qara-mohoy - Qara Mohoÿ
Qara Mohoÿ

He/him | sakha | rus/eng | BIRB

116 posts

So Philip And Terra Were Like Stolas And Stella: Unhappily Arranged Marriages

So Philip and Terra were like Stolas and Stella: unhappily arranged marriages

Not very much. Because there are two abused each over... and more problem are come when Terra was peregant, and of corse Philip know what this was not his child. He cant has children because of his mutations (thats why he looks like witch and can do magic like them). And in a first time when Terra was young woman, Phil tryed to isolated her from politics aaand when she became older, she was started to take more power then she had.

More Posts from Qara-mohoy

2 years ago


1 year ago

I`VE DONE STICKER PACK FOR TELEGRAM you can download it here:

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1 year ago
Do Castlevania Fans Still Exist Helo

Do castlevania fans still exist helo

1 year ago

What does "qara mohoÿ" mean? Because in my language "kara" means black and apparently both my language and Sakha are distantly from the same language family.

This is my bad translation of words “black snake” and bad interpretation from cyrillic sakha alphabet, to latin version. Like I just tried to write «хара моҕоу» and I tried to use for this translation online dictionary <:D

2 years ago

10 Character 10 Fandoms

1. Megatron - Transformers: Prime

2. Tywin Lannister - Game of Trones

3. Shang Tsung - Mortal Combat

4. Caleb Quinn (Deathslinger) - Day by daylight

5. Ornstein Dragonslayer - Dark Souls

6. Issin Ashina - Sekiro

7. Azulon - Avatar: The last airbender

8. Dr. Robert Ford - Westworld

9. Belos/Philip Wittebane (before second part of season 2) - The owl house

10. Sentinel Prime - Transformers film


Tagging: @sparrrorowart @oyeedraw @lenaikkk @yoitsgb @qob-vrisk

Heh :3

Enjoy :D

10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags

@madmarchhare thanks for tagging me, even if some of these were pretty obvious

1. Sokka, ATLA

2. Wangnan, Tower of God

3. Jill Valentine, Resident Evil

4. Nanachi, Made in Abyss

5. Sora, KH

6. Shinichi Izumi, Parasyte

7. Zidane Tribal, Final Fantasy

8. Mugen, Samurai Champloo

9. Shirou Emiya, Fate

10. Aveline, Dragon Age


tagging: @wingsfreedom, @eradicatetehnormal, @proxissima, @dragomer, @flyinrumble, @hikikomero, @ljf613, @nope-the-weeb, @meliohy, @middleofnowhere92