*helps A Bug Outside So People Don't Kill It*
*helps a bug outside so people don't kill it*
*flash forward and I'm convicted of a crime I didn't commit*
*no lawyer touches the case for me*
*everyone hears a buzz and turns around*
*the bug is wearing a tiny suit with a tiny suitcase and becomes my defense attorney*
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More Posts from Pygmi-cygni
misc headcanons for oscar isaac characters
ta da. sfw and nsfw but nothing terribly explicit. (There'll be a divider before the horny stuff)
Miguel O'Hara
Likes to cook. Idk but I think he likes meal planning and looking up recipes and stuff. Needs to eat a lot because he big and strong so y'know.
If his gf bakes and cooks? Mans is in love
Sweet tooth (fang?). Drinks those sugary Starbucks drinks but he pours them in a thermos so nobody can tell. His favorite are pink drinks, pumpkin spice lattes and vanilla chai. Coffee gives him a tummy ache.
Scared of the dark. Inconvenient bc he has so much light sensitivity but I think pitch darkness makes him nervous. He has a weighted blanket to help.
WOULD LOVE IT IF YOU GAVE HIM A BACK RUB. His muscles are Fucked. Add some lavender oil and he is purring.
Needs a stress toy. Nice if it's you-shaped. Or if it's you. You're nice to hold, what about it?
we know about the breeding thing. we get it.
but i think another thing he has is a neediness kink. Like he wants you all over him all the time.
For this reason, he will edge you to oblivion every morning and lunch break he has so that you'll be on the floor for him whenever he needs.
Likes to hold your tits. Kinda like a stress ball.
What? They're soft, warm and perfectly shaped for his palm. And you make the prettiest noises...
I don't think he's that possessive tbh. He's not the kind of guy to make a big fuss about 'marking you up' and all that. He likes the secrecy of giving hickeys beneath your neckline.
cockwarming KING. He's developed an addiction; he can't focus on work without it. Will paw you into his lap for hours. You're used to it, you can sit patiently. He never leaves you high and dry.
Miguel will suckle on your neck like a piece of candy and just. zone out.
ORAL FIXATION ORAL FIXATION BEEP BEEP HELLO. Needs something of yours in his mouth always. Hand, fingers, mouth, jaw, neck, tits, ass, pussy, thighs, literally whatever. He'll lay his head in your lap and suck kisses into your tummy while he watches a movie. you taste good and it gives him something to do. Melts his brain into goop.
Marc Spector
Very minimalist but loves having little pieces of you around his apartment. A picture taped to the fridge, pieces of art hung above the sofa, your favorite color painted in the bedroom...nothing extreme, just things he can look at and smile.
Best dad. 100%. Has pictures of your kids in his wallet, phone lock screen, gets a tattoo of baby's first drawing, art projects on the fridge, goes to every parent conference.
Girl dad.
His favorite thing to do with you is go on walks. The fresh air is nice, he can hold your hand, maybe get some coffee. Even though he doesn't have a dog, Marc likes watching them play. Favorite breed is a bernedoodle. don't ask me why. it just is.
Plus, in the winter your nose gets cold and then he has an excuse to kiss your face.
Not a PDA kinda dude but needs physical touch to stay grounded. You will often link pinkies or bump elbows.
Has an essential oil collection. it helps him sleep.
NAPS. Naps everywhere; loves to cuddle you against the couch and sleep for hours. Doesn't mind wasting time as long as you wake up together.
missionary guy or reverse cowgirl. Likes to watch your soul ascend to heaven.
Not great at personal boundaries; will fuck himself to overstim if it means you are having a good time. Steven will be seizing from aftershocks in the headspace and Marc will be going for round 5.
Aftercare is a learning curve but he is all for making you feel better.
Bath sex? Bath sex. Likes the warm water, your hair smells divine, it's easy clean-up. And you're so fucked out he can snuggle you to death in the warm blankets afterward. Perfect combo.
He wakes up too early for morning sessions but if there's naptime during the day he is 100% waking you up with an orgasm.
Very attentive to all the good tricks. Has a methodical process of mouth, fingers, cock, mouth. Rinse and repeat.
Cleans you up orally. Actually I don't think oral is his favorite to receive or give. He's a whole nine yards. Proper fucking.
Not a fan of quickies. Either you set aside two hours in your schedule or he forcibly sets aside two hours. No broom closets for him.
Steven Grant
has the best sense of humor.
is on tumblr. like he has to have a blog dedicated to Egyptology fun facts and shitposts. Gets SO excited anytime somebody reads/likes/reblogs his posts. Literally makes his day.
Not very artistic but likes going to art museums. Fun date idea too, you can play guessing games about the subjects and the titles.
I think he has a dirty sense of humor. Will give you a side-eye and an eyebrow wiggle anytime someone says something remotely suggestive. He makes himself laugh so hard he steps into the hall so he won't interrupt the meeting.
Likes old music - Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole. Steven will 100% dance with you in the kitchen to Elvis. Hums it to himself so he'll fall asleep.
Writes love notes! He loves the blush on your face when you read them and he will do anything to make you smile. Has a dedicated pad of sticky notes in his desk for this purpose.
Kisses are his love language. He needs to stim with his hands so hand-holding is ehh, but cheek and forehead kisses make his heart explode. Will purposefully press his face against your lips to hint he wants attention.
Will kiss you while you're talking because he's so in love.
has discovered it's the easiest way to make you cum and therefore will do it for hours. I think his stamina is astounding so he can hold himself off for a hot minute while you melt from pleasure.
Loud. very, very loud. You've gotten used to it and use it to your advantage if he's in the mood for d/s.
Doesn't like being degraded but DOES like being told what to do (nicely). You could get him to eat meat if you suck him off well enough.
Needs aftercare. Specifically words of affirmation, especially if you've dommed him. Might need a break from physical touch if he's really overstimulated, so you just sit beside him and murmur comforting things to him until he mellows out.
A switch but prefers bottoming.
pull his hair. it makes him so hard he starts crying. especially with some neck scratches??? baby he's not gonna last.
Feels bad for making a mess. Don't worry! he'll clean it up for you. With his mouth.
Jake Lockley
Sings you to sleep in Spanish.
Likes telling stories and jokes. Does the best impressions, insane talent at accents (probably because of Steven).
He'll pack up a bag of snacks and drive to somewhere to watch the sunrise with you. Don't worry he'll grab a blanket to hold you in his lap if you fall asleep.
Does not have road rage somehow. Marc will be screaming his head off and Jake will be that Javi Gutierrez car meme.
Brakes to watch animals cross the road. Doesn't care if it holds up traffic.
Like Miguel, loves to cook and eat. If you can bake him chocolate muffins? He'll marry you on the spot.
Chocolate whore. Eats chocolate every day, has a secret stash in his glovebox. Easy bribing method.
The Best Kisser. Knows exactly when you need it, where, how intense. Softest lips ever (sponsored by cherry flavored chapstick) and loves to leave hickeys.
wines and dines you like a gentleman but whispers the filthiest words in your ear the whole time.
fucks you with The Gloves on. Then he can have a little bit of you with him at work ;)
Can only do one or two rounds but those sessions go hard.
Thick strokes. Does that make sense? Like, uses his whole body to fuck into you. Not fast, but powerful. You cannot walk ever when he's done. Neither can he, truthfully.
goes feral when you wear perfume. You are not leaving the house wearing that or smelling that good. Unless you let him have a taste.
Has a 'ring the bell for sex'.
King John
whiny whiny whiny little man. Pouts if he doesn't receive a good morning and a good night kiss.
Gives you lavish gifts all the time. Will treasure whatever you give him. Clothing? he'll wear it every day. Jewelry? Glimmering for all to see.
Is actually really insecure. Is shy about it but asks for your opinion when making decisions in the kingdom. His cabinet makes fun of him but he genuinely wants to hear your opinion.
Likes smart women. Will gaze at you lovingly while you ramble about various topics you enjoy.
Hates getting sick. Is the biggest baby, doesn't like throwing up or needing somebody to take care of him. Unless it's you, in which he'll gladly lay in your lap while you sponge his forehead.
If you take care of him, he'll purposefully stand in front of the fire longer than necessary to trick you into thinking he's feverish.
You see right through him, but you let him have his fun.
Likes games and puzzles. If he had access to Wordle he'd be religiously addicted to it. not sure why but I think he just likes being good at things and bragging about it.
Needs compliments to survive.
exhibitionist. Would fuck you during a council meeting if it didn't make you cry with embarrassment.
Keeps you in his bedchambers when he really really needs you. Will just come in every few hours, fuck you silly, peck your cheek and do it again later.
Doesn't really want kids but makes a huge deal of 'wanting an heir' to excuse his rampant horniness.
Masturbates frequently. If you're gone for an extended period it's every day.
Tit guy. Sucks, fondles, gropes, nuzzles them every chance he gets. He buys you dresses that lace in the front so he has easier access in a quickie.
Quiet during sex but loves it when you're loud. Edges you until he can't take it and eats you out for hours. Doesn't care who hears, what are they gonna do about it? He's the king, he can fuck his wife when he wants.
Blue Jones (Club)
Brat. Loud, brash, sassy for attention. Enjoys getting ready, the Most extra when it comes to self-care. Skincare, spa day, makeup. You'll never catch him with unmanicured nails.
Misses being onstage. Sometimes he'll put on a record and do a quick number in his room, reminiscing.
Feels embarrassed about having romantic feels. He thinks it's bad and he's dying, so he'll do nothing about it unless you confess first.
Physical touch is a love language. Not necessarily suggestive, just shoulder rubs or a hand on his arm, or your cheek resting against his. does wonders for his anxiety.
Sarcastic but will cry if you insult him back.
Scared of the dark, sleeps with a handler by the door and wrapped around you so tight you have a hard time breathing.
Gets nightmares and needs a hug sometimes.
kinky bastard.
Hella open to new things, openly asks patrons for bedroom ideas and then will run back to his room with excitement.
So far his favorites are spanking, rimming, restraints, and sixty nine.
Needs a blowjob to function tbh. He gets so noisy that you've sewn a specific silk gag for him to wear when you're sucking him off or he'll wake the building.
Tears holes in his pants because he's so eager to undress and get inside you. He'll fuck fast and rough, against a desk or table.
Ass guy. Spanks you while he fucks you, loves watching it bounce. He'll cum from seeing your folds flutter while he takes you fro behind.
Doggy/anything without eye contact. He's really not into intimacy.
Friends with benefits for sure.
Cecil Dennis
lovesick puppy. Obsesses over you, all of his bong dreams are about you.
Texts and calls you every minute of the day. Asks you stupid questions just so you'll talk to him.
Even though he has no money, he tries to put effort into his dates. Even if it's just take out, you love the intention and give him a kiss as a reward.
Supportive of you 100%. Can't take him clothes shopping cause he'll say yes to everything.
Really likes sundresses though. Really really really.
He'll share his playlists and movies recs with you as a way of showing his love. He makes cassettes for you with voice messages recorded on to them.
Keeps a Polaroid of you in his car to kiss when he misses you. Sobs when he drops it in a puddle so you hold him and promise to take a new one. This time he remembers to laminate it.
Will tattoo your name on his arm, which you think is stupid but he looks so genuinely in love and desperate for reciprocation that you just smile and hug him.
no refractory period because he cums so fast. He Cannot be edged because it won't work.
accidental stimulation will send him over the edge; if he's high and the seam of his pants is rubbing the right way? moaning and biting into a pillow while he humps himself on the couch.
Horny in an instant. You'll look at him a certain way and bam.
Sundresses, his favorite. He can grope all he wants, let his hands wander on the soft fabric. any white stains will blend in with the pastel print...
Nathan Bateman
Is an asshole but is self aware. when he drinks a lot, he feels really bad about it and overthinks every interaction he's ever had.
Prefers smoking weed to drinking but he doesn't like the smell. Has gummies in his desk for emergencies.
Secretly likes the great british baking show. Watches it with you when he needs a break or when you ask him nicely.
Prefers curvy partners. I think he likes having extra to hold and the softness of another person because it's so human.
Not an asshole about standards. Body hair, cellulite, whatever. he's spent so much time with androids that real people are beautiful in all ways.
Really wants a dog. You get him one for christmas and he takes it everywhere, sometimes talking to it about his projects in that adorable baby voice. There's a recording somewhere that you have stored for blackmail. He names it Boop.
BDSM. Soft dom but enjoys bondage specifically.
Pegging is totally his thing. Likes shutting his mind off for a while.
Will design the perfect vibrator for you and watch you get off for hours. Nothing feeds his ego more.
No breeding kink but likes filling you. Will cockwarm after so that he can make sure you take it all and nothing makes a mess.
Will use your mouth while he works to 'keep the blood flow going.' Sometimes he gets a bit too distracted and ends up fucking your mouth until he's whimpering.
yes, he whimpers. He'll hide his face in your neck but you still hear it.
Poe Dameron
ADHD. Has fidget toys in his X-Wing when shifts are boring. BB-8 is programmed to play binaural ambience or music to chill him out when he's stressed.
A real music geek I think. His favorite part of going to other planets is standing in cantinas and listening to the different genres.
For a great pilot I imagine he's a terrible driver. Passenger princess. Likes snacks, picking the playlist, playing with your hair, anything but driving. If it can't fly he doesn't want anything to do with it.
The best gift-giver. Has a list on his tablet about all the snacks you like, your TBR books to buy, any movies you wanna go see, he knows Everything. And he goes all out. None of that store-bought flower shit, not him.
Does all the cliche couple stuff. Matching PJs are his favorite because he can steal your clothes for once and walk around smelling like you. Will wear one of your t-shirts (oversize) under his flight vest so he can sniff the hem and play with the fabric.
Will get couple tattoos. Probably of some stupid joke but he will kiss your tattoo every day when he leaves for work.
any time, anywhere. Has all the accessible fucking locations memorized and the best times for availability. Will map his schedule around adequate opportunities for a make out session.
Will not leave for a mission without fucking you into the mattress first. If he dies, he wants to die with that memory in his head. And a nice afterglow to ease your grief.
Loves getting head but won't do it because he loses it so fast.
Loves giving head but only does it sometimes because he gets hyperfixated and won't stop until you're screaming with tears.
Really sensory oriented. Loves skin contact, squeezing and kissing and biting. Foreplay is where he shines; he knows all the best places to stroke and pet so that you bend to his will.
Doesn't like dom/sub.
Does like fucking you stupid and then holding you afterward. Aftercare 10/10.
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @krakenkitty @ominoose @bulletgoth @twwcs comment to join taglist!
@my-secret-shame fen i would love to know how many notifs you wake up to
your inbox must be exploding
97 notifs in an hour guys what is happening are you okay
Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse. It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable. As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
I LOVE HIM AWWW this was the cutest thing ever omg 100/10

poe dameron- the feeling of you

Summary: General Organa asks for your help to find a traitor in the Resistance, and you’d do anything for the cause. But your empathic abilities are constantly distracted by someone whose feelings are stronger than anyone you’ve ever met, Poe Dameron. (~2.7k)
Contents: Love at first sight, Poe is so sweet, fluff and a kiss, reader's gender/pronouns not mentioned or described
Leia’s communication was only 3 words, “come visit us,” followed by a set of coordinates.
She’d always played things close to her chest.
You’d told her if the Resistance ever needed help, to count on you. As an empath, the constant stress and hope of war was no place for you on a day-to-day basis. You preferred to live alone, but your heart was always with the Resistance.
You helped coordinate drop zones and supply runs. Put people in touch with each other. Anything that could be done by the small comms relay that was set up on your forgotten corner of the outer rim.
A week or two in person, though, would be manageable. You found yourself looking forward to talking to people face to face again.
You landed on the warm, jungle planet that was the current Resistance HQ. The afternoon sun was hot, but not sweltering. It was lovely and a lot like the planet you’d been living on.
The mood on base was good. There had been a minor victory that had lifted spirits recently. Some were worried about the next battle, whenever that might come.
There was curiosity about the small ship of people who had arrived, you among them. The bustle of people parted to make way for passengers disembarking, but also for one man. You felt him before you could see him.
Love rolled off of him like a wave breaking through a levee.
You stepped back automatically.
You could not be near this guy. He felt too much. It drowned out everything else. While it was surprisingly comforting, it wasn’t what you were here for.
“Stop,” you said gently but loudly, letting him know not to come any further.
You could all but smell the leather from his jacket from here, feel his dark, curly hair between your fingers.
His smile faltered, a little like a puppy who’d been shut outside all alone. He waved from behind the people bustling back and forth between you two.
“I’m Poe Dameron,” he yelled. “Leia sent me.”
You nodded. “She should’ve known better.”
One of his dark eyebrows winged upward. He scratched a hand through his messy hair. “Not really sure what that means, but I’m supposed to escort you to her. Call me Poe.”
He felt bad, thought you didn’t like him.
That wasn’t it at all. Of course you liked him, right away. Your gut always knew about people. Poe was… well, there were a lot of words your heart wanted to use to describe him. You settled for thinking of him as distracting.
You’d wanted to get a read on people as you walked around base for the first time, and into the command center. But if Poe Dameron was with you, he’d be the only thing you’d feel. You just knew it.
But he was here now, and you didn’t want to be the one who put that look on his face.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized as you walked up to him.
Poe took your bag, his beautiful eyes examining your face. He could tell something was off about you, which was strange in itself. Your ability wasn’t something most other people could sense.
“I’m an empath. You have extraordinarily strong emotions,” you said, standing closer to him. His feelings were like a warm blanket around you, cozying you in toward him.
The corners of his mouth turned down. “Oh, I’m sorry, do I make you uncomfortable? I can get someone else to take you to Leia.”
And he was sweet.
You smiled, trying to put him back at ease, cursing Leia for sending you a guy to be halfway in love within 30 seconds of landing here.
“Not uncomfortable exactly,” you explain as Poe leads you toward the central building. “It’s weirdly nice actually. Like wearing earplugs or something. You’re the only thing I can feel. Usually a place like this would be chaos. I’d probably be panicking by now.” You paused. “Which is probably why Leia sent you. She knew you’d help me adjust to being around people again. She never stops being brilliant, does she?”
Poe grinned. “Sounds like her. We’re playing chess and she’s playing… well, nothing. She’s just practically omnipotent sometimes.”
You laughed. “She’s more powerful than almost anyone in the galaxy. She’s just humble and hides it well.”
Poe waved to almost everyone, smiling, as you walked with him.
“She prefers to let other people take the credit,” he said. “A lesson she’s always trying to teach me.”
“You’re not an egomanic, Poe. Your excitement and optimism just outweigh your forward-thinking sometimes.” You gave him a pained smile. “Sorry. I shouldn’t talk to people about themselves without them asking.”
“No, it’s interesting. And accurate,” Poe said as he paused outside an open hangar door.
His brown eyes looked into yours, crinkled at the corners.
“No, but thank you,” you said before he could speak again.
His head tilted. “You can read minds too?”
You shook your head. “Your emotions are so strong I feel like I can sense what you’re about to say. As much as I’d love to hang out with you, I’m here to work.”
Poe bit his lower lip briefly, but it wasn’t in his nature to give up after the first try.
“I was going to ask you to come with me to dinner tonight. Doesn’t have to just be the two of us if you don’t want. I’m happy to introduce you around. Probably a better idea. Leia might not have told me you were an empath, but she did tell me why you’re here. She and I have been trying to figure it out for weeks.”
He was worried, agonized over the idea of a mole in the Resistance. The idea that someone he considered family could betray them caused him almost physical pain.
You reached out and squeezed his arm.
“Why don’t I come find you later, see how I feel. I’m sure I’ll have questions and it seems like Leia’s going to tell me that you’re the person I should bother with them,” you said.
Poe’s long eyelashes waved slightly in the breeze. He was feeling something about the way your hand felt on his arm. You pulled back.
“You’re not a bother,” Poe said. “I’m happy to be your feelings shield any time you want.”
Not a lie. He really would be happy to help you whenever you needed, and you knew he was eventually going to ask you out on a real date. Poe had decided, at least part of him had, that you were his.
You weren’t even sure if he knew it himself.
And you definitely weren’t ready to deal with it.
A few days around base, even though you assured him you were more comfortable, Poe had found lame excuses to bump into you no less than five times.
Sometimes he wanted to check you were okay. Sometimes, you felt his gaze on you for long stretches of time before he came up to say hi.
You caught yourself daydreaming about him more than once.
Unavoidable because he was the dictionary definition of “dreamy,” but it was more than that.
Poe’s spirit was everywhere.
You’d yet to meet anyone who hadn’t been touched by his kindness or mentorship.
Yet to meet anyone who hadn’t heard you were new to base.
Poe had evidently told people to be nice to you. Helpful and part of the positive atmosphere that he couldn’t help but create, but also it felt like wherever you went, he lingered in the air. Like an aura that was always protecting you.
A handsome aura with a neck that you wanted to bury your face against. Arms you wanted to surround you. Thighs that you could sink your teeth into.
“Hey. What’s making you smile like that?”
Poe’s voice made you jump so hard you almost fell off your stool in the mess hall. You immediately felt your face get hot as you stared at your bowl of breakfast mush.
He sat down next to you, reached out and brushed the knuckle of his pointer finger down your cheek.
“I hope you were thinking about me,” he said, half-jokingly. His grin widened when you didn’t respond. “Well well well, seems like you’re not the only one around here who can sense feelings. You were thinking about me.”
You picked up your tray and stood up. “I have work to do.”
“Don’t let me stop you,” Poe said, resting his arm casually on the long, metal table. “The sooner you’re done, the sooner we can talk about ‘us.’”
You glared at him, but there wasn’t any anger in it. “Lower your voice, please.”
Poe pretended to think about it dramatically. “No, I don’t think I will. I haven’t felt this good in a year and a half. You were thinking about me,” he repeats, obviously delighted.
He reached out and ran his hand down your arm.
“I think about you too,” he said, quieter, looking up at you from his seat.
Your breath caught in your chest. It built pressure behind your ribcage and breast bone. It was almost painful.
As used to holding back your emotions are you were, it felt impossible to do with Poe.
He stood, his body close to yours, almost putting himself between you and the rest of the room. He smelled clean, the faintest hint of oil and something masculine that made your stomach clench.
He knew the way he affected people, of course he did. Until this moment, though, he’d had no idea that he affected you like this.
You felt that he wanted to say more, really ask about your feelings, but to your surprise, Poe felt a little nervous about your answer.
“You okay? I was just teasing you. Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he said.
His dark eyes, almost as infinite as space itself, searched your face.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” you say with a reassuring smile. “I just didn’t expect this. Any of this.”
“What?” He asks.
Though Poe didn’t technically have any special abilities besides his piloting and capacity for hope (and his hair), how unafraid he was of his feelings was like a power in itself. He had no idea how rare that quality was.
That he wasn’t afraid to celebrate out loud or to cry in front of others. That he was maybe the only person you’d ever met who meant it every time he asked how someone else was doing.
That he was in love with you.
That warm haze of Poe’s feelings you’d been snuggled into hadn’t just been his good heart and a crush.
It was love.
And even though you’d never been one to believe in this sort of thing, you’d fallen in love with him at first sight too.
“We can’t talk here. Can we go somewhere private?” You asked him.
He nodded, his hand on your lower back. He led you out of the mess hall and down the hallways to the guest quarter wing. He punched in the default code to an empty room and you felt like you could breathe again when it was just you two.
“When we first met, you being all I could feel was almost overwhelming,” you said. Your hands scrunched up the fabric of your pants. “Now, I can’t imagine feeling any other way.”
Poe’s brown eyes got big.
“Don’t say anything yet,” you said desperately.
Poe’s lips pressed together so hard, the skin around his mouth went white.
“I think I know what’s going on with the mole. Or what I mean to say is, I think the information that’s getting out is from the transport pilots that the Resistance is hiring. Maybe even the one who brought me here. I’m not sure. I’m almost positive they’re doing it for the money. People are starving out there. I should’ve felt it sooner, but on my way here I was so nervous it didn’t occur to me to examine absolutely everyone.”
“That’s not your fault. We never would’ve known at all if it weren’t for you,” Poe said, unable to keep silent. “Leia said she's working on shutting down the leak. I’m sure you figured out I’ve been trying to check in on you, but I thought you were trying to avoid me. You were busy.”
He scratched his jaw awkwardly.
“I know this is selfish, but is there any way you can stay?” Poe’s words were fast, convincing. “Your work here is done, but we haven’t even really talked. Not about important stuff. Not that you have to talk to me about important stuff. We could just go outside and walk, or whatever, or sit down. Um. That’s not really a good date. Sitting on the ground. And I haven’t even asked you on one. Damn… I sound like an idiot.”
He rubbed his hands over his face. He snapped his fingers, a grin back on his face.
“I know what our first date should be. There’s this patch of jungle here that looks like home. My home. Yavin. Pretty pond with bioluminescent fish, tiny purple guys. It’s kind of a hike to get there. The trees are too close for a speeder. But the further we get from base and people, the better for you, right?” He was excited, gaining momentum. “We’d be alone. We’ve never been alone before.”
“I’ve been alone for years,” you said quietly, realizing this was the start of your entire life changing.
Poe’s empathy reached out for you like a hug. Enveloping you in his understanding, his determination that you never feel alone, his certainty that you wouldn’t be. You’d have him.
“So,” Poe said softly, “will you go on a date with me?”
“Yes, and I’d like you to show me around base some more. If I’m going to be spending more time here, I’d like to know the ins and outs.”
His face broke into a huge smile. “Great. Yeah, definitely. I don’t really have an office, or I’d let you set up there.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But you can stick with me if you need a mental break. Although, I’m usually doing a million things at once. My brain’s all over the place. Probably not the most relaxing for you.”
“It’ll be perfect,” you reassured him. “All I need is you.”
You felt embarrassed, knowing how it sounded. Poe, however, found it completely adorable. Irresistible.
His hands reached for yours before he even realized it.
You felt something unexpected from Poe. Relief, some loosening of a tension inside of him that neither of you knew he’d had.
In your short time on D’Qar you’d seen how much Poe gave himself to the cause, with everything he had. He hadn’t realized that he also needed support. Someone to champion for him, hold him, smile just for him.
You wanted to do those things so badly. So, so badly.
As tangled as your feelings were with his, you had no idea who’d kissed who. But it was electric, like melting together, the heat driving your lips and tongues and hands over each others’ bodies.
If this was loving Poe Dameron, then you never wanted to do anything else.
Your mind was a hazy wash of him, his emotions and yours. Poe was the one to hold your face in his hand and break the kiss. You felt hypnotized by him.
His chest lifted and fell with heavy breaths. He held you close, mouth tucked against your skin.
“First, a first date,” he said. “Then, a second.”
“I never took you for the old-fashioned type,” you said with a teasing smile.
Poe looked a little hesitant. You knew what he felt.
“I’m not. I’m all systems go, usually, when I find someone I’m really interested in. Not that this is like that. This is very different,” he clarified. “What I’m trying to say, and I don’t really know how-“
“I know,” you said quietly. "I feel the same way."
“Of course you know,” he lifted his face to smile at you.
“So,” you used your fingertips to brush the curly hair off of his forehead, “tomorrow, our first date. And then…”
Poe kissed the tip of your nose. Your mouth drifted toward his, feeling the word forming in his throat before he could even say it.
His lips against yours, you smiled before he spoke. A one word emotion that you’d never felt from anyone, and certainly not from yourself
“Forever,” he whispered.

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