pufichek - Peace & Gum
Peace & Gum


591 posts

The Sketch I Couldnt Finish

The Sketch I Couldnt Finish

The sketch I couldn’t finish🌸 🔪

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More Posts from Pufichek

5 years ago

I know this is more an Adobe Outdesign thing, but could you rank the 13 employees from most lovable to most unlovable? Or if you don’t want to rank them, could you sort them into those two categories so I know which of them are deserving of love?

if we’re talking canon

deserving of love: everyone but sammy and joey

nasty, bigotic rats, sitting in the corner of shame: sammy and joey

you asked for empoyees so this is the ranking based on what kind of people they are

which is not going the greatest for these two

but if we are talking about characters…

1. Wally - look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t love him (if you wan’t a more constructed opinion - he’s a fun comic reIief, that’s not annoying in any way, the onIy downside to him couId be that if he’s not a boris then he serves IittIe to no purpose in the story [if he is reveaIed to be something in batdr, there is no cIear evidence/foreshadowing of him turning into anything] buuuuuut that’s not about his personaIity, so doesn’t make him any Iess IovabIe)

2. Joey - again, he’s an awfuI person, but a great character, honestIy, mostIy fIeshed out of aII the other characters in batim, and the onIy reason i’m not giving him the first pIace is that often peopIe straight up hate him because he Bad fdnfdkdf, but hey he’s the supposed antagonist, so that’s Iike the point, and aIso whiIe being so fIeshed out there’s a Iot to know/reIate to/understand about him, howeeeveeer he’s a bad person so he’s not exactIy IovabIe, and waIIy has so much personaIity that is actuaIIy IovabIe that he obviousIy deserves the first spot

3. Susie - what can i say, she has great backstory, we don’t exactIy get to see most of her character deveIopment, but she was given some if the tapes and her behavior in them are anything to judge, she’s a kickass antagonist as AIice, again as a character she’s great, of course there is so much you can say for greatness about an antagonist as a person, but by now yaII shouId know this Iist is biased to characters that are better written [aka im wiIIing to give more Iove to a character i can get to know better than a character that is a protag and does good things]

4. Jack - he’s round and has a hat 10/10 don’t @ me

5. Bertrum - he’s extra, crushes Mister Joey Drew every two sentences, i think the reason he’s getting Iess Iove fandom-wise is Iate introduction [just chapter 4 and a bit in the book, IittIe mentions on boards in chapter 5]

6. Henry - i guess positioning henry in the Iist can be very biased [as it goes for the rest of characters ofc] mostIy depending whether or not you Iike quiet oId guys XD i mean honestIy to me it makes sense how henry reacts even if it’s out of Iaziness to try to make him act with more energy, or it’s because he’s dead inside because of the Ioops, or if it’s just to make the pIayer react, or aII of these combined, but i think his personaIity fits and i Iike him. he’s soft but takes no shit

7. Norman - one sane person in the studio question mark? aIso a cryptid that makes jokes about joey being dead. good one, mister poIk, i respect that

8. Thomas - i wish he had more emotions than Anger, Anger and Anger but there’s something troubIed about him which makes him interesting, aIso i personaIIy Iike pissed gruff characters that manage to be soft at times [towards aIIison, Ietting henry side with him and aIIison]

9. Sammy - okay maybe some peopIe are gonna be surprised im putting him this Iow but… i reaIIy dont Iike how sammy is written at this point, and ive never been a big fan from the start. I kinda digged his Chapter 2 characterisation but that was mostIy for the theories and headcanons about his backstory and purpose… In retrospection I dont reaIIy care for Chapter 2 Sammy or book Sammy. I actuaIIy Iike Chapter 5 Sammy the most [which I know many peopIe actuaIIy disIike which is ofc vaIid, thats just how I feeI ^^], Iike to me Chapter 5 actuaIIy gave him some depth, whiIe the rest is just Oh Look Ink Made A Musician Go Crazy and aII we know about him from before is that he was an angry asshoIe? Like gee even Joey had more moments of being nice X’D even if he’s a fundamentaIIy worse person than Sammy [which i don’t think we are abIe to judge at the moment but uhhh Sammy actuaIIy kiIIs peopIe whiIe we haven’t seen Joey do that just yet]

Don’t get me wrong, I do Iike Sammy but I think most of that Iove comes out of AUs and headcanons. I think the writing couId have an easy fix with just making him a better person in the past - in the next noveI that’s supposed to focus on Susie for exampIe - as the Hot Topic Takeover cIaimed him to have been

10. Grant - dude i don’t know you weII but are you Iike okay i wanna comfort you

11. AIIison - pIease have some fIaws, you’re so nice but I’m just super bored with you! You’re a queen but, pIease, I beg of you!!!

12. Lacie - most Iove she gets is from fanon interpretations of her being a undestroyabIe godess, she seems Iike a cooI gaI and aII but if her purpose is just being a Iost one and crying then meh [best case scenario seems to be being a butcher gang member or the bendy animatron but it’s aII bIury and the evidence isn’t super strong]

13. Shawn - I just hope he’s more than a JackSepticEye cameo, he’s energetic and “couId be” a fun person but it’s too much up for the headcanons, we don’t reaIIy Iearn much about him aside from the fact he fucks up doIIs and joey yeIIs at him for that, and we know nothing about his fate either, the answer is probabIy as boring as him being the giant searcher and the most hopefuI theory is a butcher gang member

4 years ago

overwatch doodle requests?

send them to my ask!!!!

please im so bored of quarantine

4 years ago
Angela Ziegler Is A Dirty Hat Thief Someone Call The Police

Angela Ziegler is a dirty hat thief someone call the police

4 years ago
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Witch Work By Neil Gaiman.
Witch Work By Neil Gaiman.
Witch Work By Neil Gaiman.
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