.
"Don't act like you didn't love that, y/n."
"S-shut up," you mumbled, eyes darting away in fear of meeting Chris'.
"Like a little horny baby that can't keep her tits from gushing after being sucked on," he hissed. The embarrassment of his teases continued to catch your voice, making it difficult for you to speak. His lips then returned to your torso, kissing down your body and nipping at the belt that still desperately clung to your waist.
"We'll leave this on you, the whole night," he mumbled between licks. "No panties, no bra, but this stays." His fingers caressed the fabric, loving how it hugged your tummy and accentuated your curves.
"Mmh— fuck," you hummed.
His tongue licked your stomach, kissing the fat before his hands led the way down to your thighs. Chan planted open kisses on them, nibbling at the plump flesh as he pretended not to notice your begging and exposed cunt.
"I love taking my time with you," he moaned as your whimpers persisted. "I love pleasing you, y/n."
"Oh, Chris," you responded, voice filled with adoration.
Abruptly, his tongue met your clit and sucked eagerly on it, like he had waited a lifetime to taste you.
"Fuck—" you gasped out, grateful for the stimulus. Chan ate you like a starved man, his tongue kitten-licking your clit with a neediness that matched your own.
In an attempt to stabilize yourself, one of your hands began to pet his hair while the other played with your tits. However, the endeavour inevitably failed. Chan was insatiable, and it made you squirm in his grip.
"Hmph—Fuck, how can you taste so good?" He whimpered as he buried into you further, pulling you closer by hooking your knees over his shoulders. Tonguing your entrance, he refused to neglect your clit as his nose nudged it with every lap of his tongue. Both of your hands now held his hands, desperately pulling him into you.
"C-channie, I—"
"Come for me, baby," he urged as his tongue returned to your clit. "Please? Please, all over my tongue, soak my face, please?" His begs were too much to resist. His tongue immediately returned to your clit, moaning into your cunt as he made out with your pussy. Quickly, you found your pussy now clenching around nothing, cumming just from the simple pleas and the licks Chris offered to you.
"Such a pretty pussy," Chan moaned as he lapped up your juices, coaxing you through your orgasm. "Does what it's told, so nice for me." You whimpered at the dirty words he threw around. How did everything he say sound so sexy? So fucking perfect?
Before he let you settle, his tongue returned to your clit and his fingers now teased your cunt.
"No, Chris— w-wait, please, give me time," you hiccuped as two of his fingers eased into you, your cum acting as a perfect lubricant.
"Now, now," he taunted, "that was just one of many. Relax, y/n. Give me another, yeah?" He then continued to abuse your clit while his fingers curled repeatedly, continually probing that gummy part in you.
"Baby," you moaned as your legs wrapped around his head, hating the overstimulation but unable to resist it. The lewd sounds that came from Chan finger-fucking your cunt filled the room.
"Just another, give me one more, c'mon," he urged as he returned to licking your pussy, tongue feverishly eating you. With the quickened pace of his appendages, your pussy came unexpectedly, swelling around his fingers.
"Channie! I cum, I c-cum, cum, f-for Channie, cum" you mewled. Chan smiled as he kissed your twitching cunt, eyes burning for more. He then pulled his fingers out of you and sat back on his knees, enjoying the site of his hand caressing your sopping pussy lips as you rode out the last of your orgasm.
"Aww, baby's already fucked-out from two orgasms," he cooed. He leaned over, planting a kiss on your parted lips. "Gather yourself, princess. You have a long night ahead of you." You whimpered, swallowing your words as you found yourself unable to form a coherent sentence. Instead, you let your hands crawl up his chest to his shoulders, pulling him in and kissing him properly. Chan hummed into the kiss and relished the moment of puppy love.
Pulling away, he gave you a soft grin.
"Where are your toys, baby?" He demanded in a gentle voice.
"W-what? I don't have—"
"Please don't play dumb with me," he challenged, adopting a slightly condescending tone. "I've heard the buzzing when you think I'm asleep on the couch. I've seen the packages you've carelessly thrown out. Now, tell me: Where. Are. They?"
You were dumbfounded, caught in your lies. Yet, you had no escape. After two orgasms and with more to come, you were already Chan's dumb little plaything, unable to think for herself. How could you refuse what he asked of you, or even lie your way out? Silently, you raised your hand meekly with what little strength you had, outstretching an index finger to point towards the third drawer of your dresser. Chan smiled.
"Good girl, my good and fuckable little princess," he praised. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Chris moved off of you and freed from his unrelenting love. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. As Chan kneeled to open your drawer, he glanced over at you and laughed at your weak state.
"Take your time, baby, but don't fall asleep on me," he hummed as he pulled open the drawer and began to search for the toys. "Finish getting undressed for me while I look, m'kay? But leave the belt on." You briefly considered taking the belt off, just to see what Chan would do. Then, with his next words, you decided to follow his orders.
"You don't want to know what happens when you challenge me." Though his voice was light, you feared what he insinuated by that comment. You were oddly intrigued, yearning to know what he would do. Yet, since you were already exhausted, you knew that today was no day to mess with your Channie. Especially since he had a rough day: you wanted to be good for him, and he needed you to be good for him. You still wanted to please. You left the belt on and continued to undress.
"Oh! I found your treasure," Chan teased as he fiddled through the drawer. God, if you weren't embarrassed already, you certainly were when Chan pulled out your large vibrator.
"What have we here?" He taunted, studying the body massager in the light like it was a precious artifact. You sat silent and petrified. Chris stood up, studying the massager and tossing it in his hand.
"This will do just fine," he smiled. Then, with a gingerly throw, the vibrator landed next to you on the bed.
"Use it." The air went stale.
"Chris, I-I'm so sensitive, please," you pleaded. Yet, he continued to stare at you. He barely noticed your tits were out, erect and still glistening from him lapping them up with your bra on. Well, it's not like he "didn't notice": he had begun to palm his erection through his shorts, licking his lips at the sight of you laid out for him.
"Start slowly then, love," he instructed. He stripped himself of his shorts, leaving him in his boxers and showcasing his fat and needy cock through the tight material. He then sat on the bed next to you and picked up the toy again. With a click, the buzzing ensued. Chan glanced at you before reaching for your hand, placing the vibrating toy in your palm and forcing you to hold it.
"Come one, y/n," he whispered into your ear, "you have to keep giving me all you got." His hands then caressed your legs and pet your hair, a faint act to show he was still going to coax you through your next orgasm. Then, his hands moved yours towards your pulsating cunt, his eyebrows raised in a display of fake anticipation.
You grasped the vibrator with both hands at it was forced into your clit, moans instantly leaving you as your body hummed with stimulation.
"God, it's too much," you whimpered, tears brimming your eyes. As you sniffled, Chan pressed kisses into your face and massaged your tits and thighs, pinching your nipples and groping your flesh.
"No, it's perfect," he corrected. "You feel all the love I'm giving you, y/n? All the pleasure?" He then let his hand leave your thigh for a second to switch the power higher on the vibrator, the humming now crying in your ears.
"Mmh! Fuck, yes, Chris!" You moaned as your thighs crushed the toy between your thighs. Each whimper that left you made Chan's smile more sincere, and more eager, and it made him switch your toy higher.
"You need to stop trying to make me happy, yeah?" he tutted, "I just wanna make you feel happy. Make you come. Over, and over, and over until you're soaked, and so easy to slide into, yeah?"
"Yes, yes," you moaned. "Just wanna be your perfect little pocket pussy, your fleshlight t-to use. Fuck—ah!" Another power increase.
"If you cum for me one more time," he softly spoke to you, "then I'll give you my cock. You'd like my cock, wouldn't you, y/n?"
You nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, I want my Channie's cock, his big fucking dick so deep in me."
"Fuck," Chan groaned, increasing the power once more, "I'll fill you up when you take me, I'll give you so much cock and make you addicted to me."
"A-already am," you corrected, "already am obsessed with you, honey." Chan's hand pinched your tits, smiling as you approached your third orgasm of the night.
"My good princess," he kissed you lovingly. For the last time, he increased the power, the toy now buzzing at full capacity. "Now come once more and you'll get it, you'll get my cock."
"Chan, Chan, Chan, fuck—" you panted as you came. The sheets and your thighs became drenched in your cum as you squirted around the toy.
"My baby, so good," Chan cheered, so fucking happy at seeing your cum drench the cotton of your bedspread. Your hands fell beside you, the toy still buzzing as you gasped for breath. Chan smiled eagerly beside you, switching the toy off and tossing it aside on the comforter. He then laid beside you, pulling you close and nuzzling you. You lay completely flat as your chest rose and fell deeply, Chan cuddling into your side and holding you close. As if on command, his bulge proceeded to hump into your leg, desperate to get off despite your complete exhaustion.
"Fuck the sheets, don't worry about them. They were gonna be covered in cum anyways."
"Fuck 'em," you repeated mindlessly in a quiet voice.
"Y/n," Chan breathily laughed at your repetition, his hips still unconsciously bucking into your leg.
"Fuck these sheets..." you continued, "fuck the petals." You were completely gone, and Chan knew it. Yet, that didn't stop him. He played with your hair as he let you settle down, still rubbing into you as you sniffed your delicious scent.
"Yeah, fuck the sheets, my little cum-covered baby," he moaned, squishing himself closer and closer to you. Kisses ghosted your face, coating your skin in love. As his kisses moved from the side of your face to your nose and the center of your lips, he shifted his weight on top of you. Every kiss, however, became more determined, more eager, more desperate.
"God, I've needed you," he groaned as you clung to him, your body automatically responding to his touches regardless of how far your mind was. "I've waited to fuck you for so long, and I'm gonna make you come again and again. You've only given me three... Fuck, I wonder how many more can I get?" His hands suddenly slipped under your knees and wrapped them around his waist.
"Ah!" You yelped, eyes wide.
"That woke you up," he mused. He studied your glistening body, rubbing your legs and gripping your chest as he realized just how lucky he was.
"Fuck, your beautiful," he breathed out.
He then freed his cock from his boxers, the painfully hard erection slapping against his lower abdomen. Though you were depleted of all energy, your mouth instantly watered. He was large, veiny, and the perfect size with just a little bit of curve. You wanted to grab him and offer him a few much-needed strokes, but Chris' own hands beat you to it.
"Fuck, feels so good," he whimpered as he focused on his tip, pumping it quickly with a sloppy grip. His other hand now rubbed the mess between your thighs, easing two fingers into your quivering cunt to make sure you were still properly stretched out. However, the act made you convulse, still shaking from the slightest touch.
"T-too much, Channie," you whined. "God, 'm cumming too much."
"Shh, shh, baby," Chris hushed. He brought his thumb up to your mouth, pushing on your bottom lip with a mischievous smile playing on his face. "You are gonna take everything. Sorry if it is too much, but I gotta make you feel good." You let his thumb push into your mouth, offering it a few sucks to soothe yourself.
"There you go," he mumbled. Chris hissed with each swirl of your tongue. He pictured his red cock-head in your mouth instead of his thumb. And, though he desired to fuck your pretty mouth so badly, he knew he couldn't take it. He would've cum down your throat, and he didn't want to waste any of it by having you swallow it; he'd rather fill your pussy. He needed his cock in your cunt. Now.
"Keep sucking like a good girl, y/n," he hummed. "Yeah, just like that." With a final rub on his dick, he eased his dick between your legs. Gathering your cum, he rubbed his pulsing tip up and down, each stroke teasing your clit.
Your moans vibrated around Chan's thumb as your pussy clenched from the overstimulation.
"Shh, baby," Chan laughed, eyes pinched shut from the feeling of your wet, sensitive pussy. "Fuck, such a good girl with such a n-nice pussy—mmh, fuck!"
It slipped in, just for a second. The tip of his fat cock sucked into your cunt, still tight but soaked from your juices. Just for a second. Not even.
But, fuck, it felt like heaven.
As soon as his cockhead dipped into your sopping cunt, you popped Chris' digit out of your mouth, moaning as he eased his veiny erection into you. For Chris, the feeling of you finally wrapped around him—still tight and twitching with every inch—made him lose the little sanity he had. When he first saw you in the bed, it took every bit of strength to resist his urges. Now, he felt like a horny teenager. The animalistic parts he tried to keep hidden, tried to restrain were now emancipated from his normally composed self. By the time he bottomed out, he knew he had lost all sense of control.
"Y-you better cum," he panted, slightly pulling out. Your watery eyes met his while your hands traced his abs, fingers delicately teasing the strained skin. "Cum when I tell you to," he finished.
He then pulled out and pushed in again harshly, mercilessly fucking your sopping cunt at a deep, reckless pace. The squelching sounds of your pussy around him filled the room and were harmonized by your moans that you felt unable to hold back.
"Such a tight, perfect little pretty pussy," he moaned as his hands fondled you. "God, y/n, what you do to me. So patient this whole night for my cock"
"Channie..." All you could do was moan in response or say his name. They were the only things that came to mind. What little energy you had left was expended to keep you awake, but that wasn't difficult with Chris rocking you on his cock.
"You look so g-good with my dick in you," he praised, "you look perfect, l-like it was made for my baby." He then reached beside your body, and as he did his body weight shifted so he was no longer sitting up. The angle did not change the speed of his hips nor how deep his cock dug into you. Your hands had someone found their way to his shoulders, holding him close and petting him gently: an act that contrasted the harsh snap of his hips. His face was now inches from yours, studying as his hand searched for what he yearned for. Glancing up, you caught a flash of colour and discovered what he grabbed.
The vibrator. Fuck.
It clicked on and the hum brought a smirk to Chris' face, a cocky expression still plastered on it.
"Chris! N-no—"
"Y/n," his panting voice stopped you. "Yes." Your eyes followed the buzzing toy down as it moved between your bodies, fearing the moment it would meet your clit. When it did, it made you yelp out again. Finally, after a night of torture, tears began to fall from your eyes.
"Hmph! Channie, w-wait baby, please," you wept.
"Give me another, c'mon, c'mon, y/n, baby, I know you have it, cream around my c-cock, baby, please," he begged as he rocked into you faster, enjoying the vibrations he felt on his cock when he dragged it out of your pussy.
"Chris, C-Chris, Chris," you babbled out.
Click. He increased the power.
Suddenly, your fourth orgasm was pulled from you, clamping around Chan's cock and gushing around him, but not as much as when you squirted earlier.
Chris, however, had never felt better.
"Fuck," he choked out, trying to hold himself back, "Fuck, you feel so good, you h-hug me so nicely. Wanna k-keep you on my cock at all times, wanna be able to f-fuck you always."
As his voice cracked, you swore he was about to start tearing up, as well. However, his pace never relented. When you came, he pressed the vibrator harder into you and let you ride out your orgasm on his cock before tossing the toy aside. Though you tried to cling to him, he pulled his torso off of you, allowing him to slip out of you and lightly slap his cock on your clit, making you shiver.
"Want another?" He teased as if he wasn't whimpering just moments ago. However, you could barely whine at the question.
"I'll give you another," Chris continued as he gripped your body harshly, flipping you over onto your stomach with his God-like strength. "I-I'll make you cum again and again until you pass out on my cock." You turned your head back to him, eyes suddenly pleading, loving the pleasure but also fearing how your legs shook without even being touched.
Chan chuckled, giving your ass a harsh spank and rubbing the pain away after you yelped.
"Get on all fours for now, okay? You've been so good, love." Mindlessly, you followed his orders, assisted by his hands as he gripped your hips, pulling your ass into the air.
He offered you some light spanks as he lined himself up. Teasing your entrance yet again, he slapped his leaking cock against your used pussy. Gingerly, he pulled the belt that still clung to your waist off of your body, then let it go. It smacked against you, making you whimper from the sting.
"Such a nice ass, beautiful fucking hips," he panted as you arched your back, accentuating the curvature of your ass. You glanced back, staring at the flushed man behind you. He was biting his lips so severely that you swore he would draw blood. The sweat that poured from him caused his curly hair to cling to his forehead and his chest to glisten. There was something about how perfect he looked that stirred something within you. It was as if, somehow, you found your voice, speaking a coherent sentence for the first time since your first orgasm.
"Fuck me, Channie," his eyes caught yours, shocked you were able to even think right now. "Fuck me like you mean it." Chan groaned at your words.
"Anything for you, princess," he responded. His fat cock pushed into you, hips meeting yours and rutting himself deeply into you. He set a steady yet carnal tempo, his grunts and moans becoming more vocal each time he buried his cock in you. Moans came unfiltered from your mouth, muffled only by the spent bedsheets that would never be used again after tonight.
"L-look at how your ass bounces on my cock," he whimpered. "S-such a fat, tight ass—fuck a wanna watch you ride me."
"Chan, your cock is s-so perfect," you mewled out, "Fill me up so well."
"Y/n," he moaned out in response. He bent over you now. Chest to back, fingers on your clit, cock rubbing into that soft part in your cunt. Fuck, he's perfect. Each circle around your abused and sensitive clit made you whimper louder and hug his dick harder. Yet, it only encouraged him to go harsher,
"I-I'm gonna stuff you full, fill your pretty precious pussy to the brim with my babies," he mewled, making you moan as well.
He grinned, "Y-you'd like that, hm? M-Mommy, make you a mommy. Make you a mommy so I can show everyone you're mine. Big tits, s-sensitive and leaking with m-milk after I fill you with my cum. Wanna keep you forever, need this pretty pussy forever. Fuck, it cums on command. Hugs me so well, so w-warm and tight and—fuck! Will b-be so good to have, let me fuck whenever, k-keep it and f-fill you up with my cum every day—Fuck!"
"Fuck your cum into me, Channie," you whimpered as his strokes became rapid and short, focusing on his head. "Want it, need you to fill me up. Wanna carry Channie's babies." Your words sent him spiralling.
"Fuck, y/n," he groaned. "Cumming, cumming. Inside—mmh! Gotta f-fill my princess—ah!" As his cum poured into you and his cock plunged deep, kissing your cervix. Your body convulsed and offered one last orgasm. You sobbed as you came, your cum mixing with his deep inside you.
"I cum," you whispered, "cum on Chris' cock, j-just as he likes." Chan laughed as he hugged you from behind, gripping your tummy, hips, thighs, and tits softly.
"Just how I like it," he murmured. "M-milking me dry, squeezing me with as you cream around my c-cock with your greedy cunt." He hummed into your ear, hips steadily rocking back and forth as he fell into bliss with the way his cum and your pussy felt around him. Once he was satisfied, he maneuvered you so you were able to lay down on the bed with him behind you. All the while, he was still deep inside you, a mixture of your cum trickling down both of your thighs.
"God, I love you, love your pussy, love you, so much," he mumbled as he rubbed your back, still buried in you.
"Chan..." you could barely respond. Yet, if you could, you would say you loved him, too. It was the first time he had said it, and he was buried in your full pussy. It wasn't the most romantic way of saying it, but it was memorable. God, was it memorable.
He stroked your tummy yet continued to hum, as if he were lulling you to sleep while trying to keep you awake simultaneously. It was as if he wanted to stay in this moment forever, perpetually buried in you and in absolute ecstasy.
"C'mon, love," he murmured after bringing himself dow, "let's take a bath. Get you cleaned up."
It was dark now and you lay silently on the fresh sheets that Chris had put on your bed. He had also blown out all the candles that were all practically puddles of wax. It was the late hours of the night, the kind of late where if you were to stay up a bit longer, you might be able to see the beginnings of the sunrise. Chan and you were about to go to bed. You cuddled together, him flat on his back and you laying partially on top of him. The air smelled the same as you: you had used the same body wash, the same lotion, and now laid on the clean soft linens of your bed. His chest beat slowly and rose to the rhythm of his gentle breaths.
"Do you think it'll work?" His voice was so soft, barely a whisper, yet it filled the whole room.
"What are you talking about?" You asked quietly, slightly fearing what he meant.
"Us? Our relationship?" Before you could panic, Chan began to elaborate. "If we are always trying to be the giver and not the receiver, how will there ever be a balance? Not like a... hierarchy, because fuck that." His words made you giggle, and you could feel a smile grow on his face as well before it faded with the next words he spoke. "But, still... I mean, we're both the ones who want to please the other. So... do you think we'll work out?"
You thought for a moment. With your head on Chan's chest, you swore you could feel his heart skip a beat as he awaited your response. Yet, he was joyous to see, through in the little light that played in the dark room, a delicate smile play on your face.
"I don't think it would be like a competition," you said slowly with almost a giggle in your voice. "I think that if we are always trying to be the giver, and always trying to be the one who pleases, then there would just be... a lot more love, you know? Always trying to make the other happy while still maintaining good boundaries, understandings, our own desires, needs... then, I think we'd be fine."
You glanced up at Chan, and through the darkness saw the faint glimmer of pride, love, and adoration in his eye.
"We would have created a house of love, not contempt."
You loved him back.
"I think we'll be okay," you finished. "We will work out. We'll be okay."
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More Posts from Princessguin
go cat go

pairing: bang chan x afab!reader
warnings: 🔞!!!!, 60s!au, chan is called chris, chris’ obsession with reader having a bush (pubic hair), car sex, exhibitionism, slight voyeurism, cunnilingus, daddy kink, a whole bunch of 60s lingo (i tried my best lmao), fingering, handjobs, lil bitty blowjob, featured changbin & hyunjin too! <3
a/n: inspired by the denim pics from chan’s nylon shoot and this post of mine! this is also a little thank u gift for helping me reach my next milestone!! i actually don’t think this is all that great, but still i had fun writing it! anyways, i love u guys so much 🩷
you’ve been wanting chris to bring you to the drive-in for weeks. work has been busy for the both of you, and you just want to spend time with your best guy and get out for a while.
yet here you sit, not paying a lick of attention to the flick playing on the big screen before you.
he’d waited until the sound of music came out to take you because you had been looking forward to it for a while. he’s thoughtful like that, always listening to what you have to say and tucking your wishes into the back of his mind.
it’s a heartwarming story. at least you’re sure it is, but you can’t concentrate on a single thing with chris’ veiny hand resting on your thigh the way it is.
chris isn’t even doing anything crafty. his fingers drum against your bare skin occasionally when he likes a song, and he likes them all, nodding his head and tapping his foot to the rhythm. his other arm reclines on the rolled down window, drumming on the door every now and then.
he’s a real hunk today; chris always dolls himself up for you before your dates. his black hair is slicked back in a messy quiff, with a few tendrils of curls left out to kiss his forehead. he’s wearing his new denim jacket too. you’d bought him that with your last paycheck from the diner and squealed when you saw him parked at the curb in front of your house earlier. his muscular body leaned up against the side of his red 1965 ford mustang while he waited for you to say goodbye to your parents. chris had opened the passenger door for you and planted a kiss square on your lips before buckling your seatbelt for you and rounding the car.
you want him to kiss you again. you want his hand to slide up and touch you over your panties while the other couples in the cars around you eat their popcorn and watch the tuff new flick.
some of them are already making out, you saw changbin and hyunjin kissing their girls not long after the movie began. in the same car, no less.
one thing about your longtime boyfriend though, he’s paying more attention than you might think.
“sweetheart? you’re awful quiet tonight,” chris hums. he squeezes your thigh, and you have to physically restrain yourself from sliding down in your seat so his hand can’t help but touch you where you need it most.
chris is one step ahead of you though, and he always knows what you want, whether you tell him or not.
his strong hand dips under your pink skirt. you don’t hesitate to spread your legs, and chris’ knobby fingers brush against the front of your panties.
when you look at chris, his eyes are dark, but his ears are flushed a rosy pink. he looks back at you, almond eyes locking on yours before glancing down to your bunched up skirt. you know what he’s thinking because he perks up in his seat.
“really?” chris whispers. he’s excited, and you have to bite your lip to contain the goofy smile from spreading on your face. “sugar, really?!”
you nod your head and spread your legs wider, hiking the skirt further up your thighs to let him see your panties. he likes these, the white ones with a bow on the hem, but he likes what’s underneath better. especially now. his fingers rub at the mound of your cunt to feel the hair through your panties. the hair you let grow out because he asked you to, hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and cheeks pink.
“can- can i see?” he asks.
he waits until you hum your approval to push your panties to the side so he can see for himself. chris tongues his cheek, dimples popping when he sees your cunt glistening in the lights reflecting from the big screen. you’re already so wet it’s matting your pubic hair.
“for me?” he asks. he’s fine when he gets like this, smug and confident like he knows you’re always ready for him. you can’t help but give him a hard time, so you roll your eyes.
“who else, dip stick?”
“hey!” chris pinches your thigh and sticks his tongue out at you when you giggle.
you might have joked around for longer, but chris surprises you by bending over the center and shoving his face right in between your spread legs. he takes a long whiff, much to your embarrassment, nuzzling his cheek against your bush before gripping your thigh tight and tonguing at your achy clit.
“christ, you smell so good like this, cherry.”
chris is choice at this, his lips are plump and soft, and he's been with you long enough that he knows just how to focus on all your pleasure spots in order to get you panting in no time. it gets his woody up in no time too.
“gonna- gonna have to roll the windows up, chris, please, i-!” you wheeze. you can’t help but be loud for him when he makes you feel so good. you’ve already lost all hope in paying attention to the flick, but you don’t want to disturb anybody else while they’re watching.
“you don’t want everybody else to know how easy you are for me?” he teases, but his words have truth to them. they’re muffled against your cunt, and you can’t help but grind up against his face in agreement.
“‘s just for you to know, chris. i’m just easy for you.”
he likes that. he likes knowing you’ll slut yourself out to him and let him play with you whenever and however he wants. he likes knowing he can get your pussy leaking on the leather seats of his good looking car.
it takes an act of congress to get him to sit up so he can crank the lever on the driver’s side door and roll his window up, and the second you do the same to your window he’s lapping at your cunt again.
he sucks on your clit like it’s candy. you’re glad you rolled the windows up because your moans and cries were so loud already, no one else needs to hear the sloppy wet sounds of chris eating your pussy. your hand sneaks down to rest on his jaw, and your eyes roll whenever you feel it flexing as he eats away.
“daddy, fuck!” you wail, and chris grunts.
he readjusts your panties so he has more room to lick and pinches at your bush to pull up the skin on your pubic mound. his big, perfect nose is smushed against the crook of your thigh.
you couldn’t school your facial expressions if you tried, jaw slackened with pleasure and eyes drooping. you almost kick the gear shift when chris’ tongue breaches your hole. your head thunks back against the headrest.
embarrassingly enough, that’s when you make eye contact with changbin in the car beside you. the curly-headed man gives you a wink and a sly grin, his own eyes drooping; that’s when you notice the head bobbing in his lap. changbin’s got the girl’s red hair held in a makeshift ponytail in his hands. he waves it at you, and you turn away to whimper.
“such a fox, baby,” chris growls, pulling away from your cunt just to spit down on it. he dives in again and his tongue flicks deftly at your swollen clit.
you see stars when he pinches the lips of your cunt together and sucks them into his mouth too, and you’re humping his face so fiercely you’re sure his car is rocking. it’s not like anyone wouldn’t know what was happening anyways with your face looking the way it does and chris nowhere to be seen.
much to your surprise, he pulls back before you can cum, and you tug on his hair in annoyance.
“you buggin’, sugarpie?” he giggles.
“yes, candyass! i was close!”
chris laughs again and cocks his head, cracking his neck before pulling you across the center of the front seat. it’s a tight squeeze, but you’ll never say no to being pressed against your hunky cat’s strong chest. you’re pressed so close together that it’s a struggle to unzip his jeans and pull his cock out.
“happy to see me?” you mumble against his cheek. chris’ cock is velvety soft but solid in your hand. you don’t even need to spit on the head because it’s leaking like a faucet already.
“always happy to see you, sugar,” chris mumbles. you know he’s telling you the truth despite how distracted his voice sounds; he’s too busy watching the way your fist fucks his cock to pay attention to his tone.
“a-ah, daddy, chris- christopher, aren’t you gonna touch me too?”
chris drapes an arm over your shoulders to hold you and his other slides down to where your panties are still haphazardly pulled to the side. your pubic hair is soaked, matted and sticking together with your need. he hisses through his teeth when he feels it, and two of his fingers bracket your clit in a tight vee. he rubs you like that for a moment until he decides he wants to feel you inside, and those same two fingers travel down to curl themselves inside where you’re gummy and hot.
“heh- you’re, oh wow. you’re soaked,” he muses.
your arm bumps against his on every upstroke of your fist, but neither of you seem to care.
“f-fuckin’ A. ‘cause’a you, daddy.”
you don’t know who sounds messier at this point, you or chris. your pussy squelches loudly every time he fucks his thick, knobby fingers inside. your hand sounds slick when it polishes the tip of chris’ big cock.
he won’t fuck you here and you know it, cumming like this is as good as you’re going to get in the drive-in. chris will take you home when the flick ends, walk you to your door, and kiss you on the cheek while your momma watches from the hallway. then he’ll sneak through your bedroom window after he parks his car around the block so your parents won’t know. that’s how he’ll fuck you, nice and deep and slow in your bed, and you’re already needy enough that you know you’ll have a hard time staying quiet.
he’ll have to gag you with his fingers if you want to keep quiet at all. cover your mouth with his hand while he whispers in your ear about what a golden little slut you are. maybe he’ll quiet you down by shoving his cock in your mouth.
“i want it inside,” you keen, and chris turns his head to speak against your temple.
“wanna be inside too, wanna feel how- how warm you are. gonna squeeze me so tight, won’t ya?” you clench on his fingers to show him you will, and chris pulls you into a messy kiss.
he still tastes like you, and you whimper when he licks along the ridges of your teeth. chan kisses like he does everything else, wholeheartedly and intense. his lips are plush and his tongue is slick and warm.
the windows are starting to fog up, but you don’t have it in you to be embarrassed. chris is fucking into your fist just like you’re fucking against his fingers in your shared need to cum. he’s just as loud as you are, neck veins bulging and face heating up as he pulls away from your lips to moans openly for you.
now that your mouth is free, you’re begging.
“‘m so close, chris- daddy, i’m close! you can’t- can’t stop, please don’t stop. please, you can’t!”
he’d never dream of it, but he loves to hear you beg regardless. chris’ fingers thrust steadily into your cunt, and the drag of his palm against your clit is enough to have you cumming. his arm tightens around your shoulders while you shiver apart.
you don’t even notice that your hand has stopped moving on him, but that’s hardly a problem for your fella. his hips thrust into the grip of your fist, and before you can think twice, you’re returning the favor and leaning over to suck the tip of his cock into your mouth.
chris gives you a choked off groan when he cums in your mouth, one hand squeezing at your shoulder as the other holds your hair back.
when you lean back up, he wipes the corner of your lips with his thumb and slips it into his mouth.
you’re about to share another kiss when a piece of popcorn hits the passenger side window of chris’ car.
“dinner and a show, huh?!” hyunjin whistles, and you roll the window down to see him better. his head is hanging out the window of changbin’s chevy camero, smushing the older male against the steering wheel. his hair’s askew, so you reckon he had the same dinner chris did. you wave at the two girls in their car.
chris tucks your head against his chest and gives both of his friends the bird when changbin starts fake-moaning like a floozy, and all you can do is laugh.
Bang Chan x Female reader
→ Warnings: Dry humping,Corruption kink,Daddy dd/lg,nipple play,vaginal penetration,unprotected sex,creampie,virgin reader.
I am not stealing anyone's work! This is my own fic from my previous blog and I'm re-uploading it here:)
If you liked this fic feel free to reblog with some related hashtags as it helps my account to grow and improve!

Chan was laying on top you of as he was kissing your lips,caressing your face occasionally biting you.He was desperately grinding his clothed dick against your panties as he had your skirt lift up moaning at how good it felt to have even the slightest sexual interaction with you for the first time
"B-baby girl..." He whimpered lowly in your ear as he kept grinding harder and harder.His hands started traveling on your shirt and noticing your erect nipples he already knew you were enjoying what he was doing to you.
His fingers started flicking and teasing your nipples through the thin fabric making you arch your back
"D-daddy w-what..." Your mind confused from all the things he was doing to you but your body seemed to react immediately and positively to his touch
"Shhh it's okay little one...daddy won't hurt you hm?" He said lifting your shirt up exposing your chest and leaning down to suck your nipples causing you an instant stimulation and your lips started making questionable sounds.
As his lips were working magic on your nipples his hand slipped inside your panties moving your wetness around while his finger slipped inside you as your eyes widened to the sudden move but Chan was quick to shush you kissing your lips once again
"Fuck... can't take this anymore" Chan lowly whimpered to himself as he lowered his boxers and started grinding his tip on your folds making your whole body tense as you wrapped his arms around him
"J-just the tip" Chan moaned thrusting his tip inside you pulling out to push it back again repeatedly
You winced from the sudden stretch gripping his shoulders as he pecked your lips caressing your face
"Shh it's okay angel,daddy won't take long j-just relax and it will hurt less okay?"
You nodded and tried to relax around him only to realise that you indeed started enjoying his tip grinding against your folds moaning underneath him
"That's my good girl" he whispered against your lips stroking your hair "m-my good girl" he whimpered feeling your folds wrapping around his tip
"such a good girl for her daddy..." He let out a high pitched moan as he lost control and pushed himself inside you completely
"OH FUCK" He moaned loudly pulling out only to push himself inside you completely again staying still taking a few seconds to enjoy your warmth
The feelings you had couldn't be put into words,you had no idea what Chan was doing to you but you absolutely loved that burning sensation that was building up in your lower stomach
"M-more..." You whispered lowly looking up at him catching him of guard
"My baby wants more?" He asked as he started thrusting in a fast pace
"p-please daddy I wanna b-be a g-good girl for you" you said between whimpers making him lose his mind and thrust even faster
The only thing that could be heard in the room was your and Chan's moans along his sking hitting against your skin creating a sloppy sound that turned both of you even more
"F-feel something funny in my tummy daddy" you whimpered as he smiled cupping your cheeks and kissing you
"Let it go for daddy,hm?"
You let out a particular loud yelp and started cumming around him gripping his arms tightly
The sight of you having your first orgasm because of him was enough for Chan to make him climax.He spilled his cum inside you whimpering pushing himself as deep as he could before pulling out and laying next to you
He was caressing your face smiling unable to believe the things he just did to you as you were looking up at him with big innocent loving eyes
"You are my big girl now" he smiled and kissed your lips as he kept caressing your face and praising you.
chan x fem bodied reader | warnings: 18+ content (mdni!!), breeding kink, mentions of cum play & eating, unprotected sex, | words: 0.3k ~ (379) 🐺ㆍ₊⊹
thinking about how chan would literally risk it all just to breed you. unprotected sex isn't practised, the feeling of fucking you raw is such a good feeling to chan. he loves the way he can feel your velvety yet gummy walls hugging his shaft. he loves how he feels your warmth and your wetness. he loves fucking you from behind (either in doggy or with your face buried in the pillows) because he can see his length glistening with your wetness before disappearing inside you. chan especially loves it when he feels your walls flutter around his length and how after one orgasm, you've gone dumb on his cock. you're forever babbling, incoherent sentences. all chan can make out is “more”, “please” and “chan.” he loves watching you grip onto the sheets like it's a lifeline but most of all, he adores it when you beg for him to cum inside you. it's not safe, both of you know that however, it's a risk you're both willing to take. it's a stupid risk that's heightened due to the heavy amount of hormones and lust that's pumping through each other's veins. but chan loves it when he cums inside you, painting your walls white and flooding your cunt. he loves it when you milk him dry. he loves it when he pulls out and watches his cum drip out of your hole only to be pushed back in with his finger or his cock. you love the sudden warmth of his cum flooding inside your cunt. you love how doe eyed chan gets when he watches it trickle out off you. a little bit of cum play never goes a miss either. pushing it back inside, smearing it around your puffy folds and even daring to eat it. it just makes chan even more feral, pinning you down on the bed and fucking you raw once again. the warmth from your cunt as well as his own fluids hugging his fat cock, making him see stars and feel so fucked out. you'd milk him dry until there is literally nothing left in chan, the oversensitivity of his tip would cause him to sob and plead “no more” but his body (hips especially) would have a mind of their own.
Tw: self harm
I feel like hurting myself