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fic prompts n shit!! main is @astonishednoodle

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Rescue Scene Whump Prompts

Rescue Scene Whump Prompts

šŸ„°Alright, this is probably my all-time favorite part of reading and writing whump, and itā€™s honestly where I spend so much of my whump-daydream time, so Iā€™m just gonna throw down a list of some of my favorite things that I use in the daydreams all the time, and probably add to this list later as I think of more:

(thereā€™s so many)

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More Posts from Purple-pastels

11 months ago

ā€œsay you wonā€™t let goā€Ā - some touch starved scenarios

prompt list by @novelbear

heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd

one just casually sitting down on the other's lap and they start internally freaking the hell out

hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters

^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt

"wait, don't go, please.."

"is this okay?" "it's more than okay."

already barely holding it together as they're getting their hand held but then they feel that reassuring squeeze and they just can't

wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment

feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there

^ trying and failing to hold back their tears as they do so

"can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."

when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine

breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much

their breath hitching whenever the other gets a little closer

^ feeling crushed when that action is taken as a sign of discomfort, and they watch them slowly back off

holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead

one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze

"i wasn't sure how much longer i could have taken this..."

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11 months ago

This is a reminder to leave your whumpee absolutely ruined.

Leave them shaking like a leaf, hardly able to draw a breath.

Leave them covered in so many bruises they can barely move without wincing.

Leave them absolutely blanketed in scars that will never fade.

Leave them rocking back and forth, tears streaming down their face in the midst of a panic attack.

Leave them unable to be near another person without eyeing them warily and flinching every time they move.

Leave them so out of it they canā€™t see, canā€™t hear, canā€™t speak, canā€™t move, canā€™t think.

Leave them stumbling and tripping over their own feet, scrambling to get back up each time as they try to escape.

Leave them struggling against the encroaching darkness as they bleed out.

Leave them half-drowned, soaked to the bone, clothes clinging to them as they sputter and gasp on the floor.

Leave them shivering, teeth chattering, trying to rub warmth back into their body.

Leave them delirious with fever, head lolling, eyes unfocused, covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

Leave them begging for mercy, promising to do anything just to make it stop.

Leave them exhausted, barely able to keep their eyes open let alone put one foot in front of the other.

Leave them so broken they canā€™t bring themself to care about anyone or anything.

Leave them a blubbering mess, stumbling over their words trying to say the right thing to please whumper.

Leave them so mortified by everything thatā€™s happened to them that they donā€™t even want to be found anymore because they donā€™t want people to know.

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11 months ago

Soulmate AU Prompts

Your soulmateā€™s first words to you are written on your body.

Your words are written in an ancient language thatā€™s long lost to time / a language doesnā€™t seem to exist.

Your words are very generic (e.g ā€œExcuse me,ā€) so you make sure that whenever you meet someone, you say the most outlandish thing possible so your soulmate canā€™t help but notice you.

A childhood accident caused a scar / injury that disfigured your words, making them unreadable.

Your words read, ā€œI canā€™t believe [celebrity] died,ā€ so you follow that celebrityā€™s life closely, waiting for the day they die. (Bonus points if you have something to do with the death.)

You expect your words to spoken to you in person, but they actually come in the form of a text message from a wrong number.

Oneliners The Words Could Be

ā€œDoes this look like a good fucking morning to you?ā€

ā€œIs this seat taken?ā€

ā€œAre you seriousā€” Iā€™m of age, my ID is real.ā€

ā€œGod, I really do not have time for a soulmate right now.ā€

ā€œGo on without me, one of us should live.ā€

Also see:

Soulmate AUs

Trope masterlist

Prompts masterlist

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11 months ago

Soulmate AUs

ImprintĀ - the soulmateā€™s touch will leave an imprint on their skin, aka Destiel ā€˜gripped you tightā€™

Sense8Ā - being telepathically connected to your soulmate no matter where in the world they are (and speaking and understanding their language)

MarkingsĀ - a soulmate mark that only the soulmates have in common

Platonic soulmatesĀ - there are different types of soulmates, some are romantic, some are platonic, some are familial (x)

TattooĀ - when they reach a certain age, a tattoo shows up on their bodies that they have in common

Eye-colourĀ - only being able to see everything in the colour of their soulmateā€™s eyes

Grey to multi-colouredĀ - only being able to see grey until they meet their soulmate

Sharing injuriesĀ - receiving the same injuries (to a lesser extent) that their soulmate suffers from

EmpathyĀ - sharing the same emotions as their soulmate when they are close by

NamesĀ - their soulmateā€™s name is written on their body (maybe only initials)

First WordĀ - the first word/sentence they hear their soulmate say is written on their body

TimerĀ - everyone has a timer thatā€™s counting down till they meet their soulmate

DreamyĀ - seeing their soulmateā€™s dreams or being able to communicate with them in their dreams

Biggest secretĀ - everyone knows their soulmateā€™s biggest secret (even if itā€™s from the future)

No harm done - soulmates are not able to hurt each other physically

Sharing songsĀ - being able to share songs with their soulmate in their heads

Clock - everyone has a clock that shows the time zone their soulmate is in

TasteĀ - only being able to taste anything after meeting their soulmate

Smell - being able to smell what their soulmate is smelling

Danger alert -Ā people can feel when their soulmate is in danger

Tell no lieĀ - itā€™s impossible to lie to your soulmate

Voice in their headĀ - the voice in their head is their soulmateā€™s voice

Sharing birthdaysĀ - soulmates are born on the same day, share the first breath with each other

TuggingĀ - being able to feel a tug in the direction of your soulmate if they are feeling a strong emotion

Different soulmatesĀ - people are not necessarily their soulmateā€™s soulmate

Specific scenarios:

First Word = the sentence that they will hear their soulmate say, is a very common saying or a catchphrase from a TV show

Sharing injuries = people hurting themselves in unique ways to find their soulmate is getting out of hand

Soulmate Trip = people are going on trips as soon as they are 18 to find their soulmate

TV shows/social media = itā€™s pretty popular to watch how people try to find their soulmates

Tell no lie = the soulmates meet in a situation where itā€™s very important to lie to each other

Shamefulness = their soulmate bond is not being seen as appropriate, for whatever reason

Defiance = not wanting to let fate run their lives, some people actively try to avoid meeting their soulmates

Sharing songs = they keep hearing songs that they canā€™t find on the internet, finally realizing that they are their soulmateā€™s own, unpublished songs

Sharing songs = they keep hearing songs that only become famous months later, finally realizing that their soulmate is involved in producing those popular songs

Danger alert = their soulmate is constantly in danger and as soon as they meet, they will have a word with them for worrying them so much

More: Multiple Soulmates Prompts | Dark Soulmates AUs

I hope you all enjoy the AU ideas :)

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member!Ā And check out my Instagram! šŸ„°

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11 months ago

Poison list

While it's important to approach writing with creativity and imagination, it's crucial to prioritize responsible and ethical storytelling. That being said, if you're looking for information on poisons for the purpose of writing fiction, it's essential to handle the subject matter with care and accuracy. Here is a list of some common poisons that you can use in your stories:

Hemlock: Hemlock is a highly poisonous plant that has been used as a poison in various works of literature. It can cause paralysis and respiratory failure.

Arsenic: Arsenic is a toxic element that has been historically used as a poison. It can be lethal in high doses and can cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and organ failure.

Cyanide: Cyanide is a fast-acting poison that affects the body's ability to use oxygen. It can cause rapid loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.

Nightshade: Nightshade plants, such as Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade, contain toxic compounds that can cause hallucinations, respiratory distress, and even death.

Ricin: Ricin is a potent poison derived from the castor bean plant. It can cause organ failure and has been used as a plot device in various fictional works.

Strychnine: Strychnine is a highly toxic alkaloid that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle spasms, convulsions, and respiratory failure.

Snake Venom: Various snake venoms can be used in fiction as deadly poisons. Different snake species have different types of venom, each with its own effects on the body.

Belladonna: Also known as Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna contains tropane alkaloids such as atropine and scopolamine. Ingesting or even touching the plant can lead to symptoms like blurred vision, hallucinations, dizziness, and an increased heart rate.

Digitalis: Digitalis, derived from the foxglove plant, contains cardiac glycosides. It has been historically used to treat heart conditions, but in high doses, it can be toxic. Overdosing on digitalis can cause irregular heart rhythms, nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances.

Lead: Lead poisoning, often resulting from the ingestion or inhalation of lead-based substances, has been a concern throughout history. Lead is a heavy metal that can affect the nervous system, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain, cognitive impairment, anemia, and developmental issues, particularly in children.

Mercury: Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that has been used in various forms throughout history. Ingesting or inhaling mercury vapors can lead to mercury poisoning, causing symptoms like neurological impairment, kidney damage, respiratory issues, and gastrointestinal problems.

Aconite: Also known as Wolfsbane or Monkshood, aconite is a highly toxic plant. Its roots and leaves contain aconitine alkaloids, which can affect the heart and nervous system. Ingesting aconite can lead to symptoms like numbness, tingling, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, and respiratory failure.

Thallium: Thallium is a toxic heavy metal that can cause severe poisoning. It has been used as a poison due to its tastelessness and ability to mimic other substances. Thallium poisoning can lead to symptoms like hair loss, neurological issues, gastrointestinal disturbances, and damage to the kidneys and liver.

When incorporating poisons into your writing, it is essential to research and accurately portray the effects and symptoms associated with them. Additionally, be mindful of the potential impact your writing may have on readers and the importance of providing appropriate context and warnings if necessary.

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Poison List

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