puppykitt - Bunny Hours
Bunny Hours

Dedicated bibliophile African-American 21 She/Her Bisexual Chillin' in Wonderland I'll talk to y'all, just don't be weird pls

396 posts

What's Your Favorite Book?

what's your favorite book?

Oh my gosh, I have so many favorite books😂😂

I'm gonna go the safe route and choose two that have influenced my username for other socials

Dread Nation by Justine Ireland and #MurderTrending by Gretchen McNeil

Dread Nation is based in a kinda sorta zombie apocalyptic post Civil War setting. The MC is a young Black girl (I think she's mixed cuz of...ya know, but I'm not exactly sure😅) who was sent off from her plantation to a girl's combat school far away. Because there was some law enacted that made it imperative that these young black girls go to these schools so they can learn how to fight and kill the zombies that rose from the Battle of Gettysburg 🧍🏾‍♀️ I think y'all will like it, it's good.

#MurderTrending is about...I think this girl, idk what race she is however she is hispanic, but she's 17 and ends up in a prison/warehouse known as Alcatraz 2.0, in the middle of Sanfransico Bay. Now, she's there because she was wrongfully convicted for killing her step-sister. It's a dystopian setting where the prison is,like, live streamed for entertainment purposes, and there's execution games. And it's streamed through an app called The Postman and the prisoners who end up here, have to run and get away from The Executioners that are after them. Think: Twitch meets a dystopian Breakfast Club...cuz that's the name of the group she forms - the Death Row Breakfast Club.

I read both of these in high school, and they aren't super long reads, HOWEVER, they are kinda graphic and may contain some triggers, so keep that in mind. This response is already long enough lol, thanks for asking!!!

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More Posts from Puppykitt

1 year ago

Ooooooo, this sounds like fun

Asks you've (probably) never been asked before

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Please include the question if you can! Makes things a whole lot easier on our end :)

1 year ago

I'm from GA, and I'm a college student. When I'm in my dorm, I sleep with it closed, but when I'm at home... I also sleep with it closed, but I can sleep with it open, too.

wait people sleep with their doors closed????

1 year ago

I got tagged in this by @vampzxi while I was cleaning my ears sooooooo, here's 5 songs I'm currently listening to:

1. Disgusted by Wé Ani and Songhouse

2. Mutual Friend bt Jessie Reyez

3. More Than I Should by Kehlani ft. Jessie Reyez

4. Forgiveless by SZA ft. Ol' Dirty Bastard

5. Hit Em Up by Tupac

*can y'all tell I'm goin through it lmao*

I'll tag: @shurisconcubine @pearlsofme @mbakuetshurisprincess @bellaallebbella1 🤞🏾

I was tagged by @risingphoenix761 to list five songs I’m currently listening to. Thanks hun! I am mostly listening to these tunes entirely too often…

1. Jamie T - Zombie

2. Artic Monkeys - R U Mine?

3. Alan Silvestri - The Real Hero

4. Michael Giacchino - Ratatouille Main Theme

5. Carol G - Tusa

I tag @evansrogerskitten @simplykenni @cocoamoonmalfoy @princessmisery666

1 year ago

How's y'all day been?

Personally, it's been an okay day ya know. The crochet kit I ordered got here, found out the woman I was crushing on - in one of my classes is- 30 years old, and I had a nice conversation with my cousin today on the phone soooooo yeah perfectly okay day 🧍🏾‍♀️

Man I fuckin hate college 😭😭

1 year ago

Now...if I made a poem style fic about Izogie, Riri, or Shuri...would y'all want to read it?👀

I'm kind of bad at story fics, so a poem is all I got 😭

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