Princessnefertankh - Seeking The Beauty In Life

lesfayettes liked this · 5 years ago
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Goals for the 2020s
Hello everyone! This is my official list of goals that I wish to accomplish within the upcoming decade. I have chosen these goal because I think they will be fun, or help me to lead a better life.
January 1, 2020-December 31, 2029
1. Read 100 books in French.
2. Read 100 books in German.
3. Read 100 books in Egyptian Arabic.
4. Read 100 books in Italian.
5. Read 100 books in Spanish.
6. Watch 50 Disney theatrical animated films in French without subtitles.
7. Watch 50 Disney theatrical animated films in German without subtitles.
8. Watch 50 Disney theatrical animated films in Egyptian Arabic or Modern Standard Arabic without subtitles.
9. Watch 50 Disney theatrical animated films in Italian without subtitles.
10. Watch 50 Disney theatrical animated films in Spanish without subtitles.
11. Memorize 4 poems of at least 12 verses in French.
12. Memorize 4 poems of at least 12 verses in German.
13. Memorize 4 poems of at least 12 verses in Egyptian Arabic.
14. Memorize 4 poems of at least 12 verses in Italian.
15. Memorize 4 poems of at least 12 verses in Spanish.
16. Pass the ATA certification exam in French.
17. Pass the ATA certification exam in German.
18. Pass the ATA certification exam in Arabic.
19. Pass the ATA certification exam in Italian.
20. Pass the ATA certification exam in Spanish.
21. Read an article in French aloud every weekday for 3 months.
22. Read an article in German aloud every weekday for 3 months.
23. Read an article in Egyptian Arabic aloud every weekday for 3 months.
24. Read an article in Italian aloud every weekday for 3 months.
25. Read an article in Spanish aloud every weekday for 3 months.
26. Record an audiobook in French.
27. Record an audiobook in German.
28. Record an audiobook in Egyptian Arabic.
29. Record an audiobook in Italian.
30. Record an audiobook in Spanish.
31. Copy out 5 books in French by hand.
32. Copy out 5 books in German by hand.
33. Copy out 5 books in Egyptian Arabic by hand.
34. Copy out 5 books in Italian by hand.
35. Copy out 5 books in Spanish by hand.
36. Copy out an article in French by hand every weekday for 3 months.
37. Copy out an article in German by hand every weekday for 3 months.
38. Copy out an article in Egyptian Arabic by hand every weekday for 3 months.
39. Copy out an article in Italian by hand every weekday for 3 months.
40. Copy out an article in Spanish by hand every weekday for 3 months.
41. Copy out 12 short stories in French, of at least 1000 words each, by hand.
42. Copy out 12 short stories in German, of at least 1000 words each, by hand.
43. Copy out 12 short stories in Egyptian Arabic, of at least 1000 words each, by hand.
44. Copy out 12 short stories in Italian, of at least 1000 words each, by hand.
45. Copy out 12 short stories in Spanish, of at least 1000 words each, by hand.
46. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, for an online encyclopedia from English into French.
47. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, for an online encyclopedia from English into German.
48. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, for an online encyclopedia from English into Egyptian Arabic.
49. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, for an online encyclopedia from English into Italian.
50. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, for an online encyclopedia from English into Spanish.
51. Write 10 articles for a site in French.
52. Write 10 articles for a site in German.
53. Write 10 articles for a site in Egyptian Arabic.
54. Write 10 articles for a site in Italian.
55. Write 10 articles for a site in Spanish.
56. Maintain a French blog for at least 3 months, with at least 5 entries per week of 1000 words or more.
57. Maintain a German blog for at least 3 months, with at least 5 entries per week of 1000 words or more.
58. Maintain an Egyptian Arabic blog for at least 3 months, with at least 5 entries per week of 1000 words or more.
59. Maintain an Italian blog for at least 3 months, with at least 5 entries per week of 1000 words or more.
60. Maintain a Spanish blog for at least 3 months, with at least 5 entries per week of 1000 words or more.
61. Keep an audio diary in French for at least 3 months, recording an entry of at least 10 minutes 5 times per week.
62. Keep an audio diary in German for at least 3 months, recording an entry of at least 10 minutes 5 times per week.
63. Keep an audio diary in Egyptian Arabic for at least 3 months, recording an entry of at least 10 minutes 5 times per week.
64. Keep an audio diary in Italian for at least 3 months, recording an entry of at least 10 minutes 5 times per week.
65. Keep an audio diary in Spanish for at least 3 months, recording an entry of at least 10 minutes 5 times per week.
66. Exchange letters in French with a native speaker.
67. Exchange letters in German with a native speaker.
68. Exchange letters in Egyptian Arabic with a native speaker.
69. Exchange letters in Italian with a native speaker.
70. Exchange letters in Spanish with a native speaker.
71. Win NaNoWriMo in French.
72. Win NaNoWriMo in German.
73. Win NaNoWriMo in Egyptian Arabic.
74. Win NaNoWriMo in Italian.
75. Win NaNoWriMo in Spanish.
76. Copy out 4 books in French by way of typing.
77. Copy out 4 books in German by way of typing.
78. Copy out 4 books in Egyptian Arabic by way of typing.
79. Copy out 4 books in Italian by way of typing.
80. Copy out 4 books in Spanish by way of typing.
81. Watch 100 classic foreign films that I have never before seen, that are not in the English, French, German, Egyptian Arabic, Italian or Spanish languages.
82. Watch 100 silent films.
83. Watch 100 classic American films.
84. Watch 100 animated films that were neither anime, nor produced by American studios.
85. Memorize the periodic table.
86. Read biographies of all the presidents of the United States.
87. Memorize the capitals of all the United States.
88. Memorize the capitals of all the nations of the world.
89. Take swing dance lessons.
90. Take ballet lessons.
91. Take tango lessons.
92. Take bellydancing lessons.
93. Take kickboxing lessons.
94. Take pole dancing lessons.
95. Take singing lessons.
96. Take recorder lessons.
97. Take krav magda lessons.
98. Take self defense lessons for at least 2 years.
99. Take music lessons for at least 2 years.
100. Learn how to play checkers.
101. Learn how to play Backgammon.
102. Learn how to play Poker.
103. Learn how to play Parcheesi.
104. Learn how to play Chinese checkers.
105. Learn how to play Block dominoes.
106. Learn how to play Football.
107. Learn how to play Baseball.
108. Learn how to play Basketball.
109. Learn how to play Volleyball.
110. Learn how to play Soccer.
111. Learn how to play Tennis.
112. Learn how to play Solitaire.
113. Learn how to ice skate.
114. Learn how to rollerskate.
115. Learn how to skateboard.
116. Learn how to whistle.
117. Learn how to snap fingers.
118. Learn how to juggle.
119. Learn how to fold the American flag.
120. Learn how to eat with chopsticks.
121. Learn how to read lips.
122. Learn how to do CPR.
123. Learn how to send and receive messages using morse code.
124. Learn how to converse using ASL.
125. Learn how to read Braille.
126. Learn how to build a fire without matches.
127. Learn how to make candles.
128. Learn how to climb a rope.
129. Learn how to do parkour.
130. Learn how to fold an origami flower, rhino, and stork.
131. Learn how to write with my left hand.
132. Learn how to do a French braid.
133. Learn how to do a rope braid.
134. Learn how to do a fishtail braid.
135. Learn how to do a chignon.
136. Knit a sweater.
137. Milk a cow.
138. Fly in an airplane.
139. Touch a dinosaur fossil.
140. Travel on a train.
141. Ride the subway.
142. Buy fruit at a farmer’s market.
143. Throw a surprise birthday party for a friend.
144. Go Christmas caroling.
145. Go paintballing.
146. Go to Comic Con as a historically inspired, modest, Princess Jasmine.
147. Go camping.
148. Go scuba diving.
149. Go canoeing.
150. Go mountain climbing.
151. Buy organic makeup.
152. Bake a cherry pie.
153. Bake a chocolate pie.
154. Bake a lemon meringue pie.
155. Bake chocolate chip cookies.
156. Bake brownies.
157. Bake gingerbread cookies.
158. Make lasagna.
159. Make manicotti.
160. Sing in public in front of an audience of at least 100.
161. Play the recorder in public in front of an audience of at least 100.
162. Get a driver’s license.
163. Get a passport.
164. Get a credit card.
165. Practice the piano for at least 7 hours a week for 3 months.
166. Practice the recorder for at least 7 hours a week for 3 months.
167. Practice singing for at least 7 hours a week for 3 months.
168. Create an album of at least 300 photos.
169. Create a scrapbook of at least 100 pages.
170. Go bowling.
171. Go white-water rafting.
172. Listen to 50 audiobooks in French.
173. Listen to 50 audiobooks in German.
174. Listen to 50 audiobooks in Egyptian Arabic.
175. Listen to 50 audiobooks in Italian.
176. Listen to 50 audiobooks in Spanish.
177. Translate 5 books from French into English.
178. Translate 5 books from German into English.
179. Translate 5 books from Egyptian Arabic into English.
180. Translate 5 books from Italian into English.
181. Translate 5 books from Spanish into English.
182. Finish a novel.
183. Attend a powwow
184. Attend a reenactment.
185. Attend a ballet.
186. Attend a performance of one of my favorite singers.
187. Sew an 18th century American military uniform.
188. Sew a chemise a la reine.
189. Sew a robe a l’anglaise.
190. Sew a quilt.
191. Sew an evening gown and wear it in public.
192. Sew 12 historical Barbie costumes.
193. Make a dozen videos and upload them to the internet.
194. Win an archery contest.
195. Restore a car over 60 years old.
196. Participate in a marathon.
197. Write 100 fan letters to people whose talents I admire.
198. Make a piece of jewelry, and wear it in public.
199. Post a dozen fanfiction stories online.
200. Win a writing contest.
201. Read 100 classics of the English language.
202. Read 100 biographies of famous non-American individuals from history.
203. Read 100 books on science.
204. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle in 24 hrs.
205. Meet an online friend in real life.
206. Participate in a political campaign.
207. Grow my hair until it gains at least one foot of length.
208. Ride in a limousine.
209. Ride in a horse-drawn carriage.
210. Solve a book of Sudoku puzzles.
211. Solve a book of crossword puzzles.
212. Solve a book of mazes.
213. Solve a book of lateral thinking puzzles.
214. Do 100 pushups every weekday for 3 months.
215. Do 100 sit ups every weekday for 3 months.
216. Run 2 miles every weekday for 3 months.
217. Walk 5 miles every weekday for 3 months.
218. Do 100 chin ups every weekday for 3 months.
219. Go for a week without reading anything.
220. Go for one month without buying anything.
221. Go for one month without using any electricity.
222. Go for one month without using the internet.
223. Become capable of lifting 250 pounds.
224. Become capable of doing a somersault.
225. Become capable of doing a cartwheel.
226. Become capable of doing a backflip.
227. Become capable of doing a handstand.
228. Swim at least 5 times a week for 6 months.
229. Ride a bicycle 10 miles without stopping.
230. Run a 6 minute mile.
231. Walk 50 miles in one day.
232. Lose 25 lbs.
233. Go for three months without eating sugar.
234. Swim 10 consecutive laps across an Olympic sized swimming pool.
235. Go to the shooting range at least once a week for a year.
236. Get a manicure and pedicure in a salon.
237. Sew a redingote
238. Make a donation of $100 each to 10 free websites from which I’ve benefited
239. Make a donation of $100 each to 10 free public institutions from which I’ve benefited.
240. Perform ballet stretches every morning for a year.
241. Draw a sketch weekly for at least a year.
242. Create a short animated film of at least two minutes.
243. Go for a year without a single overdue library book.
244. Write my own computer program.
245. Grow at least 2 inches taller.
246. Keep the same job for at least a year.
247. Get my own domain name.
248. Customize a tote bag.
249. Read every book I own.
250. Listen to every CD and record I own.
251. Work in a library or bookstore.
252. Work at a zoo.
253. Work at a police station.
254. Work as a waitress.
255. Work in a hospital.
256. Post a dozen examples of my art to the internet.
257. Make 10 batches of 100 icons.
258. Volunteer for 500 hours.
259. Embroider a pair of jeans and wear them in public.
260. Make a Christmas ornament.
261. Take my parents out to dinner.
262. Make 12 gift baskets and send them to friends anonymously.
263. Make CD mixes for 3 people.
264. Get a high quality studio portrait taken of my family.
265. Apply to 100 universities.
266. Try eating sushi.
267. Try eating humus.
268. Go riding on horseback daily for a month.
269. Compose a piece of music.
270. Plant and cultivate a kitchen garden, and harvest enough for 2 weeks of meals.
271. Ride a motorcycle.
272. Write an article for a magazine.
273. Win 1 million grains of rice at
274. Design a profile layout for my blog.
275. Visit a national landmark while wearing historical garb.
276. Design 3 blog layouts from scratch.
277. Design 3 headers for a personal blog.
278. Learn to surf.
279. Attend the same church for at least a year.
280. Join a historical society.
281. Attend a book signing.
282. Go sailing.
283. See a whale or dolphin in real life.
284. See a wolf in real life.
285. See bison in real life.
286. Review every CD I listen to for a 3 month period.
287. Review every film I watch for a 3 month period.
288. Review every book I read for a 3 month period.
289. Review every TV episode I watch over a 3 month period.
290. Review every fanfic of 1000 words or more, that I read for the period of 1 year.
291. Go waterskiing.
292. Make a work of art beautiful enough to display in my house.
293. Send someone an 18th century style letter, written in quill pen, and sealed with wax.
294. Take photographs of my room and post them to the internet.
295. Ride a camel.
296. Try drinking goat’s milk.
297. Draw myself in the style of a Disney character.
298. Watch 10 anime films.
299. Watch 10 anime series.
300. Watch 100 classic French language films.
301. Watch 100 classic German language films.
302. Watch 100 classic Egyptian Arabic films.
303. Watch 100 classic Italian language films.
304. Watch 100 classic Spanish language films.
305. Watch an amateur webseries from start to finish.
306. Win a prize at a carnival.
307. Plant a dozen trees.
308. Attend a masquerade.
309. Build a wooden bookshelf, at least 5×3 ft or more.
310. Carve a jack o’lantern.
311. Eat chocolate ants.
312. Go for a hayride.
313. Ride a donkey.
314. Solve a Rubik’s cube within 24 hours.
315. Visit Monticello.
316. Visit the White House.
317. Visit Mount Vernon.
318. Visit Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.
319. Live in France for at least 1 month.
320. Live in Egypt for at least 1 month.
321. Live in Italy for at least 1 month.
322. Live in Austria for at least 1 month.
323. Live in Spain for at least 1 month.
324. Go swimming with sharks, dolphins, or stingrays.
325. Live in the city of my birth for at least a year.
326. Participate in experiment simulating being blind for 24 hours.
327. Participate in an experiment simulating being deaf for 24 hours.
328. Manage to build a functioning computer.
329. Possess a dazzling smile.
330. Render my country a service.
331. Save up to five figures worth of ¢a$h.
332. Read the entire Bible.
333. Copy out a dictionary of Egyptian Arabic by hand.
334. Learn how to do flint knapping.
335. Spend at least 2 hours a night stargazing for a week.
336. Keep a vlog and update it weekly or more for a year.
337. Maintain a bullet journal in a foreign language and use it weekly for at least a year.
338. Weave a piece of cloth measuring at least 1 square yard.
339. Tie dye a t-shirt and wear it in public.
340. Take the SAT and score in the 90th percentile.
341. Successfully grow plants in my bedroom for at least a year.
342. Spend at least 2 hours a day bird watching for a week.
343. Watch 10 live action television series that are not in the English, French, German, Egyptian Arabic, Italian or Spanish languages.
344. Memorize 4 classic poems of a least 12 verses in English.
345. Record 5 audiobooks in English.
346. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, from French into English.
347. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, from German into English.
348. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, from Egyptian Arabic into English.
349. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, from Italian into English.
350. Translate 10 articles, of 1000 words or more, from Spanish into English.
351. Read 100 novels written before 1800.
352. Copy out a classic novel of the English language by hand.
353. See a film at Grauman’s Egyptian theater.
354. Attend an opera at La Scala
355. Attend a movie premier.
356. Attend the opening of an art exhibit.
357. Send 100 care packages to service men overseas.
358. Read 100 plays written between 1600-1900.
359. Participate in a political protest or rally.
360. Participate in a public debate.
361. Act in a play or film, or other filmed performance.
362. Get As in at least 90% of any classes I take.
363. Make a first aid kit.
364. Win NaNoWriMo in English.
365. Try to make another person’s wish come true.
366. Bonus! Translate this list into every language it mentions!