She/it/he/all really- ♥︎ A slutty little puppy that wants to be tied down and put into place <3♈︎ IQ: 75, Owned<3 ♥︎two days 🐾 18+
186 posts
Cuddle Me Nice And Sweetly With Only Gentle Touches Tell I Fall Asleep
Cuddle me nice and sweetly with only gentle touches tell I fall asleep <3
Then fuck me allll you want as I can no longer protest it, and rape me to your heart filled <3 even if it has to happen after I wake up, I’ll forgive you right? After all I’m just a dumb puppy who’s made to give pleasure to others <3
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More Posts from Puppy-loveyou
one day you decide to go drinking with your friends. having fun, drinking one glass after another. all of a sudden you begin to feel drowsy and you fall asleep on your friends couch. its okay, they are your friends, after all, you can trust them.
you felt a slight breeze on your skin, it waking you up from your slumber. you tried to move your limbs, but couldn't. you opened your eyes and realised you were on the coffee table, all tied up. thats when you noticed you were bare naked, your parts exposed so all of your friends could see how wet you became.
you tried to scream but a ball gag was in your mouth stopping you. you looked down and saw your friend taking pictures of you in this state. he chuckled and continued, the flash of his camera blinding you. then your other friend entered your field of vision, she was carrying a red lipstick in her hands.
"oh look, the sleeping beauty has finally awaken." she chuckled. you tried to scream but all that came out were pathetic whimpers. "hush now." she said climbing on top of you and gliding the soft red lipstick across your face "let mommy take care of you." she spoke softly as she wrote down the word toy on your face. she moved down writing whore on your chest.
then she circled your nipples with the lipstick, you moaned from the sudden sensation. she sucked on your nipple, you gasped for air. the blinding flashes made everything much more erotic, you almost felt hypnotised by them. your friend moved down leaving soft kisses on your tummy. she stopped and started writing something on it.
after she was done she stood up and let your friend take another photo of you. he turned his camera screen to you. "here take a look at yourself, souch a perfect toy for mommy and daddy." he smirked.
thats when you realised how patheric you look, sprawled on the coffee table with a ball gag in your mouth, drool dripping from the corners. the word toy on your forehead, whore written on your chest your nipples marked like bullseye. but the most noticable was the sign that pointed to your crotch that stated "cum here".
you protested when you suddenly felt a finger touch your sensitive spot. "you can complain all you want slut, but youre already so wet for us." your friend chuckled. your body betrayed you.
"poor creature, don't worry well take good care of you" your friend said as she knelt in front of your crotch. you knew that you could trust them, they were your friends after alll.
Where I deserve to be 💗💗 just a slut for all to use 💗💗
I want to work at a sex shop 🫣..
But not as a cashier or anything... I want to be spread on a table, ready for customers to try out any toys they're thinking of buying. They can stuff my cunt with all different sized didlos, seeing which one I react to most. Make me get on all fours and set me up with a fucking machine pounding into me as they browse the store, my moans like music for them to shop to. Compare a sex doll to my pussy so they can find the most lifelike one. Use me to test different lube flavours...
I get regular customers who don't even buy anything, they just come to fuck me and my boss allows it, enjoying the show from the cameras in his office. After we close shop for the day, my day of work isn't done because now it's my boss's and coworkers' turn.. 🥺💖
-- my favourite story from my old blog <3
Girls who are innocent in front of their family and friends are also the biggest sluts on the internet.
having a praise kink and a degrading kink at the same time is so wild. like yes I'm your good boy. and yes I'm your pathetic cum dump.
Someone should force my holes open and stick toys inside them tell I’m stuffed full and make me do daily tasks leaking all over the place tell I not no longer think and beg for you to just fuck me <3