quennie93 - SessKag SessKagu
SessKag SessKagu

IDK how it happened he just took over. no regrets! 😂

189 posts

Speaking Facts!

Speaking Facts!

Takahashi Rumiko Book - 2019 - Partial English Translation

There is definitely more to this interview, the bit with Sango and Miroku is definitely separate from what Takahashi-sensei is saying in regards to Sesshomaru (“That’s definitely an aspect of it” ~).  But these were all of the pictures and images that were provided in this weibo post:


I want to give a shout out and thanks to the individual who posted these images over on weibo and to both @moonandwind for bringing this interview to my attention and @goldfish-er for the link. Translation Notes will be at the end.

— Did you have an idea from the beginning that he and Sango would love one another?

Takahashi: I just went along with the story, and that was how it turned out. Sango is burdened with such a fierce past that only Miroku can contain it.


Takahashi: That’s definitely an aspect of it. Sesshomaru is one of the characters I had a lot of emotional attachment to when I drew him.

— At the start, he seemed like he was cold hearted, and I believe that the first time we see that change is when he saves Rin. After that, it makes his various moments depicted with Kagura even more poignant.

Takahashi: Though it is similar to what I talked about with Sango and Miroku, in the beginning Kagura wasn’t supposed to be as entangled with Sesshomaru as she was. She starts to ask for freedom pretty early on, [saying] things like, “I am the wind,” you know. That’s when her character started to take on a life of her own. It’s sad, but as long as Naraku was around, Kagura wouldn’t be free in this world, so at some point, I decided it was time for her to leave behind something significant for Sesshomaru and the others, and bow out of the story.

— Out of the numerous scenes in “Inuyasha,” her death scene is one of the greatest and most famous scenes in the series. As you said, her last moments left something behind for the main characters, as well as Sesshomaru. Like later, when Mōryōmaru spoke of Kagura’s passing as a “pathetic death,” that moment when Sesshomaru, who is acting so unlike himself and loses his temper, is also quite intense.

Takahashi: That went with the flow of a shonen manga (lol). In that sense, Sesshomaru is an easy character to understand, so it was relatively easy to draw him. He was already a popular character from the start, but I feel that he got even more popular after that moment.

Translation Notes:

The word that is used for Kagura being “entangled” with Sesshomaru is からめる (karameru), it is often used in the context of something like “strings being tangled up with each other” etc. Here it is implying a sense of “involvement” or “engagement” or “association.” But, I also feel that there is that imagery of their story lines and characters becoming interwoven together, and I wanted to keep that imagery, so I went with “entangled.”

When talking about Kagura “leaving some significant behind” the Japanese used is 大きなものを残して (ooki na mono wo nokoshite). Ooki can mean “big,” but it can also mean something like “major” or “significant,” which sound better and more fitting here than “something big.” And the use of もの (mono) is interesting here, since it implies a more physical thing that was left behind. But I rewatched her death scene, and the only physical thing she left behind was a feather. So, given that and what the interviewer ends up talking about, I feel Takahashi-sensei is referring more to her death having left a significant impact on Sesshomaru and the others.

And last, Takahashi-sensei refers to Kagura as “bowing out of the story.” The Japanese she uses is 退場 (taijyou), which means “exit (from a stage), leave,  go away (from), walk out (of), make one’s exit (from), and etc.”

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More Posts from Quennie93

4 years ago

Complete facts its the first thing I thought of! And she sounds younger than the twins?! Even Moroha Like wtf!?

I'm like why is Rin still speaking in 3rd person???

There’s something I wanted to point out after the panic that the preview caused and that will deeply disturb me in case Rin is somehow confirmed to be the mother.




Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin ha shinjite orimasu

literally: Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin trusts you. 

Not only in her conversation with Sesshoumaru is Rin using kenjougo - the humble form of the honorific language keigo used by subordinates towards their superiors - but she is literally still using the third person instead of a personal pronoun that belongs to the kenjougo category, just like Japanese kids do and just like Rin used to do when little.  

While it is true that it wasn’t unusual in feudal Japan for wives to address their husbands with this humble form of language, no one in Inuyasha does that - not even Sango who calls Miroku houshi-sama because of his honourable position. Even though Sango uses a honorific title for her husband, she doesn’t speak in third person and she doesn’t use kenjougo forms like te-orimasu seen above.

As emphasized by her voice, this speech pattern still frames Rin as a childish character in a position of inferiority towards her saviour, who is now supposed to be her husband. And you know who is the other character who speaks like Rin? Jaken, Sesshoumaru’s servant.

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4 years ago

The Sesshomaru I know. I don't know what this new sesshomaru is!

quennie93 - SessKag SessKagu
quennie93 - SessKag SessKagu
quennie93 - SessKag SessKagu
quennie93 - SessKag SessKagu

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4 years ago

Ion wanna get my hopes back up but its hard not to. Especially with that opening scene

{ Some food for thought 🍛 }

~ First of all ~ ☝😌

The 👏 new 👏 OP 👏 STARTS 👏 WITH 👏 KAGURA'S 👏 WIND 👏

{ Some Food For Thought }

It BEGINS on that note. Periodt. The evidence is right 👏 in 👏 front 👏 of 👏 our 👏 noses! 👏

• It is the EXACT moment when Sesshomaru senses her presence and closes his eyes to LITERALLY feel her surrounding him. As if she were embracing him. Also, notice the red petals flying by him right away.

{ Some Food For Thought }

When did we see that before? 🤔 And who was it that sent Sesshomaru red petals calling for him?...

{ Some Food For Thought }
{ Some Food For Thought }


It plays with the hair of the girls in the OP while MORE petals, some white and some red, continue to fly by.

{ Some Food For Thought }

More petals flying with the wind in the Ending song.

{ Some Food For Thought }

And more wind till the very last scene.

{ Some Food For Thought }

I also think is remarkable how the wind follows the girls in the last scene. Perhaps it's the sign of an overprotective mom who needs to ensure the safety of her daughters herself 24/7? 👀 🌬

{ Some Food For Thought }

💖 AND as a bonus: My favorite scene of Ep.14. Just look at this TREASURE 🌠

The Whirlwind and the Dragon attack working TOGETHER. They are SHOWN together! COMBINED THEY ARE EVEN MORE POWERFUL.

{ If this isn't an obvious clue for the result of the union of "two certain beings" then I don't know what else could be 😏 }

(I mean come on, seriously. It's like I'm seeing Sesshomaru and Kagura fighting together here instead ❤😭)

{ Some Food For Thought }

(I'm gonna start crying. This scene is truly beautiful. Their parents would be proud to see them 🥺😢🥲)

{ Some Food For Thought }

~ Thomas K. 🌬❤🌙

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4 years ago

Lmao. Don't think I hate rin for this

But.... I had to. Haha had some influences....👀👀👀

I give you Pickled Rin!! 👏👏👏

Lmao I'm so sorry Rin 🤣🤣

Lmao. Don't Think I Hate Rin For This
Lmao. Don't Think I Hate Rin For This

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